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State-of-the-art brain tumor segmentation is based on deep learning models applied to multi-modal MRIs. Currently, these models are trained on images after a preprocessing stage that involves registration, interpolation, brain extraction (BE, also known as skull-stripping) and manual correction by an expert. However, for clinical practice, this last step is tedious and time-consuming and, therefore, not always feasible, resulting in skull-stripping faults that can negatively impact the tumor segmentation quality. Still, the extent of this impact has never been measured for any of the many different BE methods available. In this work, we propose an automatic brain tumor segmentation pipeline and evaluate its performance with multiple BE methods. Our experiments show that the choice of a BE method can compromise up to 15.7% of the tumor segmentation performance. Moreover, we propose training and testing tumor segmentation models on non-skull-stripped images, effectively discarding the BE step from the pipeline. Our results show that this approach leads to a competitive performance at a fraction of the time. We conclude that, in contrast to the current paradigm, training tumor segmentation models on non-skull-stripped images can be the best option when high performance in clinical practice is desired.
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小行星主带通过平均动力和世俗共振的网络越过,这在小行星和行星的基本频率之间具有相当性时发生。传统上,这些对象是通过视觉检查其共鸣论点的时间演变来识别的,它们是小行星和扰动星球的轨道元素的结合。由于在某些情况下,受这些共振影响的小行星人口是数千个的顺序,因此对于人类观察者来说,这已成为一项纳税任务。最近的作品使用卷积神经网络(CNN)模型自动执行此类任务。在这项工作中,我们将此类模型的结果与一些最先进和可公开的CNN体​​系结构(如VGG,Inception和Resnet)进行了比较。首先使用验证集和一系列正规化技术(例如数据扩展,辍学和批处理标准)进行测试和优化此类模型的性能。然后使用三个最佳模型来预测包含数千张图像的较大测试数据库的标签。事实证明,有和没有正规化的VGG模型是预测大型数据集标签的最有效方法。由于Vera C. Rubin天文台在未来几年内可能会发现多达四百万个新的小行星,因此这些模型的使用可能会非常有价值,以识别共鸣的次要人群。
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