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Digital media have enabled the access to unprecedented literary knowledge. Authors, readers, and scholars are now able to discover and share an increasing amount of information about books and their authors. Notwithstanding, digital archives are still unbalanced: writers from non-Western countries are less represented, and such a condition leads to the perpetration of old forms of discrimination. In this paper, we present the Under-Represented Writers Knowledge Graph (URW-KG), a resource designed to explore and possibly amend this lack of representation by gathering and mapping information about works and authors from Wikidata and three other sources: Open Library, Goodreads, and Google Books. The experiments based on KG embeddings showed that the integrated information encoded in the graph allows scholars and users to be more easily exposed to non-Western literary works and authors with respect to Wikidata alone. This opens to the development of fairer and effective tools for author discovery and exploration.
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由于2017年介绍了变压器架构,因此许多尝试将自我关注范例带入计算机愿景领域。在本文中,我们提出了一种新颖的自我关注模块,可以很容易地集成在几乎每个卷积神经网络中,专门为计算机视觉设计,LHC:本地(多)头通道(自我关注)。 LHC是基于两个主要思想:首先,我们认为在电脑视觉中利用自我关注范式的最佳方式是渠道明智的应用而不是更探索的空间关注,并且卷积不会被引起的注意力替换经常性网络在NLP中;其次,局部方法有可能更好地克服卷积的局限性而不是全球关注。通过LHC-Net,我们设法在着名的FER2013数据集中实现了新的艺术状态,与先前的SOTA相比,在计算成本方面的复杂性和对“宿主”架构的复杂性显着和影响。
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