降水控制地球气候,其日常时空波动具有重大的社会经济影响。通过改善温度和压力等各种物理领域的预测来衡量数值天气预测(NWP)的进步;然而,降水预测中存在很大的偏见。我们通过深度学习来增强著名的NWP模型CFSV2的输出,以创建一个混合模型,该模型在1日,2天和3天的交货时间内改善了短期全局降水量。为了混合使用,我们通过使用修改的DLWP-CS体系结构来解决全局数据的球形,从而将所有字段转换为立方体投影。动态模型沉淀和表面温度输出被喂入改良的DLWP-CS(UNET),以预测地面真相降水。虽然CFSV2的平均偏差为土地+5至+7毫米/天,但多元深度学习模型将其降低到-1至+1 mm/天。卡特里娜飓风在2005年,伊万飓风,2010年的中国洪水,2005年的印度洪水和2008年的缅甸风暴纳尔吉斯(Myanmar Storm Nargis)用于确认混合动力学深度学习模型的技能大大提高。 CFSV2通常在空间模式中显示中度至大偏置,并在短期时间尺度上高估了沉淀。拟议的深度学习增强了NWP模型可以解决这些偏见,并大大改善了预测降水的空间模式和幅度。与CFSV2相比,深度学习增强了CFSV2在重要的土地区域的平均偏差为1天铅1天。时空深度学习系统开辟了途径,以进一步提高全球短期降水预测的精度和准确性。
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季节预测$ \ unicode {x2013} $预测温度和降水量为2至6周$ \ unicode {x2013} $,对于有效的水分配,野火管理,干旱和缓解洪水至关重要。最近的国际研究工作提高了操作动力学模型的亚季节能力,但是温度和降水预测技能仍然很差,部分原因是代表动态模型内大气动力学和物理学的顽固错误。为了应对这些错误,我们引入了一种自适应偏置校正(ABC)方法,该方法将最新的动力学预测与使用机器学习的观察结合在一起。当应用于欧洲中等天气预测中心(ECMWF)的领先的亚季节模型时,ABC将温度预测技能提高了60-90%,在美国的连续美国,降水预测技能提高了40-69%基于Shapley队列的实用工作流程,用于解释ABC技能的提高并根据特定的气候条件识别机遇的高技能窗口。
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我们基准了一个简单学习模型的亚季节预测工具包,该工具包优于操作实践和最先进的机器学习和深度学习方法。这些模型,由Mouatadid等人引入。 (2022),包括(a)气候++,这是气候学的一种适应性替代品,对于降水而言,准确性9%,比美国运营气候预测系统(CFSV2)高9%,熟练250%; (b)CFSV2 ++,一种学习的CFSV2校正,可将温度和降水精度提高7-8%,技能提高50-275%; (c)持久性++是一种增强的持久性模型,将CFSV2预测与滞后测量相结合,以将温度和降水精度提高6-9%,技能提高40-130%。在整个美国,气候++,CFSV2 ++和持久性++工具包始终优于标准气象基准,最先进的机器和深度学习方法,以及欧洲中等范围的天气预报集合中心。
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该调查侧重于地球系统科学中的当前问题,其中可以应用机器学习算法。它概述了以前的工作,在地球科学部,印度政府的持续工作,以及ML算法的未来应用到一些重要的地球科学问题。我们提供了与本次调查的比较的比较,这是与机器学习相关的多维地区的思想地图,以及地球系统科学(ESS)中机器学习的Gartner的炒作周期。我们主要关注地球科学的关键组成部分,包括大气,海洋,地震学和生物圈,以及覆盖AI / ML应用程序统计侦查和预测问题。
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We introduce a machine-learning (ML)-based weather simulator--called "GraphCast"--which outperforms the most accurate deterministic operational medium-range weather forecasting system in the world, as well as all previous ML baselines. GraphCast is an autoregressive model, based on graph neural networks and a novel high-resolution multi-scale mesh representation, which we trained on historical weather data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF)'s ERA5 reanalysis archive. It can make 10-day forecasts, at 6-hour time intervals, of five surface variables and six atmospheric variables, each at 37 vertical pressure levels, on a 0.25-degree latitude-longitude grid, which corresponds to roughly 25 x 25 kilometer resolution at the equator. Our results show GraphCast is more accurate than ECMWF's deterministic operational forecasting system, HRES, on 90.0% of the 2760 variable and lead time combinations we evaluated. GraphCast also outperforms the most accurate previous ML-based weather forecasting model on 99.2% of the 252 targets it reported. GraphCast can generate a 10-day forecast (35 gigabytes of data) in under 60 seconds on Cloud TPU v4 hardware. Unlike traditional forecasting methods, ML-based forecasting scales well with data: by training on bigger, higher quality, and more recent data, the skill of the forecasts can improve. Together these results represent a key step forward in complementing and improving weather modeling with ML, open new opportunities for fast, accurate forecasting, and help realize the promise of ML-based simulation in the physical sciences.
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Climate change is expected to aggravate wildfire activity through the exacerbation of fire weather. Improving our capabilities to anticipate wildfires on a global scale is of uttermost importance for mitigating their negative effects. In this work, we create a global fire dataset and demonstrate a prototype for predicting the presence of global burned areas on a sub-seasonal scale with the use of segmentation deep learning models. Particularly, we present an open-access global analysis-ready datacube, which contains a variety of variables related to the seasonal and sub-seasonal fire drivers (climate, vegetation, oceanic indices, human-related variables), as well as the historical burned areas and wildfire emissions for 2001-2021. We train a deep learning model, which treats global wildfire forecasting as an image segmentation task and skillfully predicts the presence of burned areas 8, 16, 32 and 64 days ahead of time. Our work motivates the use of deep learning for global burned area forecasting and paves the way towards improved anticipation of global wildfire patterns.
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Weather forecasting centers currently rely on statistical postprocessing methods to minimize forecast error. This improves skill but can lead to predictions that violate physical principles or disregard dependencies between variables, which can be problematic for downstream applications and for the trustworthiness of postprocessing models, especially when they are based on new machine learning approaches. Building on recent advances in physics-informed machine learning, we propose to achieve physical consistency in deep learning-based postprocessing models by integrating meteorological expertise in the form of analytic equations. Applied to the post-processing of surface weather in Switzerland, we find that constraining a neural network to enforce thermodynamic state equations yields physically-consistent predictions of temperature and humidity without compromising performance. Our approach is especially advantageous when data is scarce, and our findings suggest that incorporating domain expertise into postprocessing models allows to optimize weather forecast information while satisfying application-specific requirements.
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In this paper, we present Pangu-Weather, a deep learning based system for fast and accurate global weather forecast. For this purpose, we establish a data-driven environment by downloading $43$ years of hourly global weather data from the 5th generation of ECMWF reanalysis (ERA5) data and train a few deep neural networks with about $256$ million parameters in total. The spatial resolution of forecast is $0.25^\circ\times0.25^\circ$, comparable to the ECMWF Integrated Forecast Systems (IFS). More importantly, for the first time, an AI-based method outperforms state-of-the-art numerical weather prediction (NWP) methods in terms of accuracy (latitude-weighted RMSE and ACC) of all factors (e.g., geopotential, specific humidity, wind speed, temperature, etc.) and in all time ranges (from one hour to one week). There are two key strategies to improve the prediction accuracy: (i) designing a 3D Earth Specific Transformer (3DEST) architecture that formulates the height (pressure level) information into cubic data, and (ii) applying a hierarchical temporal aggregation algorithm to alleviate cumulative forecast errors. In deterministic forecast, Pangu-Weather shows great advantages for short to medium-range forecast (i.e., forecast time ranges from one hour to one week). Pangu-Weather supports a wide range of downstream forecast scenarios, including extreme weather forecast (e.g., tropical cyclone tracking) and large-member ensemble forecast in real-time. Pangu-Weather not only ends the debate on whether AI-based methods can surpass conventional NWP methods, but also reveals novel directions for improving deep learning weather forecast systems.
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后处理整体预测系统可以改善天气预报,尤其是对于极端事件预测。近年来,已经开发出不同的机器学习模型来提高后处理步骤的质量。但是,这些模型在很大程度上依赖数据并生成此类合奏成员需要以高计算成本的数值天气预测模型进行多次运行。本文介绍了ENS-10数据集,由十个合奏成员组成,分布在20年中(1998-2017)。合奏成员是通过扰动数值天气模拟来捕获地球的混乱行为而产生的。为了代表大气的三维状态,ENS-10在11个不同的压力水平以及0.5度分辨率的表面中提供了最相关的大气变量。该数据集以48小时的交货时间针对预测校正任务,这实质上是通过消除合奏成员的偏见来改善预测质量。为此,ENS-10为预测交货时间t = 0、24和48小时(每周两个数据点)提供了天气变量。我们在ENS-10上为此任务提供了一组基线,并比较了它们在纠正不同天气变量预测时的性能。我们还评估了使用数据集预测极端事件的基准。 ENS-10数据集可在创意共享归因4.0国际(CC By 4.0)许可下获得。
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Producing high-quality forecasts of key climate variables such as temperature and precipitation on subseasonal time scales has long been a gap in operational forecasting. Recent studies have shown promising results using machine learning (ML) models to advance subseasonal forecasting (SSF), but several open questions remain. First, several past approaches use the average of an ensemble of physics-based forecasts as an input feature of these models. However, ensemble forecasts contain information that can aid prediction beyond only the ensemble mean. Second, past methods have focused on average performance, whereas forecasts of extreme events are far more important for planning and mitigation purposes. Third, climate forecasts correspond to a spatially-varying collection of forecasts, and different methods account for spatial variability in the response differently. Trade-offs between different approaches may be mitigated with model stacking. This paper describes the application of a variety of ML methods used to predict monthly average precipitation and two meter temperature using physics-based predictions (ensemble forecasts) and observational data such as relative humidity, pressure at sea level, or geopotential height, two weeks in advance for the whole continental United States. Regression, quantile regression, and tercile classification tasks using linear models, random forests, convolutional neural networks, and stacked models are considered. The proposed models outperform common baselines such as historical averages (or quantiles) and ensemble averages (or quantiles). This paper further includes an investigation of feature importance, trade-offs between using the full ensemble or only the ensemble average, and different modes of accounting for spatial variability.
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Forecasts by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF; EC for short) can provide a basis for the establishment of maritime-disaster warning systems, but they contain some systematic biases.The fifth-generation EC atmospheric reanalysis (ERA5) data have high accuracy, but are delayed by about 5 days. To overcome this issue, a spatiotemporal deep-learning method could be used for nonlinear mapping between EC and ERA5 data, which would improve the quality of EC wind forecast data in real time. In this study, we developed the Multi-Task-Double Encoder Trajectory Gated Recurrent Unit (MT-DETrajGRU) model, which uses an improved double-encoder forecaster architecture to model the spatiotemporal sequence of the U and V components of the wind field; we designed a multi-task learning loss function to correct wind speed and wind direction simultaneously using only one model. The study area was the western North Pacific (WNP), and real-time rolling bias corrections were made for 10-day wind-field forecasts released by the EC between December 2020 and November 2021, divided into four seasons. Compared with the original EC forecasts, after correction using the MT-DETrajGRU model the wind speed and wind direction biases in the four seasons were reduced by 8-11% and 9-14%, respectively. In addition, the proposed method modelled the data uniformly under different weather conditions. The correction performance under normal and typhoon conditions was comparable, indicating that the data-driven mode constructed here is robust and generalizable.
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了解极端事件及其可能性是研究气候变化影响,风险评估,适应和保护生物的关键。在这项工作中,我们开发了一种方法来构建极端热浪的预测模型。这些模型基于卷积神经网络,对极长的8,000年气候模型输出进行了培训。由于极端事件之间的关系本质上是概率的,因此我们强调概率预测和验证。我们证明,深度神经网络适用于法国持续持续14天的热浪,快速动态驱动器提前15天(500 hpa地球电位高度场),并且在慢速较长的交货时间内,慢速物理时间驱动器(土壤水分)。该方法很容易实现和通用。我们发现,深神经网络选择了与北半球波数字3模式相关的极端热浪。我们发现,当将2米温度场添加到500 HPA地球电位高度和土壤水分场中时,2米温度场不包含任何新的有用统计信息。主要的科学信息是,训练深层神经网络预测极端热浪的发生是在严重缺乏数据的情况下发生的。我们建议大多数其他应用在大规模的大气和气候现象中都是如此。我们讨论了处理缺乏数据制度的观点,例如罕见的事件模拟,以及转移学习如何在后一种任务中发挥作用。
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模拟湍流的模拟,尤其是在大气中云的边缘,是一项固有的挑战。迄今为止,执行此类实验的最佳计算方法是直接数值模拟(DNS)。 DNS涉及在三维空间中的离散网格盒上解决流体流的非线性部分微分方程,也称为Navier-Stokes方程。这是一个有价值的范式,它指导了数值天气预测模型来计算降雨形成。但是,对于天气预报社区的实用实用程序,不能为DNS执行DNS。在这里,我们介绍了DeepClouds.ai,这是一个3D-UNET,该Unet模拟了上升的云DNS实验的输出。通过将内部3D立方体映射到完整的3D立方体,从DNS离散化的网格模拟的输出中映射到完整的3D立方体来解决DNS中域大小的问题。我们的方法有效地捕获了湍流动力学,而无需解决复杂的动力核心。基线表明,基于深度学习的仿真与通过各种得分指标衡量的基于部分差异方程的模型相媲美。该框架可用于通过在大气中的大物理领域进行模拟来进一步进一步发展湍流和云流的科学。通过高级参数化方案改善天气预测,这将导致社会福利。
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Solar forecasting from ground-based sky images using deep learning models has shown great promise in reducing the uncertainty in solar power generation. One of the biggest challenges for training deep learning models is the availability of labeled datasets. With more and more sky image datasets open sourced in recent years, the development of accurate and reliable solar forecasting methods has seen a huge growth in potential. In this study, we explore three different training strategies for deep-learning-based solar forecasting models by leveraging three heterogeneous datasets collected around the world with drastically different climate patterns. Specifically, we compare the performance of models trained individually based on local datasets (local models) and models trained jointly based on the fusion of multiple datasets from different locations (global models), and we further examine the knowledge transfer from pre-trained solar forecasting models to a new dataset of interest (transfer learning models). The results suggest that the local models work well when deployed locally, but significant errors are observed for the scale of the prediction when applied offsite. The global model can adapt well to individual locations, while the possible increase in training efforts need to be taken into account. Pre-training models on a large and diversified source dataset and transferring to a local target dataset generally achieves superior performance over the other two training strategies. Transfer learning brings the most benefits when there are limited local data. With 80% less training data, it can achieve 1% improvement over the local baseline model trained using the entire dataset. Therefore, we call on the efforts from the solar forecasting community to contribute to a global dataset containing a massive amount of imagery and displaying diversified samples with a range of sky conditions.
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