手工和小规模的黄金开采(ASGM)是许多家庭的重要收入来源,但它可以产生巨大的社会和环境影响,尤其是在发展中国家的雨林中。Sentinel-2卫星收集了多光谱图像,可用于检测水位和质量的变化,这表明采矿地点位置。这项工作着重于对秘鲁亚马逊雨林中ASGM活动的认可。我们根据支持向量机(SVM)测试了几个半监督分类器,以检测Madre de Dios地区从2019年到2021年的水体变化,这是ASGM活动的全球热点之一。实验表明,基于SVM的模型可以实现RGB的合理性能(使用Cohen的$ \ kappa $ 0.49)和6通道图像(使用Cohen的$ \ kappa $ 0.71),具有非常有限的注释。还分析了合并实验室色彩空间的功效。
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树种的手动标记仍然是一项具有挑战性的任务,尤其是在热带地区,由于无法获得和劳动密集型地面调查。高光谱图像(HSIS)通过其狭窄且连续的带,可以根据其光谱特性来区分树种。因此,HSI图像上的自动分类算法可以帮助增强有限的标记信息,并为各种树种生成实时分类图。通过图像中有限的标记信息,实现高分类精度是研究人员近年来开始应对的关键挑战之一。我们提出了一种新型的图形调节神经网络(GRNN)算法,该算法涵盖了基于超像素的分割用于图形结构,像素神经网络分类器和标签传播技术,以生成准确的分类图。 Grnn的表现不仅胜过标准的印度松树HSI的几种最先进技术,而且在法国圭亚那(FG)的森林中收集的新的HSI数据集上也达到了高分类的准确性(约92%)少于1%的像素被标记。我们表明,GRNN不仅与最先进的半监督方法具有竞争力,而且还表现出不同数量的训练样本的准确性差异和对标记像素进行培训的不同独立随机采样的差异。
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Remote sensing of the Earth's surface water is critical in a wide range of environmental studies, from evaluating the societal impacts of seasonal droughts and floods to the large-scale implications of climate change. Consequently, a large literature exists on the classification of water from satellite imagery. Yet, previous methods have been limited by 1) the spatial resolution of public satellite imagery, 2) classification schemes that operate at the pixel level, and 3) the need for multiple spectral bands. We advance the state-of-the-art by 1) using commercial imagery with panchromatic and multispectral resolutions of 30 cm and 1.2 m, respectively, 2) developing multiple fully convolutional neural networks (FCN) that can learn the morphological features of water bodies in addition to their spectral properties, and 3) FCN that can classify water even from panchromatic imagery. This study focuses on rivers in the Arctic, using images from the Quickbird, WorldView, and GeoEye satellites. Because no training data are available at such high resolutions, we construct those manually. First, we use the RGB, and NIR bands of the 8-band multispectral sensors. Those trained models all achieve excellent precision and recall over 90% on validation data, aided by on-the-fly preprocessing of the training data specific to satellite imagery. In a novel approach, we then use results from the multispectral model to generate training data for FCN that only require panchromatic imagery, of which considerably more is available. Despite the smaller feature space, these models still achieve a precision and recall of over 85%. We provide our open-source codes and trained model parameters to the remote sensing community, which paves the way to a wide range of environmental hydrology applications at vastly superior accuracies and 2 orders of magnitude higher spatial resolution than previously possible.
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对联合国可持续发展目标的进展(SDGS)因关键环境和社会经济指标缺乏数据而受到阻碍,其中历史上有稀疏时间和空间覆盖率的地面调查。机器学习的最新进展使得可以利用丰富,频繁更新和全球可用的数据,例如卫星或社交媒体,以向SDGS提供洞察力。尽管有希望的早期结果,但到目前为止使用此类SDG测量数据的方法在很大程度上在不同的数据集或使用不一致的评估指标上进行了评估,使得难以理解的性能是改善,并且额外研究将是最丰富的。此外,处理卫星和地面调查数据需要域知识,其中许多机器学习群落缺乏。在本文中,我们介绍了3个SDG的3个基准任务的集合,包括与经济发展,农业,健康,教育,水和卫生,气候行动和陆地生命相关的任务。 15个任务中的11个数据集首次公开发布。我们为Acceptandbench的目标是(1)降低机器学习界的进入的障碍,以促进衡量和实现SDGS; (2)提供标准基准,用于评估各种SDG的任务的机器学习模型; (3)鼓励开发新颖的机器学习方法,改进的模型性能促进了对SDG的进展。
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In this paper, we address the challenge of land use and land cover classification using Sentinel-2 satellite images. The Sentinel-2 satellite images are openly and freely accessible provided in the Earth observation program Copernicus. We present a novel dataset based on Sentinel-2 satellite images covering 13 spectral bands and consisting out of 10 classes with in total 27,000 labeled and geo-referenced images. We provide benchmarks for this novel dataset with its spectral bands using state-of-the-art deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNNs). With the proposed novel dataset, we achieved an overall classification accuracy of 98.57%. The resulting classification system opens a gate towards a number of Earth observation applications. We demonstrate how this classification system can be used for detecting land use and land cover changes and how it can assist in improving geographical maps. The geo-referenced dataset EuroSAT is made publicly available at https://github.com/phelber/eurosat.
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在本文中,我们提出了一种无监督的方法,用于高光谱遥感图像分割。该方法利用了平均移位聚类算法,该算法将作为输入的初步高光谱超像素分割以及光谱像素信息。所提出的方法不需要分割类的数量作为输入参数,也不需要利用有关要分割的土地覆盖或土地使用类型的A-Priori知识(例如水,植被,建筑等)。进行了Salinas,Salinasa,Pavia Center和Pavia University数据集的实验。绩效是根据归一化信息,调整后的RAND指数和F1得分来衡量的。结果证明了该方法与艺术状态相比的有效性。
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这项研究介绍了\ textit {landslide4sense},这是一种从遥感中检测到滑坡检测的参考基准。该存储库具有3,799个图像贴片,可从Sentinel-2传感器中融合光学层,并带有数字高程模型和来自ALOS Palsar的斜率层。附加的地形信息促进了对滑坡边界的准确检测,而最近的研究表明,仅使用光学数据,这是具有挑战性的。广泛的数据集支持在滑坡检测中进行深度学习(DL)研究,以及用于系统更新滑坡库存的方法的开发和验证。基准数据集已在四个不同的时间和地理位置收集:伊伯里(2018年9月),科达古(2018年8月),戈尔卡(2015年4月)和台湾(2009年8月)。每个图像像素均标记为属于滑坡,包括各种来源和彻底的手动注释。然后,我们评估11个最先进的DL分割模型的滑坡检测性能:U-NET,RESU-NET,PSPNET,CONTECTNET,DEEPLAB-V2,DEEPLAB-V3+,FCN-8,LINKNET,FRRRN-A,FRRN-A,, FRRN-B和SQNET。所有型号均已从划痕上对每个研究区域的四分之一的补丁进行培训,并在其他三个季度的独立贴片上进行了测试。我们的实验表明,Resu-NET的表现优于其他模型,用于滑坡检测任务。我们在\ url {www.landslide4sense.org}公开获得多种源滑坡基准数据(Landslide4sense)和经过测试的DL模型,为遥感,计算机视觉和机器学习社区建立了重要的资源通常,尤其是对滑坡检测的应用。
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近几十年来,气候变化显着影响冰川动态,导致质量损失和冰川相关危害的风险增加,包括冰川上和冰期湖上的湖泊发展以及灾难性的爆发洪水。快速变化的条件决定了对气候 - 冰川动力学的连续和详细观察的需求。有关冰川几何形状的主题和定量信息对于理解气候强迫和冰川对气候变化的敏感性的敏感性至关重要,但是,基于光谱信息和常规机器学习技术的使用,基于使用光谱信息和常规的机器学习技术,众所周知,准确地绘制碎片冰川冰川(DCG)。这项研究的目的是改善较早提出的基于深度学习的方法Glaciernet,该方法旨在利用卷积神经网络分割模型来准确地概述区域DCG消融区。具体而言,我们开发了一种增强的冰川架构,使多个模型,自动后处理和盆地级水文流技术来改善DCG的映射,从而包括消融区和积累区域。实验评估表明,GlacierNet2改善了消融区的估计,并允许高水平的交点比联合(IOU:0.8839)得分。所提出的体系结构在区域尺度上概述了完整的冰川(累积和消融区),总体评分为0.8619。这是自动化完整冰川映射的至关重要的第一步,可用于准确的冰川建模或质量平衡分析。
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Human civilization has an increasingly powerful influence on the earth system. Affected by climate change and land-use change, natural disasters such as flooding have been increasing in recent years. Earth observations are an invaluable source for assessing and mitigating negative impacts. Detecting changes from Earth observation data is one way to monitor the possible impact. Effective and reliable Change Detection (CD) methods can help in identifying the risk of disaster events at an early stage. In this work, we propose a novel unsupervised CD method on time series Synthetic Aperture Radar~(SAR) data. Our proposed method is a probabilistic model trained with unsupervised learning techniques, reconstruction, and contrastive learning. The change map is generated with the help of the distribution difference between pre-incident and post-incident data. Our proposed CD model is evaluated on flood detection data. We verified the efficacy of our model on 8 different flood sites, including three recent flood events from Copernicus Emergency Management Services and six from the Sen1Floods11 dataset. Our proposed model achieved an average of 64.53\% Intersection Over Union(IoU) value and 75.43\% F1 score. Our achieved IoU score is approximately 6-27\% and F1 score is approximately 7-22\% better than the compared unsupervised and supervised existing CD methods. The results and extensive discussion presented in the study show the effectiveness of the proposed unsupervised CD method.
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Mapping the seafloor with underwater imaging cameras is of significant importance for various applications including marine engineering, geology, geomorphology, archaeology and biology. For shallow waters, among the underwater imaging challenges, caustics i.e., the complex physical phenomena resulting from the projection of light rays being refracted by the wavy surface, is likely the most crucial one. Caustics is the main factor during underwater imaging campaigns that massively degrade image quality and affect severely any 2D mosaicking or 3D reconstruction of the seabed. In this work, we propose a novel method for correcting the radiometric effects of caustics on shallow underwater imagery. Contrary to the state-of-the-art, the developed method can handle seabed and riverbed of any anaglyph, correcting the images using real pixel information, thus, improving image matching and 3D reconstruction processes. In particular, the developed method employs deep learning architectures in order to classify image pixels to "non-caustics" and "caustics". Then, exploits the 3D geometry of the scene to achieve a pixel-wise correction, by transferring appropriate color values between the overlapping underwater images. Moreover, to fill the current gap, we have collected, annotated and structured a real-world caustic dataset, namely R-CAUSTIC, which is openly available. Overall, based on the experimental results and validation the developed methodology is quite promising in both detecting caustics and reconstructing their intensity.
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卫星遥感提供了一种具有成本效益的概要洪水监测的解决方案,卫星衍生的洪水图为传统上使用的数值洪水淹没模型提供了一种计算有效的替代方法。尽管卫星碰巧涵盖正在进行的洪水事件时确实提供了及时的淹没信息,但它们受其时空分辨率的限制,因为它们在各种规模上动态监测洪水演变的能力。不断改善对新卫星数据源的访问以及大数据处理功能,就此问题的数据驱动解决方案而言,已经解锁了前所未有的可能性。具体而言,来自卫星的数据融合,例如哥白尼前哨,它们具有很高的空间和低时间分辨率,以及来自NASA SMAP和GPM任务的数据,它们的空间较低,但时间较高的时间分辨率可能会导致高分辨率的洪水淹没在A处的高分辨率洪水。每日规模。在这里,使用Sentinel-1合成孔径雷达和各种水文,地形和基于土地利用的预测因子衍生出的洪水淹没图对卷积神经网络进行了训练,以预测高分辨率的洪水泛滥概率图。使用Sentinel-1和Sentinel-2衍生的洪水面罩,评估了UNET和SEGNET模型架构的性能,分别具有95%的信心间隔。精确召回曲线(PR-AUC)曲线下的区域(AUC)被用作主要评估指标,这是由于二进制洪水映射问题中类固有的不平衡性质,最佳模型提供了PR-AUC 0.85。
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机器学习(ML)是指根据大量数据预测有意义的输出或对复杂系统进行分类的计算机算法。 ML应用于各个领域,包括自然科学,工程,太空探索甚至游戏开发。本文的重点是在化学和生物海洋学领域使用机器学习。在预测全球固定氮水平,部分二氧化碳压力和其他化学特性时,ML的应用是一种有前途的工具。机器学习还用于生物海洋学领域,可从各种图像(即显微镜,流车和视频记录器),光谱仪和其他信号处理技术中检测浮游形式。此外,ML使用其声学成功地对哺乳动物进行了分类,在特定的环境中检测到濒临灭绝的哺乳动物和鱼类。最重要的是,使用环境数据,ML被证明是预测缺氧条件和有害藻华事件的有效方法,这是对环境监测的重要测量。此外,机器学习被用来为各种物种构建许多对其他研究人员有用的数据库,而创建新算法将帮助海洋研究界更好地理解海洋的化学和生物学。
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Fusing satellite imagery acquired with different sensors has been a long-standing challenge of Earth observation, particularly across different modalities such as optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images. Here, we explore the joint analysis of imagery from different sensors in the light of representation learning: we propose to learn a joint embedding of multiple satellite sensors within a deep neural network. Our application problem is the monitoring of lake ice on Alpine lakes. To reach the temporal resolution requirement of the Swiss Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) office, we combine three image sources: Sentinel-1 SAR (S1-SAR), Terra MODIS, and Suomi-NPP VIIRS. The large gaps between the optical and SAR domains and between the sensor resolutions make this a challenging instance of the sensor fusion problem. Our approach can be classified as a late fusion that is learned in a data-driven manner. The proposed network architecture has separate encoding branches for each image sensor, which feed into a single latent embedding. I.e., a common feature representation shared by all inputs, such that subsequent processing steps deliver comparable output irrespective of which sort of input image was used. By fusing satellite data, we map lake ice at a temporal resolution of < 1.5 days. The network produces spatially explicit lake ice maps with pixel-wise accuracies > 91% (respectively, mIoU scores > 60%) and generalises well across different lakes and winters. Moreover, it sets a new state-of-the-art for determining the important ice-on and ice-off dates for the target lakes, in many cases meeting the GCOS requirement.
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与现场测量相比,遥感益处可以通过使大面积的监控更容易地进行栖息地保护,尤其是在可以自动分析遥感数据的情况下。监测的一个重要方面是对受监视区域中存在的栖息地类型进行分类和映射。自动分类是一项艰巨的任务,因为课程具有细粒度的差异,并且它们的分布是长尾巴且不平衡的。通常,用于自动土地覆盖分类的培训数据取决于完全注释的分割图,从遥感的图像到相当高的分类学,即森林,农田或市区等类别。自动栖息地分类的挑战是可靠的数据注释需要现场策略。因此,完整的分割图的生产成本很高,训练数据通常很稀疏,类似点,并且仅限于可以步行访问的区域。需要更有效地利用这些有限数据的方法。我们通过提出一种栖息地分类和映射的方法来解决这些问题,并应用此方法将整个芬兰拉普兰北部地区分类为Natura2000类。该方法的特征是使用从现场收集的细粒,稀疏,单像素注释,并与大量未经通知的数据结合在一起来产生分割图。比较了监督,无监督和半监督的方法,并证明了从较大的室外数据集中转移学习的好处。我们提出了一个\ ac {cnn}偏向于中心像素分类,与随机的森林分类器结合使用,该分类器比单独的模型本身产生更高的质量分类。我们表明,增加种植,测试时间的增加和半监督的学习可以进一步帮助分类。
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Cashews are grown by over 3 million smallholders in more than 40 countries worldwide as a principal source of income. As the third largest cashew producer in Africa, Benin has nearly 200,000 smallholder cashew growers contributing 15% of the country's national export earnings. However, a lack of information on where and how cashew trees grow across the country hinders decision-making that could support increased cashew production and poverty alleviation. By leveraging 2.4-m Planet Basemaps and 0.5-m aerial imagery, newly developed deep learning algorithms, and large-scale ground truth datasets, we successfully produced the first national map of cashew in Benin and characterized the expansion of cashew plantations between 2015 and 2021. In particular, we developed a SpatioTemporal Classification with Attention (STCA) model to map the distribution of cashew plantations, which can fully capture texture information from discriminative time steps during a growing season. We further developed a Clustering Augmented Self-supervised Temporal Classification (CASTC) model to distinguish high-density versus low-density cashew plantations by automatic feature extraction and optimized clustering. Results show that the STCA model has an overall accuracy of 80% and the CASTC model achieved an overall accuracy of 77.9%. We found that the cashew area in Benin has doubled from 2015 to 2021 with 60% of new plantation development coming from cropland or fallow land, while encroachment of cashew plantations into protected areas has increased by 70%. Only half of cashew plantations were high-density in 2021, suggesting high potential for intensification. Our study illustrates the power of combining high-resolution remote sensing imagery and state-of-the-art deep learning algorithms to better understand tree crops in the heterogeneous smallholder landscape.
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