High-utility sequential pattern mining (HUSPM) has emerged as an important topic due to its wide application and considerable popularity. However, due to the combinatorial explosion of the search space when the HUSPM problem encounters a low utility threshold or large-scale data, it may be time-consuming and memory-costly to address the HUSPM problem. Several algorithms have been proposed for addressing this problem, but they still cost a lot in terms of running time and memory usage. In this paper, to further solve this problem efficiently, we design a compact structure called sequence projection (seqPro) and propose an efficient algorithm, namely discovering high-utility sequential patterns with the seqPro structure (HUSP-SP). HUSP-SP utilizes the compact seq-array to store the necessary information in a sequence database. The seqPro structure is designed to efficiently calculate candidate patterns' utilities and upper bound values. Furthermore, a new upper bound on utility, namely tighter reduced sequence utility (TRSU) and two pruning strategies in search space, are utilized to improve the mining performance of HUSP-SP. Experimental results on both synthetic and real-life datasets show that HUSP-SP can significantly outperform the state-of-the-art algorithms in terms of running time, memory usage, search space pruning efficiency, and scalability.
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Table of contents (ToC) extraction aims to extract headings of different levels in documents to better understand the outline of the contents, which can be widely used for document understanding and information retrieval. Existing works often use hand-crafted features and predefined rule-based functions to detect headings and resolve the hierarchical relationship between headings. Both the benchmark and research based on deep learning are still limited. Accordingly, in this paper, we first introduce a standard dataset, HierDoc, including image samples from 650 documents of scientific papers with their content labels. Then we propose a novel end-to-end model by using the multimodal tree decoder (MTD) for ToC as a benchmark for HierDoc. The MTD model is mainly composed of three parts, namely encoder, classifier, and decoder. The encoder fuses the multimodality features of vision, text, and layout information for each entity of the document. Then the classifier recognizes and selects the heading entities. Next, to parse the hierarchical relationship between the heading entities, a tree-structured decoder is designed. To evaluate the performance, both the metric of tree-edit-distance similarity (TEDS) and F1-Measure are adopted. Finally, our MTD approach achieves an average TEDS of 87.2% and an average F1-Measure of 88.1% on the test set of HierDoc. The code and dataset will be released at: https://github.com/Pengfei-Hu/MTD.
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Mixed-precision quantization has been widely applied on deep neural networks (DNNs) as it leads to significantly better efficiency-accuracy tradeoffs compared to uniform quantization. Meanwhile, determining the exact precision of each layer remains challenging. Previous attempts on bit-level regularization and pruning-based dynamic precision adjustment during training suffer from noisy gradients and unstable convergence. In this work, we propose Continuous Sparsification Quantization (CSQ), a bit-level training method to search for mixed-precision quantization schemes with improved stability. CSQ stabilizes the bit-level mixed-precision training process with a bi-level gradual continuous sparsification on both the bit values of the quantized weights and the bit selection in determining the quantization precision of each layer. The continuous sparsification scheme enables fully-differentiable training without gradient approximation while achieving an exact quantized model in the end.A budget-aware regularization of total model size enables the dynamic growth and pruning of each layer's precision towards a mixed-precision quantization scheme of the desired size. Extensive experiments show CSQ achieves better efficiency-accuracy tradeoff than previous methods on multiple models and datasets.
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Dunhuang murals are a collection of Chinese style and national style, forming a self-contained Chinese-style Buddhist art. It has very high historical and cultural value and research significance. Among them, the lines of Dunhuang murals are highly general and expressive. It reflects the character's distinctive character and complex inner emotions. Therefore, the outline drawing of murals is of great significance to the research of Dunhuang Culture. The contour generation of Dunhuang murals belongs to image edge detection, which is an important branch of computer vision, aims to extract salient contour information in images. Although convolution-based deep learning networks have achieved good results in image edge extraction by exploring the contextual and semantic features of images. However, with the enlargement of the receptive field, some local detail information is lost. This makes it impossible for them to generate reasonable outline drawings of murals. In this paper, we propose a novel edge detector based on self-attention combined with convolution to generate line drawings of Dunhuang murals. Compared with existing edge detection methods, firstly, a new residual self-attention and convolution mixed module (Ramix) is proposed to fuse local and global features in feature maps. Secondly, a novel densely connected backbone extraction network is designed to efficiently propagate rich edge feature information from shallow layers into deep layers. Compared with existing methods, it is shown on different public datasets that our method is able to generate sharper and richer edge maps. In addition, testing on the Dunhuang mural dataset shows that our method can achieve very competitive performance.
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Recently, Bird's-Eye-View (BEV) representation has gained increasing attention in multi-view 3D object detection, which has demonstrated promising applications in autonomous driving. Although multi-view camera systems can be deployed at low cost, the lack of depth information makes current approaches adopt large models for good performance. Therefore, it is essential to improve the efficiency of BEV 3D object detection. Knowledge Distillation (KD) is one of the most practical techniques to train efficient yet accurate models. However, BEV KD is still under-explored to the best of our knowledge. Different from image classification tasks, BEV 3D object detection approaches are more complicated and consist of several components. In this paper, we propose a unified framework named BEV-LGKD to transfer the knowledge in the teacher-student manner. However, directly applying the teacher-student paradigm to BEV features fails to achieve satisfying results due to heavy background information in RGB cameras. To solve this problem, we propose to leverage the localization advantage of LiDAR points. Specifically, we transform the LiDAR points to BEV space and generate the foreground mask and view-dependent mask for the teacher-student paradigm. It is to be noted that our method only uses LiDAR points to guide the KD between RGB models. As the quality of depth estimation is crucial for BEV perception, we further introduce depth distillation to our framework. Our unified framework is simple yet effective and achieves a significant performance boost. Code will be released.
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Scene understanding is an essential and challenging task in computer vision. To provide the visually fundamental graphical structure of an image, the scene graph has received increased attention due to its powerful semantic representation. However, it is difficult to draw a proper scene graph for image retrieval, image generation, and multi-modal applications. The conventional scene graph annotation interface is not easy to use in image annotations, and the automatic scene graph generation approaches using deep neural networks are prone to generate redundant content while disregarding details. In this work, we propose SGDraw, a scene graph drawing interface using object-oriented scene graph representation to help users draw and edit scene graphs interactively. For the proposed object-oriented representation, we consider the objects, attributes, and relationships of objects as a structural unit. SGDraw provides a web-based scene graph annotation and generation tool for scene understanding applications. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed interface, we conducted a comparison study with the conventional tool and the user experience study. The results show that SGDraw can help generate scene graphs with richer details and describe the images more accurately than traditional bounding box annotations. We believe the proposed SGDraw can be useful in various vision tasks, such as image retrieval and generation.
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The complicated architecture and high training cost of vision transformers urge the exploration of post-training quantization. However, the heavy-tailed distribution of vision transformer activations hinders the effectiveness of previous post-training quantization methods, even with advanced quantizer designs. Instead of tuning the quantizer to better fit the complicated activation distribution, this paper proposes NoisyQuant, a quantizer-agnostic enhancement for the post-training activation quantization performance of vision transformers. We make a surprising theoretical discovery that for a given quantizer, adding a fixed Uniform noisy bias to the values being quantized can significantly reduce the quantization error under provable conditions. Building on the theoretical insight, NoisyQuant achieves the first success on actively altering the heavy-tailed activation distribution with additive noisy bias to fit a given quantizer. Extensive experiments show NoisyQuant largely improves the post-training quantization performance of vision transformer with minimal computation overhead. For instance, on linear uniform 6-bit activation quantization, NoisyQuant improves SOTA top-1 accuracy on ImageNet by up to 1.7%, 1.1% and 0.5% for ViT, DeiT, and Swin Transformer respectively, achieving on-par or even higher performance than previous nonlinear, mixed-precision quantization.
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The electrification of shared mobility has become popular across the globe. Many cities have their new shared e-mobility systems deployed, with continuously expanding coverage from central areas to the city edges. A key challenge in the operation of these systems is fleet rebalancing, i.e., how EVs should be repositioned to better satisfy future demand. This is particularly challenging in the context of expanding systems, because i) the range of the EVs is limited while charging time is typically long, which constrain the viable rebalancing operations; and ii) the EV stations in the system are dynamically changing, i.e., the legitimate targets for rebalancing operations can vary over time. We tackle these challenges by first investigating rich sets of data collected from a real-world shared e-mobility system for one year, analyzing the operation model, usage patterns and expansion dynamics of this new mobility mode. With the learned knowledge we design a high-fidelity simulator, which is able to abstract key operation details of EV sharing at fine granularity. Then we model the rebalancing task for shared e-mobility systems under continuous expansion as a Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) problem, which directly takes the range and charging properties of the EVs into account. We further propose a novel policy optimization approach with action cascading, which is able to cope with the expansion dynamics and solve the formulated MARL. We evaluate the proposed approach extensively, and experimental results show that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art, offering significant performance gain in both satisfied demand and net revenue.
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Video super-resolution is one of the most popular tasks on mobile devices, being widely used for an automatic improvement of low-bitrate and low-resolution video streams. While numerous solutions have been proposed for this problem, they are usually quite computationally demanding, demonstrating low FPS rates and power efficiency on mobile devices. In this Mobile AI challenge, we address this problem and propose the participants to design an end-to-end real-time video super-resolution solution for mobile NPUs optimized for low energy consumption. The participants were provided with the REDS training dataset containing video sequences for a 4X video upscaling task. The runtime and power efficiency of all models was evaluated on the powerful MediaTek Dimensity 9000 platform with a dedicated AI processing unit capable of accelerating floating-point and quantized neural networks. All proposed solutions are fully compatible with the above NPU, demonstrating an up to 500 FPS rate and 0.2 [Watt / 30 FPS] power consumption. A detailed description of all models developed in the challenge is provided in this paper.
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The recent prevalence of pretrained language models (PLMs) has dramatically shifted the paradigm of semantic parsing, where the mapping from natural language utterances to structured logical forms is now formulated as a Seq2Seq task. Despite the promising performance, previous PLM-based approaches often suffer from hallucination problems due to their negligence of the structural information contained in the sentence, which essentially constitutes the key semantics of the logical forms. Furthermore, most works treat PLM as a black box in which the generation process of the target logical form is hidden beneath the decoder modules, which greatly hinders the model's intrinsic interpretability. To address these two issues, we propose to incorporate the current PLMs with a hierarchical decoder network. By taking the first-principle structures as the semantic anchors, we propose two novel intermediate supervision tasks, namely Semantic Anchor Extraction and Semantic Anchor Alignment, for training the hierarchical decoders and probing the model intermediate representations in a self-adaptive manner alongside the fine-tuning process. We conduct intensive experiments on several semantic parsing benchmarks and demonstrate that our approach can consistently outperform the baselines. More importantly, by analyzing the intermediate representations of the hierarchical decoders, our approach also makes a huge step toward the intrinsic interpretability of PLMs in the domain of semantic parsing.
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