Cartoons are an important part of our entertainment culture. Though drawing a cartoon is not for everyone, creating it using an arrangement of basic geometric primitives that approximates that character is a fairly frequent technique in art. The key motivation behind this technique is that human bodies - as well as cartoon figures - can be split down into various basic geometric primitives. Numerous tutorials are available that demonstrate how to draw figures using an appropriate arrangement of fundamental shapes, thus assisting us in creating cartoon characters. This technique is very beneficial for children in terms of teaching them how to draw cartoons. In this paper, we develop a tool - shape2toon - that aims to automate this approach by utilizing a generative adversarial network which combines geometric primitives (i.e. circles) and generate a cartoon figure (i.e. Mickey Mouse) depending on the given approximation. For this purpose, we created a dataset of geometrically represented cartoon characters. We apply an image-to-image translation technique on our dataset and report the results in this paper. The experimental results show that our system can generate cartoon characters from input layout of geometric shapes. In addition, we demonstrate a web-based tool as a practical implication of our work.
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语言是个人表达思想的方法。每种语言都有自己的字母和数字字符集。人们可以通过口头或书面交流相互交流。但是,每种语言都有同类语言。聋哑和/或静音的个人通过手语交流。孟加拉语还具有手语,称为BDSL。数据集是关于孟加拉手册图像的。该系列包含49个单独的孟加拉字母图像。 BDSL49是一个数据集,由29,490张具有49个标签的图像组成。在数据收集期间,已经记录了14个不同成年人的图像,每个人都有不同的背景和外观。在准备过程中,已经使用了几种策略来消除数据集中的噪声。该数据集可免费提供给研究人员。他们可以使用机器学习,计算机视觉和深度学习技术开发自动化系统。此外,该数据集使用了两个模型。第一个是用于检测,而第二个是用于识别。
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The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system that connects physical computing devices, sensors, software, and other technologies. Data can be collected, transferred, and exchanged with other devices over the network without requiring human interactions. One challenge the development of IoT faces is the existence of anomaly data in the network. Therefore, research on anomaly detection in the IoT environment has become popular and necessary in recent years. This survey provides an overview to understand the current progress of the different anomaly detection algorithms and how they can be applied in the context of the Internet of Things. In this survey, we categorize the widely used anomaly detection machine learning and deep learning techniques in IoT into three types: clustering-based, classification-based, and deep learning based. For each category, we introduce some state-of-the-art anomaly detection methods and evaluate the advantages and limitations of each technique.
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Pneumonia, a respiratory infection brought on by bacteria or viruses, affects a large number of people, especially in developing and impoverished countries where high levels of pollution, unclean living conditions, and overcrowding are frequently observed, along with insufficient medical infrastructure. Pleural effusion, a condition in which fluids fill the lung and complicate breathing, is brought on by pneumonia. Early detection of pneumonia is essential for ensuring curative care and boosting survival rates. The approach most usually used to diagnose pneumonia is chest X-ray imaging. The purpose of this work is to develop a method for the automatic diagnosis of bacterial and viral pneumonia in digital x-ray pictures. This article first presents the authors' technique, and then gives a comprehensive report on recent developments in the field of reliable diagnosis of pneumonia. In this study, here tuned a state-of-the-art deep convolutional neural network to classify plant diseases based on images and tested its performance. Deep learning architecture is compared empirically. VGG19, ResNet with 152v2, Resnext101, Seresnet152, Mobilenettv2, and DenseNet with 201 layers are among the architectures tested. Experiment data consists of two groups, sick and healthy X-ray pictures. To take appropriate action against plant diseases as soon as possible, rapid disease identification models are preferred. DenseNet201 has shown no overfitting or performance degradation in our experiments, and its accuracy tends to increase as the number of epochs increases. Further, DenseNet201 achieves state-of-the-art performance with a significantly a smaller number of parameters and within a reasonable computing time. This architecture outperforms the competition in terms of testing accuracy, scoring 95%. Each architecture was trained using Keras, using Theano as the backend.
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The task of locating and classifying different types of vehicles has become a vital element in numerous applications of automation and intelligent systems ranging from traffic surveillance to vehicle identification and many more. In recent times, Deep Learning models have been dominating the field of vehicle detection. Yet, Bangladeshi vehicle detection has remained a relatively unexplored area. One of the main goals of vehicle detection is its real-time application, where `You Only Look Once' (YOLO) models have proven to be the most effective architecture. In this work, intending to find the best-suited YOLO architecture for fast and accurate vehicle detection from traffic images in Bangladesh, we have conducted a performance analysis of different variants of the YOLO-based architectures such as YOLOV3, YOLOV5s, and YOLOV5x. The models were trained on a dataset containing 7390 images belonging to 21 types of vehicles comprising samples from the DhakaAI dataset, the Poribohon-BD dataset, and our self-collected images. After thorough quantitative and qualitative analysis, we found the YOLOV5x variant to be the best-suited model, performing better than YOLOv3 and YOLOv5s models respectively by 7 & 4 percent in mAP, and 12 & 8.5 percent in terms of Accuracy.
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知识图,例如Wikidata,包括结构和文本知识,以表示知识。对于图形嵌入和语言模型的两种方式中的每种方法都可以学习预测新型结构知识的模式。很少有方法与模式结合学习和推断,而这些现有的方法只能部分利用结构和文本知识的相互作用。在我们的方法中,我们以单个方式的现有强烈表示为基础,并使用超复杂代数来表示(i),(i),单模式嵌入以及(ii),不同方式之间的相互作用及其互补的知识表示手段。更具体地说,我们建议4D超复合数的二脑和四个元素表示,以整合四个模态,即结构知识图形嵌入,单词级表示(例如\ word2vec,fastText,fastText),句子级表示(句子transformer)和文档级表示(句子级别)(句子级别)(句子级表示)(句子变压器,doc2vec)。我们的统一矢量表示通过汉密尔顿和二脑产物进行标记的边缘的合理性,从而对不同模态之间的成对相互作用进行建模。对标准基准数据集的广泛实验评估显示了我们两个新模型的优越性,除了稀疏的结构知识外,还可以提高链接预测任务中的性能。
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