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Energy storage resources must consider both price uncertainties and their physical operating characteristics when participating in wholesale electricity markets. This is a challenging problem as electricity prices are highly volatile, and energy storage has efficiency losses, power, and energy constraints. This paper presents a novel, versatile, and transferable approach combining model-based optimization with a convolutional long short-term memory network for energy storage to respond to or bid into wholesale electricity markets. We apply transfer learning to the ConvLSTM network to quickly adapt the trained bidding model to new market environments. We test our proposed approach using historical prices from New York State, showing it achieves state-of-the-art results, achieving between 70% to near 90% profit ratio compared to perfect foresight cases, in both price response and wholesale market bidding setting with various energy storage durations. We also test a transfer learning approach by pre-training the bidding model using New York data and applying it to arbitrage in Queensland, Australia. The result shows transfer learning achieves exceptional arbitrage profitability with as little as three days of local training data, demonstrating its significant advantage over training from scratch in scenarios with very limited data availability.
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Network intrusion detection systems (NIDSs) play an important role in computer network security. There are several detection mechanisms where anomaly-based automated detection outperforms others significantly. Amid the sophistication and growing number of attacks, dealing with large amounts of data is a recognized issue in the development of anomaly-based NIDS. However, do current models meet the needs of today's networks in terms of required accuracy and dependability? In this research, we propose a new hybrid model that combines machine learning and deep learning to increase detection rates while securing dependability. Our proposed method ensures efficient pre-processing by combining SMOTE for data balancing and XGBoost for feature selection. We compared our developed method to various machine learning and deep learning algorithms to find a more efficient algorithm to implement in the pipeline. Furthermore, we chose the most effective model for network intrusion based on a set of benchmarked performance analysis criteria. Our method produces excellent results when tested on two datasets, KDDCUP'99 and CIC-MalMem-2022, with an accuracy of 99.99% and 100% for KDDCUP'99 and CIC-MalMem-2022, respectively, and no overfitting or Type-1 and Type-2 issues.
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Neural information retrieval (IR) systems have progressed rapidly in recent years, in large part due to the release of publicly available benchmarking tasks. Unfortunately, some dimensions of this progress are illusory: the majority of the popular IR benchmarks today focus exclusively on downstream task accuracy and thus conceal the costs incurred by systems that trade away efficiency for quality. Latency, hardware cost, and other efficiency considerations are paramount to the deployment of IR systems in user-facing settings. We propose that IR benchmarks structure their evaluation methodology to include not only metrics of accuracy, but also efficiency considerations such as a query latency and the corresponding cost budget for a reproducible hardware setting. For the popular IR benchmarks MS MARCO and XOR-TyDi, we show how the best choice of IR system varies according to how these efficiency considerations are chosen and weighed. We hope that future benchmarks will adopt these guidelines toward more holistic IR evaluation.
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Fine-tuning pre-trained language models (PLMs) achieves impressive performance on a range of downstream tasks, and their sizes have consequently been getting bigger. Since a different copy of the model is required for each task, this paradigm is infeasible for storage-constrained edge devices like mobile phones. In this paper, we propose SPARTAN, a parameter efficient (PE) and computationally fast architecture for edge devices that adds hierarchically organized sparse memory after each Transformer layer. SPARTAN freezes the PLM parameters and fine-tunes only its memory, thus significantly reducing storage costs by re-using the PLM backbone for different tasks. SPARTAN contains two levels of memory, with only a sparse subset of parents being chosen in the first level for each input, and children cells corresponding to those parents being used to compute an output representation. This sparsity combined with other architecture optimizations improves SPARTAN's throughput by over 90% during inference on a Raspberry Pi 4 when compared to PE baselines (adapters) while also outperforming the latter by 0.1 points on the GLUE benchmark. Further, it can be trained 34% faster in a few-shot setting, while performing within 0.9 points of adapters. Qualitative analysis shows that different parent cells in SPARTAN specialize in different topics, thus dividing responsibility efficiently.
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Data-driven modeling approaches such as jump tables are promising techniques to model populations of resistive random-access memory (ReRAM) or other emerging memory devices for hardware neural network simulations. As these tables rely on data interpolation, this work explores the open questions about their fidelity in relation to the stochastic device behavior they model. We study how various jump table device models impact the attained network performance estimates, a concept we define as modeling bias. Two methods of jump table device modeling, binning and Optuna-optimized binning, are explored using synthetic data with known distributions for benchmarking purposes, as well as experimental data obtained from TiOx ReRAM devices. Results on a multi-layer perceptron trained on MNIST show that device models based on binning can behave unpredictably particularly at low number of points in the device dataset, sometimes over-promising, sometimes under-promising target network accuracy. This paper also proposes device level metrics that indicate similar trends with the modeling bias metric at the network level. The proposed approach opens the possibility for future investigations into statistical device models with better performance, as well as experimentally verified modeling bias in different in-memory computing and neural network architectures.
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In recent years, multilingual pre-trained language models have gained prominence due to their remarkable performance on numerous downstream Natural Language Processing tasks (NLP). However, pre-training these large multilingual language models requires a lot of training data, which is not available for African Languages. Active learning is a semi-supervised learning algorithm, in which a model consistently and dynamically learns to identify the most beneficial samples to train itself on, in order to achieve better optimization and performance on downstream tasks. Furthermore, active learning effectively and practically addresses real-world data scarcity. Despite all its benefits, active learning, in the context of NLP and especially multilingual language models pretraining, has received little consideration. In this paper, we present AfroLM, a multilingual language model pretrained from scratch on 23 African languages (the largest effort to date) using our novel self-active learning framework. Pretrained on a dataset significantly (14x) smaller than existing baselines, AfroLM outperforms many multilingual pretrained language models (AfriBERTa, XLMR-base, mBERT) on various NLP downstream tasks (NER, text classification, and sentiment analysis). Additional out-of-domain sentiment analysis experiments show that \textbf{AfroLM} is able to generalize well across various domains. We release the code source, and our datasets used in our framework at https://github.com/bonaventuredossou/MLM_AL.
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可以使用超分辨率方法改善医学图像的空间分辨率。实际增强的超级分辨率生成对抗网络(Real-Esrgan)是最近用于产生较高分辨率图像的最新有效方法之一,给定较低分辨率的输入图像。在本文中,我们应用这种方法来增强2D MR图像的空间分辨率。在我们提出的方法中,我们稍微修改了从脑肿瘤分割挑战(BRATS)2018数据集中训练2D磁共振图像(MRI)的结构。通过计算SSIM(结构相似性指数量度),NRMSE(归一化根平方误),MAE(平均绝对误差)和VIF(视觉信息保真度)值,通过计算SSIM(结构相似性指数量度)进行定性和定量验证。
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