Curating datasets for object segmentation is a difficult task. With the advent of large-scale pre-trained generative models, conditional image generation has been given a significant boost in result quality and ease of use. In this paper, we present a novel method that enables the generation of general foreground-background segmentation models from simple textual descriptions, without requiring segmentation labels. We leverage and explore pre-trained latent diffusion models, to automatically generate weak segmentation masks for concepts and objects. The masks are then used to fine-tune the diffusion model on an inpainting task, which enables fine-grained removal of the object, while at the same time providing a synthetic foreground and background dataset. We demonstrate that using this method beats previous methods in both discriminative and generative performance and closes the gap with fully supervised training while requiring no pixel-wise object labels. We show results on the task of segmenting four different objects (humans, dogs, cars, birds).
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Large-scale diffusion-based generative models have led to breakthroughs in text-conditioned high-resolution image synthesis. Starting from random noise, such text-to-image diffusion models gradually synthesize images in an iterative fashion while conditioning on text prompts. We find that their synthesis behavior qualitatively changes throughout this process: Early in sampling, generation strongly relies on the text prompt to generate text-aligned content, while later, the text conditioning is almost entirely ignored. This suggests that sharing model parameters throughout the entire generation process may not be ideal. Therefore, in contrast to existing works, we propose to train an ensemble of text-to-image diffusion models specialized for different synthesis stages. To maintain training efficiency, we initially train a single model, which is then split into specialized models that are trained for the specific stages of the iterative generation process. Our ensemble of diffusion models, called eDiff-I, results in improved text alignment while maintaining the same inference computation cost and preserving high visual quality, outperforming previous large-scale text-to-image diffusion models on the standard benchmark. In addition, we train our model to exploit a variety of embeddings for conditioning, including the T5 text, CLIP text, and CLIP image embeddings. We show that these different embeddings lead to different behaviors. Notably, the CLIP image embedding allows an intuitive way of transferring the style of a reference image to the target text-to-image output. Lastly, we show a technique that enables eDiff-I's "paint-with-words" capability. A user can select the word in the input text and paint it in a canvas to control the output, which is very handy for crafting the desired image in mind. The project page is available at
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Shape can specify key object constraints, yet existing text-to-image diffusion models ignore this cue and synthesize objects that are incorrectly scaled, cut off, or replaced with background content. We propose a training-free method, Shape-Guided Diffusion, which uses a novel Inside-Outside Attention mechanism to constrain the cross-attention (and self-attention) maps such that prompt tokens (and pixels) referring to the inside of the shape cannot attend outside the shape, and vice versa. To demonstrate the efficacy of our method, we propose a new image editing task where the model must replace an object specified by its mask and a text prompt. We curate a new ShapePrompts benchmark based on MS-COCO and achieve SOTA results in shape faithfulness, text alignment, and realism according to both quantitative metrics and human preferences. Our data and code will be made available at
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利用深度学习的最新进展,文本到图像生成模型目前具有吸引公众关注的优点。其中两个模型Dall-E 2和Imagen已经证明,可以从图像的简单文本描述中生成高度逼真的图像。基于一种称为扩散模型的新型图像生成方法,文本对图像模型可以生产许多不同类型的高分辨率图像,其中人类想象力是唯一的极限。但是,这些模型需要大量的计算资源来训练,并处理从互联网收集的大量数据集。此外,代码库和模型均未发布。因此,它可以防止AI社区尝试这些尖端模型,从而使其结果复制变得复杂,即使不是不可能。在本文中,我们的目标是首先回顾这些模型使用的不同方法和技术,然后提出我们自己的文本模型模型实施。高度基于DALL-E 2,我们引入了一些轻微的修改,以应对所引起的高计算成本。因此,我们有机会进行实验,以了解这些模型的能力,尤其是在低资源制度中。特别是,我们提供了比Dall-e 2的作者(包括消融研究)更深入的分析。此外,扩散模型使用所谓的指导方法来帮助生成过程。我们引入了一种新的指导方法,该方法可以与其他指导方法一起使用,以提高图像质量。最后,我们的模型产生的图像质量相当好,而不必维持最先进的文本对图像模型的重大培训成本。
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Generic image inpainting aims to complete a corrupted image by borrowing surrounding information, which barely generates novel content. By contrast, multi-modal inpainting provides more flexible and useful controls on the inpainted content, \eg, a text prompt can be used to describe an object with richer attributes, and a mask can be used to constrain the shape of the inpainted object rather than being only considered as a missing area. We propose a new diffusion-based model named SmartBrush for completing a missing region with an object using both text and shape-guidance. While previous work such as DALLE-2 and Stable Diffusion can do text-guided inapinting they do not support shape guidance and tend to modify background texture surrounding the generated object. Our model incorporates both text and shape guidance with precision control. To preserve the background better, we propose a novel training and sampling strategy by augmenting the diffusion U-net with object-mask prediction. Lastly, we introduce a multi-task training strategy by jointly training inpainting with text-to-image generation to leverage more training data. We conduct extensive experiments showing that our model outperforms all baselines in terms of visual quality, mask controllability, and background preservation.
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Recent works on diffusion models have demonstrated a strong capability for conditioning image generation, e.g., text-guided image synthesis. Such success inspires many efforts trying to use large-scale pre-trained diffusion models for tackling a challenging problem--real image editing. Works conducted in this area learn a unique textual token corresponding to several images containing the same object. However, under many circumstances, only one image is available, such as the painting of the Girl with a Pearl Earring. Using existing works on fine-tuning the pre-trained diffusion models with a single image causes severe overfitting issues. The information leakage from the pre-trained diffusion models makes editing can not keep the same content as the given image while creating new features depicted by the language guidance. This work aims to address the problem of single-image editing. We propose a novel model-based guidance built upon the classifier-free guidance so that the knowledge from the model trained on a single image can be distilled into the pre-trained diffusion model, enabling content creation even with one given image. Additionally, we propose a patch-based fine-tuning that can effectively help the model generate images of arbitrary resolution. We provide extensive experiments to validate the design choices of our approach and show promising editing capabilities, including changing style, content addition, and object manipulation. The code is available for research purposes at .
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We introduce M-VADER: a diffusion model (DM) for image generation where the output can be specified using arbitrary combinations of images and text. We show how M-VADER enables the generation of images specified using combinations of image and text, and combinations of multiple images. Previously, a number of successful DM image generation algorithms have been introduced that make it possible to specify the output image using a text prompt. Inspired by the success of those models, and led by the notion that language was already developed to describe the elements of visual contexts that humans find most important, we introduce an embedding model closely related to a vision-language model. Specifically, we introduce the embedding model S-MAGMA: a 13 billion parameter multimodal decoder combining components from an autoregressive vision-language model MAGMA and biases finetuned for semantic search.
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Recent large-scale image generation models such as Stable Diffusion have exhibited an impressive ability to generate fairly realistic images starting from a very simple text prompt. Could such models render real images obsolete for training image prediction models? In this paper, we answer part of this provocative question by questioning the need for real images when training models for ImageNet classification. More precisely, provided only with the class names that have been used to build the dataset, we explore the ability of Stable Diffusion to generate synthetic clones of ImageNet and measure how useful they are for training classification models from scratch. We show that with minimal and class-agnostic prompt engineering those ImageNet clones we denote as ImageNet-SD are able to close a large part of the gap between models produced by synthetic images and models trained with real images for the several standard classification benchmarks that we consider in this study. More importantly, we show that models trained on synthetic images exhibit strong generalization properties and perform on par with models trained on real data.
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Score-based diffusion models have captured widespread attention and funded fast progress of recent vision generative tasks. In this paper, we focus on diffusion model backbone which has been much neglected before. We systematically explore vision Transformers as diffusion learners for various generative tasks. With our improvements the performance of vanilla ViT-based backbone (IU-ViT) is boosted to be on par with traditional U-Net-based methods. We further provide a hypothesis on the implication of disentangling the generative backbone as an encoder-decoder structure and show proof-of-concept experiments verifying the effectiveness of a stronger encoder for generative tasks with ASymmetriC ENcoder Decoder (ASCEND). Our improvements achieve competitive results on CIFAR-10, CelebA, LSUN, CUB Bird and large-resolution text-to-image tasks. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to successfully train a single diffusion model on text-to-image task beyond 64x64 resolution. We hope this will motivate people to rethink the modeling choices and the training pipelines for diffusion-based generative models.
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We present Muse, a text-to-image Transformer model that achieves state-of-the-art image generation performance while being significantly more efficient than diffusion or autoregressive models. Muse is trained on a masked modeling task in discrete token space: given the text embedding extracted from a pre-trained large language model (LLM), Muse is trained to predict randomly masked image tokens. Compared to pixel-space diffusion models, such as Imagen and DALL-E 2, Muse is significantly more efficient due to the use of discrete tokens and requiring fewer sampling iterations; compared to autoregressive models, such as Parti, Muse is more efficient due to the use of parallel decoding. The use of a pre-trained LLM enables fine-grained language understanding, translating to high-fidelity image generation and the understanding of visual concepts such as objects, their spatial relationships, pose, cardinality etc. Our 900M parameter model achieves a new SOTA on CC3M, with an FID score of 6.06. The Muse 3B parameter model achieves an FID of 7.88 on zero-shot COCO evaluation, along with a CLIP score of 0.32. Muse also directly enables a number of image editing applications without the need to fine-tune or invert the model: inpainting, outpainting, and mask-free editing. More results are available at
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Generating photos satisfying multiple constraints find broad utility in the content creation industry. A key hurdle to accomplishing this task is the need for paired data consisting of all modalities (i.e., constraints) and their corresponding output. Moreover, existing methods need retraining using paired data across all modalities to introduce a new condition. This paper proposes a solution to this problem based on denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPMs). Our motivation for choosing diffusion models over other generative models comes from the flexible internal structure of diffusion models. Since each sampling step in the DDPM follows a Gaussian distribution, we show that there exists a closed-form solution for generating an image given various constraints. Our method can unite multiple diffusion models trained on multiple sub-tasks and conquer the combined task through our proposed sampling strategy. We also introduce a novel reliability parameter that allows using different off-the-shelf diffusion models trained across various datasets during sampling time alone to guide it to the desired outcome satisfying multiple constraints. We perform experiments on various standard multimodal tasks to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. More details can be found in
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我们介绍了文本到图像生成的矢量量化扩散(VQ-扩散)模型。该方法基于矢量量化变分性AutoEncoder(VQ-VAE),其潜像通过最近开发的去噪扩散概率(DDPM)的条件变体为基础。我们发现这种潜在空间方法非常适合于图像到图像生成任务,因为它不仅消除了具有现有方法的单向偏差,还允许我们结合掩模和更换的扩散策略,以避免积累错误,这是现有方法的严重问题。我们的实验表明,与具有类似数量的参数数量的传统自回归(AR)模型相比,VQ扩散产生明显更好的文本到图像生成结果。与以前的基于GAN的文本到图像方法相比,我们的VQ扩散可以通过大边缘处理更复杂的场景并提高合成的图像质量。最后,我们表明我们的方法中的图像生成计算可以通过Reparameter化进行高效。利用传统的AR方法,文本到图像生成时间随输出图像分辨率线性增加,因此即使对于正常尺寸图像也是相当耗时的。 VQ-扩散使我们能够在质量和速度之间实现更好的权衡。我们的实验表明,具有Reparameterization的VQ扩散模型比传统的AR方法快15倍,同时实现更好的图像质量。
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