我们提出了一种基于图的基于图的方法,用于标记给定的气道树分割的解剖学分支。该方法在气道树图中制定了气道标记作为分支分类问题,其中使用卷积神经网络(CNN)提取分支特征,并使用图形神经网络富集。我们的图形神经网络是通过从其本地邻居的每个节点聚合信息来实现的结构感知,并通过编码图中的节点位置来定位。我们在来自慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)的各种严重阶段的受试者的220个气道树上评估了该方法。结果表明,我们的方法是计算上高效的,并且显着提高了分支分类性能而不是基线方法。与标准CNN方法获得的83.83 \%相比,我们的方法的总体平均精度达到91.18 \%。我们在https://github.com/diagnijmegen/spgnn发布了我们的源代码。该算法还在HTTPS://grand-Challenge.org/algorithms/airway-anatomical-labeling/上公开使用。
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Automatic labelling of anatomical structures, such as coronary arteries, is critical for diagnosis, yet existing (non-deep learning) methods are limited by a reliance on prior topological knowledge of the expected tree-like structures. As the structure such vascular systems is often difficult to conceptualize, graph-based representations have become popular due to their ability to capture the geometric and topological properties of the morphology in an orientation-independent and abstract manner. However, graph-based learning for automated labeling of tree-like anatomical structures has received limited attention in the literature. The majority of prior studies have limitations in the entity graph construction, are dependent on topological structures, and have limited accuracy due to the anatomical variability between subjects. In this paper, we propose an intuitive graph representation method, well suited to use with 3D coordinate data obtained from angiography scans. We subsequently seek to analyze subject-specific graphs using geometric deep learning. The proposed models leverage expert annotated labels from 141 patients to learn representations of each coronary segment, while capturing the effects of anatomical variability within the training data. We investigate different variants of so-called message passing neural networks. Through extensive evaluations, our pipeline achieves a promising weighted F1-score of 0.805 for labeling coronary artery (13 classes) for a five-fold cross-validation. Considering the ability of graph models in dealing with irregular data, and their scalability for data segmentation, this work highlights the potential of such methods to provide quantitative evidence to support the decisions of medical experts.
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Graph classification is an important area in both modern research and industry. Multiple applications, especially in chemistry and novel drug discovery, encourage rapid development of machine learning models in this area. To keep up with the pace of new research, proper experimental design, fair evaluation, and independent benchmarks are essential. Design of strong baselines is an indispensable element of such works. In this thesis, we explore multiple approaches to graph classification. We focus on Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), which emerged as a de facto standard deep learning technique for graph representation learning. Classical approaches, such as graph descriptors and molecular fingerprints, are also addressed. We design fair evaluation experimental protocol and choose proper datasets collection. This allows us to perform numerous experiments and rigorously analyze modern approaches. We arrive to many conclusions, which shed new light on performance and quality of novel algorithms. We investigate application of Jumping Knowledge GNN architecture to graph classification, which proves to be an efficient tool for improving base graph neural network architectures. Multiple improvements to baseline models are also proposed and experimentally verified, which constitutes an important contribution to the field of fair model comparison.
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深度学习技术的普及更新了能够处理可以使用图形的复杂结构的神经结构的兴趣,由图形神经网络(GNN)的启发。我们将注意力集中在最初提出的Scarselli等人的GNN模型上。 2009,通过迭代扩散过程编码图表的节点的状态,即在学习阶段,必须在每个时期计算,直到达到学习状态转换功能的固定点,传播信息邻近节点。基于拉格朗日框架的约束优化,我们提出了一种在GNNS中学习的新方法。学习转换功能和节点状态是联合过程的结果,其中通过约束满足机制隐含地表达了状态会聚过程,避免了迭代巨头程序和网络展开。我们的计算结构在由权重组成的伴随空间中搜索拉格朗日的马鞍点,节点状态变量和拉格朗日乘法器。通过加速扩散过程的多个约束层进一步增强了该过程。实验分析表明,该方法在几个基准上的流行模型有利地比较。
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In the last few years, graph neural networks (GNNs) have become the standard toolkit for analyzing and learning from data on graphs. This emerging field has witnessed an extensive growth of promising techniques that have been applied with success to computer science, mathematics, biology, physics and chemistry. But for any successful field to become mainstream and reliable, benchmarks must be developed to quantify progress. This led us in March 2020 to release a benchmark framework that i) comprises of a diverse collection of mathematical and real-world graphs, ii) enables fair model comparison with the same parameter budget to identify key architectures, iii) has an open-source, easy-to-use and reproducible code infrastructure, and iv) is flexible for researchers to experiment with new theoretical ideas. As of December 2022, the GitHub repository has reached 2,000 stars and 380 forks, which demonstrates the utility of the proposed open-source framework through the wide usage by the GNN community. In this paper, we present an updated version of our benchmark with a concise presentation of the aforementioned framework characteristics, an additional medium-sized molecular dataset AQSOL, similar to the popular ZINC, but with a real-world measured chemical target, and discuss how this framework can be leveraged to explore new GNN designs and insights. As a proof of value of our benchmark, we study the case of graph positional encoding (PE) in GNNs, which was introduced with this benchmark and has since spurred interest of exploring more powerful PE for Transformers and GNNs in a robust experimental setting.
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Deep learning has revolutionized many machine learning tasks in recent years, ranging from image classification and video processing to speech recognition and natural language understanding. The data in these tasks are typically represented in the Euclidean space. However, there is an increasing number of applications where data are generated from non-Euclidean domains and are represented as graphs with complex relationships and interdependency between objects. The complexity of graph data has imposed significant challenges on existing machine learning algorithms. Recently, many studies on extending deep learning approaches for graph data have emerged. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive overview of graph neural networks (GNNs) in data mining and machine learning fields. We propose a new taxonomy to divide the state-of-the-art graph neural networks into four categories, namely recurrent graph neural networks, convolutional graph neural networks, graph autoencoders, and spatial-temporal graph neural networks. We further discuss the applications of graph neural networks across various domains and summarize the open source codes, benchmark data sets, and model evaluation of graph neural networks. Finally, we propose potential research directions in this rapidly growing field.
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Accurate airway extraction from computed tomography (CT) images is a critical step for planning navigation bronchoscopy and quantitative assessment of airway-related chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The existing methods are challenging to sufficiently segment the airway, especially the high-generation airway, with the constraint of the limited label and cannot meet the clinical use in COPD. We propose a novel two-stage 3D contextual transformer-based U-Net for airway segmentation using CT images. The method consists of two stages, performing initial and refined airway segmentation. The two-stage model shares the same subnetwork with different airway masks as input. Contextual transformer block is performed both in the encoder and decoder path of the subnetwork to finish high-quality airway segmentation effectively. In the first stage, the total airway mask and CT images are provided to the subnetwork, and the intrapulmonary airway mask and corresponding CT scans to the subnetwork in the second stage. Then the predictions of the two-stage method are merged as the final prediction. Extensive experiments were performed on in-house and multiple public datasets. Quantitative and qualitative analysis demonstrate that our proposed method extracted much more branches and lengths of the tree while accomplishing state-of-the-art airway segmentation performance. The code is available at https://github.com/zhaozsq/airway_segmentation.
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Automatic parsing of human anatomies at instance-level from 3D computed tomography (CT) scans is a prerequisite step for many clinical applications. The presence of pathologies, broken structures or limited field-of-view (FOV) all can make anatomy parsing algorithms vulnerable. In this work, we explore how to exploit and conduct the prosperous detection-then-segmentation paradigm in 3D medical data, and propose a steerable, robust, and efficient computing framework for detection, identification, and segmentation of anatomies in CT scans. Considering complicated shapes, sizes and orientations of anatomies, without lose of generality, we present the nine degrees-of-freedom (9-DoF) pose estimation solution in full 3D space using a novel single-stage, non-hierarchical forward representation. Our whole framework is executed in a steerable manner where any anatomy of interest can be directly retrieved to further boost the inference efficiency. We have validated the proposed method on three medical imaging parsing tasks of ribs, spine, and abdominal organs. For rib parsing, CT scans have been annotated at the rib instance-level for quantitative evaluation, similarly for spine vertebrae and abdominal organs. Extensive experiments on 9-DoF box detection and rib instance segmentation demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework (with the identification rate of 97.0% and the segmentation Dice score of 90.9%) in high efficiency, compared favorably against several strong baselines (e.g., CenterNet, FCOS, and nnU-Net). For spine identification and segmentation, our method achieves a new state-of-the-art result on the public CTSpine1K dataset. Last, we report highly competitive results in multi-organ segmentation at FLARE22 competition. Our annotations, code and models will be made publicly available at: https://github.com/alibaba-damo-academy/Med_Query.
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气道分割对于胸部CT图像分析至关重要。但是,由于固有的复杂树状结构和气道分支的不平衡大小,这仍然是一项具有挑战性的任务。当前的深度学习方法着眼于模型结构设计,而培训策略和损失功能的潜力尚未得到充分探索。因此,我们提出了一个简单而有效的气道分割管道,该管道表示为Naviairway,它发现具有支气管敏感的损失功能和人类视觉启发的迭代训练策略,发现了更细的细支气管。实验结果表明,Naverway的表现优于现有方法,尤其是在识别高产生的细支气管和对新CT扫描的鲁棒性方面。此外,纳维亚威是一般的。它可以与不同的骨干模型结合使用,并显着提高其性能。此外,我们建议对基于深度学习的气道细分方法进行更全面,更公平的评估,以更全面,更公平地评估。 Naveraway可以生成用于导航支气管镜检查的气道路线图,并且在生物医学图像中细分精细和长管结构时,也可以应用于其他情况。该代码可在https://github.com/antonotnawang/naviairway上公开获得。
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Mapping the connectome of the human brain using structural or functional connectivity has become one of the most pervasive paradigms for neuroimaging analysis. Recently, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) motivated from geometric deep learning have attracted broad interest due to their established power for modeling complex networked data. Despite their superior performance in many fields, there has not yet been a systematic study of how to design effective GNNs for brain network analysis. To bridge this gap, we present BrainGB, a benchmark for brain network analysis with GNNs. BrainGB standardizes the process by (1) summarizing brain network construction pipelines for both functional and structural neuroimaging modalities and (2) modularizing the implementation of GNN designs. We conduct extensive experiments on datasets across cohorts and modalities and recommend a set of general recipes for effective GNN designs on brain networks. To support open and reproducible research on GNN-based brain network analysis, we host the BrainGB website at https://braingb.us with models, tutorials, examples, as well as an out-of-box Python package. We hope that this work will provide useful empirical evidence and offer insights for future research in this novel and promising direction.
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在临床实践中,放射科医生经常使用属性,例如病变的形态学和外观特征,以帮助疾病诊断。有效地建模属性以及所有涉及属性的关系可以提高医学图像诊断算法的概括能力和可验证性。在本文中,我们介绍了一种用于基于可验证属性的医学图像诊断的混合神经培养基推理算法。在我们的混合算法中,有两个平行分支,一个贝叶斯网络分支执行概率因果关系推理,图形卷积网络分支执行了使用特征表示的更通用的关系建模和推理。这两个分支之间的紧密耦合是通过跨网络注意机制及其分类结果的融合来实现的。我们已成功地将混合推理算法应用于两个具有挑战性的医学图像诊断任务。在LIDC-IDRI基准数据集上,用于CT图像中肺结核的良性恶性分类,我们的方法达到了95.36 \%的新最新精度,AUC为96.54 \%。我们的方法还可以在内部胸部X射线图像数据集上提高3.24 \%的精度,以诊断结核病。我们的消融研究表明,在非常有限的培训数据下,与纯神经网络体系结构相比,我们的混合算法的概括性能要好得多。
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在过去的几年中,已经开发了图形绘图技术,目的是生成美学上令人愉悦的节点链接布局。最近,利用可区分损失功能的使用已为大量使用梯度下降和相关优化算法铺平了道路。在本文中,我们提出了一个用于开发图神经抽屉(GND)的新框架,即依靠神经计算来构建有效且复杂的图的机器。 GND是图形神经网络(GNN),其学习过程可以由任何提供的损失函数(例如图形图中通常使用的损失函数)驱动。此外,我们证明,该机制可以由通过前馈神经网络计算的损失函数来指导,并根据表达美容特性的监督提示,例如交叉边缘的最小化。在这种情况下,我们表明GNN可以通过位置功能很好地丰富与未标记的顶点处理。我们通过为边缘交叉构建损失函数来提供概念验证,并在提议的框架下工作的不同GNN模型之间提供定量和定性的比较。
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用于图像分割的深卷卷卷神经网络不会明确学习标签结构,并且可能会在类似树状结构(例如气道或血管)分割的圆柱形结构中产生不正确的结构(例如,具有断开的圆柱形结构)的分割。在本文中,我们提出了一种新型的标签改进方法,以从初始分割中纠正此类错误,并隐含地包含有关标签结构的信息。该方法具有两个新颖的部分:1)生成合成结构误差的模型,以及2)产生合成分割(带有误差)的标签外观仿真网络,其外观与实际初始分段相似。使用这些合成分割和原始图像,对标签改进网络进行了训练,以纠正错误并改善初始分割。该方法对两个分割任务进行了验证:来自胸部计算机断层扫描(CT)扫描和大脑3D CT血管造影(CTA)图像的脑血管分割的气道分割。在这两种应用中,我们的方法都大大优于标准的3D U-NET和其他先前的改进方法。当使用其他未标记的数据进行模型培训时,改进甚至更大。在消融研究中,我们证明了所提出方法的不同组成部分的值。
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图形神经网络已成为从图形结构数据学习的不可缺少的工具之一,并且它们的实用性已在各种各样的任务中显示。近年来,建筑设计的巨大改进,导致各种预测任务的性能更好。通常,这些神经架构在同一层中使用可知的权重矩阵组合节点特征聚合和特征转换。这使得分析从各种跳过的节点特征和神经网络层的富有效力来挑战。由于不同的图形数据集显示在特征和类标签分布中的不同级别和异常级别,因此必须了解哪些特征对于没有任何先前信息的预测任务是重要的。在这项工作中,我们将节点特征聚合步骤和深度与图形神经网络分离,并经验分析了不同的聚合特征在预测性能中发挥作用。我们表明,并非通过聚合步骤生成的所有功能都很有用,并且通常使用这些较少的信息特征可能对GNN模型的性能有害。通过我们的实验,我们表明学习这些功能的某些子集可能会导致各种数据集的性能更好。我们建议使用Softmax作为常规器,并从不同跳距的邻居聚合的功能的“软选择器”;和L2 - GNN层的标准化。结合这些技术,我们呈现了一个简单浅的模型,特征选择图神经网络(FSGNN),并经验展示所提出的模型比九个基准数据集中的最先进的GNN模型实现了可比或甚至更高的准确性节点分类任务,具有显着的改进,可达51.1%。
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近年来,基于Weisfeiler-Leman算法的算法和神经架构,是一个众所周知的Graph同构问题的启发式问题,它成为具有图形和关系数据的机器学习的强大工具。在这里,我们全面概述了机器学习设置中的算法的使用,专注于监督的制度。我们讨论了理论背景,展示了如何将其用于监督的图形和节点表示学习,讨论最近的扩展,并概述算法的连接(置换 - )方面的神经结构。此外,我们概述了当前的应用和未来方向,以刺激进一步的研究。
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异常气道扩张,称为牵引支气管扩张,是特发性肺纤维化(IPF)的典型特征。体积计算断层扫描(CT)成像捕获IPF中逐渐变细的丢失。我们假设气道异常的自动化量化可以提供IPF疾病程度和严重程度的估算。我们提出了一种自动化计算管道,系统地将气道树木从基于深度学习的气道分割中划分到其裂片和世代分支,从而从胸部CT获得气道结构措施。重要的是,透气阻止通过厚波传播的杂散气道分支的发生,并通过图表搜索去除气道树中的环,克服现有气道骨架算法的限制。在14名健康参与者和14名IPF患者之间比较了透气段(跨空间)和透气曲线曲线之间的逐渐变化。 IPF患者中,Airway interberering显着降低,与健康对照相比,Airway曲线曲调显着增加。差异在下叶中最大标记,符合IPF相关损伤的典型分布。透气是一种开源管道,避免了现有的气道定量算法的限制,并具有临床解释性。自动化气道测量可能具有作为IPF严重程度和疾病程度的新型成像生物标志物。
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