现代神经网络使用构建块,例如与任意2D翻译一样的卷积。但是,这些香草块并不等于投影歧管中的任意3D翻译。即便如此,所有单眼3D检测器都使用香草块来获得3D坐标,这是为此而不是为香草块设计的任务。本文迈出了朝着探索综合的第一步,以在投影歧管中进行任意3D翻译。由于该深度是最难估计的单眼检测,因此本文提出了深度模棱两可的网络(deviant),该网络(deviant)构建了现有的量表等效性的可检测块。结果,偏差与投影歧管中的深度翻译相等,而香草网络却没有。额外的深度竞争力迫使这种偏差学习一致的深度估计,因此,越来越多的人在纯图像类别中的Kitti和Waymo数据集上实现了最新的单眼3D检测结果,并使用额外信息竞争地对方法进行了竞争性执行。此外,在跨数据库评估中,异常比香草网络更好。 https://github.com/abhi1kumar/deviant的代码和模型
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Are extralinguistic signals such as image pixels crucial for inducing constituency grammars? While past work has shown substantial gains from multimodal cues, we investigate whether such gains persist in the presence of rich information from large language models (LLMs). We find that our approach, LLM-based C-PCFG (LC-PCFG), outperforms previous multi-modal methods on the task of unsupervised constituency parsing, achieving state-of-the-art performance on a variety of datasets. Moreover, LC-PCFG results in an over 50% reduction in parameter count, and speedups in training time of 1.7x for image-aided models and more than 5x for video-aided models, respectively. These results challenge the notion that extralinguistic signals such as image pixels are needed for unsupervised grammar induction, and point to the need for better text-only baselines in evaluating the need of multi-modality for the task.
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We introduce Structured 3D Features, a model based on a novel implicit 3D representation that pools pixel-aligned image features onto dense 3D points sampled from a parametric, statistical human mesh surface. The 3D points have associated semantics and can move freely in 3D space. This allows for optimal coverage of the person of interest, beyond just the body shape, which in turn, additionally helps modeling accessories, hair, and loose clothing. Owing to this, we present a complete 3D transformer-based attention framework which, given a single image of a person in an unconstrained pose, generates an animatable 3D reconstruction with albedo and illumination decomposition, as a result of a single end-to-end model, trained semi-supervised, and with no additional postprocessing. We show that our S3F model surpasses the previous state-of-the-art on various tasks, including monocular 3D reconstruction, as well as albedo and shading estimation. Moreover, we show that the proposed methodology allows novel view synthesis, relighting, and re-posing the reconstruction, and can naturally be extended to handle multiple input images (e.g. different views of a person, or the same view, in different poses, in video). Finally, we demonstrate the editing capabilities of our model for 3D virtual try-on applications.
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In this paper, we propose an end-to-end framework that jointly learns keypoint detection, descriptor representation and cross-frame matching for the task of image-based 3D localization. Prior art has tackled each of these components individually, purportedly aiming to alleviate difficulties in effectively train a holistic network. We design a self-supervised image warping correspondence loss for both feature detection and matching, a weakly-supervised epipolar constraints loss on relative camera pose learning, and a directional matching scheme that detects key-point features in a source image and performs coarse-to-fine correspondence search on the target image. We leverage this framework to enforce cycle consistency in our matching module. In addition, we propose a new loss to robustly handle both definite inlier/outlier matches and less-certain matches. The integration of these learning mechanisms enables end-to-end training of a single network performing all three localization components. Bench-marking our approach on public data-sets, exemplifies how such an end-to-end framework is able to yield more accurate localization that out-performs both traditional methods as well as state-of-the-art weakly supervised methods.
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In constrained reinforcement learning (C-RL), an agent seeks to learn from the environment a policy that maximizes the expected cumulative reward while satisfying minimum requirements in secondary cumulative reward constraints. Several algorithms rooted in sampled-based primal-dual methods have been recently proposed to solve this problem in policy space. However, such methods are based on stochastic gradient descent ascent algorithms whose trajectories are connected to the optimal policy only after a mixing output stage that depends on the algorithm's history. As a result, there is a mismatch between the behavioral policy and the optimal one. In this work, we propose a novel algorithm for constrained RL that does not suffer from these limitations. Leveraging recent results on regularized saddle-flow dynamics, we develop a novel stochastic gradient descent-ascent algorithm whose trajectories converge to the optimal policy almost surely.
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We propose a structure-preserving model-reduction methodology for large-scale dynamic networks with tightly-connected components. First, the coherent groups are identified by a spectral clustering algorithm on the graph Laplacian matrix that models the network feedback. Then, a reduced network is built, where each node represents the aggregate dynamics of each coherent group, and the reduced network captures the dynamic coupling between the groups. We provide an upper bound on the approximation error when the network graph is randomly generated from a weight stochastic block model. Finally, numerical experiments align with and validate our theoretical findings.
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Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
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In this paper, we present the Multi-view Extended Videos with Identities (MEVID) dataset for large-scale, video person re-identification (ReID) in the wild. To our knowledge, MEVID represents the most-varied video person ReID dataset, spanning an extensive indoor and outdoor environment across nine unique dates in a 73-day window, various camera viewpoints, and entity clothing changes. Specifically, we label the identities of 158 unique people wearing 598 outfits taken from 8, 092 tracklets, average length of about 590 frames, seen in 33 camera views from the very large-scale MEVA person activities dataset. While other datasets have more unique identities, MEVID emphasizes a richer set of information about each individual, such as: 4 outfits/identity vs. 2 outfits/identity in CCVID, 33 viewpoints across 17 locations vs. 6 in 5 simulated locations for MTA, and 10 million frames vs. 3 million for LS-VID. Being based on the MEVA video dataset, we also inherit data that is intentionally demographically balanced to the continental United States. To accelerate the annotation process, we developed a semi-automatic annotation framework and GUI that combines state-of-the-art real-time models for object detection, pose estimation, person ReID, and multi-object tracking. We evaluate several state-of-the-art methods on MEVID challenge problems and comprehensively quantify their robustness in terms of changes of outfit, scale, and background location. Our quantitative analysis on the realistic, unique aspects of MEVID shows that there are significant remaining challenges in video person ReID and indicates important directions for future research.
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In this research work, we have demonstrated the application of Mask-RCNN (Regional Convolutional Neural Network), a deep-learning algorithm for computer vision and specifically object detection, to semiconductor defect inspection domain. Stochastic defect detection and classification during semiconductor manufacturing has grown to be a challenging task as we continuously shrink circuit pattern dimensions (e.g., for pitches less than 32 nm). Defect inspection and analysis by state-of-the-art optical and e-beam inspection tools is generally driven by some rule-based techniques, which in turn often causes to misclassification and thereby necessitating human expert intervention. In this work, we have revisited and extended our previous deep learning-based defect classification and detection method towards improved defect instance segmentation in SEM images with precise extent of defect as well as generating a mask for each defect category/instance. This also enables to extract and calibrate each segmented mask and quantify the pixels that make up each mask, which in turn enables us to count each categorical defect instances as well as to calculate the surface area in terms of pixels. We are aiming at detecting and segmenting different types of inter-class stochastic defect patterns such as bridge, break, and line collapse as well as to differentiate accurately between intra-class multi-categorical defect bridge scenarios (as thin/single/multi-line/horizontal/non-horizontal) for aggressive pitches as well as thin resists (High NA applications). Our proposed approach demonstrates its effectiveness both quantitatively and qualitatively.
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这项工作是在培训生成动作/视频识别模型上,其输出是描述视频的自由形式的特定动作标题(而不是动作类标签)。生成的方法具有实用的优势,例如生产更细粒度和人类可读的产出,并且自然而然地是开放的。为此,我们提议适应视频/动作识别的预先训练的生成视觉和语言(V&L)基础模型。据我们所知,最近有几次尝试适应了用对比度学习(例如剪辑)训练的V&L模型(例如剪辑),但据我们所知,我们提出了第一种设定实现这一目标的方法来实现生成模型的方法。我们首先表明,生成模型的直接微调生产具有严重过度拟合的动作类别。为了减轻这一点,我们介绍了REST,这是一个由两个关键组成部分组成的培训框架:一种无监督的方法,用于通过伪捕获生成和自我训练,将生成模型适应动作/视频,即不使用任何动作特定的标签; (b)基于剪辑的检索方法,用于为每个视频发现一套伪装的伪扣,以训练该模型。重要的是,我们表明这两个组件对于获得高精度都是必要的。我们评估零拍动识别的问题的休息,我们表明,与基于对比的学习方法相比,我们的方法非常有竞争力。代码将可用。
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