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Facial action units (FAUs) are critical for fine-grained facial expression analysis. Although FAU detection has been actively studied using ideally high quality images, it was not thoroughly studied under heavily occluded conditions. In this paper, we propose the first occlusion-robust FAU recognition method to maintain FAU detection performance under heavy occlusions. Our novel approach takes advantage of rich information from the latent space of masked autoencoder (MAE) and transforms it into FAU features. Bypassing the occlusion reconstruction step, our model efficiently extracts FAU features of occluded faces by mining the latent space of a pretrained masked autoencoder. Both node and edge-level knowledge distillation are also employed to guide our model to find a mapping between latent space vectors and FAU features. Facial occlusion conditions, including random small patches and large blocks, are thoroughly studied. Experimental results on BP4D and DISFA datasets show that our method can achieve state-of-the-art performances under the studied facial occlusion, significantly outperforming existing baseline methods. In particular, even under heavy occlusion, the proposed method can achieve comparable performance as state-of-the-art methods under normal conditions.
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在实现最先进的性能和在实际应用中负担得起的大型模型之间,计算机视觉的差异越来越大。在本文中,我们解决了这个问题,并显着弥合了这两种模型之间的差距。在我们的实证研究中,我们不一定要提出一种新方法,而是要努力确定一个可靠的有效食谱,以使最先进的大型模型在实践中负担得起。我们证明,当正确执行时,知识蒸馏可以成为减少大型尺寸而不损害其性能的强大工具。特别是,我们发现存在某些隐式设计选择,这可能会严重影响蒸馏的有效性。我们的关键贡献是对这些设计选择的明确识别,这些选择以前在文献中尚未阐明。我们通过一项全面的实证研究备份了我们的发现,在广泛的视觉数据集上展示了令人信服的结果,尤其是获得了最先进的Imagenet Resnet-50模型,该模型可实现82.8%的Top-1准确性。 。
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