大多数当前的多模式摘要方法遵循级联的方式,在该方式中,首先使用现成的对象检测器来提取视觉特征,然后将这些功能与语言表示融合在一起,以使用编码器模型生成摘要。级联的方式无法捕获图像和段落之间的语义一致性,这对于确切的摘要至关重要。在本文中,我们向vil-sum提出了段落级级\ textbf {vi} sion- \ textbf {l} arnguage语义对齐和多模式\ textbf {sum} marization。 VIL-SUM的核心是一个联合多模式编码器,具有两个精心设计的任务,图像重新排序和图像选择。联合多模式编码器捕获了模式之间的交互,重新排序任务指导该模型学习段落级别的语义对齐,而选择任务指导模型在最终摘要中将模型指向所选摘要相关的图像。实验结果表明,我们提出的VIL-SUM显着优于当前最新方法。在进一步的分析中,我们发现两个精心设计的任务和联合多模式编码器可以有效地指导模型学习合理的段落图像和摘要图像关系。
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The node-place model has been widely used to classify and evaluate transit stations, which sheds light on individual travel behaviors and supports urban planning through effectively integrating land use and transportation development. This article adapts this model to investigate whether and how node, place, and mobility would be associated with the transmission risks and presences of the local COVID-19 cases in a city. Similar studies on the model and its relevance to COVID-19, according to our knowledge, have not been undertaken before. Moreover, the unique metric drawn from detailed visit history of the infected, i.e., the COVID-19 footprints, is proposed and exploited. This study then empirically uses the adapted model to examine the station-level factors affecting the local COVID-19 footprints. The model accounts for traditional measures of the node and place as well as actual human mobility patterns associated with the node and place. It finds that stations with high node, place, and human mobility indices normally have more COVID-19 footprints in proximity. A multivariate regression is fitted to see whether and to what degree different indices and indicators can predict the COVID-19 footprints. The results indicate that many of the place, node, and human mobility indicators significantly impact the concentration of COVID-19 footprints. These are useful for policy-makers to predict and monitor hotspots for COVID-19 and other pandemics transmission.
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We present DualNER, a simple and effective framework to make full use of both annotated source language corpus and unlabeled target language text for zero-shot cross-lingual named entity recognition (NER). In particular, we combine two complementary learning paradigms of NER, i.e., sequence labeling and span prediction, into a unified multi-task framework. After obtaining a sufficient NER model trained on the source data, we further train it on the target data in a {\it dual-teaching} manner, in which the pseudo-labels for one task are constructed from the prediction of the other task. Moreover, based on the span prediction, an entity-aware regularization is proposed to enhance the intrinsic cross-lingual alignment between the same entities in different languages. Experiments and analysis demonstrate the effectiveness of our DualNER. Code is available at https://github.com/lemon0830/dualNER.
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Contrastive learning has become a new paradigm for unsupervised sentence embeddings. Previous studies focus on instance-wise contrastive learning, attempting to construct positive pairs with textual data augmentation. In this paper, we propose a novel Contrastive learning method with Prompt-derived Virtual semantic Prototypes (ConPVP). Specifically, with the help of prompts, we construct virtual semantic prototypes to each instance, and derive negative prototypes by using the negative form of the prompts. Using a prototypical contrastive loss, we enforce the anchor sentence embedding to be close to its corresponding semantic prototypes, and far apart from the negative prototypes as well as the prototypes of other sentences. Extensive experimental results on semantic textual similarity, transfer, and clustering tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed model compared to strong baselines. Code is available at https://github.com/lemon0830/promptCSE.
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