Deep transfer learning has been widely used for knowledge transmission in recent years. The standard approach of pre-training and subsequently fine-tuning, or linear probing, has shown itself to be effective in many down-stream tasks. Therefore, a challenging and ongoing question arises: how to quantify cross-task transferability that is compatible with transferred results while keeping self-consistency? Existing transferability metrics are estimated on the particular model by conversing source and target tasks. They must be recalculated with all existing source tasks whenever a novel unknown target task is encountered, which is extremely computationally expensive. In this work, we highlight what properties should be satisfied and evaluate existing metrics in light of these characteristics. Building upon this, we propose Principal Gradient Expectation (PGE), a simple yet effective method for assessing transferability across tasks. Specifically, we use a restart scheme to calculate every batch gradient over each weight unit more than once, and then we take the average of all the gradients to get the expectation. Thus, the transferability between the source and target task is estimated by computing the distance of normalized principal gradients. Extensive experiments show that the proposed transferability metric is more stable, reliable and efficient than SOTA methods.
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Deep transfer learning (DTL) has formed a long-term quest toward enabling deep neural networks (DNNs) to reuse historical experiences as efficiently as humans. This ability is named knowledge transferability. A commonly used paradigm for DTL is firstly learning general knowledge (pre-training) and then reusing (fine-tuning) them for a specific target task. There are two consensuses of transferability of pre-trained DNNs: (1) a larger domain gap between pre-training and downstream data brings lower transferability; (2) the transferability gradually decreases from lower layers (near input) to higher layers (near output). However, these consensuses were basically drawn from the experiments based on natural images, which limits their scope of application. This work aims to study and complement them from a broader perspective by proposing a method to measure the transferability of pre-trained DNN parameters. Our experiments on twelve diverse image classification datasets get similar conclusions to the previous consensuses. More importantly, two new findings are presented, i.e., (1) in addition to the domain gap, a larger data amount and huge dataset diversity of downstream target task also prohibit the transferability; (2) although the lower layers learn basic image features, they are usually not the most transferable layers due to their domain sensitivity.
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With the ever-growing model size and the limited availability of labeled training data, transfer learning has become an increasingly popular approach in many science and engineering domains. For classification problems, this work delves into the mystery of transfer learning through an intriguing phenomenon termed neural collapse (NC), where the last-layer features and classifiers of learned deep networks satisfy: (i) the within-class variability of the features collapses to zero, and (ii) the between-class feature means are maximally and equally separated. Through the lens of NC, our findings for transfer learning are the following: (i) when pre-training models, preventing intra-class variability collapse (to a certain extent) better preserves the intrinsic structures of the input data, so that it leads to better model transferability; (ii) when fine-tuning models on downstream tasks, obtaining features with more NC on downstream data results in better test accuracy on the given task. The above results not only demystify many widely used heuristics in model pre-training (e.g., data augmentation, projection head, self-supervised learning), but also leads to more efficient and principled fine-tuning method on downstream tasks that we demonstrate through extensive experimental results.
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Does the dominant approach to learn representations (as a side effect of optimizing an expected cost for a single training distribution) remain a good approach when we are dealing with multiple distributions. Our thesis is that such scenarios are better served by representations that are "richer" than those obtained with a single optimization episode. This is supported by a collection of empirical results obtained with an apparently na\"ive ensembling technique: concatenating the representations obtained with multiple training episodes using the same data, model, algorithm, and hyper-parameters, but different random seeds. These independently trained networks perform similarly. Yet, in a number of scenarios involving new distributions, the concatenated representation performs substantially better than an equivalently sized network trained from scratch. This proves that the representations constructed by multiple training episodes are in fact different. Although their concatenation carries little additional information about the training task under the training distribution, it becomes substantially more informative when tasks or distributions change. Meanwhile, a single training episode is unlikely to yield such a redundant representation because the optimization process has no reason to accumulate features that do not incrementally improve the training performance.
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具有许多预训练模型(PTM)的模型中心已经是深度学习的基石。尽管以高成本建造,但它们仍然保持\ emph {探索}:从业人员通常会通过普及从提供的模型中心中选择一个PTM,然后对PTM进行微调以解决目标任务。这种na \“我的但共同的实践构成了两个障碍,以充分利用预训练的模型中心:(1)通过受欢迎程度选择的PTM选择没有最佳保证;(2)仅使用一个PTM,而其余的PTM则被忽略。理想情况下。理想情况下。 ,为了最大程度地利用预训练的模型枢纽,需要尝试所有PTM的所有组合和广泛的微调每个PTM组合,这会产生指数组合和不可偿还的计算预算。在本文中,我们提出了一种新的范围排名和调整预训练的模型:(1)我们的会议论文〜\ citep {you_logme:_2021}提出的logMe,以估算预先训练模型提取的标签证据的最大值,该标签证据可以在模型中排名所有PTMS用于各种类型的PTM和任务的枢纽\ Emph {微调之前}。(2)如果我们不偏爱模型的体系结构,则可以对排名最佳的PTM进行微调和部署,或者可以通过TOPE调整目标PTM -k通过t排名PTM他提出了b-tuning算法。排名部分基于会议论文,我们在本文中完成了其理论分析,包括启发式证据最大化程序的收敛证明和特征维度的影响。调整零件引入了一种用于调整多个PTM的新型贝叶斯调整(B-Tuning)方法,该方法超过了专门的方法,该方法旨在调整均匀的PTMS,并为调整异质PTMS设置了一种新的技术。利用PTM枢纽的新范式对于整个机器学习社区的大量受众来说可能会很有趣。
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深层模型必须学习强大而可转移的表示形式,以便在新领域上表现良好。尽管已经提出了域转移方法(例如,域的适应性,域的概括)来学习跨域的可转移表示,但通常将它们应用于在Imagenet上预先训练的重置骨架。因此,现有作品很少关注预训练对域转移任务的影响。在本文中,我们对领域适应和泛化的预训练进行了广泛的研究和深入分析,即:网络体系结构,大小,训练损失和数据集。我们观察到,仅使用最先进的主链优于现有的最先进的域适应基线,并将新的基本线设置为Office-Home和Domainnet在10.7 \%和5.5 \%上提高。我们希望这项工作可以为未来的领域转移研究提供更多见解。
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从自然语言监督中学习视觉表示,最近在许多开创性的作品中表现出了巨大的希望。通常,这些具有语言的视觉模型表现出对各种数据集和任务的强大可传递性。但是,由于缺乏易于使用的评估工具包和公共基准,评估这些模型的可转让性仍然很具有挑战性。为了解决这个问题,我们构建了高级版(评估语言的视觉任务级传输),这是用于评估(预训练)语言增强视觉模型的第一个基准和工具包。升华由三个组成部分组成。 (i)数据集。作为下游评估套件,它由20个图像分类数据集和35个对象检测数据集组成,每个数据集都用外部知识来增强。 (ii)工具包。开发了自动高参数调谐工具包,以促进下游任务的模型评估。 (iii)指标。多种评估指标用于测量样品效率(零射击和少量)和参数效率(线性探测和完整模型微调)。我们在上公开发布leverater
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在Imagenet或其他大规模数据数据上的预培训模型导致计算机愿景的主要进步,尽管伴随着与策划成本,隐私,使用权和道德问题相关的缺点。在本文中,我们首次研究了基于由图形模拟器生成的合成数据到来自非常不同的域的下游任务的培训模型的可转换性。在使用此类合成数据进行预培训时,我们发现不同任务的下游性能受到不同配置的不同配置(例如,照明,对象姿势,背景等),并且没有单尺寸适合 - 所有解决方案。因此,更好地将合成的预训练数据量身定制到特定的下游任务,以获得最佳性能。我们介绍Task2SIM,一个统一的模型将下游任务表示映射到最佳模拟参数,以为它们生成合成的预训练数据。 Task2SIM通过培训学习此映射,以查找一组“看到”任务上的最佳参数集。曾经训练过,它可以用于预测一个新颖的“看不见”任务的最佳仿真参数,而无需额外的培训。鉴于每级图像数量的预算,我们具有20个不同的下游任务的广泛实验,显示了Task2SIM的任务 - 自适应预训练数据导致明显更好的下游性能,而不是在看见和看不见的任务上的非自适应选择模拟参数。它甚至是竞争对手的真实图像的竞争力。
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ImageNet pre-training has enabled state-of-the-art results on many tasks. In spite of its recognized contribution to generalization, we observed in this study that ImageNet pre-training also transfers adversarial non-robustness from pre-trained model into fine-tuned model in the downstream classification tasks. We first conducted experiments on various datasets and network backbones to uncover the adversarial non-robustness in fine-tuned model. Further analysis was conducted on examining the learned knowledge of fine-tuned model and standard model, and revealed that the reason leading to the non-robustness is the non-robust features transferred from ImageNet pre-trained model. Finally, we analyzed the preference for feature learning of the pre-trained model, explored the factors influencing robustness, and introduced a simple robust ImageNet pre-training solution. Our code is available at \url{}.
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本文解决了对预先训练的深神经网络进行排名并筛选最下游任务的重要问题。这是具有挑战性的,因为每个任务的基本模型排名只能通过微调目标数据集中的预训练模型来生成,该模型是蛮力且计算昂贵的。最近的高级方法提出了几个轻巧的可转移性指标来预测微调结果。但是,这些方法仅捕获静态表示,但忽略了微调动态。为此,本文提出了一个新的可传递性度量,称为\ textbf {s} elf-challenging \ textbf {f} isher \ textbf {d} is Criminant \ textbf {a} nalisy(\ textbf {\ textbf {sfda})现有作品没有的有吸引力的好处。首先,SFDA可以将静态特征嵌入渔民空间中,并完善它们,以在类之间更好地分离性。其次,SFDA使用一种自我挑战的机制来鼓励不同的预训练模型来区分硬性示例。第三,SFDA可以轻松地为模型集合选择多个预训练的模型。 $ 33 $预培训的$ 11 $下游任务的$ 33 $预培训模型的广泛实验表明,在测量预训练模型的可传递性时,SFDA具有高效,有效和健壮。例如,与最先进的方法NLEEP相比,SFDA平均显示了59.1美元的增益,同时带来了$ 22.5 $ x的墙壁速度速度。该代码将在\ url {}上提供。
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作为主导范式,微调目标数据的预先训练模型广泛用于许多深度学习应用,特别是对于小数据集。然而,最近的研究已经明确表明,一旦培训迭代的数量增加,划痕训练都没有比这一训练前策略更糟糕的最终表现。在这项工作中,我们从学习理论中流行的泛化分析的角度重新审视这种现象。我们的结果表明,最终预测精度可能具有对预训练模型的弱依赖性,特别是在大训练迭代的情况下。观察激励我们利用预训练预调整的数据,因为此数据也可用于微调。使用预训练数据的泛化结果表明,当适当的预训练数据包含在微调中时,可以提高目标任务的最终性能。随着理论发现的洞察力,我们提出了一种新颖的选择策略来选择从预训练数据中的子集,以帮助改善目标任务的概括。 8个基准数据集上的图像分类任务的广泛实验结果验证了基于数据选择的微调管道的有效性。
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Few-shot learning aims to fast adapt a deep model from a few examples. While pre-training and meta-training can create deep models powerful for few-shot generalization, we find that pre-training and meta-training focuses respectively on cross-domain transferability and cross-task transferability, which restricts their data efficiency in the entangled settings of domain shift and task shift. We thus propose the Omni-Training framework to seamlessly bridge pre-training and meta-training for data-efficient few-shot learning. Our first contribution is a tri-flow Omni-Net architecture. Besides the joint representation flow, Omni-Net introduces two parallel flows for pre-training and meta-training, responsible for improving domain transferability and task transferability respectively. Omni-Net further coordinates the parallel flows by routing their representations via the joint-flow, enabling knowledge transfer across flows. Our second contribution is the Omni-Loss, which introduces a self-distillation strategy separately on the pre-training and meta-training objectives for boosting knowledge transfer throughout different training stages. Omni-Training is a general framework to accommodate many existing algorithms. Evaluations justify that our single framework consistently and clearly outperforms the individual state-of-the-art methods on both cross-task and cross-domain settings in a variety of classification, regression and reinforcement learning problems.
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