We present Visuelle 2.0, the first dataset useful for facing diverse prediction problems that a fast-fashion company has to manage routinely. Furthermore, we demonstrate how the use of computer vision is substantial in this scenario. Visuelle 2.0 contains data for 6 seasons / 5355 clothing products of Nuna Lie, a famous Italian company with hundreds of shops located in different areas within the country. In particular, we focus on a specific prediction problem, namely short-observation new product sale forecasting (SO-fore). SO-fore assumes that the season has started and a set of new products is on the shelves of the different stores. The goal is to forecast the sales for a particular horizon, given a short, available past (few weeks), since no earlier statistics are available. To be successful, SO-fore approaches should capture this short past and exploit other modalities or exogenous data. To these aims, Visuelle 2.0 is equipped with disaggregated data at the item-shop level and multi-modal information for each clothing item, allowing computer vision approaches to come into play. The main message that we deliver is that the use of image data with deep networks boosts performances obtained when using the time series in long-term forecasting scenarios, ameliorating the WAPE and MAE by up to 5.48% and 7% respectively compared to competitive baseline methods. The dataset is available at https://humaticslab.github.io/forecasting/visuelle
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在许多数值模拟中,随机梯度下降(SGD)型优化方法在深度神经网络(DNN)的训练中非常有效地执行,但直到这一天,它仍然是研究的开放问题,以提供一个严格解释SGD成功的数学融合分析键入DNN训练中的优化方法。在这项工作中,我们研究了通过整流线性单元(Relu)激活的完全连接的前馈DNN训练中的SGD型优化方法。我们首先为风险函数建立一般规律性,并出现在此类DNN的培训中出现的广义梯度函数,并且在此后,我们调查普通的Vanilla SGD优化方法在此假设所考虑的目标功能是如此常量功能。具体而言,我们证明了假设学习速率(SGD优化方法的步骤尺寸)足够小但不是$ l ^ 1 $ -sumbable并且在假设目标函数是期望的常量函数下由于SGD步骤的数量增加到无穷大,所考虑的SGD进程的风险将这些DNN的训练收敛到零。
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