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Temporal modeling is key for action recognition in videos. It normally considers both short-range motions and long-range aggregations. In this paper, we propose a Temporal Excitation and Aggregation (TEA) block, including a motion excitation (ME) module and a multiple temporal aggregation (MTA) module, specifically designed to capture both short-and long-range temporal evolution. In particular, for short-range motion modeling, the ME module calculates the feature-level temporal differences from spatiotemporal features. It then utilizes the differences to excite the motion-sensitive channels of the features. The long-range temporal aggregations in previous works are typically achieved by stacking a large number of local temporal convolutions. Each convolution processes a local temporal window at a time. In contrast, the MTA module proposes to deform the local convolution to a group of subconvolutions, forming a hierarchical residual architecture. Without introducing additional parameters, the features will be processed with a series of sub-convolutions, and each frame could complete multiple temporal aggregations with neighborhoods. The final equivalent receptive field of temporal dimension is accordingly enlarged, which is capable of modeling the long-range temporal relationship over distant frames. The two components of the TEA block are complementary in temporal modeling. Finally, our approach achieves impressive results at low FLOPs on several action recognition benchmarks, such as Kinetics, Something-Something, HMDB51, and UCF101, which confirms its effectiveness and efficiency.
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在本文中,我们提出了第一个基于变压器的模型,该模型解决了以自我为中心凝视估计的具有挑战性的问题。我们观察到,全局场景上下文和本地视觉信息之间的连接对于从以自我为中心的视频帧进行凝视固定至关重要。为此,我们设计了变压器编码器将全局上下文嵌入为一个附加的视觉令牌,并进一步提出了一种新型的全球 - 本地相关(GLC)模块,以明确模拟全局令牌和每个本地令牌的相关性。我们在两个以自我为中心的视频数据集中验证了我们的模型-EGTEA凝视+和EGO4D。我们的详细消融研究证明了我们方法的好处。此外,我们的方法超过了先前的最新空间。我们还提供了其他可视化,以支持我们的主张,即全球 - 本地相关性是预测以自我为中心视频的凝视固定的关键表示。更多详细信息可以在我们的网站(https://bolinlai.github.io/glc-egogazeest)中找到。
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We propose a simple, yet effective approach for spatiotemporal feature learning using deep 3-dimensional convolutional networks (3D ConvNets) trained on a large scale supervised video dataset. Our findings are three-fold: 1) 3D ConvNets are more suitable for spatiotemporal feature learning compared to 2D ConvNets; 2) A homogeneous architecture with small 3 × 3 × 3 convolution kernels in all layers is among the best performing architectures for 3D ConvNets; and 3) Our learned features, namely C3D (Convolutional 3D), with a simple linear classifier outperform state-of-the-art methods on 4 different benchmarks and are comparable with current best methods on the other 2 benchmarks. In addition, the features are compact: achieving 52.8% accuracy on UCF101 dataset with only 10 dimensions and also very efficient to compute due to the fast inference of ConvNets. Finally, they are conceptually very simple and easy to train and use.
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有效地对视频中的空间信息进行建模对于动作识别至关重要。为了实现这一目标,最先进的方法通常采用卷积操作员和密集的相互作用模块,例如非本地块。但是,这些方法无法准确地符合视频中的各种事件。一方面,采用的卷积是有固定尺度的,因此在各种尺度的事件中挣扎。另一方面,密集的相互作用建模范式仅在动作 - 欧元零件时实现次优性能,给最终预测带来了其他噪音。在本文中,我们提出了一个统一的动作识别框架,以通过引入以下设计来研究视频内容的动态性质。首先,在提取本地提示时,我们会生成动态尺度的时空内核,以适应各种事件。其次,为了将这些线索准确地汇总为全局视频表示形式,我们建议仅通过变压器在一些选定的前景对象之间进行交互,从而产生稀疏的范式。我们将提出的框架称为事件自适应网络(EAN),因为这两个关键设计都适应输入视频内容。为了利用本地细分市场内的短期运动,我们提出了一种新颖有效的潜在运动代码(LMC)模块,进一步改善了框架的性能。在几个大规模视频数据集上进行了广泛的实验,例如,某种东西,动力学和潜水48,验证了我们的模型是否在低拖鞋上实现了最先进或竞争性的表演。代码可在:https://github.com/tianyuan168326/ean-pytorch中找到。
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Anticipating future actions based on video observations is an important task in video understanding, which would be useful for some precautionary systems that require response time to react before an event occurs. Since the input in action anticipation is only pre-action frames, models do not have enough information about the target action; moreover, similar pre-action frames may lead to different futures. Consequently, any solution using existing action recognition models can only be suboptimal. Recently, researchers have proposed using a longer video context to remedy the insufficient information in pre-action intervals, as well as the self-attention to query past relevant moments to address the anticipation problem. However, the indirect use of video input features as the query might be inefficient, as it only serves as the proxy to the anticipation goal. To this end, we propose an inductive attention model, which transparently uses prior prediction as the query to derive the anticipation result by induction from past experience. Our method naturally considers the uncertainty of multiple futures via the many-to-many association. On the large-scale egocentric video datasets, our model not only shows consistently better performance than state of the art using the same backbone, and is competitive to the methods that employ a stronger backbone, but also superior efficiency in less model parameters.
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最近,视频变压器在视频理解方面取得了巨大成功,超过了CNN性能;然而,现有的视频变换器模型不会明确地模拟对象,尽管对象对于识别操作至关重要。在这项工作中,我们呈现对象区域视频变换器(Orvit),一个\ emph {对象为中心}方法,它与直接包含对象表示的块扩展视频变压器图层。关键的想法是从早期层开始融合以对象形式的表示,并将它们传播到变压器层中,从而影响整个网络的时空表示。我们的orvit块由两个对象级流组成:外观和动态。在外观流中,“对象区域关注”模块在修补程序上应用自我关注和\ emph {对象区域}。以这种方式,Visual对象区域与统一修补程序令牌交互,并通过上下文化对象信息来丰富它们。我们通过单独的“对象 - 动态模块”进一步模型对象动态,捕获轨迹交互,并显示如何集成两个流。我们在四个任务和五个数据集中评估我们的模型:在某事物中的某些问题和几次射击动作识别,以及在AVA上的某些时空动作检测,以及在某种东西上的标准动作识别 - 某种东西 - 东西,潜水48和EPIC-Kitchen100。我们在考虑的所有任务和数据集中展示了强大的性能改进,展示了将对象表示的模型的值集成到变压器体系结构中。对于代码和预用模型,请访问项目页面\ url {https://roeiherz.github.io/orvit/}
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Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been extensively applied for image recognition problems giving stateof-the-art results on recognition, detection, segmentation and retrieval. In this work we propose and evaluate several deep neural network architectures to combine image information across a video over longer time periods than previously attempted. We propose two methods capable of handling full length videos. The first method explores various convolutional temporal feature pooling architectures, examining the various design choices which need to be made when adapting a CNN for this task. The second proposed method explicitly models the video as an ordered sequence of frames. For this purpose we employ a recurrent neural network that uses Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) cells which are connected to the output of the underlying CNN. Our best networks exhibit significant performance improvements over previously published results on the Sports 1 million dataset (73.1% vs. 60.9%) and the UCF-101 datasets with (88.6% vs. 88.0%) and without additional optical flow information (82.6% vs. 73.0%).
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Sign language recognition (SLR) aims to overcome the communication barrier for the people with deafness or the people with hard hearing. Most existing approaches can be typically divided into two lines, i.e., Skeleton-based and RGB-based methods, but both the two lines of methods have their limitations. RGB-based approaches usually overlook the fine-grained hand structure, while Skeleton-based methods do not take the facial expression into account. In attempts to address both limitations, we propose a new framework named Spatial-temporal Part-aware network (StepNet), based on RGB parts. As the name implies, StepNet consists of two modules: Part-level Spatial Modeling and Part-level Temporal Modeling. Particularly, without using any keypoint-level annotations, Part-level Spatial Modeling implicitly captures the appearance-based properties, such as hands and faces, in the feature space. On the other hand, Part-level Temporal Modeling captures the pertinent properties over time by implicitly mining the long-short term context. Extensive experiments show that our StepNet, thanks to Spatial-temporal modules, achieves competitive Top-1 Per-instance accuracy on three widely-used SLR benchmarks, i.e., 56.89% on WLASL, 77.2% on NMFs-CSL, and 77.1% on BOBSL. Moreover, the proposed method is compatible with the optical flow input, and can yield higher performance if fused. We hope that this work can serve as a preliminary step for the people with deafness.
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具有注释的缺乏大规模的真实数据集使转移学习视频活动的必要性。我们的目标是为少数行动分类开发几次拍摄转移学习的有效方法。我们利用独立培训的本地视觉提示来学习可以从源域传输的表示,该源域只能使用少数示例来从源域传送到不同的目标域。我们使用的视觉提示包括对象 - 对象交互,手掌和地区内的动作,这些地区是手工位置的函数。我们采用了一个基于元学习的框架,以提取部署的视觉提示的独特和域不变组件。这使得能够在使用不同的场景和动作配置捕获的公共数据集中传输动作分类模型。我们呈现了我们转让学习方法的比较结果,并报告了阶级阶级和数据间数据间际传输的最先进的行动分类方法。
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动作检测的任务旨在在每个动作实例中同时推论动作类别和终点的本地化。尽管Vision Transformers推动了视频理解的最新进展,但由于在长时间的视频剪辑中,设计有效的架构以进行动作检测是不平凡的。为此,我们提出了一个有效的层次时空时空金字塔变压器(STPT)进行动作检测,这是基于以下事实:变压器中早期的自我注意力层仍然集中在局部模式上。具体而言,我们建议在早期阶段使用本地窗口注意来编码丰富的局部时空时空表示,同时应用全局注意模块以捕获后期的长期时空依赖性。通过这种方式,我们的STPT可以用冗余的大大减少来编码区域和依赖性,从而在准确性和效率之间进行有希望的权衡。例如,仅使用RGB输入,提议的STPT在Thumos14上获得了53.6%的地图,超过10%的I3D+AFSD RGB模型超过10%,并且对使用其他流量的额外流动功能的表现较少,该流量具有31%的GFLOPS ,它是一个有效,有效的端到端变压器框架,用于操作检测。
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While today's video recognition systems parse snapshots or short clips accurately, they cannot connect the dots and reason across a longer range of time yet. Most existing video architectures can only process <5 seconds of a video without hitting the computation or memory bottlenecks. In this paper, we propose a new strategy to overcome this challenge. Instead of trying to process more frames at once like most existing methods, we propose to process videos in an online fashion and cache "memory" at each iteration. Through the memory, the model can reference prior context for long-term modeling, with only a marginal cost. Based on this idea, we build MeMViT, a Memory-augmented Multiscale Vision Transformer, that has a temporal support 30x longer than existing models with only 4.5% more compute; traditional methods need >3,000% more compute to do the same. On a wide range of settings, the increased temporal support enabled by MeMViT brings large gains in recognition accuracy consistently. MeMViT obtains state-of-the-art results on the AVA, EPIC-Kitchens-100 action classification, and action anticipation datasets. Code and models are available at https://github.com/facebookresearch/memvit.
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我们呈现了基于纯变压器的视频分类模型,在图像分类中最近的近期成功进行了借鉴。我们的模型从输入视频中提取了时空令牌,然后由一系列变压器层编码。为了处理视频中遇到的令牌的长序列,我们提出了我们模型的几种有效的变体,它们将输入的空间和时间维构建。虽然已知基于变换器的模型只有在可用的大型训练数据集时才有效,但我们展示了我们如何在训练期间有效地规范模型,并利用预先训练的图像模型能够在相对小的数据集上训练。我们进行彻底的消融研究,并在包括动力学400和600,史诗厨房,东西的多个视频分类基准上实现最先进的结果,其中 - 基于深度3D卷积网络的现有方法表现出优先的方法。为了促进进一步的研究,我们在https://github.com/google-research/scenic/tree/main/scenic/projects/vivit发布代码
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