运营商网络已成为有希望的深度学习工具,用于近似偏微分方程(PDE)的解决方案。这些网络绘制了描述材料属性,迫使函数和边界数据的输入函数到PDE解决方案。这项工作描述了一种针对操作员网络的新体系结构,该架构模仿了从问题的变异公式或弱公式中获得的数值解决方案的形式。这些想法在通用椭圆的PDE中的应用导致变异模拟操作员网络(Varmion)。像常规的深层操作员网络(DeepOnet)一样,Varmion也由一个子网络组成,该子网络构建了输出的基础函数,另一个构造了这些基础函数系数的基本功能。但是,与deponet相反,在Varmion中,这些网络的体系结构是精确确定的。对Varmion解决方案中误差的分析表明,它包含训练数据中的误差,训练错误,抽样输入中的正交误差和输出功能的贡献,以及测量测试输入功能之间距离的“覆盖错误”以及培训数据集中最近的功能。这也取决于确切网络及其varmion近似的稳定性常数。 Varmion在规范椭圆形PDE中的应用表明,对于大约相同数量的网络参数,平均而言,Varmion的误差比标准DeepOnet较小。此外,其性能对于输入函数的变化,用于采样输入和输出功能的技术,用于构建基本函数的技术以及输入函数的数量更为强大。
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标准的神经网络可以近似一般的非线性操作员,要么通过数学运算符的组合(例如,在对流 - 扩散反应部分微分方程中)的组合,要么仅仅是黑匣子,例如黑匣子,例如一个系统系统。第一个神经操作员是基于严格的近似理论于2019年提出的深层操作员网络(DeepOnet)。从那时起,已经发布了其他一些较少的一般操作员,例如,基于图神经网络或傅立叶变换。对于黑匣子系统,对神经操作员的培训仅是数据驱动的,但是如果知道管理方程式可以在培训期间将其纳入损失功能,以开发物理知识的神经操作员。神经操作员可以用作设计问题,不确定性量化,自主系统以及几乎任何需要实时推断的应用程序中的代替代物。此外,通过将它们与相对轻的训练耦合,可以将独立的预训练deponets用作复杂多物理系统的组成部分。在这里,我们介绍了Deponet,傅立叶神经操作员和图神经操作员的评论,以及适当的扩展功能扩展,并突出显示它们在计算机械师中的各种应用中的实用性,包括多孔媒体,流体力学和固体机制, 。
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Recent years have witnessed a growth in mathematics for deep learning--which seeks a deeper understanding of the concepts of deep learning with mathematics, and explores how to make it more robust--and deep learning for mathematics, where deep learning algorithms are used to solve problems in mathematics. The latter has popularised the field of scientific machine learning where deep learning is applied to problems in scientific computing. Specifically, more and more neural network architectures have been developed to solve specific classes of partial differential equations (PDEs). Such methods exploit properties that are inherent to PDEs and thus solve the PDEs better than classical feed-forward neural networks, recurrent neural networks, and convolutional neural networks. This has had a great impact in the area of mathematical modeling where parametric PDEs are widely used to model most natural and physical processes arising in science and engineering, In this work, we review such methods and extend them for parametric studies as well as for solving the related inverse problems. We equally proceed to show their relevance in some industrial applications.
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These notes were compiled as lecture notes for a course developed and taught at the University of the Southern California. They should be accessible to a typical engineering graduate student with a strong background in Applied Mathematics. The main objective of these notes is to introduce a student who is familiar with concepts in linear algebra and partial differential equations to select topics in deep learning. These lecture notes exploit the strong connections between deep learning algorithms and the more conventional techniques of computational physics to achieve two goals. First, they use concepts from computational physics to develop an understanding of deep learning algorithms. Not surprisingly, many concepts in deep learning can be connected to similar concepts in computational physics, and one can utilize this connection to better understand these algorithms. Second, several novel deep learning algorithms can be used to solve challenging problems in computational physics. Thus, they offer someone who is interested in modeling a physical phenomena with a complementary set of tools.
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High-dimensional PDEs have been a longstanding computational challenge. We propose to solve highdimensional PDEs by approximating the solution with a deep neural network which is trained to satisfy the differential operator, initial condition, and boundary conditions. Our algorithm is meshfree, which is key since meshes become infeasible in higher dimensions. Instead of forming a mesh, the neural network is trained on batches of randomly sampled time and space points. The algorithm is tested on a class of high-dimensional free boundary PDEs, which we are able to accurately solve in up to 200 dimensions. The algorithm is also tested on a high-dimensional Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman PDE and Burgers' equation. The deep learning algorithm approximates the general solution to the Burgers' equation for a continuum of different boundary conditions and physical conditions (which can be viewed as a high-dimensional space). We call the algorithm a "Deep Galerkin Method (DGM)" since it is similar in spirit to Galerkin methods, with the solution approximated by a neural network instead of a linear combination of basis functions. In addition, we prove a theorem regarding the approximation power of neural networks for a class of quasilinear parabolic PDEs.
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实施深层神经网络来学习参数部分微分方程(PDE)的解决方案图比使用许多常规数值方法更有效。但是,对这种方法进行了有限的理论分析。在这项研究中,我们研究了深层二次单元(requ)神经网络的表达能力,以近似参数PDE的溶液图。拟议的方法是由G. Kutyniok,P。Petersen,M。Raslan和R. Schneider(Gitta Kutyniok,Philipp Petersen,Mones Raslan和Reinhold Schneider。深层神经网络和参数PDES的理论分析)的最新重要工作激励的。 。建设性近似,第1-53、2021页,该第1-53、2021页,它使用深层的线性单元(relu)神经网络来求解参数PDE。与先前建立的复杂性$ \ MATHCAL {O} \ left(d^3 \ log_ {2}}^{q}(1/ \ epsilon)\ right)$用于relu神经网络,我们得出了上限的上限$ \ MATHCAL {o} \ left(d^3 \ log_ {2}^{q} \ log_ {2}(1/ \ epsilon)\ right)$)$ right Requ Neural网络的大小,以实现精度$ \ epsilon> 0 $,其中$ d $是代表解决方案的减少基础的维度。我们的方法充分利用了解决方案歧管的固有低维度和深层reque neural网络的更好近似性能。进行数值实验以验证我们的理论结果。
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Neural network-based approaches for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) have recently received special attention. However, the large majority of neural PDE solvers only apply to rectilinear domains, and do not systematically address the imposition of Dirichlet/Neumann boundary conditions over irregular domain boundaries. In this paper, we present a framework to neurally solve partial differential equations over domains with irregularly shaped (non-rectilinear) geometric boundaries. Our network takes in the shape of the domain as an input (represented using an unstructured point cloud, or any other parametric representation such as Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines) and is able to generalize to novel (unseen) irregular domains; the key technical ingredient to realizing this model is a novel approach for identifying the interior and exterior of the computational grid in a differentiable manner. We also perform a careful error analysis which reveals theoretical insights into several sources of error incurred in the model-building process. Finally, we showcase a wide variety of applications, along with favorable comparisons with ground truth solutions.
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我们提出了一种使用一组我们称为神经基函数(NBF)的神经网络来求解部分微分方程(PDE)的方法。这个NBF框架是POD DeepOnet操作方法的一种新颖的变化,我们将一组神经网络回归到降低的阶正合成分解(POD)基础上。然后将这些网络与分支网络结合使用,该分支网络摄入规定的PDE的参数以计算降低的订单近似值。该方法适用于高速流条件的稳态EULER方程(Mach 10-30),在该方程式中,我们考虑了围绕圆柱体的2D流,从而形成了冲击条件。然后,我们将NBF预测用作高保真计算流体动力学(CFD)求解器(CFD ++)的初始条件,以显示更快的收敛性。还将介绍用于培训和实施该算法的经验教训。
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神经操作员是科学机器学习中一种流行的技术,可以从数据中学习未知物理系统行为的数学模型。当数值求解器不可用或对基础物理学的理解不佳时,神经运算符对于学习与局部微分方程(PDE)相关的解决方案运算符特别有用。在这项工作中,我们试图提供理论基础,以了解学习时间依赖性PDE所需的培训数据量。从任何空间尺寸$ n \ geq 1 $中的抛物线PDE中给定输入输出对,我们得出了学习相关解决方案运算符的第一个理论上严格的方案,该方案采取了带有绿色功能$ g $的卷积的形式。到目前为止,严格学习与时间相关PDE相关的Green的功能一直是科学机器学习领域的主要挑战。通过将$ g $的层次低级结构与随机数字线性代数结合在一起,我们构建了$ g $的近似值,该$ g $实现了$ \ smash {\ smash {\ smashcal {\ mathcal {o}(\ gamma_ \ epsilon^epsilon^{ - 1/2} \ epsilon)}} $在$ l^1 $ -NORM中具有高概率,最多可以使用$ \ smash {\ MathCal {\ Mathcal {o}(\ Epsilon^{ - \ frac {n+2} {2} {2} {2} {2} {2} {2} } \ log(1/\ epsilon))}} $输入输出培训对,其中$ \ gamma_ \ epsilon $是衡量学习$ g $的培训数据集质量的量度,而$ \ epsilon> 0 $就足够了小的。
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在本文中,我们在关注最先进的变压器中应用自我关注,这是第一次需要与部分微分方程相关的数据驱动的操作员学习问题。努力放在一起解释启发式,提高注意机制的功效。通过在希尔伯特空间中采用操作员近似理论,首次证明了Softmax归一化在缩放的点产品中的关注中足够但没有必要。在没有软墨中的情况下,可以证明线性化变换器变型的近似容量与Petrov-Galerkin投影层 - 明智相当,并且估计是相对于序列长度的独立性。提出了一种模仿Petrov-Galerkin投影的新层归一化方案,以允许缩放通过注意层传播,这有助于模型在具有非通信数据的操作员学习任务中实现显着准确性。最后,我们展示了三个操作员学习实验,包括粘虫汉堡方程,接口达西流程,以及逆接口系数识别问题。新提出的简单关注的算子学习者Galerkin变压器,在Softmax归一化的同行中,培训成本和评估准确性都显示出显着的改进。
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This paper proposes Friedrichs learning as a novel deep learning methodology that can learn the weak solutions of PDEs via a minmax formulation, which transforms the PDE problem into a minimax optimization problem to identify weak solutions. The name "Friedrichs learning" is for highlighting the close relationship between our learning strategy and Friedrichs theory on symmetric systems of PDEs. The weak solution and the test function in the weak formulation are parameterized as deep neural networks in a mesh-free manner, which are alternately updated to approach the optimal solution networks approximating the weak solution and the optimal test function, respectively. Extensive numerical results indicate that our mesh-free method can provide reasonably good solutions to a wide range of PDEs defined on regular and irregular domains in various dimensions, where classical numerical methods such as finite difference methods and finite element methods may be tedious or difficult to be applied.
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Linear partial differential equations (PDEs) are an important, widely applied class of mechanistic models, describing physical processes such as heat transfer, electromagnetism, and wave propagation. In practice, specialized numerical methods based on discretization are used to solve PDEs. They generally use an estimate of the unknown model parameters and, if available, physical measurements for initialization. Such solvers are often embedded into larger scientific models or analyses with a downstream application such that error quantification plays a key role. However, by entirely ignoring parameter and measurement uncertainty, classical PDE solvers may fail to produce consistent estimates of their inherent approximation error. In this work, we approach this problem in a principled fashion by interpreting solving linear PDEs as physics-informed Gaussian process (GP) regression. Our framework is based on a key generalization of a widely-applied theorem for conditioning GPs on a finite number of direct observations to observations made via an arbitrary bounded linear operator. Crucially, this probabilistic viewpoint allows to (1) quantify the inherent discretization error; (2) propagate uncertainty about the model parameters to the solution; and (3) condition on noisy measurements. Demonstrating the strength of this formulation, we prove that it strictly generalizes methods of weighted residuals, a central class of PDE solvers including collocation, finite volume, pseudospectral, and (generalized) Galerkin methods such as finite element and spectral methods. This class can thus be directly equipped with a structured error estimate and the capability to incorporate uncertain model parameters and observations. In summary, our results enable the seamless integration of mechanistic models as modular building blocks into probabilistic models.
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