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Text style transfer aims to alter the style of a sentence while preserving its content. Due to the lack of parallel corpora, most recent work focuses on unsupervised methods and often uses cycle construction to train models. Since cycle construction helps to improve the style transfer ability of the model by rebuilding transferred sentences back to original-style sentences, it brings about a content loss in unsupervised text style transfer tasks. In this paper, we propose a novel disentanglement-based style transfer model StyleFlow to enhance content preservation. Instead of the typical encoder-decoder scheme, StyleFlow can not only conduct the forward process to obtain the output, but also infer to the input through the output. We design an attention-aware coupling layers to disentangle the content representations and the style representations of a sentence. Besides, we propose a data augmentation method based on Normalizing Flow to improve the robustness of the model. Experiment results demonstrate that our model preserves content effectively and achieves the state-of-the-art performance on the most metrics.
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近年来,文本的风格特性吸引了计算语言学研究人员。具体来说,研究人员研究了文本样式转移(TST)任务,该任务旨在在保留其样式独立内容的同时改变文本的风格属性。在过去的几年中,已经开发了许多新颖的TST算法,而该行业利用这些算法来实现令人兴奋的TST应用程序。由于这种共生,TST研究领域迅速发展。本文旨在对有关文本样式转移的最新研究工作进行全面审查。更具体地说,我们创建了一种分类法来组织TST模型,并提供有关最新技术状况的全面摘要。我们回顾了针对TST任务的现有评估方法,并进行了大规模的可重复性研究,我们在两个公开可用的数据集上实验基准了19个最先进的TST TST算法。最后,我们扩展了当前趋势,并就TST领域的新开发发展提供了新的观点。
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Unavailability of parallel corpora for training text style transfer (TST) models is a very challenging yet common scenario. Also, TST models implicitly need to preserve the content while transforming a source sentence into the target style. To tackle these problems, an intermediate representation is often constructed that is devoid of style while still preserving the meaning of the source sentence. In this work, we study the usefulness of Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) graph as the intermediate style agnostic representation. We posit that semantic notations like AMR are a natural choice for an intermediate representation. Hence, we propose T-STAR: a model comprising of two components, text-to-AMR encoder and a AMR-to-text decoder. We propose several modeling improvements to enhance the style agnosticity of the generated AMR. To the best of our knowledge, T-STAR is the first work that uses AMR as an intermediate representation for TST. With thorough experimental evaluation we show T-STAR significantly outperforms state of the art techniques by achieving on an average 15.2% higher content preservation with negligible loss (3% approx.) in style accuracy. Through detailed human evaluation with 90,000 ratings, we also show that T-STAR has up to 50% lesser hallucinations compared to state of the art TST models.
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Controllable Text Generation (CTG) is emerging area in the field of natural language generation (NLG). It is regarded as crucial for the development of advanced text generation technologies that are more natural and better meet the specific constraints in practical applications. In recent years, methods using large-scale pre-trained language models (PLMs), in particular the widely used transformer-based PLMs, have become a new paradigm of NLG, allowing generation of more diverse and fluent text. However, due to the lower level of interpretability of deep neural networks, the controllability of these methods need to be guaranteed. To this end, controllable text generation using transformer-based PLMs has become a rapidly growing yet challenging new research hotspot. A diverse range of approaches have emerged in the recent 3-4 years, targeting different CTG tasks which may require different types of controlled constraints. In this paper, we present a systematic critical review on the common tasks, main approaches and evaluation methods in this area. Finally, we discuss the challenges that the field is facing, and put forward various promising future directions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first survey paper to summarize CTG techniques from the perspective of PLMs. We hope it can help researchers in related fields to quickly track the academic frontier, providing them with a landscape of the area and a roadmap for future research.
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Neural machine translation(NMT) has aroused wide attention due to its impressive quality. Beyond quality, controlling translation styles is also an important demand for many languages. Previous related studies mainly focus on controlling formality and gain some improvements. However, they still face two challenges. The first is the evaluation limitation. Style contains abundant information including lexis, syntax, etc. But only formality is well studied. The second is the heavy reliance on iterative fine-tuning when new styles are required. Correspondingly, this paper contributes in terms of the benchmark and approach. First, we re-visit this task and propose a multiway stylized machine translation (MSMT) benchmark, which includes multiple categories of styles in four language directions to push the boundary of this task. Second, we propose a method named style activation prompt (StyleAP) by retrieving prompts from stylized monolingual corpus, which needs no extra fine-tuning. Experiments show that StyleAP could effectively control the style of translation and achieve remarkable performance. All of our data and code are released at https://github.com/IvanWang0730/StyleAP.
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使用样式转移模型来降低社交媒体评论的侵犯性可以帮助促进更具包容性的环境。但是,没有大量的数据集包含令人反感的文本及其不利的同行,并且具有有限标记数据的微调预审计模型可以导致样式传递文本中原始含义的丧失。为了解决这个问题,我们提供了两个主要贡献。首先,我们发布了第一个公开可用的,平行的反击红色评论及其风格转让的评论,由专家社会语言学家注释。然后,我们介绍了第一个话语感知的样式转移模型,这些模型可以有效地降低Reddit文本中的进攻性,同时保留原始文本的含义。这些模型是第一个检查评论与文本之间回复的推论链接的模型,以转移进攻性reddit文本的样式。我们提出了两种不同的方法,将话语关系与预验证的变压器模型集成在一起,并在我们的Reddit及其无罪分子同行的进攻评论的数据集中对其进行评估。相对于自动指标和人类评估的基线的改进表明,与最先进的话语 - 不可思议的模型相比,我们的话语感知模型在保持样式转移文本的含义方面更好。
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Although lyrics generation has achieved significant progress in recent years, it has limited practical applications because the generated lyrics cannot be performed without composing compatible melodies. In this work, we bridge this practical gap by proposing a song rewriting system which rewrites the lyrics of an existing song such that the generated lyrics are compatible with the rhythm of the existing melody and thus singable. In particular, we propose SongRewriter, a controllable Chinese lyric generation and editing system which assists users without prior knowledge of melody composition. The system is trained by a randomized multi-level masking strategy which produces a unified model for generating entirely new lyrics or editing a few fragments. To improve the controllabiliy of the generation process, we further incorporate a keyword prompt to control the lexical choices of the content and propose novel decoding constraints and a vowel modeling task to enable flexible end and internal rhyme schemes. While prior rhyming metrics are mainly for rap lyrics, we propose three novel rhyming evaluation metrics for song lyrics. Both automatic and human evaluations show that the proposed model performs better than the state-of-the-art models in both contents and rhyming quality. Our code and models implemented in MindSpore Lite tool will be available.
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Creating an essay based on a few given topics is a challenging NLP task. Although several effective methods for this problem, topic-to-essay generation, have appeared recently, there is still much room for improvement, especially in terms of the coverage of the given topics and the coherence of the generated text. In this paper, we propose a novel approach called TegFormer which utilizes the Transformer architecture where the encoder is enriched with domain-specific contexts while the decoder is enhanced by a large-scale pre-trained language model. Specifically, a \emph{Topic-Extension} layer capturing the interaction between the given topics and their domain-specific contexts is plugged into the encoder. Since the given topics are usually concise and sparse, such an additional layer can bring more topic-related semantics in to facilitate the subsequent natural language generation. Moreover, an \emph{Embedding-Fusion} module that combines the domain-specific word embeddings learnt from the given corpus and the general-purpose word embeddings provided by a GPT-2 model pre-trained on massive text data is integrated into the decoder. Since GPT-2 is at a much larger scale, it contains a lot more implicit linguistic knowledge which would help the decoder to produce more grammatical and readable text. Extensive experiments have shown that the pieces of text generated by TegFormer have better topic coverage and higher text coherence than those from SOTA topic-to-essay techniques, according to automatic and human evaluations. As revealed by ablation studies, both the Topic-Extension layer and the Embedding-Fusion module contribute substantially to TegFormer's performance advantage.
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专家员工的文字式传输技术有可能改善科学社区成员与公众之间的沟通。专家制作的高质量信息往往充满了困难的术语外国人,努力了解。这是医疗领域的一个特别值得注意的问题,其中Layman经常在线医学文本混淆。目前,两个瓶颈干扰了建立高质量医学专家外延式转移系统的目标:曾经专家和外行术语的缺点是普及的预押医学域语言模型,缺乏并行的Corpora培训转让任务本身。为了缓解第一个问题,我们提出了一种新颖的语言模型(LM)预测任务,知识基础同化,从自我监督学习期间将来自专家和外行式医学术语术语的边缘的预先训练数据综合为LM的LM。 。要缓解第二个问题,我们使用基于边缘的标准在医学专家 - Layman域中建立大规模并行语料库。我们的实验表明,基于变压器的模型,以知识库同化和其他良好的预先预订任务对我们的新并行语料库进行了微调,这导致专家外部转账基准的相当大,达到了我们人类评估的平均相对改善总体成功率(OSR),达106%。我们释放我们的代码和并行语料库以供未来的研究。
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数据增强是自然语言处理(NLP)模型的鲁棒性评估的重要组成部分,以及增强他们培训的数据的多样性。在本文中,我们呈现NL-Cogmenter,这是一种新的参与式Python的自然语言增强框架,它支持创建两个转换(对数据的修改)和过滤器(根据特定功能的数据拆分)。我们描述了框架和初始的117个变换和23个过滤器,用于各种自然语言任务。我们通过使用其几个转换来分析流行自然语言模型的鲁棒性来证明NL-Upmenter的功效。基础架构,Datacards和稳健性分析结果在NL-Augmenter存储库上公开可用(\ url {https://github.com/gem-benchmark/nl-augmenter})。
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