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We consider the problem of unsupervised domain adaptation in semantic segmentation. A key in this campaign consists in reducing the domain shift, i.e., enforcing the data distributions of the two domains to be similar. One of the common strategies is to align the marginal distribution in the feature space through adversarial learning. However, this global alignment strategy does not consider the category-level joint distribution. A possible consequence of such global movement is that some categories which are originally well aligned between the source and target may be incorrectly mapped, thus leading to worse segmentation results in target domain. To address this problem, we introduce a category-level adversarial network, aiming to enforce local semantic consistency during the trend of global alignment. Our idea is to take a close look at the category-level joint distribution and align each class with an adaptive adversarial loss. Specifically, we reduce the weight of the adversarial loss for category-level aligned features while increasing the adversarial force for those poorly aligned. In this process, we decide how well a feature is category-level aligned between source and target by a co-training approach. In two domain adaptation tasks, i.e., GTA5 → Cityscapes and SYN-THIA → Cityscapes, we validate that the proposed method matches the state of the art in segmentation accuracy.
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无监督的域适应性(UDA)旨在使在标记的源域上训练的模型适应未标记的目标域。在本文中,我们提出了典型的对比度适应(PROCA),这是一种无监督域自适应语义分割的简单有效的对比度学习方法。以前的域适应方法仅考虑跨各个域的阶级内表示分布的对齐,而阶层间结构关系的探索不足,从而导致目标域上的对齐表示可能不像在源上歧视的那样容易歧视。域了。取而代之的是,ProCA将类间信息纳入班级原型,并采用以班级为中心的分布对齐进行适应。通过将同一类原型与阳性和其他类原型视为实现以集体为中心的分配对齐方式的负面原型,Proca在经典领域适应任务上实现了最先进的性能,{\ em i.e. text {and} synthia $ \ to $ cityScapes}。代码可在\ href {https://github.com/jiangzhengkai/proca} {proca}获得代码
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Semantic segmentation is a key problem for many computer vision tasks. While approaches based on convolutional neural networks constantly break new records on different benchmarks, generalizing well to diverse testing environments remains a major challenge. In numerous real world applications, there is indeed a large gap between data distributions in train and test domains, which results in severe performance loss at run-time. In this work, we address the task of unsupervised domain adaptation in semantic segmentation with losses based on the entropy of the pixel-wise predictions. To this end, we propose two novel, complementary methods using (i) an entropy loss and (ii) an adversarial loss respectively. We demonstrate state-of-theart performance in semantic segmentation on two challenging "synthetic-2-real" set-ups 1 and show that the approach can also be used for detection.
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本文提出了一种新颖的像素级分布正则化方案(DRSL),用于自我监督的语义分割域的适应性。在典型的环境中,分类损失迫使语义分割模型贪婪地学习捕获类间变化的表示形式,以确定决策(类)边界。由于域的转移,该决策边界在目标域中未对齐,从而导致嘈杂的伪标签对自我监督域的适应性产生不利影响。为了克服这一限制,以及捕获阶层间变化,我们通过类感知的多模式分布学习(MMDL)捕获了像素级内的类内变化。因此,捕获阶层内变化所需的信息与阶层间歧视所需的信息明确分开。因此,捕获的功能更具信息性,导致伪噪声低的伪标记。这种分离使我们能够使用前者的基于跨凝结的自学习,在判别空间和多模式分布空间中进行单独的对齐。稍后,我们通过明确降低映射到同一模式的目标和源像素之间的距离来提出一种新型的随机模式比对方法。距离度量标签上计算出的距离度量损失,并从多模式建模头部反向传播,充当与分割头共享的基本网络上的正常化程序。关于合成到真实域的适应设置的全面实验的结果,即GTA-V/Synthia to CityScapes,表明DRSL的表现优于许多现有方法(MIOU的最小余量为2.3%和2.5%,用于MIOU,而合成的MIOU到CityScapes)。
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深度神经网络(DNN)极大地促进了语义分割中的性能增益。然而,训练DNN通常需要大量的像素级标记数据,这在实践中收集昂贵且耗时。为了减轻注释负担,本文提出了一种自组装的生成对抗网络(SE-GAN)利用语义分割的跨域数据。在SE-GaN中,教师网络和学生网络构成用于生成语义分割图的自组装模型,与鉴别器一起形成GaN。尽管它很简单,我们发现SE-GaN可以显着提高对抗性训练的性能,提高模型的稳定性,这是由大多数普遍培训的方法共享的常见障碍。我们理论上分析SE-GaN并提供$ \ Mathcal o(1 / \ sqrt {n})$泛化绑定($ n $是培训样本大小),这表明控制了鉴别者的假设复杂性,以提高概括性。因此,我们选择一个简单的网络作为鉴别器。两个标准设置中的广泛和系统实验表明,该方法显着优于最新的最先进的方法。我们模型的源代码即将推出。
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Convolutional neural network-based approaches for semantic segmentation rely on supervision with pixel-level ground truth, but may not generalize well to unseen image domains. As the labeling process is tedious and labor intensive, developing algorithms that can adapt source ground truth labels to the target domain is of great interest. In this paper, we propose an adversarial learning method for domain adaptation in the context of semantic segmentation. Considering semantic segmentations as structured outputs that contain spatial similarities between the source and target domains, we adopt adversarial learning in the output space. To further enhance the adapted model, we construct a multi-level adversarial network to effectively perform output space domain adaptation at different feature levels. Extensive experiments and ablation study are conducted under various domain adaptation settings, including synthetic-to-real and cross-city scenarios. We show that the proposed method performs favorably against the stateof-the-art methods in terms of accuracy and visual quality.
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Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) for semantic segmentation is a promising task freeing people from heavy annotation work. However, domain discrepancies in low-level image statistics and high-level contexts compromise the segmentation performance over the target domain. A key idea to tackle this problem is to perform both image-level and feature-level adaptation jointly. Unfortunately, there is a lack of such unified approaches for UDA tasks in the existing literature. This paper proposes a novel UDA pipeline for semantic segmentation that unifies image-level and feature-level adaptation. Concretely, for image-level domain shifts, we propose a global photometric alignment module and a global texture alignment module that align images in the source and target domains in terms of image-level properties. For feature-level domain shifts, we perform global manifold alignment by projecting pixel features from both domains onto the feature manifold of the source domain; and we further regularize category centers in the source domain through a category-oriented triplet loss and perform target domain consistency regularization over augmented target domain images. Experimental results demonstrate that our pipeline significantly outperforms previous methods. In the commonly tested GTA5$\rightarrow$Cityscapes task, our proposed method using Deeplab V3+ as the backbone surpasses previous SOTA by 8%, achieving 58.2% in mIoU.
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Domain adaptation for semantic image segmentation is very necessary since manually labeling large datasets with pixel-level labels is expensive and time consuming. Existing domain adaptation techniques either work on limited datasets, or yield not so good performance compared with supervised learning. In this paper, we propose a novel bidirectional learning framework for domain adaptation of segmentation. Using the bidirectional learning, the image translation model and the segmentation adaptation model can be learned alternatively and promote to each other. Furthermore, we propose a self-supervised learning algorithm to learn a better segmentation adaptation model and in return improve the image translation model. Experiments show that our method is superior to the state-of-the-art methods in domain adaptation of segmentation with a big margin. The source code is available at https://github.com/liyunsheng13/BDL.
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虽然监督语义分割存在重大进展,但由于领域偏差,将分段模型部署到解除域来仍然具有挑战性。域适应可以通过将知识从标记的源域传输到未标记的目标域来帮助。以前的方法通常尝试执行对全局特征的适应,然而,通常忽略要计入特征空间中的每个像素的本地语义附属机构,导致较少的可辨性。为解决这个问题,我们提出了一种用于细粒度阶级对齐的新型语义原型对比学习框架。具体地,语义原型提供了用于每个像素鉴别的表示学习的监控信号,并且需要在特征空间中的源极和目标域的每个像素来反映相应的语义原型的内容。通过这种方式,我们的框架能够明确地制作较近的类别的像素表示,并且进一步越来越多地分开,以改善分割模型的鲁棒性以及减轻域移位问题。与最先进的方法相比,我们的方法易于实施并达到优异的结果,如众多实验所展示的那样。代码在[此HTTPS URL](https://github.com/binhuixie/spcl)上公开可用。
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Domain adaptation aims to bridge the domain shifts between the source and the target domain. These shifts may span different dimensions such as fog, rainfall, etc. However, recent methods typically do not consider explicit prior knowledge about the domain shifts on a specific dimension, thus leading to less desired adaptation performance. In this paper, we study a practical setting called Specific Domain Adaptation (SDA) that aligns the source and target domains in a demanded-specific dimension. Within this setting, we observe the intra-domain gap induced by different domainness (i.e., numerical magnitudes of domain shifts in this dimension) is crucial when adapting to a specific domain. To address the problem, we propose a novel Self-Adversarial Disentangling (SAD) framework. In particular, given a specific dimension, we first enrich the source domain by introducing a domainness creator with providing additional supervisory signals. Guided by the created domainness, we design a self-adversarial regularizer and two loss functions to jointly disentangle the latent representations into domainness-specific and domainness-invariant features, thus mitigating the intra-domain gap. Our method can be easily taken as a plug-and-play framework and does not introduce any extra costs in the inference time. We achieve consistent improvements over state-of-the-art methods in both object detection and semantic segmentation.
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在语义细分中进行了无监督的域的适应,以减轻对昂贵像素的依赖的依赖。它利用标有标记的源域数据集以及未标记的目标域图像来学习分割网络。在本文中,我们观察到现有的域不变学习框架的两个主要问题。 (1)由于特征分布对齐而分心,网络不能专注于分割任务。 (2)拟合源域数据很好地损害了目标域性能。为了解决这些问题,我们提出了减轻过度拟合源域的脱钩,并使最终模型能够更多地专注于细分任务。此外,我们提出自我歧视(SD),并引入辅助分类器,以使用伪标签学习更多歧视目标域特征。最后,我们建议在线增强自我训练(OEST),以在线方式上下文提高伪标签的质量。实验表明,我们的方法优于现有的最新方法,广泛的消融研究验证了每个组件的有效性。代码可在https://github.com/dvlab-research/decouplenet上找到。
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使用合成数据来训练在现实世界数据上实现良好性能的神经网络是一项重要任务,因为它可以减少对昂贵数据注释的需求。然而,合成和现实世界数据具有域间隙。近年来,已经广泛研究了这种差距,也称为域的适应性。通过直接执行两者之间的适应性来缩小源(合成)和目标数据之间的域间隙是具有挑战性的。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个新颖的两阶段框架,用于改进图像数据上的域适应技术。在第一阶段,我们逐步训练一个多尺度神经网络,以从源域到目标域进行图像翻译。我们将新的转换数据表示为“目标中的源”(SIT)。然后,我们将生成的SIT数据插入任何标准UDA方法的输入。该新数据从所需的目标域缩小了域间隙,这有助于应用UDA进一步缩小差距的方法。我们通过与其他领先的UDA和图像对图像翻译技术进行比较来强调方法的有效性,当时用作SIT发电机。此外,我们通过三种用于语义分割的最先进的UDA方法(HRDA,daformer and proda)在两个UDA任务上,GTA5到CityScapes和Synthia to CityScapes来证明我们的框架的改进。
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Domain adaptation is critical for success in new, unseen environments. Adversarial adaptation models applied in feature spaces discover domain invariant representations, but are difficult to visualize and sometimes fail to capture pixel-level and low-level domain shifts. Recent work has shown that generative adversarial networks combined with cycle-consistency constraints are surprisingly effective at mapping images between domains, even without the use of aligned image pairs. We propose a novel discriminatively-trained Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Domain Adaptation model. CyCADA adapts representations at both the pixel-level and feature-level, enforces cycle-consistency while leveraging a task loss, and does not require aligned pairs. Our model can be applied in a variety of visual recognition and prediction settings. We show new state-of-the-art results across multiple adaptation tasks, including digit classification and semantic segmentation of road scenes demonstrating transfer from synthetic to real world domains.
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语义细分是一种关键技术,涉及高分辨率遥感(HRS)图像的自动解释,并引起了遥感社区的广泛关注。由于其层次表示能力,深度卷积神经网络(DCNN)已成功应用于HRS图像语义分割任务。但是,对大量培训数据的严重依赖性以及对数据分布变化的敏感性严重限制了DCNNS在HRS图像的语义分割中的潜在应用。这项研究提出了一种新型的无监督域适应性语义分割网络(MemoryAdaptnet),用于HRS图像的语义分割。 MemoryAdaptnet构建了一种输出空间对抗学习方案,以弥合源域和目标域之间的域分布差异,并缩小域移位的影响。具体而言,我们嵌入了一个不变的特征内存模块来存储不变的域级上下文信息,因为从对抗学习获得的功能仅代表当前有限输入的变体特征。该模块由类别注意力驱动的不变域级上下文集合模块集成到当前伪不变功能,以进一步增强像素表示。基于熵的伪标签滤波策略用于更新当前目标图像的高额伪不变功能的内存模块。在三个跨域任务下进行的广泛实验表明,我们提出的记忆ADAPTNET非常优于最新方法。
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Recent deep networks achieved state of the art performance on a variety of semantic segmentation tasks. Despite such progress, these models often face challenges in real world "wild tasks" where large difference between labeled training/source data and unseen test/target data exists. In particular, such difference is often referred to as "domain gap", and could cause significantly decreased performance which cannot be easily remedied by further increasing the representation power. Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) seeks to overcome such problem without target domain labels. In this paper, we propose a novel UDA framework based on an iterative self-training (ST) procedure, where the problem is formulated as latent variable loss minimization, and can be solved by alternatively generating pseudo labels on target data and re-training the model with these labels. On top of ST, we also propose a novel classbalanced self-training (CBST) framework to avoid the gradual dominance of large classes on pseudo-label generation, and introduce spatial priors to refine generated labels. Comprehensive experiments show that the proposed methods achieve state of the art semantic segmentation performance under multiple major UDA settings.⋆ indicates equal contribution.
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