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Self-supervised image denoising techniques emerged as convenient methods that allow training denoising models without requiring ground-truth noise-free data. Existing methods usually optimize loss metrics that are calculated from multiple noisy realizations of similar images, e.g., from neighboring tomographic slices. However, those approaches fail to utilize the multiple contrasts that are routinely acquired in medical imaging modalities like MRI or dual-energy CT. In this work, we propose the new self-supervised training scheme Noise2Contrast that combines information from multiple measured image contrasts to train a denoising model. We stack denoising with domain-transfer operators to utilize the independent noise realizations of different image contrasts to derive a self-supervised loss. The trained denoising operator achieves convincing quantitative and qualitative results, outperforming state-of-the-art self-supervised methods by 4.7-11.0%/4.8-7.3% (PSNR/SSIM) on brain MRI data and by 43.6-50.5%/57.1-77.1% (PSNR/SSIM) on dual-energy CT X-ray microscopy data with respect to the noisy baseline. Our experiments on different real measured data sets indicate that Noise2Contrast training generalizes to other multi-contrast imaging modalities.
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Incorporating computed tomography (CT) reconstruction operators into differentiable pipelines has proven beneficial in many applications. Such approaches usually focus on the projection data and keep the acquisition geometry fixed. However, precise knowledge of the acquisition geometry is essential for high quality reconstruction results. In this paper, the differentiable formulation of fan-beam CT reconstruction is extended to the acquisition geometry. This allows to propagate gradient information from a loss function on the reconstructed image into the geometry parameters. As a proof-of-concept experiment, this idea is applied to rigid motion compensation. The cost function is parameterized by a trained neural network which regresses an image quality metric from the motion affected reconstruction alone. Using the proposed method, we are the first to optimize such an autofocus-inspired algorithm based on analytical gradients. The algorithm achieves a reduction in MSE by 35.5 % and an improvement in SSIM by 12.6 % over the motion affected reconstruction. Next to motion compensation, we see further use cases of our differentiable method for scanner calibration or hybrid techniques employing deep models.
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Our goal is to reconstruct tomographic images with few measurements and a low signal-to-noise ratio. In clinical imaging, this helps to improve patient comfort and reduce radiation exposure. As quantum computing advances, we propose to use an adiabatic quantum computer and associated hybrid methods to solve the reconstruction problem. Tomographic reconstruction is an ill-posed inverse problem. We test our reconstruction technique for image size, noise content, and underdetermination of the measured projection data. We then present the reconstructed binary and integer-valued images of up to 32 by 32 pixels. The demonstrated method competes with traditional reconstruction algorithms and is superior in terms of robustness to noise and reconstructions from few projections. We postulate that hybrid quantum computing will soon reach maturity for real applications in tomographic reconstruction. Finally, we point out the current limitations regarding the problem size and interpretability of the algorithm.
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The existence of metallic implants in projection images for cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) introduces undesired artifacts which degrade the quality of reconstructed images. In order to reduce metal artifacts, projection inpainting is an essential step in many metal artifact reduction algorithms. In this work, a hybrid network combining the shift window (Swin) vision transformer (ViT) and a convolutional neural network is proposed as a baseline network for the inpainting task. To incorporate metal information for the Swin ViT-based encoder, metal-conscious self-embedding and neighborhood-embedding methods are investigated. Both methods have improved the performance of the baseline network. Furthermore, by choosing appropriate window size, the model with neighborhood-embedding could achieve the lowest mean absolute error of 0.079 in metal regions and the highest peak signal-to-noise ratio of 42.346 in CBCT projections. At the end, the efficiency of metal-conscious embedding on both simulated and real cadaver CBCT data has been demonstrated, where the inpainting capability of the baseline network has been enhanced.
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Computer-aided systems in histopathology are often challenged by various sources of domain shift that impact the performance of these algorithms considerably. We investigated the potential of using self-supervised pre-training to overcome scanner-induced domain shifts for the downstream task of tumor segmentation. For this, we present the Barlow Triplets to learn scanner-invariant representations from a multi-scanner dataset with local image correspondences. We show that self-supervised pre-training successfully aligned different scanner representations, which, interestingly only results in a limited benefit for our downstream task. We thereby provide insights into the influence of scanner characteristics for downstream applications and contribute to a better understanding of why established self-supervised methods have not yet shown the same success on histopathology data as they have for natural images.
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The French National Institute of Geographical and Forest Information (IGN) has the mission to document and measure land-cover on French territory and provides referential geographical datasets, including high-resolution aerial images and topographic maps. The monitoring of land-cover plays a crucial role in land management and planning initiatives, which can have significant socio-economic and environmental impact. Together with remote sensing technologies, artificial intelligence (IA) promises to become a powerful tool in determining land-cover and its evolution. IGN is currently exploring the potential of IA in the production of high-resolution land cover maps. Notably, deep learning methods are employed to obtain a semantic segmentation of aerial images. However, territories as large as France imply heterogeneous contexts: variations in landscapes and image acquisition make it challenging to provide uniform, reliable and accurate results across all of France. The FLAIR-one dataset presented is part of the dataset currently used at IGN to establish the French national reference land cover map "Occupation du sol \`a grande \'echelle" (OCS- GE).
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Tumor segmentation in histopathology images is often complicated by its composition of different histological subtypes and class imbalance. Oversampling subtypes with low prevalence features is not a satisfactory solution since it eventually leads to overfitting. We propose to create synthetic images with semantically-conditioned deep generative networks and to combine subtype-balanced synthetic images with the original dataset to achieve better segmentation performance. We show the suitability of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and especially diffusion models to create realistic images based on subtype-conditioning for the use case of HER2-stained histopathology. Additionally, we show the capability of diffusion models to conditionally inpaint HER2 tumor areas with modified subtypes. Combining the original dataset with the same amount of diffusion-generated images increased the tumor Dice score from 0.833 to 0.854 and almost halved the variance between the HER2 subtype recalls. These results create the basis for more reliable automatic HER2 analysis with lower performance variance between individual HER2 subtypes.
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