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神经辐射字段(NERF)将场景编码为神经表示,使得能够实现新颖视图的照片逼真。然而,RGB图像的成功重建需要在静态条件下拍摄的大量输入视图 - 通常可以为房间尺寸场景的几百个图像。我们的方法旨在将整个房间的小说视图从数量级的图像中合成。为此,我们利用密集的深度前导者来限制NERF优化。首先,我们利用从用于估计相机姿势的运动(SFM)预处理步骤的结构自由提供的稀疏深度数据。其次,我们使用深度完成将这些稀疏点转换为密集的深度图和不确定性估计,用于指导NERF优化。我们的方法使数据有效的新颖观看综合在挑战室内场景中,使用少量为整个场景的18张图像。
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神经场景表示,例如神经辐射场(NERF),基于训练多层感知器(MLP),使用一组具有已知姿势的彩色图像。现在,越来越多的设备产生RGB-D(颜色 +深度)信息,这对于各种任务非常重要。因此,本文的目的是通过将深度信息与颜色图像结合在一起,研究这些有希望的隐式表示可以进行哪些改进。特别是,最近建议的MIP-NERF方法使用圆锥形的圆丝而不是射线进行音量渲染,它使人们可以考虑具有距离距离摄像头中心距离的像素的不同区域。所提出的方法还模拟了深度不确定性。这允许解决基于NERF的方法的主要局限性,包括提高几何形状的准确性,减少伪像,更快的训练时间和缩短预测时间。实验是在众所周知的基准场景上进行的,并且比较在场景几何形状和光度重建中的准确性提高,同时将训练时间减少了3-5次。
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Underwater images are altered by the physical characteristics of the medium through which light rays pass before reaching the optical sensor. Scattering and strong wavelength-dependent absorption significantly modify the captured colors depending on the distance of observed elements to the image plane. In this paper, we aim to recover the original colors of the scene as if the water had no effect on them. We propose two novel methods that rely on different sets of inputs. The first assumes that pixel intensities in the restored image are normally distributed within each color channel, leading to an alternative optimization of the well-known \textit{Sea-thru} method which acts on single images and their distance maps. We additionally introduce SUCRe, a new method that further exploits the scene's 3D Structure for Underwater Color Restoration. By following points in multiple images and tracking their intensities at different distances to the sensor we constrain the optimization of the image formation model parameters. When compared to similar existing approaches, SUCRe provides clear improvements in a variety of scenarios ranging from natural light to deep-sea environments. The code for both approaches is publicly available at https://github.com/clementinboittiaux/sucre .
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新型视图综合的古典光场渲染可以准确地再现视图依赖性效果,例如反射,折射和半透明,但需要一个致密的视图采样的场景。基于几何重建的方法只需要稀疏的视图,但不能准确地模拟非兰伯语的效果。我们介绍了一个模型,它结合了强度并减轻了这两个方向的局限性。通过在光场的四维表示上操作,我们的模型学会准确表示依赖视图效果。通过在训练和推理期间强制执行几何约束,从稀疏的视图集中毫无屏蔽地学习场景几何。具体地,我们介绍了一种基于两级变压器的模型,首先沿着ePipoll线汇总特征,然后沿参考视图聚合特征以产生目标射线的颜色。我们的模型在多个前进和360 {\ DEG}数据集中优于最先进的,具有较大的差别依赖变化的场景更大的边缘。
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We present a learning-based method for synthesizing novel views of complex scenes using only unstructured collections of in-the-wild photographs. We build on Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF), which uses the weights of a multilayer perceptron to model the density and color of a scene as a function of 3D coordinates. While NeRF works well on images of static subjects captured under controlled settings, it is incapable of modeling many ubiquitous, real-world phenomena in uncontrolled images, such as variable illumination or transient occluders. We introduce a series of extensions to NeRF to address these issues, thereby enabling accurate reconstructions from unstructured image collections taken from the internet. We apply our system, dubbed NeRF-W, to internet photo collections of famous landmarks, and demonstrate temporally consistent novel view renderings that are significantly closer to photorealism than the prior state of the art.
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Point of View & TimeFigure 1: We propose D-NeRF, a method for synthesizing novel views, at an arbitrary point in time, of dynamic scenes with complex non-rigid geometries. We optimize an underlying deformable volumetric function from a sparse set of input monocular views without the need of ground-truth geometry nor multi-view images. The figure shows two scenes under variable points of view and time instances synthesised by the proposed model.
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综合照片 - 现实图像和视频是计算机图形的核心,并且是几十年的研究焦点。传统上,使用渲染算法(如光栅化或射线跟踪)生成场景的合成图像,其将几何形状和材料属性的表示为输入。统称,这些输入定义了实际场景和呈现的内容,并且被称为场景表示(其中场景由一个或多个对象组成)。示例场景表示是具有附带纹理的三角形网格(例如,由艺术家创建),点云(例如,来自深度传感器),体积网格(例如,来自CT扫描)或隐式曲面函数(例如,截短的符号距离)字段)。使用可分辨率渲染损耗的观察结果的这种场景表示的重建被称为逆图形或反向渲染。神经渲染密切相关,并将思想与经典计算机图形和机器学习中的思想相结合,以创建用于合成来自真实观察图像的图像的算法。神经渲染是朝向合成照片现实图像和视频内容的目标的跨越。近年来,我们通过数百个出版物显示了这一领域的巨大进展,这些出版物显示了将被动组件注入渲染管道的不同方式。这种最先进的神经渲染进步的报告侧重于将经典渲染原则与学习的3D场景表示结合的方法,通常现在被称为神经场景表示。这些方法的一个关键优势在于它们是通过设计的3D-一致,使诸如新颖的视点合成捕获场景的应用。除了处理静态场景的方法外,我们还涵盖了用于建模非刚性变形对象的神经场景表示...
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我们提出了一种基于神经辐射场(NERF)的单个$ 360^\ PANORAMA图像合成新视图的方法。在类似环境中的先前研究依赖于多层感知的邻居插值能力来完成由遮挡引起的丢失区域,这导致其预测中的伪像。我们提出了360Fusionnerf,这是一个半监督的学习框架,我们介绍几何监督和语义一致性,以指导渐进式培训过程。首先,将输入图像重新投影至$ 360^\ Circ $图像,并在其他相机位置提取辅助深度图。除NERF颜色指导外,深度监督还改善了合成视图的几何形状。此外,我们引入了语义一致性损失,鼓励新观点的现实渲染。我们使用预先训练的视觉编码器(例如剪辑)提取这些语义功能,这是一个视觉变压器,经过数以千计的不同2D照片,并通过自然语言监督从网络中挖掘出来。实验表明,我们提出的方法可以在保留场景的特征的同时产生未观察到的区域的合理完成。 360fusionnerf在各种场景中接受培训时,转移到合成结构3D数据集(PSNR〜5%,SSIM〜3%lpips〜13%)时,始终达到最先进的性能,SSIM〜3%LPIPS〜9%)和replica360数据集(PSNR〜8%,SSIM〜2%LPIPS〜18%)。
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https://video-nerf.github.io Figure 1. Our method takes a single casually captured video as input and learns a space-time neural irradiance field. (Top) Sample frames from the input video. (Middle) Novel view images rendered from textured meshes constructed from depth maps. (Bottom) Our results rendered from the proposed space-time neural irradiance field.
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Google Research Basecolor Metallic Roughness Normal Multi-View Images NeRD Volume Decomposed BRDF Relighting & View synthesis Textured MeshFigure 1: Neural Reflectance Decomposition for Relighting. We encode multiple views of an object under varying or fixed illumination into the NeRD volume.We decompose each given image into geometry, spatially-varying BRDF parameters and a rough approximation of the incident illumination in a globally consistent manner. We then extract a relightable textured mesh that can be re-rendered under novel illumination conditions in real-time.
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神经辐射场(NERF)具有密集捕获的输入图像实现光真实的视图合成。然而,鉴于稀疏的视图,NERF的几何形状极为严重,从而导致新观点合成质量的显着降解。受到自我监督的深度估计方法的启发,我们提出了structnerf,这是针对稀疏输入的室内场景的新型视图合成的解决方案。 structnerf利用自然嵌入多视图输入中的结构提示来处理NERF中无约束的几何问题。具体而言,它分别解决了纹理和非纹理区域:提出了基于贴片的多视图一致的光度损失来限制纹理区域的几何形状;对于非纹理的,我们明确地将它们限制为3D一致的平面。通过密集的自我监督深度约束,我们的方法可以改善NERF的几何形状和视图综合性能,而无需对外部数据进行任何其他培训。在几个现实世界数据集上进行的广泛实验表明,构造者超过了针对室内场景的最新方法,这些方法具有稀疏输入的定量和定性。
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With the success of neural volume rendering in novel view synthesis, neural implicit reconstruction with volume rendering has become popular. However, most methods optimize per-scene functions and are unable to generalize to novel scenes. We introduce VolRecon, a generalizable implicit reconstruction method with Signed Ray Distance Function (SRDF). To reconstruct with fine details and little noise, we combine projection features, aggregated from multi-view features with a view transformer, and volume features interpolated from a coarse global feature volume. A ray transformer computes SRDF values of all the samples along a ray to estimate the surface location, which are used for volume rendering of color and depth. Extensive experiments on DTU and ETH3D demonstrate the effectiveness and generalization ability of our method. On DTU, our method outperforms SparseNeuS by about 30% in sparse view reconstruction and achieves comparable quality as MVSNet in full view reconstruction. Besides, our method shows good generalization ability on the large-scale ETH3D benchmark. Project page: https://fangjinhuawang.github.io/VolRecon.
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Figure 1: Our method can synthesize novel views in both space and time from a single monocular video of a dynamic scene. Here we show video results with various configurations of fixing and interpolating view and time (left), as well as a visualization of the recovered scene geometry (right). Please view with Adobe Acrobat or KDE Okular to see animations.
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In this paper, we present a novel and effective framework, named 4K-NeRF, to pursue high fidelity view synthesis on the challenging scenarios of ultra high resolutions, building on the methodology of neural radiance fields (NeRF). The rendering procedure of NeRF-based methods typically relies on a pixel wise manner in which rays (or pixels) are treated independently on both training and inference phases, limiting its representational ability on describing subtle details especially when lifting to a extremely high resolution. We address the issue by better exploring ray correlation for enhancing high-frequency details benefiting from the use of geometry-aware local context. Particularly, we use the view-consistent encoder to model geometric information effectively in a lower resolution space and recover fine details through the view-consistent decoder, conditioned on ray features and depths estimated by the encoder. Joint training with patch-based sampling further facilitates our method incorporating the supervision from perception oriented regularization beyond pixel wise loss. Quantitative and qualitative comparisons with modern NeRF methods demonstrate that our method can significantly boost rendering quality for retaining high-frequency details, achieving the state-of-the-art visual quality on 4K ultra-high-resolution scenario. Code Available at \url{https://github.com/frozoul/4K-NeRF}
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