GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) is a large-scale autoregressive language model developed by OpenAI, which has demonstrated impressive few-shot performance on a wide range of natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Hence, an intuitive application is to use it for data annotation. In this paper, we investigate whether GPT-3 can be used as a good data annotator for NLP tasks. Data annotation is the process of labeling data that could be used to train machine learning models. It is a crucial step in the development of NLP systems, as it allows the model to learn the relationship between the input data and the desired output. Given the impressive language capabilities of GPT-3, it is natural to wonder whether it can be used to effectively annotate data for NLP tasks. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of GPT-3 as a data annotator by comparing it with traditional data annotation methods and analyzing its output on a range of tasks. Through this analysis, we aim to provide insight into the potential of GPT-3 as a general-purpose data annotator in NLP.
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Stance detection models may tend to rely on dataset bias in the text part as a shortcut and thus fail to sufficiently learn the interaction between the targets and texts. Recent debiasing methods usually treated features learned by small models or big models at earlier steps as bias features and proposed to exclude the branch learning those bias features during inference. However, most of these methods fail to disentangle the ``good'' stance features and ``bad'' bias features in the text part. In this paper, we investigate how to mitigate dataset bias in stance detection. Motivated by causal effects, we leverage a novel counterfactual inference framework, which enables us to capture the dataset bias in the text part as the direct causal effect of the text on stances and reduce the dataset bias in the text part by subtracting the direct text effect from the total causal effect. We novelly model bias features as features that correlate with the stance labels but fail on intermediate stance reasoning subtasks and propose an adversarial bias learning module to model the bias more accurately. To verify whether our model could better model the interaction between texts and targets, we test our model on recently proposed test sets to evaluate the understanding of the task from various aspects. Experiments demonstrate that our proposed method (1) could better model the bias features, and (2) outperforms existing debiasing baselines on both the original dataset and most of the newly constructed test sets.
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Causal chain reasoning (CCR) is an essential ability for many decision-making AI systems, which requires the model to build reliable causal chains by connecting causal pairs. However, CCR suffers from two main transitive problems: threshold effect and scene drift. In other words, the causal pairs to be spliced may have a conflicting threshold boundary or scenario. To address these issues, we propose a novel Reliable Causal chain reasoning framework~(ReCo), which introduces exogenous variables to represent the threshold and scene factors of each causal pair within the causal chain, and estimates the threshold and scene contradictions across exogenous variables via structural causal recurrent neural networks~(SRNN). Experiments show that ReCo outperforms a series of strong baselines on both Chinese and English CCR datasets. Moreover, by injecting reliable causal chain knowledge distilled by ReCo, BERT can achieve better performances on four downstream causal-related tasks than BERT models enhanced by other kinds of knowledge.
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Previous work on controllable text generation has explored the idea of control from the latent space, such as optimizing a representation with attribute-related classifiers or sampling a representation from relevant discrete samples. However, they are not effective enough in modeling both the latent space and the control, leaving controlled text with low quality and diversity. In this work, we propose a novel control framework using probability density estimation in the latent space. Our method utilizes an invertible transformation function, the Normalizing Flow, that maps the complex distributions in the latent space to simple Gaussian distributions in the prior space. Thus, we can perform sophisticated and flexible control in the prior space and feed the control effects back into the latent space owing to the one-one-mapping property of invertible transformations. Experiments on single-attribute controls and multi-attribute control reveal that our method outperforms several strong baselines on attribute relevance and text quality and achieves the SOTA. Further analysis of control strength adjustment demonstrates the flexibility of our control strategy.
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Causal Emotion Entailment aims to identify causal utterances that are responsible for the target utterance with a non-neutral emotion in conversations. Previous works are limited in thorough understanding of the conversational context and accurate reasoning of the emotion cause. To this end, we propose Knowledge-Bridged Causal Interaction Network (KBCIN) with commonsense knowledge (CSK) leveraged as three bridges. Specifically, we construct a conversational graph for each conversation and leverage the event-centered CSK as the semantics-level bridge (S-bridge) to capture the deep inter-utterance dependencies in the conversational context via the CSK-Enhanced Graph Attention module. Moreover, social-interaction CSK serves as emotion-level bridge (E-bridge) and action-level bridge (A-bridge) to connect candidate utterances with the target one, which provides explicit causal clues for the Emotional Interaction module and Actional Interaction module to reason the target emotion. Experimental results show that our model achieves better performance over most baseline models. Our source code is publicly available at
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This paper presents BigCilin, the first Chinese open-domain knowledge graph with fine-grained hypernym-hyponym re-lations which are extracted automatically from multiple sources for Chinese named entities. With the fine-grained hypernym-hyponym relations, BigCilin owns flexible semantic hierarchical structure. Since the hypernym-hyponym paths are automati-cally generated and one entity may have several senses, we provide a path disambi-guation solution to map a hypernym-hyponym path of one entity to its one sense on the condition that the path and the sense express the same meaning. In order to conveniently access our BigCilin Knowle-dge graph, we provide web interface in two ways. One is that it supports querying any Chinese named entity and browsing the extracted hypernym-hyponym paths surro-unding the query entity. The other is that it gives a top-down browsing view to illust-rate the overall hierarchical structure of our BigCilin knowledge graph over some sam-pled entities.
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关于多模式情绪识别的最新作品转向端到端模型,该模型可以提取与两阶段管道相比,目标任务监督的特定任务特征。但是,以前的方法仅模拟文本和声学和视觉方式之间的特征相互作用,而忽略了捕获声学和视觉方式之间的特征相互作用。在本文中,我们提出了多模式的端到端变压器(ME2ET),该变压器可以有效地对低级和高级水平的文本,声学和视觉方式之间的三模式特征进行建模。在低水平,我们提出了进行性三模式的注意,可以通过采用两次通行策略来对三模式特征相互作用进行建模,并可以进一步利用这种相互作用,以通过降低输入令牌来显着降低计算和记忆复杂性长度。在高水平上,我们引入了三模式特征融合层,以明确汇总三种模式的语义表示。 CMU-MOSEI和IEMOCAP数据集的实验结果表明,ME2ET实现了最新性能。进一步的深入分析证明了拟议的渐进三模式关注的有效性,效率和解释性,这可以帮助我们的模型实现更好的性能,同时显着降低计算和记忆成本。我们的代码将公开可用。
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由于方面级别的情感标签是昂贵且富有劳动力的,因此提出了零击方面的情感分类,以学习适用于新域的分类器,而无需使用任何带注释的方面级别数据。相比之下,更容易访问具有评分的文档级别的情感数据。在这项工作中,我们仅使用文档级评论来实现零击方面的情感分类。我们的关键直觉是,文档的情感表示由该文档的所有方面的情感表示组成。基于此,我们提出了AF-DSC方法,以在评论中明确建模此类情感组成。 AF-DSC首先学习所有潜在方面的情感表示形式,然后将方面级别的情感汇总到文档级的情感上,以执行文档级别的情感分类。通过这种方式,我们将其作为文档级别分类器的副产品获得方面级别的分类器。方面情感分类基准的实验结果证明了在文档级别分类中明确利用情感组成的有效性。我们的模型只有30k培训数据的表现优于先前的工作,利用数百万个数据。
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