We introduce a language generation task grounded in a popular video game environment. KNUDGE (KNowledge Constrained User-NPC Dialogue GEneration) involves generating dialogue trees conditioned on an ontology captured in natural language passages providing quest and entity specifications. KNUDGE is constructed from side quest dialogues drawn directly from game data of Obsidian Entertainment's The Outer Worlds, leading to real-world complexities in generation: (1) dialogues are branching trees as opposed to linear chains of utterances; (2) utterances must remain faithful to the game lore--character personas, backstories, and entity relationships; and (3) a dialogue must accurately reveal new quest-related details to the human player. We report results for supervised and in-context learning techniques, finding there is significant room for future work on creating realistic game-quality dialogues.
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Answering complex questions often requires multi-step reasoning in order to obtain the final answer. Most research into decompositions of complex questions involves open-domain systems, which have shown success in using these decompositions for improved retrieval. In the machine reading setting, however, work to understand when decompositions are helpful is understudied. We conduct experiments on decompositions in machine reading to unify recent work in this space, using a range of models and datasets. We find that decompositions can be helpful in the few-shot case, giving several points of improvement in exact match scores. However, we also show that when models are given access to datasets with around a few hundred or more examples, decompositions are not helpful (and can actually be detrimental). Thus, our analysis implies that models can learn decompositions implicitly even with limited data.
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Recent work in open-domain question answering (ODQA) has shown that adversarial poisoning of the input contexts can cause large drops in accuracy for production systems. However, little to no work has proposed methods to defend against these attacks. To do so, we introduce a new method that uses query augmentation to search for a diverse set of retrieved passages that could answer the original question. We integrate these new passages into the model through the design of a novel confidence method, comparing the predicted answer to its appearance in the retrieved contexts (what we call Confidence from Answer Redundancy, e.g. CAR). Together these methods allow for a simple but effective way to defend against poisoning attacks and provide gains of 5-20% exact match across varying levels of data poisoning.
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Despite the superior performance brought by vision-and-language pretraining, it remains unclear whether learning with multi-modal data can help understand each individual modality. In this work, we investigate how language can help with visual representation learning from a probing perspective. Specifically, we compare vision-and-language and vision-only models by probing their visual representations on a broad range of tasks, in order to assess the quality of the learned representations in a fine-grained manner. Interestingly, our probing results suggest that vision-and-language models are better at label prediction tasks like object and attribute prediction, while vision-only models are stronger at dense prediction tasks that require more localized information. With further analysis using detailed metrics, our study suggests that language helps vision models learn better semantics, but not localization. Code is released at https://github.com/Lizw14/visual_probing.
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Visual Question Answering (VQA) models often perform poorly on out-of-distribution data and struggle on domain generalization. Due to the multi-modal nature of this task, multiple factors of variation are intertwined, making generalization difficult to analyze. This motivates us to introduce a virtual benchmark, Super-CLEVR, where different factors in VQA domain shifts can be isolated in order that their effects can be studied independently. Four factors are considered: visual complexity, question redundancy, concept distribution and concept compositionality. With controllably generated data, Super-CLEVR enables us to test VQA methods in situations where the test data differs from the training data along each of these axes. We study four existing methods, including two neural symbolic methods NSCL and NSVQA, and two non-symbolic methods FiLM and mDETR; and our proposed method, probabilistic NSVQA (P-NSVQA), which extends NSVQA with uncertainty reasoning. P-NSVQA outperforms other methods on three of the four domain shift factors. Our results suggest that disentangling reasoning and perception, combined with probabilistic uncertainty, form a strong VQA model that is more robust to domain shifts. The dataset and code are released at https://github.com/Lizw14/Super-CLEVR.
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Task-oriented semantic parsing is increasingly being used in user-facing applications, making measuring the calibration of parsing models especially important. We examine the calibration characteristics of six models across three model families on two common English semantic parsing datasets, finding that many models are reasonably well-calibrated and that there is a trade-off between calibration and performance. Based on confidence scores across three models, we propose and release new challenge splits of the two datasets we examine. We then illustrate the ways a calibrated model can be useful in balancing common trade-offs in task-oriented parsing. In a simulated annotator-in-the-loop experiment, we show that using model confidence allows us to improve the accuracy on validation programs by 9.6% (absolute) with annotator interactions on only 2.2% of tokens. Using sequence-level confidence scores, we then examine how we can optimize trade-off between a parser's usability and safety. We show that confidence-based thresholding can reduce the number of incorrect low-confidence programs executed by 76%; however, this comes at a cost to usability. We propose the DidYouMean system which balances usability and safety. We conclude by calling for calibration to be included in the evaluation of semantic parsing systems, and release a library for computing calibration metrics.
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预处理的多语言编码器可实现零拍的跨语性转移,但通常会产生不可靠的模型,这些模型在目标语言上表现出高性能差异。我们假设这种高差异是由零拍的跨语性转移解决了一个不明显的优化问题。我们表明,源语言单语言模型和源 +目标双语模型之间的任何线性交互模型都具有较低的源语言概括错误,但是当我们从单语模型移动到双语模型时,目标语言概括误差会顺利而线性地降低,这表明该模型努力仅使用源语言来识别源和目标语言的良好解决方案。此外,我们表明零击解决方案在于目标语言误差概括表面的非平板区域,从而导致较高的方差。
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