随着现代机器人技术的发展,自主代理现在能够托管复杂的算法,这使他们能够做出聪明的决定。但是,直接在现实世界中开发和测试这种算法是乏味的,可能导致浪费宝贵的资源。尤其是对于战场环境中的异质多机构系统,在确定系统的行为和可用性方面至关重要。由于必须在部署前模拟单独的范式(共模拟)模拟此类情况,因此这些模拟器之间的同步至关重要。旨在解决此问题的现有作品无法解决部署的代理之间的多样性。在这项工作中,我们建议\ textit {SynchroSim},这是一种集成的共模拟中间件,以模拟异质的多机器人系统。在这里,我们提出了一个速度差驱动的可调窗口大小方法,以减少数据包损耗概率。它考虑了部署代理的各个速度,以在它们之间传输数据之前计算合适的窗口大小。我们考虑了我们的算法特异性模拟器不可知论,但是为了实现结果,我们已将凉亭用作物理模拟器,而NS-3用作网络模拟器。此外,我们设计了算法,考虑到封闭的通信渠道内的感知行动循环,这是有争议的情况下的基本因素之一,在数据传输方面需要高保真度。我们在视线(LOS)和非视线(NLOS)方案的模拟和系统级别上均通过经验验证我们的方法。与基于固定的窗口大小的同步方法相比,我们的方法在减少数据包损耗概率($ \ $ 11 \%)和平均数据包延迟($ \ $ 10 \%)方面取得了显着改善。
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Search and rescue, wildfire monitoring, and flood/hurricane impact assessment are mission-critical services for recent IoT networks. Communication synchronization, dependability, and minimal communication jitter are major simulation and system issues for the time-based physics-based ROS simulator, event-based network-based wireless simulator, and complex dynamics of mobile and heterogeneous IoT devices deployed in actual environments. Simulating a heterogeneous multi-robot system before deployment is difficult due to synchronizing physics (robotics) and network simulators. Due to its master-based architecture, most TCP/IP-based synchronization middlewares use ROS1. A real-time ROS2 architecture with masterless packet discovery synchronizes robotics and wireless network simulations. A velocity-aware Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) technique for ground and aerial robots using Data Distribution Service (DDS) publish-subscribe transport minimizes packet loss, synchronization, transmission, and communication jitters. Gazebo and NS-3 simulate and test. Simulator-agnostic middleware. LOS/NLOS and TCP/UDP protocols tested our ROS2-based synchronization middleware for packet loss probability and average latency. A thorough ablation research replaced NS-3 with EMANE, a real-time wireless network simulator, and masterless ROS2 with master-based ROS1. Finally, we tested network synchronization and jitter using one aerial drone (Duckiedrone) and two ground vehicles (TurtleBot3 Burger) on different terrains in masterless (ROS2) and master-enabled (ROS1) clusters. Our middleware shows that a large-scale IoT infrastructure with a diverse set of stationary and robotic devices can achieve low-latency communications (12% and 11% reduction in simulation and real) while meeting mission-critical application reliability (10% and 15% packet loss reduction) and high-fidelity requirements.
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本文介绍了Cerberus机器人系统系统,该系统赢得了DARPA Subterranean挑战最终活动。出席机器人自主权。由于其几何复杂性,降解的感知条件以及缺乏GPS支持,严峻的导航条件和拒绝通信,地下设置使自动操作变得特别要求。为了应对这一挑战,我们开发了Cerberus系统,该系统利用了腿部和飞行机器人的协同作用,再加上可靠的控制,尤其是为了克服危险的地形,多模式和多机器人感知,以在传感器退化,以及在传感器退化的条件下进行映射以及映射通过统一的探索路径计划和本地运动计划,反映机器人特定限制的弹性自主权。 Cerberus基于其探索各种地下环境及其高级指挥和控制的能力,表现出有效的探索,对感兴趣的对象的可靠检测以及准确的映射。在本文中,我们报告了DARPA地下挑战赛的初步奔跑和最终奖项的结果,并讨论了为社区带来利益的教训所面临的亮点和挑战。
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The Age-of-Information (AoI) metric has been widely studied in the theoretical communication networks and queuing systems literature. However, experimental evaluation of its applicability to complex real-world time-sensitive systems is largely lacking. In this work, we develop, implement, and evaluate an AoI-based application layer middleware that enables the customization of WiFi networks to the needs of time-sensitive applications. By controlling the storage and flow of information in the underlying WiFi network, our middleware can: (i) prevent packet collisions; (ii) discard stale packets that are no longer useful; and (iii) dynamically prioritize the transmission of the most relevant information. To demonstrate the benefits of our middleware, we implement a mobility tracking application using a swarm of UAVs communicating with a central controller via WiFi. Our experimental results show that, when compared to WiFi-UDP/WiFi-TCP, the middleware can improve information freshness by a factor of 109x/48x and tracking accuracy by a factor of 4x/6x, respectively. Most importantly, our results also show that the performance gains of our approach increase as the system scales and/or the traffic load increases.
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While the capabilities of autonomous systems have been steadily improving in recent years, these systems still struggle to rapidly explore previously unknown environments without the aid of GPS-assisted navigation. The DARPA Subterranean (SubT) Challenge aimed to fast track the development of autonomous exploration systems by evaluating their performance in real-world underground search-and-rescue scenarios. Subterranean environments present a plethora of challenges for robotic systems, such as limited communications, complex topology, visually-degraded sensing, and harsh terrain. The presented solution enables long-term autonomy with minimal human supervision by combining a powerful and independent single-agent autonomy stack, with higher level mission management operating over a flexible mesh network. The autonomy suite deployed on quadruped and wheeled robots was fully independent, freeing the human supervision to loosely supervise the mission and make high-impact strategic decisions. We also discuss lessons learned from fielding our system at the SubT Final Event, relating to vehicle versatility, system adaptability, and re-configurable communications.
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本文介绍了在异质SOC FPGA计算平台上实施的无人机(UAV)控制算法的硬件(HIL)模拟系统。使用了在PC上运行的Airsim模拟器和带有来自AMD Xilinx的Zynq Soc芯片的Arty Z7开发板。通信是通过串行USB链接进行的。选择了在特殊标记的着陆条上自动着陆的申请作为案例研究。在Zynq SoC平台上实施了着陆点检测算法。这样可以实时处理1280 x 720 @ 60 fps视频流。执行的测试表明,该系统正常工作,并且没有可能对控制的稳定性产生负面影响。所提出的概念的特征是相对简单和实施成本较低。同时,它可以应用于在嵌入式平台上实现的无人机测试各种类型的高级感知和控制算法。我们提供在GitHub上开发的代码,该代码包括在PC上运行的Python脚本和在Arty Z7上运行的C代码。
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There are many artificial intelligence algorithms for autonomous driving, but directly installing these algorithms on vehicles is unrealistic and expensive. At the same time, many of these algorithms need an environment to train and optimize. Simulation is a valuable and meaningful solution with training and testing functions, and it can say that simulation is a critical link in the autonomous driving world. There are also many different applications or systems of simulation from companies or academies such as SVL and Carla. These simulators flaunt that they have the closest real-world simulation, but their environment objects, such as pedestrians and other vehicles around the agent-vehicle, are already fixed programmed. They can only move along the pre-setting trajectory, or random numbers determine their movements. What is the situation when all environmental objects are also installed by Artificial Intelligence, or their behaviors are like real people or natural reactions of other drivers? This problem is a blind spot for most of the simulation applications, or these applications cannot be easy to solve this problem. The Neurorobotics Platform from the TUM team of Prof. Alois Knoll has the idea about "Engines" and "Transceiver Functions" to solve the multi-agents problem. This report will start with a little research on the Neurorobotics Platform and analyze the potential and possibility of developing a new simulator to achieve the true real-world simulation goal. Then based on the NRP-Core Platform, this initial development aims to construct an initial demo experiment. The consist of this report starts with the basic knowledge of NRP-Core and its installation, then focus on the explanation of the necessary components for a simulation experiment, at last, about the details of constructions for the autonomous driving system, which is integrated object detection and autonomous control.
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本文提出了一种框架来衡量重要的指标(吞吐量,延迟,分组重传,信号强度等)以确定机器人操作系统(ROS)中间件支持的移动机器人的Wi-Fi网络性能。我们通过室内环境中的实验设置分析了移动机器人的双向网络性能,其中移动机器人正在传送从相机和LIDAR扫描值的重要传感器数据,例如在它导航室内的指令站。通过从命令站接收的远程速度命令的环境。实验评估了2.4 GHz和5 GHz频道下的性能,并在每侧的接入点(AP)的不同放置,每侧最多两个网络设备。该框架可以概括为车辆网络评估,本研究的讨论和见解适用于现场机器人社区,无线网络在实现现实世界环境中的机器人任务成功方面发挥着关键作用。
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在不久的将来,自动驾驶的开发将变得更加复杂,因为这些车辆不仅会依靠自己的传感器,而且还与其他车辆和基础设施进行交流以合作和改善驾驶体验。为此,需要进行一些研究领域,例如机器人技术,沟通和控制,以实施未来的方法。但是,每个领域首先关注其组件的开发,而组件可能对整个系统产生的影响仅在后期考虑。在这项工作中,我们集成了机器人技术,通信和控制的仿真工具,即ROS2,Omnet ++和MATLAB来评估合作驾驶场景。可以利用该框架使用指定工具来开发各个组件,而最终评估可以在完整的情况下进行,从而可以模拟高级多机器人应用程序以进行合作驾驶。此外,它可以用于集成其他工具,因为集成以模块化方式完成。我们通过在合作自适应巡航控制(CACC)和ETSI ITS-G5通信体系结构下展示排量场景来展示该框架。此外,我们比较了理论分析和实际案例研究之间控制器性能的差异。
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Edge computing is becoming more and more popular among researchers who seek to take advantage of the edge resources and the minimal time delays, in order to run their robotic applications more efficiently. Recently, many edge architectures have been proposed, each of them having their advantages and disadvantages, depending on each application. In this work, we present two different edge architectures for controlling the trajectory of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). The first architecture is based on docker containers and the second one is based on kubernetes, while the main framework for operating the robot is the Robotic Operating System (ROS). The efficiency of the overall proposed scheme is being evaluated through extended simulations for comparing the two architectures and the overall results obtained.
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本文介绍了设计,开发,并通过IISC-TCS团队为穆罕默德·本·扎耶德国际机器人挑战赛2020年挑战1的目标的挑战1硬件 - 软件系统的测试是抓住从移动和机动悬挂球UAV和POP气球锚定到地面,使用合适的操纵器。解决这一挑战的重要任务包括具有高效抓取和突破机制的硬件系统的设计和开发,考虑到体积和有效载荷的限制,使用适用于室外环境的可视信息的准确目标拦截算法和开发动态多功能机空中系统的软件架构,执行复杂的动态任务。在本文中,设计了具有末端执行器的单个自由度机械手设计用于抓取和突发,并且开发了鲁棒算法以拦截在不确定的环境中的目标。基于追求参与和人工潜在功能的概念提出了基于视觉的指导和跟踪法。本工作中提供的软件架构提出了一种操作管理系统(OMS)架构,其在多个无人机之间协同分配静态和动态任务,以执行任何给定的任务。这项工作的一个重要方面是所有开发的系统都设计用于完全自主模式。在这项工作中还包括对凉亭环境和现场实验结果中完全挑战的模拟的详细描述。所提出的硬件软件系统对反UAV系统特别有用,也可以修改以满足其他几种应用。
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我们提供了机器人智能系统和控制(RISC)LAB MULTIAGEGGENT测试,用于在室外环境中的可靠搜索和救援和空中运输。该系统包括三个多陆无人机(无人机)的团队,能够在室外场中自主搜索,拾取和运输随机分布的物体。该方法涉及基于视觉的物体检测和定位,具有我们的新颖设计,基于GPS的UAV导航和下降区的物体的安全释放。我们的合作策略可确保无人机之间安全的空间分离,我们可以使用已启用的通信共识,防止下落区域的冲突。所有计算都在每个UAV上执行。我们描述了系统的完整软件和硬件架构,并使用全面的户外实验展示其可靠的性能,并通过将我们的结果与最近的一些类似的作品进行比较。
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本文提出了一种新颖的方法,用于在具有复杂拓扑结构的地下领域的搜索和救援行动中自动合作。作为CTU-Cras-Norlab团队的一部分,拟议的系统在DARPA SubT决赛的虚拟轨道中排名第二。与专门为虚拟轨道开发的获奖解决方案相反,该建议的解决方案也被证明是在现实世界竞争极为严峻和狭窄的环境中飞行的机上实体无人机的强大系统。提出的方法可以使无缝模拟转移的无人机团队完全自主和分散的部署,并证明了其优于不同环境可飞行空间的移动UGV团队的优势。该论文的主要贡献存在于映射和导航管道中。映射方法采用新颖的地图表示形式 - 用于有效的风险意识长距离计划,面向覆盖范围和压缩的拓扑范围的LTVMAP领域,以允许在低频道通信下进行多机器人合作。这些表示形式与新的方法一起在导航中使用,以在一般的3D环境中可见性受限的知情搜索,而对环境结构没有任何假设,同时将深度探索与传感器覆盖的剥削保持平衡。所提出的解决方案还包括一条视觉感知管道,用于在没有专用GPU的情况下在5 Hz处进行四个RGB流中感兴趣的对象的板上检测和定位。除了参与DARPA SubT外,在定性和定量评估的各种环境中,在不同的环境中进行了广泛的实验验证,UAV系统的性能得到了支持。
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在过去的几十年中,多机构增强学习(MARL)一直在学术界和行业受到广泛关注。 MAL中的基本问题之一是如何全面评估不同的方法。在视频游戏或简单的模拟场景中评估了大多数现有的MAL方法。这些方法在实际情况下,尤其是多机器人系统中的性能仍然未知。本文介绍了一个可扩展的仿真平台,用于多机器人增强学习(MRRL),称为SMART,以满足这一需求。确切地说,智能由两个组成部分组成:1)一个模拟环境,该环境为培训提供了各种复杂的交互场景,以及2)现实世界中的多机器人系统,用于现实的性能评估。此外,SMART提供了代理环境API,这些API是算法实现的插件。为了说明我们平台的实用性,我们就合作驾驶车道变更方案进行了案例研究。在案例研究的基础上,我们总结了MRRL的一些独特挑战,这些挑战很少被考虑。最后,我们为鼓励和增强MRRL研究的仿真环境,相关的基准任务和最先进的基线开放。
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Filming sport videos from an aerial view has always been a hard and an expensive task to achieve, especially in sports that require a wide open area for its normal development or the ones that put in danger human safety. Recently, a new solution arose for aerial filming based on the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), which is substantially cheaper than traditional aerial filming solutions that require conventional aircrafts like helicopters or complex structures for wide mobility. In this paper, we describe the design process followed for building a customized UAV suitable for sports aerial filming. The process includes the requirements definition, technical sizing and selection of mechanical, hardware and software technologies, as well as the whole integration and operation settings. One of the goals is to develop technologies allowing to build low cost UAVs and to manage them for a wide range of usage scenarios while achieving high levels of flexibility and automation. This work also shows some technical issues found during the development of the UAV as well as the solutions implemented.
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