通过利用预熟gan的潜在空间,已经提出了许多最近的作品来进行面部图像编辑。但是,很少有尝试将它们直接应用于视频,因为1)他们不能保证时间一致性,2)他们的应用受到视频的处理速度的限制,3)他们无法准确编码面部运动和表达的细节。为此,我们提出了一个新颖的网络,将面部视频编码到Stylegan的潜在空间中,以进行语义面部视频操纵。基于视觉变压器,我们的网络重复了潜在向量的高分辨率部分,以实现时间一致性。为了捕捉微妙的面部运动和表情,我们设计了涉及稀疏面部地标和密集的3D脸部网眼的新颖损失。我们已经彻底评估了我们的方法,并成功证明了其对各种面部视频操作的应用。特别是,我们提出了一个新型网络,用于3D坐标系中的姿势/表达控制。定性和定量结果都表明,我们的方法可以显着优于现有的单图方法,同时实现实时(66 fps)速度。
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最先进的自主车辆(AV)框架中的对象检测依赖于深神经网络。通常,这些网络在整个相机LIDAR帧上均匀地执行对象检测。然而,这种均匀性通过向场景中的所有对象提供相同的优先级而危及AV的安全性,无论其碰撞到AV。在本文中,我们为AV提供了一个新的端到端管道,它稍后引入LIDAR群集的概念和相机推断,以检测和分类对象。我们拟议的框架的好处是双重的。首先,我们的管道优先考虑检测对AV的碰撞风险更高的物体,给予AV的更多时间对不安全的条件作出反应。其次,与流行的深神经网络管道相比,它还提供更快的推理速度。我们使用现实世界数据集设计我们的框架,Waymo Open DataSet,解决LIDAR传感器和物体检测算法的局限性引起的挑战。我们表明我们的新型对象检测管道优先考虑了更高风险物体的检测,同时实现了与相机推断相比的相当精度和25%的平均速度。
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Implicit regularization is an important way to interpret neural networks. Recent theory starts to explain implicit regularization with the model of deep matrix factorization (DMF) and analyze the trajectory of discrete gradient dynamics in the optimization process. These discrete gradient dynamics are relatively small but not infinitesimal, thus fitting well with the practical implementation of neural networks. Currently, discrete gradient dynamics analysis has been successfully applied to shallow networks but encounters the difficulty of complex computation for deep networks. In this work, we introduce another discrete gradient dynamics approach to explain implicit regularization, i.e. landscape analysis. It mainly focuses on gradient regions, such as saddle points and local minima. We theoretically establish the connection between saddle point escaping (SPE) stages and the matrix rank in DMF. We prove that, for a rank-R matrix reconstruction, DMF will converge to a second-order critical point after R stages of SPE. This conclusion is further experimentally verified on a low-rank matrix reconstruction problem. This work provides a new theory to analyze implicit regularization in deep learning.
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Deep neural networks (DNNs) are sensitive and susceptible to tiny perturbation by adversarial attacks which causes erroneous predictions. Various methods, including adversarial defense and uncertainty inference (UI), have been developed in recent years to overcome the adversarial attacks. In this paper, we propose a multi-head uncertainty inference (MH-UI) framework for detecting adversarial attack examples. We adopt a multi-head architecture with multiple prediction heads (i.e., classifiers) to obtain predictions from different depths in the DNNs and introduce shallow information for the UI. Using independent heads at different depths, the normalized predictions are assumed to follow the same Dirichlet distribution, and we estimate distribution parameter of it by moment matching. Cognitive uncertainty brought by the adversarial attacks will be reflected and amplified on the distribution. Experimental results show that the proposed MH-UI framework can outperform all the referred UI methods in the adversarial attack detection task with different settings.
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Code review is an integral part of any mature software development process, and identifying the best reviewer for a code change is a well accepted problem within the software engineering community. Selecting a reviewer who lacks expertise and understanding can slow development or result in more defects. To date, most reviewer recommendation systems rely primarily on historical file change and review information; those who changed or reviewed a file in the past are the best positioned to review in the future. We posit that while these approaches are able to identify and suggest qualified reviewers, they may be blind to reviewers who have the needed expertise and have simply never interacted with the changed files before. To address this, we present CORAL, a novel approach to reviewer recommendation that leverages a socio-technical graph built from the rich set of entities (developers, repositories, files, pull requests, work-items, etc.) and their relationships in modern source code management systems. We employ a graph convolutional neural network on this graph and train it on two and a half years of history on 332 repositories. We show that CORAL is able to model the manual history of reviewer selection remarkably well. Further, based on an extensive user study, we demonstrate that this approach identifies relevant and qualified reviewers who traditional reviewer recommenders miss, and that these developers desire to be included in the review process. Finally, we find that "classical" reviewer recommendation systems perform better on smaller (in terms of developers) software projects while CORAL excels on larger projects, suggesting that there is "no one model to rule them all."
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图形神经网络(GNN)在学习强大的节点表示中显示了令人信服的性能,这些表现在保留节点属性和图形结构信息的强大节点表示中。然而,许多GNNS在设计有更深的网络结构或手柄大小的图形时遇到有效性和效率的问题。已经提出了几种采样算法来改善和加速GNN的培训,但他们忽略了解GNN性能增益的来源。图表数据中的信息的测量可以帮助采样算法来保持高价值信息,同时消除冗余信息甚至噪声。在本文中,我们提出了一种用于GNN的公制引导(MEGUIDE)子图学习框架。 MEGUIDE采用两种新颖的度量:功能平滑和连接失效距离,以指导子图采样和迷你批次的培训。功能平滑度专为分析节点的特征而才能保留最有价值的信息,而连接失败距离可以测量结构信息以控制子图的大小。我们展示了MEGUIDE在多个数据集上培训各种GNN的有效性和效率。
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在过去十年中,深度神经网络在各种任务中取得了令人印象深刻的性能,例如自主驾驶,人脸识别和医学诊断。然而,事先作证表明,深度神经网络通过后门攻击将恶意小隐藏触发器注入模型培训,提高严重的安全威胁。要确定触发的神经元并防止反卧系攻击,我们利用福利价值并开发一种名为福利修剪(Shappruning)的新方法,该方法成功地从数据不足的情况下从模型中攻击(每级甚至没有数据) 。考虑到神经元之间的相互作用,Shappruning鉴定了少数感染的神经元(在所有神经元的1%以下),并在修剪诸如许多感染神经元后保护模型的结构和准确性。为了加速Shappruning,我们进一步提出了丢弃的阈值和$ \ epsilon $ -greedy策略以加速福利估计,使得只有几分钟的时间就可以修复中毒模型。实验证明了与现有方法相比,我们对各种攻击和任务的方法的有效性和鲁棒性。
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虽然深度学习方法近年来取得了高级视频对象识别性能,但在视频中感知封闭对象仍然是一个非常具有挑战性的任务。为促进遮挡理解的发展,我们在遮挡方案中收集一个名为OVIS的大规模数据集,用于遮挡方案中的视频实例分段。 ovis由296K高质量的屏幕和901个遮挡场景组成。虽然我们的人类视觉系统可以通过语境推理和关联来感知那些遮挡物体,但我们的实验表明当前的视频了解系统不能。在ovis数据集上,所有基线方法都遇到了大约80%的大约80%的大约80%,这表明仍然有很长的路要走在复杂的真实情景中理解模糊物体和视频。为了促进对视频理解系统的新范式研究,我们基于OVI数据集启动了挑战。提交的顶级执行算法已经比我们的基线实现了更高的性能。在本文中,我们将介绍OVIS数据集,并通过分析基线的结果和提交的方法来进一步剖析。可以在http://songbai.site/ovis找到ovis数据集和挑战信息。
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