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Many e-commerce marketplaces offer their users fast delivery options for free to meet the increasing needs of users, imposing an excessive burden on city logistics. Therefore, understanding e-commerce users' preference for delivery options is a key to designing logistics policies. To this end, this study designs a stated choice survey in which respondents are faced with choice tasks among different delivery options and time slots, which was completed by 4,062 users from the three major metropolitan areas in Japan. To analyze the data, mixed logit models capturing taste heterogeneity as well as flexible substitution patterns have been estimated. The model estimation results indicate that delivery attributes including fee, time, and time slot size are significant determinants of the delivery option choices. Associations between users' preferences and socio-demographic characteristics, such as age, gender, teleworking frequency and the presence of a delivery box, were also suggested. Moreover, we analyzed two willingness-to-pay measures for delivery, namely, the value of delivery time savings (VODT) and the value of time slot shortening (VOTS), and applied a non-semiparametric approach to estimate their distributions in a data-oriented manner. Although VODT has a large heterogeneity among respondents, the estimated median VODT is 25.6 JPY/day, implying that more than half of the respondents would wait an additional day if the delivery fee were increased by only 26 JPY, that is, they do not necessarily need a fast delivery option but often request it when cheap or almost free. Moreover, VOTS was found to be low, distributed with the median of 5.0 JPY/hour; that is, users do not highly value the reduction in time slot size in monetary terms. These findings on e-commerce users' preferences can help in designing levels of service for last-mile delivery to significantly improve its efficiency.
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Distributed representations of words encode lexical semantic information, but how is that information encoded in word embeddings? Focusing on the skip-gram with negative-sampling method, we show theoretically and experimentally that the squared norm of word embedding encodes the information gain defined by the Kullback-Leibler divergence of the co-occurrence distribution of a word to the unigram distribution of the corpus. Furthermore, through experiments on tasks of keyword extraction, hypernym prediction, and part-of-speech discrimination, we confirmed that the KL divergence and the squared norm of embedding work as a measure of the informativeness of a word provided that the bias caused by word frequency is adequately corrected.
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Correctly recognizing the behaviors of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is of vital importance for the diagnosis of Autism and timely early intervention. However, the observation and recording during the treatment from the parents of autistic children may not be accurate and objective. In such cases, automatic recognition systems based on computer vision and machine learning (in particular deep learning) technology can alleviate this issue to a large extent. Existing human action recognition models can now achieve persuasive performance on challenging activity datasets, e.g. daily activity, and sports activity. However, problem behaviors in children with ASD are very different from these general activities, and recognizing these problem behaviors via computer vision is less studied. In this paper, we first evaluate a strong baseline for action recognition, i.e. Video Swin Transformer, on two autism behaviors datasets (SSBD and ESBD) and show that it can achieve high accuracy and outperform the previous methods by a large margin, demonstrating the feasibility of vision-based problem behaviors recognition. Moreover, we propose language-assisted training to further enhance the action recognition performance. Specifically, we develop a two-branch multimodal deep learning framework by incorporating the "freely available" language description for each type of problem behavior. Experimental results demonstrate that incorporating additional language supervision can bring an obvious performance boost for the autism problem behaviors recognition task as compared to using the video information only (i.e. 3.49% improvement on ESBD and 1.46% on SSBD).
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超级解决全球气候模拟的粗略产出,称为缩减,对于需要长期气候变化预测的系统做出政治和社会决策至关重要。但是,现有的快速超分辨率技术尚未保留气候数据的空间相关性,这在我们以空间扩展(例如运输基础设施的开发)处理系统时尤其重要。本文中,我们展示了基于对抗性的网络的机器学习,使我们能够在降尺度中正确重建区域间空间相关性,并高达五十,同时保持像素统计的一致性。与测量的温度和降水分布的气象数据的直接比较表明,整合气候上重要的物理信息对于准确的缩减至关重要,这促使我们称我们的方法称为$ \ pi $ srgan(物理学知情的超级分辨率生成生成的对手网络)。本方法对气候变化影响的区域间一致评估具有潜在的应用。
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视频中的动作通常涉及人类与物体的相互作用。动作标签通常由动词和名词的各种组合组成,但我们可能没有所有可能组合的培训数据。在本文中,我们旨在通过利用知识图的力量来提高组成动作识别模型在训练时间期间看不见的新型动词或新名词的概括能力。先前的工作利用了知识图中的动词 - 单词组成动作节点,因此比效率低下,因为相对于动词和名词的数量,组成动作节点的数量在四倍上增长。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了我们的方法:通过知识掩盖(黑暗)的解开行动识别,它利用了动作的固有组成。黑暗训练一个分解模型,首先提取动词和名词的解开特征表示,然后使用外部知识图中的关系预测分类权重。动词和名词之间的类型约束是从外部知识库中提取的,并在组成动作时最终应用。黑暗的对象和动词数量具有更好的可伸缩性,并在Charades数据集中实现了最新性能。我们进一步根据Epic-Kitchen数据集提出了一个新的基准分配,该数据集的类别和样本数量更大,并且该基准测试了各种模型。
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