Workplace injuries are common in today's society due to a lack of adequately worn safety equipment. A system that only admits appropriately equipped personnel can be created to improve working conditions. The goal is thus to develop a system that will improve workers' safety using a camera that will detect the usage of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). To this end, we collected and labeled appropriate data from several public sources, which have been used to train and evaluate several models based on the popular YOLOv4 object detector. Our focus, driven by a collaborating industrial partner, is to implement our system into an entry control point where workers must present themselves to obtain access to a restricted area. Combined with facial identity recognition, the system would ensure that only authorized people wearing appropriate equipment are granted access. A novelty of this work is that we increase the number of classes to five objects (hardhat, safety vest, safety gloves, safety glasses, and hearing protection), whereas most existing works only focus on one or two classes, usually hardhats or vests. The AI model developed provides good detection accuracy at a distance of 3 and 5 meters in the collaborative environment where we aim at operating (mAP of 99/89%, respectively). The small size of some objects or the potential occlusion by body parts have been identified as potential factors that are detrimental to accuracy, which we have counteracted via data augmentation and cropping of the body before applying PPE detection.
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Fires have destructive power when they break out and affect their surroundings on a devastatingly large scale. The best way to minimize their damage is to detect the fire as quickly as possible before it has a chance to grow. Accordingly, this work looks into the potential of AI to detect and recognize fires and reduce detection time using object detection on an image stream. Object detection has made giant leaps in speed and accuracy over the last six years, making real-time detection feasible. To our end, we collected and labeled appropriate data from several public sources, which have been used to train and evaluate several models based on the popular YOLOv4 object detector. Our focus, driven by a collaborating industrial partner, is to implement our system in an industrial warehouse setting, which is characterized by high ceilings. A drawback of traditional smoke detectors in this setup is that the smoke has to rise to a sufficient height. The AI models brought forward in this research managed to outperform these detectors by a significant amount of time, providing precious anticipation that could help to minimize the effects of fires further.
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The emergence of COVID-19 has had a global and profound impact, not only on society as a whole, but also on the lives of individuals. Various prevention measures were introduced around the world to limit the transmission of the disease, including face masks, mandates for social distancing and regular disinfection in public spaces, and the use of screening applications. These developments also triggered the need for novel and improved computer vision techniques capable of (i) providing support to the prevention measures through an automated analysis of visual data, on the one hand, and (ii) facilitating normal operation of existing vision-based services, such as biometric authentication schemes, on the other. Especially important here, are computer vision techniques that focus on the analysis of people and faces in visual data and have been affected the most by the partial occlusions introduced by the mandates for facial masks. Such computer vision based human analysis techniques include face and face-mask detection approaches, face recognition techniques, crowd counting solutions, age and expression estimation procedures, models for detecting face-hand interactions and many others, and have seen considerable attention over recent years. The goal of this survey is to provide an introduction to the problems induced by COVID-19 into such research and to present a comprehensive review of the work done in the computer vision based human analysis field. Particular attention is paid to the impact of facial masks on the performance of various methods and recent solutions to mitigate this problem. Additionally, a detailed review of existing datasets useful for the development and evaluation of methods for COVID-19 related applications is also provided. Finally, to help advance the field further, a discussion on the main open challenges and future research direction is given.
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2019年冠状病毒疾病(Covid-19)继续自爆发以来对世界产生巨大挑战。为了对抗这种疾病,开发了一系列人工智能(AI)技术,并应用于现实世界的情景,如安全监测,疾病诊断,感染风险评估,Covid-19 CT扫描的病变细分等。 Coronavirus流行病迫使人们佩戴面膜来抵消病毒的传播,这也带来了监控戴着面具的大群人群的困难。在本文中,我们主要关注蒙面面部检测和相关数据集的AI技术。从蒙面面部检测数据集的描述开始,我们调查了最近的进步。详细描述并详细讨论了十三可用数据集。然后,该方法大致分为两类:传统方法和基于神经网络的方法。常规方法通常通过用手工制作的特征升高算法来训练,该算法占少比例。基于神经网络的方法根据处理阶段的数量进一步归类为三个部分。详细描述了代表性算法,与一些简要描述的一些典型技术耦合。最后,我们总结了最近的基准测试结果,讨论了关于数据集和方法的局限性,并扩大了未来的研究方向。据我们所知,这是关于蒙面面部检测方法和数据集的第一次调查。希望我们的调查可以提供一些帮助对抗流行病的帮助。
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目的:对象检测正在通过自动化系统中的机器学习技术迅速发展。准备好的数据对于训练算法是必要的。因此,本文的目的是描述上下文(Loco)数据集中所谓的物流对象的重新评估,该数据集是内部径流学领域中的第一个用于对象检测的数据集。方法论:我们使用三个步骤的实验研究方法来评估机车数据集。首先,分析了GITHUB上的图像以更好地了解数据集。其次,Google Drive Cloud用于培训目的,以重新访问算法实现和培训。最后,如果可以与原始出版物相比,可以检查机车数据集,如果可以实现相同的培训结果。研究结果:在我们的研究中实现的平均平均精度是对象检测中的常见基准,比最初的研究作者的初步研究显着增加,获得了41%的幅度。但是,在叉车和托盘卡车的物体类型中特别看到改进潜力。独创性:本文介绍了Loco数据集的首次关键复制研究,以用于内凝学中的对象检测。它表明,基于机车的更好参数的培训甚至比原始出版物中提出的更高的精度。但是,还有进一步改善机车数据集的空间。
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我们引入了一种新型的自动驾驶汽车 - 一种自动推土机,有望以有效,健壮和安全的方式完成建筑工地任务。为了更好地处理推土机的路径规划并确保建筑工地的安全性,对象检测是感知任务中最关键的组成部分之一。在这项工作中,我们首先通过开车来收集建筑工地数据。然后,我们彻底分析数据以了解其分布。最后,对两个众所周知的对象检测模型进行了训练,他们的性能通过广泛的训练策略和超参数进行了基准测试。
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One of the biggest challenges in machine learning is data collection. Training data is an important part since it determines how the model will behave. In object classification, capturing a large number of images per object and in different conditions is not always possible and can be very time-consuming and tedious. Accordingly, this work explores the creation of artificial images using a game engine to cope with limited data in the training dataset. We combine real and synthetic data to train the object classification engine, a strategy that has shown to be beneficial to increase confidence in the decisions made by the classifier, which is often critical in industrial setups. To combine real and synthetic data, we first train the classifier on a massive amount of synthetic data, and then we fine-tune it on real images. Another important result is that the amount of real images needed for fine-tuning is not very high, reaching top accuracy with just 12 or 24 images per class. This substantially reduces the requirements of capturing a great amount of real data.
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The 1$^{\text{st}}$ Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023 focused on maritime computer vision for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV), and organized several subchallenges in this domain: (i) UAV-based Maritime Object Detection, (ii) UAV-based Maritime Object Tracking, (iii) USV-based Maritime Obstacle Segmentation and (iv) USV-based Maritime Obstacle Detection. The subchallenges were based on the SeaDronesSee and MODS benchmarks. This report summarizes the main findings of the individual subchallenges and introduces a new benchmark, called SeaDronesSee Object Detection v2, which extends the previous benchmark by including more classes and footage. We provide statistical and qualitative analyses, and assess trends in the best-performing methodologies of over 130 submissions. The methods are summarized in the appendix. The datasets, evaluation code and the leaderboard are publicly available at
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关键应用程序中机器学习(ML)组件的集成引入了软件认证和验证的新挑战。正在开发新的安全标准和技术准则,以支持基于ML的系统的安全性,例如ISO 21448 SOTIF用于汽车域名,并保证机器学习用于自主系统(AMLAS)框架。 SOTIF和AMLA提供了高级指导,但对于每个特定情况,必须将细节凿出来。我们启动了一个研究项目,目的是证明开放汽车系统中ML组件的完整安全案例。本文报告说,Smikk的安全保证合作是由行业级别的行业合作的,这是一个基于ML的行人自动紧急制动示威者,在行业级模拟器中运行。我们演示了AMLA在伪装上的应用,以在简约的操作设计域中,即,我们为其基于ML的集成组件共享一个完整的安全案例。最后,我们报告了经验教训,并在开源许可下为研究界重新使用的开源许可提供了傻笑和安全案例。
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X-ray imaging technology has been used for decades in clinical tasks to reveal the internal condition of different organs, and in recent years, it has become more common in other areas such as industry, security, and geography. The recent development of computer vision and machine learning techniques has also made it easier to automatically process X-ray images and several machine learning-based object (anomaly) detection, classification, and segmentation methods have been recently employed in X-ray image analysis. Due to the high potential of deep learning in related image processing applications, it has been used in most of the studies. This survey reviews the recent research on using computer vision and machine learning for X-ray analysis in industrial production and security applications and covers the applications, techniques, evaluation metrics, datasets, and performance comparison of those techniques on publicly available datasets. We also highlight some drawbacks in the published research and give recommendations for future research in computer vision-based X-ray analysis.
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Recently, Smart Video Surveillance (SVS) systems have been receiving more attention among scholars and developers as a substitute for the current passive surveillance systems. These systems are used to make the policing and monitoring systems more efficient and improve public safety. However, the nature of these systems in monitoring the public's daily activities brings different ethical challenges. There are different approaches for addressing privacy issues in implementing the SVS. In this paper, we are focusing on the role of design considering ethical and privacy challenges in SVS. Reviewing four policy protection regulations that generate an overview of best practices for privacy protection, we argue that ethical and privacy concerns could be addressed through four lenses: algorithm, system, model, and data. As an case study, we describe our proposed system and illustrate how our system can create a baseline for designing a privacy perseverance system to deliver safety to society. We used several Artificial Intelligence algorithms, such as object detection, single and multi camera re-identification, action recognition, and anomaly detection, to provide a basic functional system. We also use cloud-native services to implement a smartphone application in order to deliver the outputs to the end users.
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