We outline our work on evaluating robots that assist older adults by engaging with them through multiple modalities that include physical interaction. Our thesis is that to increase the effectiveness of assistive robots: 1) robots need to understand and effect multimodal actions, 2) robots should not only react to the human, they need to take the initiative and lead the task when it is necessary. We start by briefly introducing our proposed framework for multimodal interaction and then describe two different experiments with the actual robots. In the first experiment, a Baxter robot helps a human find and locate an object using the Multimodal Interaction Manager (MIM) framework. In the second experiment, a NAO robot is used in the same task, however, the roles of the robot and the human are reversed. We discuss the evaluation methods that were used in these experiments, including different metrics employed to characterize the performance of the robot in each case. We conclude by providing our perspective on the challenges and opportunities for the evaluation of assistive robots for older adults in realistic settings.
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由国家科学基金会(NSF)资助的DILPORT项目http://dialport.org/涵盖了一组工具和服务,旨在满足对话研究社区的需求。在六年的时间里,已经创建了几种产品,包括Dialport Portal和DialCrowd。本文描述了这些贡献,这些贡献将在Sigdial中进行演示,包括实施,先前的研究,相应的发现以及工具将继续可为社区免费提供的位置。
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为了促进任务对话框中的零拍概括,本文建议语言模型作为数据(LAD)。LAD是创建各种准确的合成数据的范式,该数据传达了必要的结构约束,可用于训练下游神经对话模型。LAD利用GPT-3诱导语言多样性。LAD在意图预测(+15%),插槽填充(+31.4 f-1)和下一个动作预测(+11 F1)上,在零拍设置中获得了显着的性能增长。此外,互动的人类评估表明,与LAD的培训具有在人类对话中的培训竞争。LAD是开源的,并在https://github.com/shikib/lad上获得了代码和数据。
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