视频和文本之间的跨模式检索因网络上的视频迅速出现而越来越多。通常,视频包含丰富的实例和事件信息,查询文本仅描述了信息的一部分。因此,视频可以对应于多个不同的文本说明和查询。我们将此现象称为``视频文本对应歧义''问题。当前技术主要集中于挖掘视频和文本内容之间的本地或多级对齐(\ textit {e.g。},对实体和动词的动作对象)。这些方法很难通过仅使用一个单个功能来描述视频来减轻视频文本的歧义,这需要同时与多个不同的文本功能匹配。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一个文本自适应多个视觉原型匹配模型,该模型会自动捕获多个原型,以通过自适应聚合视频令牌功能来描述视频。给定查询文本,相似性由最相似的原型确定,以在视频中找到对应关系,该视频称为文本自适应匹配。为了学习代表视频中丰富信息的多种原型,我们提出了差异损失,以鼓励不同的原型参与视频的不同内容。我们的方法在四个公共视频检索数据集上优于最先进的方法。
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Future work sentences (FWS) are the particular sentences in academic papers that contain the author's description of their proposed follow-up research direction. This paper presents methods to automatically extract FWS from academic papers and classify them according to the different future directions embodied in the paper's content. FWS recognition methods will enable subsequent researchers to locate future work sentences more accurately and quickly and reduce the time and cost of acquiring the corpus. The current work on automatic identification of future work sentences is relatively small, and the existing research cannot accurately identify FWS from academic papers, and thus cannot conduct data mining on a large scale. Furthermore, there are many aspects to the content of future work, and the subdivision of the content is conducive to the analysis of specific development directions. In this paper, Nature Language Processing (NLP) is used as a case study, and FWS are extracted from academic papers and classified into different types. We manually build an annotated corpus with six different types of FWS. Then, automatic recognition and classification of FWS are implemented using machine learning models, and the performance of these models is compared based on the evaluation metrics. The results show that the Bernoulli Bayesian model has the best performance in the automatic recognition task, with the Macro F1 reaching 90.73%, and the SCIBERT model has the best performance in the automatic classification task, with the weighted average F1 reaching 72.63%. Finally, we extract keywords from FWS and gain a deep understanding of the key content described in FWS, and we also demonstrate that content determination in FWS will be reflected in the subsequent research work by measuring the similarity between future work sentences and the abstracts.
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Pretrained large-scale vision-language models like CLIP have exhibited strong generalization over unseen tasks. Yet imperceptible adversarial perturbations can significantly reduce CLIP's performance on new tasks. In this work, we identify and explore the problem of \emph{adapting large-scale models for zero-shot adversarial robustness}. We first identify two key factors during model adaption -- training losses and adaptation methods -- that affect the model's zero-shot adversarial robustness. We then propose a text-guided contrastive adversarial training loss, which aligns the text embeddings and the adversarial visual features with contrastive learning on a small set of training data. We apply this training loss to two adaption methods, model finetuning and visual prompt tuning. We find that visual prompt tuning is more effective in the absence of texts, while finetuning wins in the existence of text guidance. Overall, our approach significantly improves the zero-shot adversarial robustness over CLIP, seeing an average improvement of over 31 points over ImageNet and 15 zero-shot datasets. We hope this work can shed light on understanding the zero-shot adversarial robustness of large-scale models.
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Many visual recognition models are evaluated only on their classification accuracy, a metric for which they obtain strong performance. In this paper, we investigate whether computer vision models can also provide correct rationales for their predictions. We propose a ``doubly right'' object recognition benchmark, where the metric requires the model to simultaneously produce both the right labels as well as the right rationales. We find that state-of-the-art visual models, such as CLIP, often provide incorrect rationales for their categorical predictions. However, by transferring the rationales from language models into visual representations through a tailored dataset, we show that we can learn a ``why prompt,'' which adapts large visual representations to produce correct rationales. Visualizations and empirical experiments show that our prompts significantly improve performance on doubly right object recognition, in addition to zero-shot transfer to unseen tasks and datasets.
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Deep networks for computer vision are not reliable when they encounter adversarial examples. In this paper, we introduce a framework that uses the dense intrinsic constraints in natural images to robustify inference. By introducing constraints at inference time, we can shift the burden of robustness from training to the inference algorithm, thereby allowing the model to adjust dynamically to each individual image's unique and potentially novel characteristics at inference time. Among different constraints, we find that equivariance-based constraints are most effective, because they allow dense constraints in the feature space without overly constraining the representation at a fine-grained level. Our theoretical results validate the importance of having such dense constraints at inference time. Our empirical experiments show that restoring feature equivariance at inference time defends against worst-case adversarial perturbations. The method obtains improved adversarial robustness on four datasets (ImageNet, Cityscapes, PASCAL VOC, and MS-COCO) on image recognition, semantic segmentation, and instance segmentation tasks. Project page is available at equi4robust.cs.columbia.edu.
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[目的]更好地了解在线评论,并帮助潜在的消费者,商人和产品制造商有效地获得用户对产品方面的评估,本文从在线评论的时间角度来探讨了用户关注和对产品方面的情感分布规律性。 [设计/方法/方法]在线评论的时间特征(购买时间和审核时间之间的购买时间,审核时间和时间间隔),类似的属性聚类以及属性级别的情感计算技术是基于340k智能手机评论来使用的在JD.com(中国著名的在线购物平台)的三种产品中,探讨了本文中用户对产品方面的关注和情感的分布规律。 [调查结果]经验结果表明,幂律分布可以符合用户对产品方面的关注,并且在短时间间隔发布的评论包含更多产品方面。此外,结果表明,在短时间间隔内,产品方面的用户情感值显着更高/较低,这有助于判断产品的优势和弱点。 [研究局限性]本文无法获得更多具有时间特征的产品的在线评论,以验证发现,因为对购物平台的评论的限制限制了。 [原创性/价值]这项工作揭示了用户对产品方面的关注和情感的分布规律,这在协助决策,优化审查演示和改善购物体验方面具有重要意义。
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[目的]要理解句子的含义,人类可以专注于句子中的重要单词,这反映了我们的眼睛在不同的凝视时间或时间保持在每个单词上。因此,一些研究利用眼睛跟踪值来优化深度学习模型中的注意力机制。但是这些研究缺乏解释这种方法的合理性。需要探索注意力机制是否具有人类阅读的这一特征。 [设计/方法/方法]我们进行了有关情感分类任务的实验。首先,我们从两个开源的眼睛追踪语料库中获得了令人眼前一亮的值,以描述人类阅读的特征。然后,从情感分类模型中学到了每个句子的机器注意值。最后,进行了比较以分析机器注意值和眼睛跟踪值。 [发现]通过实验,我们发现注意机制可以集中在重要词,例如形容词,副词和情感词,这些单词对于判断情感分类任务的句子情感很有价值。它具有人类阅读的特征,重点是阅读时的句子中的重要单词。由于注意力机制的学习不足,有些单词被错误地集中了。眼睛跟踪值可以帮助注意机制纠正此错误并改善模型性能。 [原创性/价值]我们的研究不仅为使用眼睛追踪值的研究提供了合理的解释来优化注意力机制,而且还为注意力机制的解释性提供了新的灵感。
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