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A comprehensive pharmaceutical recommendation system was designed based on the patients and drugs features extracted from Drugs.com and Druglib.com. First, data from these databases were combined, and a dataset of patients and drug information was built. Secondly, the patients and drugs were clustered, and then the recommendation was performed using different ratings provided by patients, and importantly by the knowledge obtained from patients and drug specifications, and considering drug interactions. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first group to consider patients conditions and history in the proposed approach for selecting a specific medicine appropriate for that particular user. Our approach applies artificial intelligence (AI) models for the implementation. Sentiment analysis using natural language processing approaches is employed in pre-processing along with neural network-based methods and recommender system algorithms for modeling the system. In our work, patients conditions and drugs features are used for making two models based on matrix factorization. Then we used drug interaction to filter drugs with severe or mild interactions with other drugs. We developed a deep learning model for recommending drugs by using data from 2304 patients as a training set, and then we used data from 660 patients as our validation set. After that, we used knowledge from critical information about drugs and combined the outcome of the model into a knowledge-based system with the rules obtained from constraints on taking medicine.
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Entity matching in Customer 360 is the task of determining if multiple records represent the same real world entity. Entities are typically people, organizations, locations, and events represented as attributed nodes in a graph, though they can also be represented as records in relational data. While probabilistic matching engines and artificial neural network models exist for this task, explaining entity matching has received less attention. In this demo, we present our Explainable Entity Matching (xEM) system and discuss the different AI/ML considerations that went into its implementation.
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强化学习(RL)为解决各种复杂的决策任务提供了新的机会。但是,现代的RL算法,例如,深Q学习是基于深层神经网络,在Edge设备上运行时的计算成本很高。在本文中,我们提出了QHD,一种高度增强的学习,它模仿了大脑特性,以实现健壮和实时学习。 QHD依靠轻巧的大脑启发模型来学习未知环境中的最佳政策。我们首先建立一个新颖的数学基础和编码模块,该模块将状态行动空间映射到高维空间中。因此,我们开发了一个高维回归模型,以近似Q值函数。 QHD驱动的代理通过比较每个可能动作的Q值来做出决定。我们评估了不同的RL培训批量和本地记忆能力对QHD学习质量的影响。我们的QHD也能够以微小的本地记忆能力在线学习,这与培训批量大小一样小。 QHD通过进一步降低记忆容量和批处理大小来提供实时学习。这使得QHD适用于在边缘环境中高效的增强学习,这对于支持在线和实时学习至关重要。我们的解决方案还支持少量的重播批量大小,与DQN相比,该批量的速度为12.3倍,同时确保质量损失最小。我们的评估显示了实时学习的QHD能力,比最先进的Deep RL算法提供了34.6倍的速度和更高的学习质量。
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通过无线网络互联设备数量和数据通信数量的显着增加引起了各种威胁,风险和安全问题。物联网(IoT)应用程序几乎部署在日常生活中的几乎所有领域,包括敏感环境。边缘计算范例通过在数据源附近移动计算处理来补充了IOT应用程序。在各种安全模型中,基于机器学习(ML)的入侵检测是最可想到的防御机制,用于打击已启用边缘的物联网中的异常行为。 ML算法用于将网络流量分类为正常和恶意攻击。入侵检测是网络安全领域的具有挑战性问题之一。研究界提出了许多入侵检测系统。然而,选择合适的算法涉及在启用边缘的物联网网络中提供安全性的挑战存在。在本文中,已经执行了传统机器学习分类算法的比较分析,以在Puparm工具上使用Jupyter对NSL-KDD数据集上的网络流量进行分类。可以观察到,多层感知(MLP)在输入和输出之间具有依赖性,并且更多地依赖于用于入侵检测的网络配置。因此,MLP可以更适合于基于边缘的物联网网络,其具有更好的培训时间为1.2秒,测试精度为79%。
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