端到端(E2E)模型在口语理解(SLU)系统中变得越来越流行,并开始实现基于管道的方法的竞争性能。但是,最近的工作表明,这些模型努力以相同的意图概括为新的措辞,这表明模型无法理解给定话语的语义内容。在这项工作中,我们在E2E-SLU框架内的未标记文本数据中预先训练了在未标记的文本数据上进行预先训练的语言模型,以构建强大的语义表示。同时结合语义信息和声学信息可以增加推理时间,从而在语音助手等应用程序中部署时会导致高潜伏期。我们开发了一个2频道的SLU系统,该系统使用第一张音频的几秒钟的声学信息进行低潜伏期预测,并通过结合语义和声学表示在第二次通过中进行更高质量的预测。我们从先前的2次端到端语音识别系统上的工作中获得了灵感,该系统同时使用审议网络就可以在音频和第一通道假设上进行。所提出的2个通用SLU系统在Fluent Speech命令挑战集和SLURP数据集上优于基于声学的SLU模型,并减少了延迟,从而改善了用户体验。作为ESPNET-SLU工具包的一部分,我们的代码和模型公开可用。
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随着自动语音处理(ASR)系统越来越好,使用ASR输出越来越令于进行下游自然语言处理(NLP)任务。但是,很少的开源工具包可用于在不同口语理解(SLU)基准上生成可重复的结果。因此,需要建立一个开源标准,可以用于具有更快的开始进入SLU研究。我们展示了Espnet-SLU,它旨在在一个框架中快速发展口语语言理解。 Espnet-SLU是一个项目内部到结束语音处理工具包,ESPNET,它是一个广泛使用的开源标准,用于各种语音处理任务,如ASR,文本到语音(TTS)和语音转换(ST)。我们增强了工具包,为各种SLU基准提供实现,使研究人员能够无缝混合和匹配不同的ASR和NLU模型。我们还提供预磨损的模型,具有集中调谐的超参数,可以匹配或甚至优于最新的最先进的性能。该工具包在https://github.com/espnet/espnet上公开提供。
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Collecting sufficient labeled data for spoken language understanding (SLU) is expensive and time-consuming. Recent studies achieved promising results by using pre-trained models in low-resource scenarios. Inspired by this, we aim to ask: which (if any) pre-training strategies can improve performance across SLU benchmarks? To answer this question, we employ four types of pre-trained models and their combinations for SLU. We leverage self-supervised speech and language models (LM) pre-trained on large quantities of unpaired data to extract strong speech and text representations. We also explore using supervised models pre-trained on larger external automatic speech recognition (ASR) or SLU corpora. We conduct extensive experiments on the SLU Evaluation (SLUE) benchmark and observe self-supervised pre-trained models to be more powerful, with pre-trained LM and speech models being most beneficial for the Sentiment Analysis and Named Entity Recognition task, respectively.
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In this paper, we perform an exhaustive evaluation of different representations to address the intent classification problem in a Spoken Language Understanding (SLU) setup. We benchmark three types of systems to perform the SLU intent detection task: 1) text-based, 2) lattice-based, and a novel 3) multimodal approach. Our work provides a comprehensive analysis of what could be the achievable performance of different state-of-the-art SLU systems under different circumstances, e.g., automatically- vs. manually-generated transcripts. We evaluate the systems on the publicly available SLURP spoken language resource corpus. Our results indicate that using richer forms of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) outputs allows SLU systems to improve in comparison to the 1-best setup (4% relative improvement). However, crossmodal approaches, i.e., learning from acoustic and text embeddings, obtains performance similar to the oracle setup, and a relative improvement of 18% over the 1-best configuration. Thus, crossmodal architectures represent a good alternative to overcome the limitations of working purely automatically generated textual data.
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口语理解(SLU)系统提取文本成绩单和语义与意图和插槽相关的语言。 SLU系统通常由(1)自动语音识别(ASR)模块组成,(2)接口来自ASR相关输出的接口模块,以及(3)自然语言理解(NLU)模块。 SLU系统中的接口随附文本转录或更丰富的信息(例如从ASR到NLU)的信息。在本文中,我们研究界面如何影响与口语理解的联合培训。最值得注意的是,我们在公开可用的50小时SLURP数据集中获得了最新结果。我们首先利用通过文本界面连接的大型ASR和NLU模型,然后通过序列损耗函数共同训练这两个模型。对于未利用预位模型的场景,使用更丰富的神经界面通过联合序列损失训练获得了最佳结果。最后,我们显示了利用预期模型随培训数据规模增加的总体减少影响。
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我们提出了一种基于审议的新型方法来端到端(E2E)口语理解(SLU),其中流媒体自动语音识别(ASR)模型会产生第一频繁的假设和第二通通的自然语言(NLU)(NLU) )组件通过对ASR的文本和音频嵌入来生成语义解析。通过将E2E SLU制定为广义解码器,我们的系统能够支持复杂的组成语义结构。此外,ASR和NLU之间的参数共享使该系统特别适合资源受限的(内部设备)环境;我们提出的方法始终在TOPV2数据集的口头版本(Stop)的口语版本上始终优于强大管道NLU基线的0.60%至0.65%。我们证明了文本和音频功能的融合,再加上系统重写第一通道假设的能力,使我们的方法对ASR错误更加强大。最后,我们表明我们的方法可以显着减少从自然语音到合成语音训练时的降解,但是要使文本到语音(TTS)成为可行的解决方案,以扩大E2E SLU。
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口语理解(SLU)是大多数人机相互作用系统中的核心任务。随着智能家居,智能手机和智能扬声器的出现,SLU已成为该行业的关键技术。在经典的SLU方法中,自动语音识别(ASR)模块将语音信号转录为文本表示,自然语言理解(NLU)模块从中提取语义信息。最近,基于深神经网络的端到端SLU(E2E SLU)已经获得了动力,因为它受益于ASR和NLU部分的联合优化,因此限制了管道架构的误差效应的级联反应。但是,对于E2E模型用于预测语音输入的概念和意图的实际语言特性知之甚少。在本文中,我们提出了一项研究,以确定E2E模型执行SLU任务的信号特征和其他语言特性。该研究是在必须处理非英语(此处法语)语音命令的智能房屋的应用领域进行的。结果表明,良好的E2E SLU性能并不总是需要完美的ASR功能。此外,结果表明,与管道模型相比,E2E模型在处理背景噪声和句法变化方面具有出色的功能。最后,更细粒度的分析表明,E2E模型使用输入信号的音调信息来识别语音命令概念。本文概述的结果和方法提供了一个跳板,以进一步分析语音处理中的E2E模型。
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近年来已经看到了最终(E2E)口语理解(SLU)系统的重要进展,它直接从口头音频预测意图和插槽。虽然对话历史被利用以改善基于传统的基于文本的自然语言理解系统,但是当前的E2E SLU方法尚未在多转义和面向任务的对话中尚未结合这种关键的上下文信号。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个上下文E2E SLU模型架构,它使用多针关注机制来通过编码的先前的话语和对话框(语音助手所采取的动作)进行多转对对话。我们详细介绍了将这些上下文集成到最先进的复制和转换器的模型中的替代方法。当应用于由语音助理收集的大型识别的话语数据集时,我们的方法分别将平均单词和语义误差率降低10.8%和12.6%。我们还在公开可用的数据集中呈现结果,并显示我们的方法显着提高了非联盟基线的性能
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Conventional conversation assistants extract text transcripts from the speech signal using automatic speech recognition (ASR) and then predict intent from the transcriptions. Using end-to-end spoken language understanding (SLU), the intents of the speaker are predicted directly from the speech signal without requiring intermediate text transcripts. As a result, the model can optimize directly for intent classification and avoid cascading errors from ASR. The end-to-end SLU system also helps in reducing the latency of the intent prediction model. Although many datasets are available publicly for text-to-intent tasks, the availability of labeled speech-to-intent datasets is limited, and there are no datasets available in the Indian accent. In this paper, we release the Skit-S2I dataset, the first publicly available Indian-accented SLU dataset in the banking domain in a conversational tonality. We experiment with multiple baselines, compare different pretrained speech encoder's representations, and find that SSL pretrained representations perform slightly better than ASR pretrained representations lacking prosodic features for speech-to-intent classification. The dataset and baseline code is available at \url{https://github.com/skit-ai/speech-to-intent-dataset}
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Spoken language understanding (SLU) tasks have been studied for many decades in the speech research community, but have not received as much attention as lower-level tasks like speech and speaker recognition. In particular, there are not nearly as many SLU task benchmarks, and many of the existing ones use data that is not freely available to all researchers. Recent work has begun to introduce such benchmark datasets for several tasks. In this work, we introduce several new annotated SLU benchmark tasks based on freely available speech data, which complement existing benchmarks and address gaps in the SLU evaluation landscape. We contribute four tasks: question answering and summarization involve inference over longer speech sequences; named entity localization addresses the speech-specific task of locating the targeted content in the signal; dialog act classification identifies the function of a given speech utterance. We follow the blueprint of the Spoken Language Understanding Evaluation (SLUE) benchmark suite. In order to facilitate the development of SLU models that leverage the success of pre-trained speech representations, we will be publishing for each task (i) annotations for a relatively small fine-tuning set, (ii) annotated development and test sets, and (iii) baseline models for easy reproducibility and comparisons. In this work, we present the details of data collection and annotation and the performance of the baseline models. We also perform sensitivity analysis of pipeline models' performance (speech recognizer + text model) to the speech recognition accuracy, using more than 20 state-of-the-art speech recognition models.
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会话言论通常在话语水平上以松散的句法结构体现,但同时表现出连续话语的局部相干关系。事先工作已经表明,使用经常性神经网络或长短期存储器语言模型(LM)捕获较长的上下文信息可能遭受最近的偏置,而不是在远程上下文中。为了捕获词语和跨越话语之间的长期语义互动,我们提出了对话语音的自动语音识别(ASR)中语言建模的不同谈话历史融合方法。此外,引入了一种新的函数融合机制,该机制被引入熔断器并利用当前话语的声学嵌入和其相应的对话历史的语义含量以协作方式。为了塑造我们的想法,我们将ASR N-Best假设救援人员框架作为预测问题,利用BERT,一个标志性的预训练LM,作为成分车辆,以便于从给定的N最佳假设列表中选择Oracle假设。在AMI基准数据集上进行的实证实验似乎展示了我们对某些目前的线上的方法相关的可行性和功效。
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在启用语音的应用程序中,一个预定的热词在同时用来激活设备以便进行查询。 toavoid重复一个热词,我们提出了一个端到端的流(E2E)打算查询检测器,该查询检测器识别向设备指向的发音,并滤除针对设备的其他发出内容。提出的方法将预期的查询检测器置于E2E模型中,该模型将语音识别的不同组件折叠成一个神经网络。E2E对台面解码和预期的查询检测进行建模,也使我们可以基于早期的部分偏置检测结果, ,这对于减少潜伏期和使系统响应很重要。我们证明,与独立的预期检测器相比,检测准确性和600个MSLATENCE的相对相对改善的相对提高一级误差率(EER)的相对提高了22%。在我们的实验中,提出的模型检测用户正在用用户开始讲话后,用8.7%的Eerwithin与设备进行对话。
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语言模型(LMS)显着提高端到端模型(E2E)模型在训练过程中很少见的单词的识别准确性,当时在浅融合或重新恢复设置中。在这项工作中,我们介绍了LMS在判别培训框架中学习混合自动回旋传感器(HAT)模型的研究,以减轻有关使用LMS的训练与推理差距。对于浅融合设置,我们在假设生成和损失计算过程中都使用LMS,而LM感知的MWER训练模型可实现10 \%的相对改进,比用标准MWER在语音搜索测试集中培训的模型相对改进,其中包含稀有单词。对于重新设置,我们学会了一个小型神经模块,以数据依赖性方式产生串联的融合权重。该模型与常规MWER训练的模型相同,但无需清除融合重量。
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End-to-end speech recognition models trained using joint Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC)-Attention loss have gained popularity recently. In these models, a non-autoregressive CTC decoder is often used at inference time due to its speed and simplicity. However, such models are hard to personalize because of their conditional independence assumption that prevents output tokens from previous time steps to influence future predictions. To tackle this, we propose a novel two-way approach that first biases the encoder with attention over a predefined list of rare long-tail and out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words and then uses dynamic boosting and phone alignment network during decoding to further bias the subword predictions. We evaluate our approach on open-source VoxPopuli and in-house medical datasets to showcase a 60% improvement in F1 score on domain-specific rare words over a strong CTC baseline.
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We explore unifying a neural segmenter with two-pass cascaded encoder ASR into a single model. A key challenge is allowing the segmenter (which runs in real-time, synchronously with the decoder) to finalize the 2nd pass (which runs 900 ms behind real-time) without introducing user-perceived latency or deletion errors during inference. We propose a design where the neural segmenter is integrated with the causal 1st pass decoder to emit a end-of-segment (EOS) signal in real-time. The EOS signal is then used to finalize the non-causal 2nd pass. We experiment with different ways to finalize the 2nd pass, and find that a novel dummy frame injection strategy allows for simultaneous high quality 2nd pass results and low finalization latency. On a real-world long-form captioning task (YouTube), we achieve 2.4% relative WER and 140 ms EOS latency gains over a baseline VAD-based segmenter with the same cascaded encoder.
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近年来,在设备上的演讲识别(ASR)的个性化已经爆炸性增长,这在很大程度上是由于个人助理功能在移动设备和智能家居扬声器上越来越受欢迎。在这项工作中,我们提出了个人VAD 2.0,这是一种个性化的语音活动探测器,可检测目标扬声器的语音活动,作为流媒体上的ASR系统的一部分。尽管以前的概念证明研究已经验证了个人VAD的有效性,但在生产中可以使用该模型之前,仍然存在一些关键的挑战:首先,在招生和无人列的场景中,质量必须令人满意。其次,它应该以流媒体方式运行。最后,型号的大小应足够小,以适合有限的延迟和CPU/内存预算。为了满足多方面的要求,我们提出了一系列新颖的设计:1)高级扬声器嵌入调制方法; 2)一种新的培训范式,以概括为无数的条件; 3)用于延迟和资源限制的体系结构和运行时优化。对现实语音识别系统的广泛实验证明了我们提出的方法的最新性能。
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