Recent advances in neural rendering imply a future of widespread visual data distributions through sharing NeRF model weights. However, while common visual data (images and videos) have standard approaches to embed ownership or copyright information explicitly or subtly, the problem remains unexplored for the emerging NeRF format. We present StegaNeRF, a method for steganographic information embedding in NeRF renderings. We design an optimization framework allowing accurate hidden information extractions from images rendered by NeRF, while preserving its original visual quality. We perform experimental evaluations of our method under several potential deployment scenarios, and we further discuss the insights discovered through our analysis. StegaNeRF signifies an initial exploration into the novel problem of instilling customizable, imperceptible, and recoverable information to NeRF renderings, with minimal impact to rendered images. Project page:
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我们呈现高动态范围神经辐射字段(HDR-NERF),以从一组低动态范围(LDR)视图的HDR辐射率字段与不同的曝光。使用HDR-NERF,我们能够在不同的曝光下生成新的HDR视图和新型LDR视图。我们方法的关键是模拟物理成像过程,该过程决定了场景点的辐射与具有两个隐式功能的LDR图像中的像素值转换为:RADIACE字段和音调映射器。辐射场对场景辐射(值在0到+末端之间的值变化),其通过提供相应的射线源和光线方向来输出光线的密度和辐射。 TONE MAPPER模拟映射过程,即在相机传感器上击中的光线变为像素值。通过将辐射和相应的曝光时间送入音调映射器来预测光线的颜色。我们使用经典的卷渲染技术将输出辐射,颜色和密度投影为HDR和LDR图像,同时只使用输入的LDR图像作为监控。我们收集了一个新的前瞻性的HDR数据集,以评估所提出的方法。综合性和现实世界场景的实验结果验证了我们的方法不仅可以准确控制合成视图的曝光,还可以用高动态范围呈现视图。
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我们提出了一种基于神经隐式表示的少量新型视图综合信息 - 理论正规化技术。所提出的方法最小化由于在每个光线中强制密度的熵约束而发生的潜在的重建不一致。另外,当从几乎冗余的观点获取所有训练图像时,为了减轻潜在的退化问题,我们还通过限制来自一对略微不同观点的光线的信息增益来将空间平滑度约束纳入估计的图像。我们的算法的主要思想是使重建的场景沿各个光线紧凑,并在附近的光线上一致。所提出的常规方基于Nerf以直接的方式插入大部分现有的神经体积渲染技术。尽管其简单性,但是,与现有的神经观察合成方法通过大量标准基准测试的现有神经观察方法相比,我们实现了一致的性能。我们的项目网站可用于\ url {}。
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We present a learning-based method for synthesizing novel views of complex scenes using only unstructured collections of in-the-wild photographs. We build on Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF), which uses the weights of a multilayer perceptron to model the density and color of a scene as a function of 3D coordinates. While NeRF works well on images of static subjects captured under controlled settings, it is incapable of modeling many ubiquitous, real-world phenomena in uncontrolled images, such as variable illumination or transient occluders. We introduce a series of extensions to NeRF to address these issues, thereby enabling accurate reconstructions from unstructured image collections taken from the internet. We apply our system, dubbed NeRF-W, to internet photo collections of famous landmarks, and demonstrate temporally consistent novel view renderings that are significantly closer to photorealism than the prior state of the art.
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我们提出了高动态范围辐射(HDR)字段,HDR-PLENOXELS,它学习了3D HDR辐射场的肺化功能,几何信息和2D低动态范围(LDR)图像中固有的不同摄像机设置。我们基于体素的卷渲染管道可重建HDR辐射字段,仅以端到端的方式从不同的相机设置中拍摄的多视图LDR图像,并且具有快速的收敛速度。为了在现实世界中处理各种摄像机,我们引入了一个音调映射模块,该模块模拟了数字相机内成像管道(ISP)(ISP)和DISTANGLES辐射测定设置。我们的音调映射模块可以通过控制每个新型视图的辐射设置来渲染。最后,我们构建一个具有不同摄像机条件的多视图数据集,适合我们的问题设置。我们的实验表明,HDR-Plenoxels可以从具有各种相机的LDR图像中表达细节和高质量的HDR新型视图。
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我们向渲染和时间(4D)重建人类的渲染和时间(4D)重建的神经辐射场,通过稀疏的摄像机捕获或甚至来自单眼视频。我们的方法将思想与神经场景表示,新颖的综合合成和隐式统计几何人称的人类表示相结合,耦合使用新颖的损失功能。在先前使用符号距离功能表示的结构化隐式人体模型,而不是使用统一的占用率来学习具有统一占用的光域字段。这使我们能够从稀疏视图中稳健地融合信息,并概括超出在训练中观察到的姿势或视图。此外,我们应用几何限制以共同学习观察到的主题的结构 - 包括身体和衣服 - 并将辐射场正规化为几何合理的解决方案。在多个数据集上的广泛实验证明了我们方法的稳健性和准确性,其概括能力显着超出了一系列的姿势和视图,以及超出所观察到的形状的统计外推。
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神经辐射场(NERF)最近获得了令人印象深刻的新型观点综合能力的普及。本文研究了幻觉的nerf问题:即,在一组旅游形象的一天的不同时间恢复现实的nerf。现有解决方案采用NERF具有可控外观嵌入,以在各种条件下呈现新颖的视图,但不能以看不见的外观呈现视图 - 一致的图像。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种用于构建幻觉的nerf的端到端框架,称为H-nerf。具体地,我们提出了一种外观幻觉模块,以处理时变的外观,并将其转移到新颖的视图中。考虑到旅游图像的复杂遮挡,引入防遮挡模块以准确地分解静态受体的静态对象。合成数据和真实旅游照片集合的实验结果表明,我们的方法不仅可以幻觉所需的外观,还可以从不同视图中呈现无遮挡图像。项目和补充材料可在上获得。
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In this paper, we present a novel and effective framework, named 4K-NeRF, to pursue high fidelity view synthesis on the challenging scenarios of ultra high resolutions, building on the methodology of neural radiance fields (NeRF). The rendering procedure of NeRF-based methods typically relies on a pixel wise manner in which rays (or pixels) are treated independently on both training and inference phases, limiting its representational ability on describing subtle details especially when lifting to a extremely high resolution. We address the issue by better exploring ray correlation for enhancing high-frequency details benefiting from the use of geometry-aware local context. Particularly, we use the view-consistent encoder to model geometric information effectively in a lower resolution space and recover fine details through the view-consistent decoder, conditioned on ray features and depths estimated by the encoder. Joint training with patch-based sampling further facilitates our method incorporating the supervision from perception oriented regularization beyond pixel wise loss. Quantitative and qualitative comparisons with modern NeRF methods demonstrate that our method can significantly boost rendering quality for retaining high-frequency details, achieving the state-of-the-art visual quality on 4K ultra-high-resolution scenario. Code Available at \url{}
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计算机愿景中的经典问题是推断从几个可用于以交互式速率渲染新颖视图的图像的3D场景表示。以前的工作侧重于重建预定定义的3D表示,例如,纹理网格或隐式表示,例如隐式表示。辐射字段,并且通常需要输入图像,具有精确的相机姿势和每个新颖场景的长处理时间。在这项工作中,我们提出了场景表示变换器(SRT),一种方法,该方法处理新的区域的构成或未铺设的RGB图像,Infers Infers“设置 - 潜在场景表示”,并合成新颖的视图,全部在一个前馈中经过。为了计算场景表示,我们提出了视觉变压器的概括到图像组,实现全局信息集成,从而实现3D推理。一个有效的解码器变压器通过参加场景表示来参加光场以呈现新颖的视图。通过最大限度地减少新型视图重建错误,学习是通过最终到底的。我们表明,此方法在PSNR和Synthetic DataSets上的速度方面优于最近的基线,包括为纸张创建的新数据集。此外,我们展示了使用街景图像支持现实世界户外环境的交互式可视化和语义分割。
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Figure 1. Given a monocular image sequence, NR-NeRF reconstructs a single canonical neural radiance field to represent geometry and appearance, and a per-time-step deformation field. We can render the scene into a novel spatio-temporal camera trajectory that significantly differs from the input trajectory. NR-NeRF also learns rigidity scores and correspondences without direct supervision on either. We can use the rigidity scores to remove the foreground, we can supersample along the time dimension, and we can exaggerate or dampen motion.
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我们提出了Panohdr-nerf,这是一种新颖的管道,可随意捕获大型室内场景的合理的全HDR辐射场,而无需精心设计或复杂的捕获协议。首先,用户通过在场景中自由挥舞现成的摄像头来捕获场景的低动态范围(LDR)全向视频。然后,LDR2HDR网络将捕获的LDR帧提升到HDR,随后用于训练定制的NERF ++模型。由此产生的Panohdr-NERF管道可以从场景的任何位置估算完整的HDR全景。通过在一个新的测试数据集上进行各种真实场景的实验,并在训练过程中未见的位置捕获了地面真相HDR辐射,我们表明PanoHDR-NERF可以预测任何场景点的合理辐射。我们还表明,PanoHDR-NERF产生的HDR图像可以合成正确的照明效果,从而可以使用正确点亮的合成对象来增强室内场景。
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Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) is a powerful tool to faithfully generate novel views for scenes with only sparse captured images. Despite its strong capability for representing 3D scenes and their appearance, its editing ability is very limited. In this paper, we propose a simple but effective extension of vanilla NeRF, named PaletteNeRF, to enable efficient color editing on NeRF-represented scenes. Motivated by recent palette-based image decomposition works, we approximate each pixel color as a sum of palette colors modulated by additive weights. Instead of predicting pixel colors as in vanilla NeRFs, our method predicts additive weights. The underlying NeRF backbone could also be replaced with more recent NeRF models such as KiloNeRF to achieve real-time editing. Experimental results demonstrate that our method achieves efficient, view-consistent, and artifact-free color editing on a wide range of NeRF-represented scenes.
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新型视图综合的古典光场渲染可以准确地再现视图依赖性效果,例如反射,折射和半透明,但需要一个致密的视图采样的场景。基于几何重建的方法只需要稀疏的视图,但不能准确地模拟非兰伯语的效果。我们介绍了一个模型,它结合了强度并减轻了这两个方向的局限性。通过在光场的四维表示上操作,我们的模型学会准确表示依赖视图效果。通过在训练和推理期间强制执行几何约束,从稀疏的视图集中毫无屏蔽地学习场景几何。具体地,我们介绍了一种基于两级变压器的模型,首先沿着ePipoll线汇总特征,然后沿参考视图聚合特征以产生目标射线的颜色。我们的模型在多个前进和360 {\ DEG}数据集中优于最先进的,具有较大的差别依赖变化的场景更大的边缘。
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Existing neural rendering methods for creating human avatars typically either require dense input signals such as video or multi-view images, or leverage a learned prior from large-scale specific 3D human datasets such that reconstruction can be performed with sparse-view inputs. Most of these methods fail to achieve realistic reconstruction when only a single image is available. To enable the data-efficient creation of realistic animatable 3D humans, we propose ELICIT, a novel method for learning human-specific neural radiance fields from a single image. Inspired by the fact that humans can easily reconstruct the body geometry and infer the full-body clothing from a single image, we leverage two priors in ELICIT: 3D geometry prior and visual semantic prior. Specifically, ELICIT introduces the 3D body shape geometry prior from a skinned vertex-based template model (i.e., SMPL) and implements the visual clothing semantic prior with the CLIP-based pre-trained models. Both priors are used to jointly guide the optimization for creating plausible content in the invisible areas. In order to further improve visual details, we propose a segmentation-based sampling strategy that locally refines different parts of the avatar. Comprehensive evaluations on multiple popular benchmarks, including ZJU-MoCAP, Human3.6M, and DeepFashion, show that ELICIT has outperformed current state-of-the-art avatar creation methods when only a single image is available. Code will be public for reseach purpose at .
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What is a rose, visually? A rose comprises its intrinsics, including the distribution of geometry, texture, and material specific to its object category. With knowledge of these intrinsic properties, we may render roses of different sizes and shapes, in different poses, and under different lighting conditions. In this work, we build a generative model that learns to capture such object intrinsics from a single image, such as a photo of a bouquet. Such an image includes multiple instances of an object type. These instances all share the same intrinsics, but appear different due to a combination of variance within these intrinsics and differences in extrinsic factors, such as pose and illumination. Experiments show that our model successfully learns object intrinsics (distribution of geometry, texture, and material) for a wide range of objects, each from a single Internet image. Our method achieves superior results on multiple downstream tasks, including intrinsic image decomposition, shape and image generation, view synthesis, and relighting.
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