Collecting well-annotated image datasets to train modern machine learning algorithms is prohibitively expensive for many tasks. An appealing alternative is to render synthetic data where ground-truth annotations are generated automatically. Unfortunately, models trained purely on rendered images often fail to generalize to real images. To address this shortcoming, prior work introduced unsupervised domain adaptation algorithms that attempt to map representations between the two domains or learn to extract features that are domain-invariant. In this work, we present a new approach that learns, in an unsupervised manner, a transformation in the pixel space from one domain to the other. Our generative adversarial network (GAN)-based model adapts source-domain images to appear as if drawn from the target domain. Our approach not only produces plausible samples, but also outperforms the state-of-the-art on a number of unsupervised domain adaptation scenarios by large margins. Finally, we demonstrate that the adaptation process generalizes to object classes unseen during training.
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The cost of large scale data collection and annotation often makes the application of machine learning algorithms to new tasks or datasets prohibitively expensive. One approach circumventing this cost is training models on synthetic data where annotations are provided automatically. Despite their appeal, such models often fail to generalize from synthetic to real images, necessitating domain adaptation algorithms to manipulate these models before they can be successfully applied. Existing approaches focus either on mapping representations from one domain to the other, or on learning to extract features that are invariant to the domain from which they were extracted. However, by focusing only on creating a mapping or shared representation between the two domains, they ignore the individual characteristics of each domain. We suggest that explicitly modeling what is unique to each domain can improve a model's ability to extract domain-invariant features. Inspired by work on private-shared component analysis, we explicitly learn to extract image representations that are partitioned into two subspaces: one component which is private to each domain and one which is shared across domains. Our model is trained not only to perform the task we care about in the source domain, but also to use the partitioned representation to reconstruct the images from both domains. Our novel architecture results in a model that outperforms the state-of-the-art on a range of unsupervised domain adaptation scenarios and additionally produces visualizations of the private and shared representations enabling interpretation of the domain adaptation process.
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Domain Adaptation is an actively researched problem in Computer Vision. In this work, we propose an approach that leverages unsupervised data to bring the source and target distributions closer in a learned joint feature space. We accomplish this by inducing a symbiotic relationship between the learned embedding and a generative adversarial network. This is in contrast to methods which use the adversarial framework for realistic data generation and retraining deep models with such data. We demonstrate the strength and generality of our approach by performing experiments on three different tasks with varying levels of difficulty: (1) Digit classification (MNIST, SVHN and USPS datasets) (2) Object recognition using OFFICE dataset and (3) Domain adaptation from synthetic to real data. Our method achieves state-of-the art performance in most experimental settings and by far the only GAN-based method that has been shown to work well across different datasets such as OFFICE and DIGITS.
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Deep learning has produced state-of-the-art results for a variety of tasks. While such approaches for supervised learning have performed well, they assume that training and testing data are drawn from the same distribution, which may not always be the case. As a complement to this challenge, single-source unsupervised domain adaptation can handle situations where a network is trained on labeled data from a source domain and unlabeled data from a related but different target domain with the goal of performing well at test-time on the target domain. Many single-source and typically homogeneous unsupervised deep domain adaptation approaches have thus been developed, combining the powerful, hierarchical representations from deep learning with domain adaptation to reduce reliance on potentially-costly target data labels. This survey will compare these approaches by examining alternative methods, the unique and common elements, results, and theoretical insights. We follow this with a look at application areas and open research directions.
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Domain adaptation is critical for success in new, unseen environments. Adversarial adaptation models applied in feature spaces discover domain invariant representations, but are difficult to visualize and sometimes fail to capture pixel-level and low-level domain shifts. Recent work has shown that generative adversarial networks combined with cycle-consistency constraints are surprisingly effective at mapping images between domains, even without the use of aligned image pairs. We propose a novel discriminatively-trained Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Domain Adaptation model. CyCADA adapts representations at both the pixel-level and feature-level, enforces cycle-consistency while leveraging a task loss, and does not require aligned pairs. Our model can be applied in a variety of visual recognition and prediction settings. We show new state-of-the-art results across multiple adaptation tasks, including digit classification and semantic segmentation of road scenes demonstrating transfer from synthetic to real world domains.
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Adversarial learning methods are a promising approach to training robust deep networks, and can generate complex samples across diverse domains. They also can improve recognition despite the presence of domain shift or dataset bias: several adversarial approaches to unsupervised domain adaptation have recently been introduced, which reduce the difference between the training and test domain distributions and thus improve generalization performance. Prior generative approaches show compelling visualizations, but are not optimal on discriminative tasks and can be limited to smaller shifts. Prior discriminative approaches could handle larger domain shifts, but imposed tied weights on the model and did not exploit a GAN-based loss. We first outline a novel generalized framework for adversarial adaptation, which subsumes recent state-of-the-art approaches as special cases, and we use this generalized view to better relate the prior approaches. We propose a previously unexplored instance of our general framework which combines discriminative modeling, untied weight sharing, and a GAN loss, which we call Adversarial Discriminative Domain Adaptation (ADDA). We show that ADDA is more effective yet considerably simpler than competing domain-adversarial methods, and demonstrate the promise of our approach by exceeding state-of-the-art unsupervised adaptation results on standard cross-domain digit classification tasks and a new more difficult cross-modality object classification task.
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Deep domain adaptation has emerged as a new learning technique to address the lack of massive amounts of labeled data. Compared to conventional methods, which learn shared feature subspaces or reuse important source instances with shallow representations, deep domain adaptation methods leverage deep networks to learn more transferable representations by embedding domain adaptation in the pipeline of deep learning. There have been comprehensive surveys for shallow domain adaptation, but few timely reviews the emerging deep learning based methods. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of deep domain adaptation methods for computer vision applications with four major contributions. First, we present a taxonomy of different deep domain adaptation scenarios according to the properties of data that define how two domains are diverged. Second, we summarize deep domain adaptation approaches into several categories based on training loss, and analyze and compare briefly the state-of-the-art methods under these categories. Third, we overview the computer vision applications that go beyond image classification, such as face recognition, semantic segmentation and object detection. Fourth, some potential deficiencies of current methods and several future directions are highlighted.
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In this paper, we investigate a challenging unsupervised domain adaptation setting -unsupervised model adaptation. We aim to explore how to rely only on unlabeled target data to improve performance of an existing source prediction model on the target domain, since labeled source data may not be available in some real-world scenarios due to data privacy issues. For this purpose, we propose a new framework, which is referred to as collaborative class conditional generative adversarial net to bypass the dependence on the source data. Specifically, the prediction model is to be improved through generated target-style data, which provides more accurate guidance for the generator. As a result, the generator and the prediction model can collaborate with each other without source data. Furthermore, due to the lack of supervision from source data, we propose a weight constraint that encourages similarity to the source model. A clustering-based regularization is also introduced to produce more discriminative features in the target domain. Compared to conventional domain adaptation methods, our model achieves superior performance on multiple adaptation tasks with only unlabeled target data, which verifies its effectiveness in this challenging setting.
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We propose a general framework for unsupervised domain adaptation, which allows deep neural networks trained on a source domain to be tested on a different target domain without requiring any training annotations in the target domain. This is achieved by adding extra networks and losses that help regularize the features extracted by the backbone encoder network. To this end we propose the novel use of the recently proposed unpaired image-toimage translation framework to constrain the features extracted by the encoder network. Specifically, we require that the features extracted are able to reconstruct the images in both domains. In addition we require that the distribution of features extracted from images in the two domains are indistinguishable. Many recent works can be seen as specific cases of our general framework. We apply our method for domain adaptation between MNIST, USPS, and SVHN datasets, and Amazon, Webcam and DSLR Office datasets in classification tasks, and also between GTA5 and Cityscapes datasets for a segmentation task. We demonstrate state of the art performance on each of these datasets.
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In this work, we present a method for unsupervised domain adaptation. Many adversarial learning methods train domain classifier networks to distinguish the features as either a source or target and train a feature generator network to mimic the discriminator. Two problems exist with these methods. First, the domain classifier only tries to distinguish the features as a source or target and thus does not consider task-specific decision boundaries between classes. Therefore, a trained generator can generate ambiguous features near class boundaries. Second, these methods aim to completely match the feature distributions between different domains, which is difficult because of each domain's characteristics.To solve these problems, we introduce a new approach that attempts to align distributions of source and target by utilizing the task-specific decision boundaries. We propose to maximize the discrepancy between two classifiers' outputs to detect target samples that are far from the support of the source. A feature generator learns to generate target features near the support to minimize the discrepancy. Our method outperforms other methods on several datasets of image classification and semantic segmentation. The codes are available at https://github. com/mil-tokyo/MCD_DA
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Top-performing deep architectures are trained on massive amounts of labeled data. In the absence of labeled data for a certain task, domain adaptation often provides an attractive option given that labeled data of similar nature but from a different domain (e.g. synthetic images) are available. Here, we propose a new approach to domain adaptation in deep architectures that can be trained on large amount of labeled data from the source domain and large amount of unlabeled data from the target domain (no labeled targetdomain data is necessary).As the training progresses, the approach promotes the emergence of "deep" features that are (i) discriminative for the main learning task on the source domain and (ii) invariant with respect to the shift between the domains. We show that this adaptation behaviour can be achieved in almost any feed-forward model by augmenting it with few standard layers and a simple new gradient reversal layer. The resulting augmented architecture can be trained using standard backpropagation.Overall, the approach can be implemented with little effort using any of the deep-learning packages. The method performs very well in a series of image classification experiments, achieving adaptation effect in the presence of big domain shifts and outperforming previous state-ofthe-art on Office datasets.
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Recent works on domain adaptation reveal the effectiveness of adversarial learning on filling the discrepancy between source and target domains. However, two common limitations exist in current adversarial-learning-based methods. First, samples from two domains alone are not sufficient to ensure domain-invariance at most part of latent space. Second, the domain discriminator involved in these methods can only judge real or fake with the guidance of hard label, while it is more reasonable to use soft scores to evaluate the generated images or features, i.e., to fully utilize the inter-domain information. In this paper, we present adversarial domain adaptation with domain mixup (DM-ADA), which guarantees domain-invariance in a more continuous latent space and guides the domain discriminator in judging samples' difference relative to source and target domains. Domain mixup is jointly conducted on pixel and feature level to improve the robustness of models. Extensive experiments prove that the proposed approach can achieve superior performance on tasks with various degrees of domain shift and data complexity.
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在本文中,我们提出了一种使用域鉴别特征模块的双模块网络架构,以鼓励域不变的特征模块学习更多域不变的功能。该建议的架构可以应用于任何利用域不变功能的任何模型,用于无监督域适应,以提高其提取域不变特征的能力。我们在作为代表性算法的神经网络(DANN)模型的区域 - 对抗训练进行实验。在培训过程中,我们为两个模块提供相同的输入,然后分别提取它们的特征分布和预测结果。我们提出了差异损失,以找到预测结果的差异和两个模块之间的特征分布。通过对抗训练来最大化其特征分布和最小化其预测结果的差异,鼓励两个模块分别学习更多域歧视和域不变特征。进行了广泛的比较评估,拟议的方法在大多数无监督的域适应任务中表现出最先进的。
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In this work, we connect two distinct concepts for unsupervised domain adaptation: feature distribution alignment between domains by utilizing the task-specific decision boundary [58] and the Wasserstein metric [73]. Our proposed sliced Wasserstein discrepancy (SWD) is designed to capture the natural notion of dissimilarity between the outputs of task-specific classifiers. It provides a geometrically meaningful guidance to detect target samples that are far from the support of the source and enables efficient distribution alignment in an end-to-end trainable fashion. In the experiments, we validate the effectiveness and genericness of our method on digit and sign recognition, image classification, semantic segmentation, and object detection.
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In recent years, machine learning has achieved impressive results across different application areas. However, machine learning algorithms do not necessarily perform well on a new domain with a different distribution than its training set. Domain Adaptation (DA) is used to mitigate this problem. One approach of existing DA algorithms is to find domain invariant features whose distributions in the source domain are the same as their distribution in the target domain. In this paper, we propose to let the classifier that performs the final classification task on the target domain learn implicitly the invariant features to perform classification. It is achieved via feeding the classifier during training generated fake samples that are similar to samples from both the source and target domains. We call these generated samples domain-agnostic samples. To accomplish this we propose a novel variation of generative adversarial networks (GAN), called the MiddleGAN, that generates fake samples that are similar to samples from both the source and target domains, using two discriminators and one generator. We extend the theory of GAN to show that there exist optimal solutions for the parameters of the two discriminators and one generator in MiddleGAN, and empirically show that the samples generated by the MiddleGAN are similar to both samples from the source domain and samples from the target domain. We conducted extensive evaluations using 24 benchmarks; on the 24 benchmarks, we compare MiddleGAN against various state-of-the-art algorithms and outperform the state-of-the-art by up to 20.1\% on certain benchmarks.
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Recent reports suggest that a generic supervised deep CNN model trained on a large-scale dataset reduces, but does not remove, dataset bias. Fine-tuning deep models in a new domain can require a significant amount of labeled data, which for many applications is simply not available. We propose a new CNN architecture to exploit unlabeled and sparsely labeled target domain data. Our approach simultaneously optimizes for domain invariance to facilitate domain transfer and uses a soft label distribution matching loss to transfer information between tasks. Our proposed adaptation method offers empirical performance which exceeds previously published results on two standard benchmark visual domain adaptation tasks, evaluated across supervised and semi-supervised adaptation settings.
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