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Summary quality assessment metrics have two categories: reference-based and reference-free. Reference-based metrics are theoretically more accurate but are limited by the availability and quality of the human-written references, which are both difficulty to ensure. This inspires the development of reference-free metrics, which are independent from human-written references, in the past few years. However, existing reference-free metrics cannot be both zero-shot and accurate. In this paper, we propose a zero-shot but accurate reference-free approach in a sneaky way: feeding documents, based upon which summaries generated, as references into reference-based metrics. Experimental results show that this zero-shot approach can give us the best-performing reference-free metrics on nearly all aspects on several recently-released datasets, even beating reference-free metrics specifically trained for this task sometimes. We further investigate what reference-based metrics can benefit from such repurposing and whether our additional tweaks help.
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Question-and-answer formats provide a novel experimental platform for investigating cybersecurity questions. Unlike previous chatbots, the latest ChatGPT model from OpenAI supports an advanced understanding of complex coding questions. The research demonstrates thirteen coding tasks that generally qualify as stages in the MITRE ATT&CK framework, ranging from credential access to defense evasion. With varying success, the experimental prompts generate examples of keyloggers, logic bombs, obfuscated worms, and payment-fulfilled ransomware. The empirical results illustrate cases that support the broad gain of functionality, including self-replication and self-modification, evasion, and strategic understanding of complex cybersecurity goals. One surprising feature of ChatGPT as a language-only model centers on its ability to spawn coding approaches that yield images that obfuscate or embed executable programming steps or links.
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Language models are widely deployed to provide automatic text completion services in user products. However, recent research has revealed that language models (especially large ones) bear considerable risk of memorizing private training data, which is then vulnerable to leakage and extraction by adversaries. In this study, we test the efficacy of a range of privacy-preserving techniques to mitigate unintended memorization of sensitive user text, while varying other factors such as model size and adversarial conditions. We test both "heuristic" mitigations (those without formal privacy guarantees) and Differentially Private training, which provides provable levels of privacy at the cost of some model performance. Our experiments show that (with the exception of L2 regularization), heuristic mitigations are largely ineffective in preventing memorization in our test suite, possibly because they make too strong of assumptions about the characteristics that define "sensitive" or "private" text. In contrast, Differential Privacy reliably prevents memorization in our experiments, despite its computational and model-performance costs.
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We propose a deep learning method for three-dimensional reconstruction in low-dose helical cone-beam computed tomography. We reconstruct the volume directly, i.e., not from 2D slices, guaranteeing consistency along all axes. In a crucial step beyond prior work, we train our model in a self-supervised manner in the projection domain using noisy 2D projection data, without relying on 3D reference data or the output of a reference reconstruction method. This means the fidelity of our results is not limited by the quality and availability of such data. We evaluate our method on real helical cone-beam projections and simulated phantoms. Our reconstructions are sharper and less noisy than those of previous methods, and several decibels better in quantitative PSNR measurements. When applied to full-dose data, our method produces high-quality results orders of magnitude faster than iterative techniques.
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Large-scale diffusion-based generative models have led to breakthroughs in text-conditioned high-resolution image synthesis. Starting from random noise, such text-to-image diffusion models gradually synthesize images in an iterative fashion while conditioning on text prompts. We find that their synthesis behavior qualitatively changes throughout this process: Early in sampling, generation strongly relies on the text prompt to generate text-aligned content, while later, the text conditioning is almost entirely ignored. This suggests that sharing model parameters throughout the entire generation process may not be ideal. Therefore, in contrast to existing works, we propose to train an ensemble of text-to-image diffusion models specialized for different synthesis stages. To maintain training efficiency, we initially train a single model, which is then split into specialized models that are trained for the specific stages of the iterative generation process. Our ensemble of diffusion models, called eDiff-I, results in improved text alignment while maintaining the same inference computation cost and preserving high visual quality, outperforming previous large-scale text-to-image diffusion models on the standard benchmark. In addition, we train our model to exploit a variety of embeddings for conditioning, including the T5 text, CLIP text, and CLIP image embeddings. We show that these different embeddings lead to different behaviors. Notably, the CLIP image embedding allows an intuitive way of transferring the style of a reference image to the target text-to-image output. Lastly, we show a technique that enables eDiff-I's "paint-with-words" capability. A user can select the word in the input text and paint it in a canvas to control the output, which is very handy for crafting the desired image in mind. The project page is available at https://deepimagination.cc/eDiff-I/
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延时图像序列提供了对动态过程的视觉吸引人的见解,这些过程太慢,无法实时观察。但是,由于天气(例如天气)以及循环效应(例如昼夜周期),播放长时间的序列通常会导致分散注意力的闪烁。我们以一种允许单独的,事后控制整体趋势,环状效应和图像中随机效应的方式介绍了解散延时序列的问题,并描述了基于数据驱动的生成模型的技术这个目标。这使我们能够以仅输入图像不可能的方式“重新渲染”序列。例如,在可选的,一致的天气下,我们可以稳定长序列,以重点关注植物的生长。我们的方法基于生成对抗网络(GAN),这些网络(GAN)以延时序列的时间坐标为条件。我们设计了我们的体系结构和培训程序,以便网络学会为随机变化(例如天气,使用GAN的潜在空间)建模,并通过使用特定频率的傅立叶功能将调理时间标签馈送到模型中,从而消除整体趋势和周期性变化。 。我们表明,我们的模型对于训练数据中的缺陷是可靠的,使我们能够修改捕获长时间序列的一些实际困难,例如临时遮挡,不均匀的框架间距和缺失框架。
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嵌入或可视化临床患者数据的主要挑战是可变类型的异质性,包括连续实验室值,分类诊断代码以及缺失或不完整的数据。特别地,在EHR数据中,一些变量是{\ EM缺失而不是随机(MNAR)}但故意没有收集,因此是信息来源。例如,在疑似诊断的基础上,某些患者可能认为实验室测试是必要的,但不适用于其他患者。在这里,我们呈现壁画林 - 一个无监督的随机森林,用于代表具有不同变量类型的数据(例如,分类,连续,mnar)。壁画森林由一组决策树组成,其中随机选择节点分裂变量,使得所有其他变量的边缘熵由分裂最小化。这允许我们在与连续变量一致的方式中也拆分在Mnar变量和离散变量上。最终目标是学习使用这些患者之间的平均树距离的患者的壁画嵌入。这些距离可以馈送到非线性维度减少方法,如phate,以获得可视化的嵌入。虽然这种方法在连续值的数据集中普遍存在(如单细胞RNA测序)中,但它们尚未在混合可变数据中广泛使用。我们展示在一个人工和两个临床数据集上使用我们的方法。我们表明,使用我们的方法,我们可以比竞争方法更准确地对数据进行可视化和分类数据。最后,我们表明壁画也可用于通过最近提出的树木切片的Wassersein距离比较患者的群组。
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素描是一种常用于创新过程的自然和有效的视觉通信介质。深度学习模型的最新发展急剧改善了理解和生成视觉内容的机器能力。令人兴奋的发展领域探讨了用于模拟人类草图的深度学习方法,开设创造性应用的机会。本章介绍了开发深受学习驱动的创造性支持工具的三个基本步骤,这些步骤消耗和生成草图:1)在草图和移动用户界面之间生成新配对数据集的数据收集工作; 2)基于草图的用户界面检索系统,适用于最先进的计算机视觉技术; 3)一个对话的草图系统,支持基于自然语言的草图/批判创作过程的新颖互动。在本章中,我们在深度学习和人机互动社区中进行了对相关的事先工作,详细记录了数据收集过程和系统的架构,目前提供了定性和定量结果,并绘制了几个未来研究的景观在这个令人兴奋的地区的方向。
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