Since the mid-10s, the era of Deep Learning (DL) has continued to this day, bringing forth new superlatives and innovations each year. Nevertheless, the speed with which these innovations translate into real applications lags behind this fast pace. Safety-critical applications, in particular, underlie strict regulatory and ethical requirements which need to be taken care of and are still active areas of debate. eXplainable AI (XAI) and privacy-preserving machine learning (PPML) are both crucial research fields, aiming at mitigating some of the drawbacks of prevailing data-hungry black-box models in DL. Despite brisk research activity in the respective fields, no attention has yet been paid to their interaction. This work is the first to investigate the impact of private learning techniques on generated explanations for DL-based models. In an extensive experimental analysis covering various image and time series datasets from multiple domains, as well as varying privacy techniques, XAI methods, and model architectures, the effects of private training on generated explanations are studied. The findings suggest non-negligible changes in explanations through the introduction of privacy. Apart from reporting individual effects of PPML on XAI, the paper gives clear recommendations for the choice of techniques in real applications. By unveiling the interdependencies of these pivotal technologies, this work is a first step towards overcoming the remaining hurdles for practically applicable AI in safety-critical domains.
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In intensively managed forests in Europe, where forests are divided into stands of small size and may show heterogeneity within stands, a high spatial resolution (10 - 20 meters) is arguably needed to capture the differences in canopy height. In this work, we developed a deep learning model based on multi-stream remote sensing measurements to create a high-resolution canopy height map over the "Landes de Gascogne" forest in France, a large maritime pine plantation of 13,000 km$^2$ with flat terrain and intensive management. This area is characterized by even-aged and mono-specific stands, of a typical length of a few hundred meters, harvested every 35 to 50 years. Our deep learning U-Net model uses multi-band images from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 with composite time averages as input to predict tree height derived from GEDI waveforms. The evaluation is performed with external validation data from forest inventory plots and a stereo 3D reconstruction model based on Skysat imagery available at specific locations. We trained seven different U-net models based on a combination of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 bands to evaluate the importance of each instrument in the dominant height retrieval. The model outputs allow us to generate a 10 m resolution canopy height map of the whole "Landes de Gascogne" forest area for 2020 with a mean absolute error of 2.02 m on the Test dataset. The best predictions were obtained using all available satellite layers from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 but using only one satellite source also provided good predictions. For all validation datasets in coniferous forests, our model showed better metrics than previous canopy height models available in the same region.
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Event-based simulations of Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) are fast and accurate. However, they are rarely used in the context of event-based gradient descent because their implementations on GPUs are difficult. Discretization with the forward Euler method is instead often used with gradient descent techniques but has the disadvantage of being computationally expensive. Moreover, the lack of precision of discretized simulations can create mismatches between the simulated models and analog neuromorphic hardware. In this work, we propose a new exact error-backpropagation through spikes method for SNNs, extending Fast \& Deep to multiple spikes per neuron. We show that our method can be efficiently implemented on GPUs in a fully event-based manner, making it fast to compute and precise enough for analog neuromorphic hardware. Compared to the original Fast \& Deep and the current state-of-the-art event-based gradient-descent algorithms, we demonstrate increased performance on several benchmark datasets with both feedforward and convolutional SNNs. In particular, we show that multi-spike SNNs can have advantages over single-spike networks in terms of convergence, sparsity, classification latency and sensitivity to the dead neuron problem.
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The error Backpropagation algorithm (BP) is a key method for training deep neural networks. While performant, it is also resource-demanding in terms of computation, memory usage and energy. This makes it unsuitable for online learning on edge devices that require a high processing rate and low energy consumption. More importantly, BP does not take advantage of the parallelism and local characteristics offered by dedicated neural processors. There is therefore a demand for alternative algorithms to BP that could improve the latency, memory requirements, and energy footprint of neural networks on hardware. In this work, we propose a novel method based on Direct Feedback Alignment (DFA) which uses Forward-Mode Automatic Differentiation to estimate backpropagation paths and learn feedback connections in an online manner. We experimentally show that Directional DFA achieves performances that are closer to BP than other feedback methods on several benchmark datasets and architectures while benefiting from the locality and parallelization characteristics of DFA. Moreover, we show that, unlike other feedback learning algorithms, our method provides stable learning for convolution layers.
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The transition angles are defined to describe the vowel-to-vowel transitions in the acoustic space of the Spectral Subband Centroids, and the findings show that they are similar among speakers and speaking rates. In this paper, we propose to investigate the usage of polar coordinates in favor of angles to describe a speech signal by characterizing its acoustic trajectory and using them in Automatic Speech Recognition. According to the experimental results evaluated on the BRAF100 dataset, the polar coordinates achieved significantly higher accuracy than the angles in the mixed and cross-gender speech recognitions, demonstrating that these representations are superior at defining the acoustic trajectory of the speech signal. Furthermore, the accuracy was significantly improved when they were utilized with their first and second-order derivatives ($\Delta$, $\Delta$$\Delta$), especially in cross-female recognition. However, the results showed they were not much more gender-independent than the conventional Mel-frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs).
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This technical report presents GPS++, the first-place solution to the Open Graph Benchmark Large-Scale Challenge (OGB-LSC 2022) for the PCQM4Mv2 molecular property prediction task. Our approach implements several key principles from the prior literature. At its core our GPS++ method is a hybrid MPNN/Transformer model that incorporates 3D atom positions and an auxiliary denoising task. The effectiveness of GPS++ is demonstrated by achieving 0.0719 mean absolute error on the independent test-challenge PCQM4Mv2 split. Thanks to Graphcore IPU acceleration, GPS++ scales to deep architectures (16 layers), training at 3 minutes per epoch, and large ensemble (112 models), completing the final predictions in 1 hour 32 minutes, well under the 4 hour inference budget allocated. Our implementation is publicly available at:
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Previous virtual try-on methods usually focus on aligning a clothing item with a person, limiting their ability to exploit the complex pose, shape and skin color of the person, as well as the overall structure of the clothing, which is vital to photo-realistic virtual try-on. To address this potential weakness, we propose a fill in fabrics (FIFA) model, a self-supervised conditional generative adversarial network based framework comprised of a Fabricator and a unified virtual try-on pipeline with a Segmenter, Warper and Fuser. The Fabricator aims to reconstruct the clothing image when provided with a masked clothing as input, and learns the overall structure of the clothing by filling in fabrics. A virtual try-on pipeline is then trained by transferring the learned representations from the Fabricator to Warper in an effort to warp and refine the target clothing. We also propose to use a multi-scale structural constraint to enforce global context at multiple scales while warping the target clothing to better fit the pose and shape of the person. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our FIFA model achieves state-of-the-art results on the standard VITON dataset for virtual try-on of clothing items, and is shown to be effective at handling complex poses and retaining the texture and embroidery of the clothing.
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在科学计算的许多领域越来越流行的人工神经网络(ANN)的大量使用迅速增加了现代高性能计算系统的能源消耗。新型的神经形态范式提供了一种吸引人的替代方案,它直接在硬件中实施了ANN。但是,对于科学计算中用例使用ANN在神经形态硬件上运行ANN的实际好处知之甚少。在这里,我们提出了一种方法,用于测量使用常规硬件的ANN来计算推理任务的时间。此外,我们为这些任务设计了一个体系结构,并根据最先进的模拟内存计算(AIMC)平台估算了相同的指标,这是神经形态计算中的关键范例之一。在二维凝结物质系统中的量子多体物理学中的用例比较两种方法,并在粒子物理学中大型强子对撞机上以40 MHz的速率以40 MHz的速率进行异常检测。我们发现,与传统硬件相比,AIMC最多可以达到一个较短的计算时间,最高三个数量级的能源成本。这表明使用神经形态硬件进行更快,更可持续的科学计算的潜力。
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仇恨语音检测的最先进方法通常在室外设置中表现出较差的性能。通常,这是由于分类器过度强调特定于源的信息,从而对其域的不变性产生负面影响。先前的工作试图使用功能归因方法从手动策划的列表中惩罚与仇恨语音有关的条款,该方法量化了分类器在做出预测时分配给输入术语的重要性。取而代之的是,我们提出了一种域适应方法,该方法会使用域分类器自动提取和惩罚特定于源的术语,该域分类器学会区分域和仇恨语音类别的功能 - 属性分数,从而在交叉域评估中始终如一地改进。
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