随着商业深度传感器和3D扫描仪的最近可用性和可承受能力,越来越多的3D(即RGBD,点云)数据集已被宣传以促进3D计算机视觉的研究。但是,现有的数据集覆盖相对较小的区域或具有有限的语义注释。对城市规模3D场景的细粒度理解仍处于起步阶段。在本文中,我们介绍了Sensaturban,一个城市规模的UAV摄影测量点云数据集,包括从三个英国城市收集的近30亿积分,占地7.6公里^ 2。 DataSet中的每个点已标记为具有细粒度的语义注释,导致数据集是上一个现有最大摄影测量点云数据集的三倍的三倍。除了诸如道路和植被等诸如道路和植被的常见类别之外,我们的数据集还包含包括轨道,桥梁和河流的城市水平类别。基于此数据集,我们进一步构建了基准,以评估最先进的分段算法的性能。特别是,我们提供了全面的分析,确定了限制城市规模点云理解的几个关键挑战。数据集可在http://point-cloud-analysis.cs.ox.ac.uk中获取。
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Our dataset provides dense annotations for each scan of all sequences from the KITTI Odometry Benchmark [19]. Here, we show multiple scans aggregated using pose information estimated by a SLAM approach.
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Point cloud learning has lately attracted increasing attention due to its wide applications in many areas, such as computer vision, autonomous driving, and robotics. As a dominating technique in AI, deep learning has been successfully used to solve various 2D vision problems. However, deep learning on point clouds is still in its infancy due to the unique challenges faced by the processing of point clouds with deep neural networks. Recently, deep learning on point clouds has become even thriving, with numerous methods being proposed to address different problems in this area. To stimulate future research, this paper presents a comprehensive review of recent progress in deep learning methods for point clouds. It covers three major tasks, including 3D shape classification, 3D object detection and tracking, and 3D point cloud segmentation. It also presents comparative results on several publicly available datasets, together with insightful observations and inspiring future research directions.
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Paris-Carla-3d是由移动激光器和相机系统构建的几个浓彩色点云的数据集。数据由两组具有来自开源Carla模拟器(700百万分)的合成数据和在巴黎市中获取的真实数据(6000万分),因此Paris-Carla-3d的名称。此数据集的一个优点是在开源Carla模拟器中模拟了相同的LIDAR和相机平台,因为用于生产真实数据的开源Carla Simulator。此外,使用Carla的语义标记的手动注释在真实数据上执行,允许将转移方法从合成到实际数据进行测试。该数据集的目的是提供一个具有挑战性的数据集,以评估和改进户外环境3D映射的困难视觉任务的方法:语义分段,实例分段和场景完成。对于每项任务,我们描述了评估协议以及建立基线的实验。
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了解3D场景是自治代理的关键先决条件。最近,LIDAR和其他传感器已经以点云帧的时间序列形式提供了大量数据。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种新的问题 - 顺序场景流量估计(SSFE) - 该旨在预测给定序列中所有点云的3D场景流。这与先前研究的场景流程估计问题不同,这侧重于两个框架。我们介绍SPCM-NET架构,通过计算相邻点云之间的多尺度时空相关性,然后通过订单不变的复制单元计算多级时空相关性来解决这个问题。我们的实验评估证实,与仅使用两个框架相比,点云序列的复发处理导致SSFE明显更好。另外,我们证明可以有效地修改该方法,用于顺序点云预测(SPF),一种需要预测未来点云帧的相关问题。我们的实验结果是使用SSFE和SPF的新基准进行评估,包括合成和实时数据集。以前,场景流估计的数据集仅限于两个帧。我们为这些数据集提供非琐碎的扩展,用于多帧估计和预测。由于难以获得现实世界数据集的地面真理运动,我们使用自我监督的培训和评估指标。我们认为,该基准将在该领域的未来研究中关键。将可访问基准和型号的所有代码。
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我们提出了Urbanscene3D,这是一个大规模的数据平台,用于研究城市场景感知和重建。 Urbanscene3D包含超过128K的高分辨率图像,其中涵盖了16个场景,包括大规模的真实城市区域和合成城市,总共有136 km^2区域。该数据集还包含具有不同观察模式的高精度激光扫描和数百个图像集,它们为设计和评估空中路径计划和3D重建算法提供了全面的基准。此外,该数据集是基于虚幻引擎和AirSim模拟器构建的数据集以及数据集中每个建筑物的手动注释的唯一实例标签,启用了各种数据的生成,例如2D/3D边界框, ,以及3D点云/网状分段等。具有物理发动机和照明系统的模拟器不仅产生各种数据,而且还使用户能够在拟议的城市环境中模拟汽车或无人机以进行未来的研究。
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Existing methods for large-scale point cloud semantic segmentation require expensive, tedious and error-prone manual point-wise annotations. Intuitively, weakly supervised training is a direct solution to reduce the cost of labeling. However, for weakly supervised large-scale point cloud semantic segmentation, too few annotations will inevitably lead to ineffective learning of network. We propose an effective weakly supervised method containing two components to solve the above problem. Firstly, we construct a pretext task, \textit{i.e.,} point cloud colorization, with a self-supervised learning to transfer the learned prior knowledge from a large amount of unlabeled point cloud to a weakly supervised network. In this way, the representation capability of the weakly supervised network can be improved by the guidance from a heterogeneous task. Besides, to generate pseudo label for unlabeled data, a sparse label propagation mechanism is proposed with the help of generated class prototypes, which is used to measure the classification confidence of unlabeled point. Our method is evaluated on large-scale point cloud datasets with different scenarios including indoor and outdoor. The experimental results show the large gain against existing weakly supervised and comparable results to fully supervised methods\footnote{Code based on mindspore: https://github.com/dmcv-ecnu/MindSpore\_ModelZoo/tree/main/WS3\_MindSpore}.
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When using LiDAR semantic segmentation models for safety-critical applications such as autonomous driving, it is essential to understand and improve their robustness with respect to a large range of LiDAR corruptions. In this paper, we aim to comprehensively analyze the robustness of LiDAR semantic segmentation models under various corruptions. To rigorously evaluate the robustness and generalizability of current approaches, we propose a new benchmark called SemanticKITTI-C, which features 16 out-of-domain LiDAR corruptions in three groups, namely adverse weather, measurement noise and cross-device discrepancy. Then, we systematically investigate 11 LiDAR semantic segmentation models, especially spanning different input representations (e.g., point clouds, voxels, projected images, and etc.), network architectures and training schemes. Through this study, we obtain two insights: 1) We find out that the input representation plays a crucial role in robustness. Specifically, under specific corruptions, different representations perform variously. 2) Although state-of-the-art methods on LiDAR semantic segmentation achieve promising results on clean data, they are less robust when dealing with noisy data. Finally, based on the above observations, we design a robust LiDAR segmentation model (RLSeg) which greatly boosts the robustness with simple but effective modifications. It is promising that our benchmark, comprehensive analysis, and observations can boost future research in robust LiDAR semantic segmentation for safety-critical applications.
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随着深度卷积神经网络的兴起,对象检测在过去几年中取得了突出的进步。但是,这种繁荣无法掩盖小物体检测(SOD)的不令人满意的情况,这是计算机视觉中臭名昭著的挑战性任务之一,这是由于视觉外观不佳和由小目标的内在结构引起的嘈杂表示。此外,用于基准小对象检测方法基准测试的大规模数据集仍然是瓶颈。在本文中,我们首先对小物体检测进行了详尽的审查。然后,为了催化SOD的发展,我们分别构建了两个大规模的小物体检测数据集(SODA),SODA-D和SODA-A,分别集中在驾驶和空中场景上。 SODA-D包括24704个高质量的交通图像和277596个9个类别的实例。对于苏打水,我们收集2510个高分辨率航空图像,并在9个类别上注释800203实例。众所周知,拟议的数据集是有史以来首次尝试使用针对多类SOD量身定制的大量注释实例进行大规模基准测试。最后,我们评估主流方法在苏打水上的性能。我们预计发布的基准可以促进SOD的发展,并产生该领域的更多突破。数据集和代码将很快在:\ url {https://shaunyuan22.github.io/soda}上。
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Point cloud completion is a generation and estimation issue derived from the partial point clouds, which plays a vital role in the applications in 3D computer vision. The progress of deep learning (DL) has impressively improved the capability and robustness of point cloud completion. However, the quality of completed point clouds is still needed to be further enhanced to meet the practical utilization. Therefore, this work aims to conduct a comprehensive survey on various methods, including point-based, convolution-based, graph-based, and generative model-based approaches, etc. And this survey summarizes the comparisons among these methods to provoke further research insights. Besides, this review sums up the commonly used datasets and illustrates the applications of point cloud completion. Eventually, we also discussed possible research trends in this promptly expanding field.
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在鸟眼中学习强大的表现(BEV),以进行感知任务,这是趋势和吸引行业和学术界的广泛关注。大多数自动驾驶算法的常规方法在正面或透视视图中执行检测,细分,跟踪等。随着传感器配置变得越来越复杂,从不同的传感器中集成了多源信息,并在统一视图中代表功能至关重要。 BEV感知继承了几个优势,因为代表BEV中的周围场景是直观和融合友好的。对于BEV中的代表对象,对于随后的模块,如计划和/或控制是最可取的。 BEV感知的核心问题在于(a)如何通过从透视视图到BEV来通过视图转换来重建丢失的3D信息; (b)如何在BEV网格中获取地面真理注释; (c)如何制定管道以合并来自不同来源和视图的特征; (d)如何适应和概括算法作为传感器配置在不同情况下各不相同。在这项调查中,我们回顾了有关BEV感知的最新工作,并对不同解决方案进行了深入的分析。此外,还描述了该行业的BEV方法的几种系统设计。此外,我们推出了一套完整的实用指南,以提高BEV感知任务的性能,包括相机,激光雷达和融合输入。最后,我们指出了该领域的未来研究指示。我们希望该报告能阐明社区,并鼓励对BEV感知的更多研究。我们保留一个活跃的存储库来收集最新的工作,并在https://github.com/openperceptionx/bevperception-survey-recipe上提供一包技巧的工具箱。
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深度神经网络的3D语义分割的最新进展已取得了显着的成功,并且可用数据集的性能快速提高。但是,当前的3D语义分割基准仅包含少数类别 - 例如,扫描仪和semantickitti少于30个类别,这些类别不足以反映真实环境的多样性(例如,语义图像涵盖数百到数千个类别的类别)。因此,我们建议研究3D语义分割的较大词汇,并在扫描仪数据上具有新的扩展基准测试,其中有200个类别类别,比以前研究的数量级要多。大量的类别类别也引起了巨大的自然级别不平衡,这两者对于现有的3D语义分割方法都具有挑战性。为了在这种情况下了解更多强大的3D功能,我们提出了一种以语言为导向的预训练方法来鼓励学习的3D功能,该方法可能有限的培训示例以靠近其预训练的文本嵌入。广泛的实验表明,我们的方法始终优于我们所提出的基准测试( +9%相对MIOU)的3D语义分割的最先进的3D预训练,包括仅使用5%的 +25%相对MIOU的有限数据方案注释。
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弱监督的点云语义分割方法需要1 \%或更少的标签,希望实现与完全监督的方法几乎相同的性能,这些方法最近引起了广泛的研究关注。该框架中的一个典型解决方案是使用自我训练或伪标记来从点云本身挖掘监督,但忽略了图像中的关键信息。实际上,在激光雷达场景中广泛存在相机,而这种互补信息对于3D应用似乎非常重要。在本文中,我们提出了一种用于3D分割的新型交叉模式弱监督的方法,并结合了来自未标记图像的互补信息。基本上,我们设计了一个配备有效标签策略的双分支网络,以最大程度地发挥标签的力量,并直接实现2D到3D知识转移。之后,我们以期望最大(EM)的视角建立了一个跨模式的自我训练框架,该框架在伪标签估计和更新参数之间进行了迭代。在M-Step中,我们提出了一个跨模式关联学习,通过增强3D点和2D超级像素之间的周期矛盾性,从图像中挖掘互补的监督。在E-Step中,伪标签的自我校准机制被得出过滤噪声标签,从而为网络提供了更准确的标签,以进行全面训练。广泛的实验结果表明,我们的方法甚至优于最先进的竞争对手,而少于1 \%的主动选择注释。
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Reliable and automated 3D plant shoot segmentation is a core prerequisite for the extraction of plant phenotypic traits at the organ level. Combining deep learning and point clouds can provide effective ways to address the challenge. However, fully supervised deep learning methods require datasets to be point-wise annotated, which is extremely expensive and time-consuming. In our work, we proposed a novel weakly supervised framework, Eff-3DPSeg, for 3D plant shoot segmentation. First, high-resolution point clouds of soybean were reconstructed using a low-cost photogrammetry system, and the Meshlab-based Plant Annotator was developed for plant point cloud annotation. Second, a weakly-supervised deep learning method was proposed for plant organ segmentation. The method contained: (1) Pretraining a self-supervised network using Viewpoint Bottleneck loss to learn meaningful intrinsic structure representation from the raw point clouds; (2) Fine-tuning the pre-trained model with about only 0.5% points being annotated to implement plant organ segmentation. After, three phenotypic traits (stem diameter, leaf width, and leaf length) were extracted. To test the generality of the proposed method, the public dataset Pheno4D was included in this study. Experimental results showed that the weakly-supervised network obtained similar segmentation performance compared with the fully-supervised setting. Our method achieved 95.1%, 96.6%, 95.8% and 92.2% in the Precision, Recall, F1-score, and mIoU for stem leaf segmentation and 53%, 62.8% and 70.3% in the AP, AP@25, and AP@50 for leaf instance segmentation. This study provides an effective way for characterizing 3D plant architecture, which will become useful for plant breeders to enhance selection processes.
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Image segmentation is a key topic in image processing and computer vision with applications such as scene understanding, medical image analysis, robotic perception, video surveillance, augmented reality, and image compression, among many others. Various algorithms for image segmentation have been developed in the literature. Recently, due to the success of deep learning models in a wide range of vision applications, there has been a substantial amount of works aimed at developing image segmentation approaches using deep learning models. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive review of the literature at the time of this writing, covering a broad spectrum of pioneering works for semantic and instance-level segmentation, including fully convolutional pixel-labeling networks, encoder-decoder architectures, multi-scale and pyramid based approaches, recurrent networks, visual attention models, and generative models in adversarial settings. We investigate the similarity, strengths and challenges of these deep learning models, examine the most widely used datasets, report performances, and discuss promising future research directions in this area.
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