Edema is a common symptom of kidney disease, and quantitative measurement of edema is desired. This paper presents a method to estimate the degree of edema from facial images taken before and after dialysis of renal failure patients. As tasks to estimate the degree of edema, we perform pre- and post-dialysis classification and body weight prediction. We develop a multi-patient pre-training framework for acquiring knowledge of edema and transfer the pre-trained model to a model for each patient. For effective pre-training, we propose a novel contrastive representation learning, called weight-aware supervised momentum contrast (WeightSupMoCo). WeightSupMoCo aims to make feature representations of facial images closer in similarity of patient weight when the pre- and post-dialysis labels are the same. Experimental results show that our pre-training approach improves the accuracy of pre- and post-dialysis classification by 15.1% and reduces the mean absolute error of weight prediction by 0.243 kg compared with training from scratch. The proposed method accurately estimate the degree of edema from facial images; our edema estimation system could thus be beneficial to dialysis patients.
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近年来,人类面孔的影子化化身已经走了很长一段路,但是该地区的研究受到缺乏公开可用的高质量数据集的限制。在这项工作中,我们介绍了Multiface,这是一种新的多视图,高分辨率的人脸数据集,该数据集是从13个身份的神经面部渲染研究中收集的13个身份。我们介绍了Mugsy,这是一种大型多摄像机设备,可捕获面部表现的高分辨率同步视频。 Multiface的目的是缩小学术界高质量数据的可访问性的差距,并使VR触觉研究能够进行研究。随着数据集的释放,我们对不同模型体系结构对模型的新观点和表达式的插值能力进行消融研究。通过有条件的VAE模型作为我们的基线,我们发现添加空间偏见,纹理翘曲场和残差连接可改善新型视图合成的性能。我们的代码和数据可在以下网址获得:https://github.com/facebookresearch/multiface
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