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两阶段探测器在3D对象检测中已广受欢迎。大多数两阶段的3D检测器都使用网格点,体素电网或第二阶段的ROI特征提取的采样关键点。但是,这种方法在处理不均匀分布和稀疏的室外点方面效率低下。本文在三个方面解决了这个问题。 1)动态点聚集。我们建议补丁搜索以快速在本地区域中为每个3D提案搜索点。然后,将最远的体素采样采样用于均匀采样点。特别是,体素尺寸沿距离变化,以适应点的不均匀分布。 2)Ro-Graph Poling。我们在采样点上构建本地图,以通过迭代消息传递更好地模型上下文信息和地雷关系。 3)视觉功能增强。我们引入了一种简单而有效的融合策略,以补偿具有有限语义提示的稀疏激光雷达点。基于这些模块,我们将图形R-CNN构建为第二阶段,可以将其应用于现有的一阶段检测器,以始终如一地提高检测性能。广泛的实验表明,图R-CNN的表现优于最新的3D检测模型,而Kitti和Waymo Open DataSet的差距很大。我们在Kitti Bev汽车检测排行榜上排名第一。代码将在\ url {https://github.com/nightmare-n/graphrcnn}上找到。
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自我监督的学习表明它有可能在没有人为注释的情况下提取强大的视觉表现。提出各种作品从不同的角度处理自我监督的学习:(1)对比学习方法(例如,MOCO,SIMCLR)利用阳性和阴性样品来引导训练方向; (2)不对称网络方法(例如,BYOL,SIMSIAM)通过引入预测器网络和止动梯度操作来摆脱阴性样本; (3)特征去相关方法(例如,Barlow Twins,ViCREG),而是旨在降低特征尺寸之间的冗余。这些方法在各种动机的设计损失功能中看起来非常不同。最终的准确度数也各不相同,其中不同的网络和技巧在不同的作品中使用。在这项工作中,我们证明这些方法可以统一成相同的形式。我们不是比较他们的损失函数,我们通过梯度分析推出统一的公式。此外,我们进行公平和详细的实验以比较他们的表现。事实证明,这些方法之间几乎没有差距,并且使用动量编码器是提高性能的关键因素。从这个统一的框架来看,我们提出了一个简单但有效的自我监督学习的简单但有效的渐变形式。它不需要内存银行或预测的网络,但仍然可以实现最先进的性能,并轻松采用其他培训策略。广泛的线性评估实验和许多下游任务也表现出其有效性。代码应释放。
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动态神经网络是深度学习中的新兴的研究课题。与具有推断阶段的固定计算图和参数的静态模型相比,动态网络可以使其结构或参数适应不同的输入,从而在本调查中的准确性,计算效率,适应性等方面的显着优势。我们全面地通过将动态网络分为三个主要类别:1)使用数据相关的架构或参数进行处理的实例 - Wise-Wise DiveS动态模型的速度开发区域2)关于图像数据的不同空间位置和3)沿着诸如视频和文本的顺序数据的时间维度执行自适应推断的时间明智的动态模型进行自适应计算的空间 - 方向动态网络。系统地审查了动态网络的重要研究问题,例如架构设计,决策方案,优化技术和应用。最后,我们与有趣的未来研究方向讨论了该领域的开放问题。
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Bottom-up human pose estimation methods have difficulties in predicting the correct pose for small persons due to challenges in scale variation. In this paper, we present HigherHRNet: a novel bottom-up human pose estimation method for learning scale-aware representations using high-resolution feature pyramids. Equipped with multi-resolution supervision for training and multiresolution aggregation for inference, the proposed approach is able to solve the scale variation challenge in bottom-up multi-person pose estimation and localize keypoints more precisely, especially for small person. The feature pyramid in HigherHRNet consists of feature map outputs from HRNet and upsampled higher-resolution outputs through a transposed convolution. HigherHR-Net outperforms the previous best bottom-up method by 2.5% AP for medium person on COCO test-dev, showing its effectiveness in handling scale variation. Furthermore, HigherHRNet achieves new state-of-the-art result on COCO test-dev (70.5% AP) without using refinement or other post-processing techniques, surpassing all existing bottom-up methods. HigherHRNet even surpasses all topdown methods on CrowdPose test (67.6% AP), suggesting its robustness in crowded scene. The code and models are available at https://github.com/HRNet/ Higher-HRNet-Human-Pose-Estimation.
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Despite the tremendous progress of Masked Autoencoders (MAE) in developing vision tasks such as image and video, exploring MAE in large-scale 3D point clouds remains challenging due to the inherent irregularity. In contrast to previous 3D MAE frameworks, which either design a complex decoder to infer masked information from maintained regions or adopt sophisticated masking strategies, we instead propose a much simpler paradigm. The core idea is to apply a \textbf{G}enerative \textbf{D}ecoder for MAE (GD-MAE) to automatically merges the surrounding context to restore the masked geometric knowledge in a hierarchical fusion manner. In doing so, our approach is free from introducing the heuristic design of decoders and enjoys the flexibility of exploring various masking strategies. The corresponding part costs less than \textbf{12\%} latency compared with conventional methods, while achieving better performance. We demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method on several large-scale benchmarks: Waymo, KITTI, and ONCE. Consistent improvement on downstream detection tasks illustrates strong robustness and generalization capability. Not only our method reveals state-of-the-art results, but remarkably, we achieve comparable accuracy even with \textbf{20\%} of the labeled data on the Waymo dataset. The code will be released at \url{https://github.com/Nightmare-n/GD-MAE}.
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当前仅激光雷达的3D检测方法不可避免地会遭受点云的稀疏性。提出了许多多模式方法来减轻此问题,而图像和点云的不同表示使它们很难融合,从而导致次优性能。在本文中,我们提出了一个新颖的多模式框架SFD(稀疏的保险丝密度),该框架利用了从深度完成生成的伪点云来解决上述问题。与先前的工作不同,我们提出了一种新的ROI Fusion策略3D-GAF(3D网格的专注融合),以更全面地使用来自不同类型的点云的信息。具体而言,3D-GAF以网格的细心方式从两点云中融合了3D ROI功能,这更细粒度,更精确。此外,我们提出了一种登录(同步增强),以使我们的多模式框架能够利用针对仅激光雷达方法的所有数据增强方法。最后,我们为伪点云自定义有效,有效的特征提取器CPCONV(色点卷积)。它可以同时探索伪点云的2D图像特征和3D几何特征。我们的方法在Kitti Car 3D对象检测排行榜上排名最高,证明了我们的SFD的有效性。代码可在https://github.com/littlepey/sfd上找到。
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In this paper, we propose a robust 3D detector, named Cross Modal Transformer (CMT), for end-to-end 3D multi-modal detection. Without explicit view transformation, CMT takes the image and point clouds tokens as inputs and directly outputs accurate 3D bounding boxes. The spatial alignment of multi-modal tokens is performed implicitly, by encoding the 3D points into multi-modal features. The core design of CMT is quite simple while its performance is impressive. CMT obtains 73.0% NDS on nuScenes benchmark. Moreover, CMT has a strong robustness even if the LiDAR is missing. Code will be released at https://github.com/junjie18/CMT.
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Knowledge graphs (KG) have served as the key component of various natural language processing applications. Commonsense knowledge graphs (CKG) are a special type of KG, where entities and relations are composed of free-form text. However, previous works in KG completion and CKG completion suffer from long-tail relations and newly-added relations which do not have many know triples for training. In light of this, few-shot KG completion (FKGC), which requires the strengths of graph representation learning and few-shot learning, has been proposed to challenge the problem of limited annotated data. In this paper, we comprehensively survey previous attempts on such tasks in the form of a series of methods and applications. Specifically, we first introduce FKGC challenges, commonly used KGs, and CKGs. Then we systematically categorize and summarize existing works in terms of the type of KGs and the methods. Finally, we present applications of FKGC models on prediction tasks in different areas and share our thoughts on future research directions of FKGC.
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