Semiconductor manufacturing is on the cusp of a revolution: the Internet of Things (IoT). With IoT we can connect all the equipment and feed information back to the factory so that quality issues can be detected. In this situation, more and more edge devices are used in wafer inspection equipment. This edge device must have the ability to quickly detect defects. Therefore, how to develop a high-efficiency architecture for automatic defect classification to be suitable for edge devices is the primary task. In this paper, we present a novel architecture that can perform defect classification in a more efficient way. The first function is self-proliferation, using a series of linear transformations to generate more feature maps at a cheaper cost. The second function is self-attention, capturing the long-range dependencies of feature map by the channel-wise and spatial-wise attention mechanism. We named this method as self-proliferation-and-attention neural network. This method has been successfully applied to various defect pattern classification tasks. Compared with other latest methods, SP&A-Net has higher accuracy and lower computation cost in many defect inspection tasks.
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The Non-Local Network (NLNet) presents a pioneering approach for capturing long-range dependencies, via aggregating query-specific global context to each query position. However, through a rigorous empirical analysis, we have found that the global contexts modeled by non-local network are almost the same for different query positions within an image. In this paper, we take advantage of this finding to create a simplified network based on a queryindependent formulation, which maintains the accuracy of NLNet but with significantly less computation. We further observe that this simplified design shares similar structure with Squeeze-Excitation Network (SENet). Hence we unify them into a three-step general framework for global context modeling. Within the general framework, we design a better instantiation, called the global context (GC) block, which is lightweight and can effectively model the global context. The lightweight property allows us to apply it for multiple layers in a backbone network to construct a global context network (GCNet), which generally outperforms both simplified NLNet and SENet on major benchmarks for various recognition tasks. The code and configurations are released at
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由于存储器和计算资源有限,部署在移动设备上的卷积神经网络(CNNS)是困难的。我们的目标是通过利用特征图中的冗余来设计包括CPU和GPU的异构设备的高效神经网络,这很少在神经结构设计中进行了研究。对于类似CPU的设备,我们提出了一种新颖的CPU高效的Ghost(C-Ghost)模块,以生成从廉价操作的更多特征映射。基于一组内在的特征映射,我们使用廉价的成本应用一系列线性变换,以生成许多幽灵特征图,可以完全揭示内在特征的信息。所提出的C-Ghost模块可以作为即插即用组件,以升级现有的卷积神经网络。 C-Ghost瓶颈旨在堆叠C-Ghost模块,然后可以轻松建立轻量级的C-Ghostnet。我们进一步考虑GPU设备的有效网络。在建筑阶段的情况下,不涉及太多的GPU效率(例如,深度明智的卷积),我们建议利用阶段明智的特征冗余来制定GPU高效的幽灵(G-GHOST)阶段结构。舞台中的特征被分成两个部分,其中使用具有较少输出通道的原始块处理第一部分,用于生成内在特征,另一个通过利用阶段明智的冗余来生成廉价的操作。在基准测试上进行的实验证明了所提出的C-Ghost模块和G-Ghost阶段的有效性。 C-Ghostnet和G-Ghostnet分别可以分别实现CPU和GPU的准确性和延迟的最佳权衡。代码可在获得。
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现有的多尺度解决方案会导致仅增加接受场大小的风险,同时忽略小型接受场。因此,有效构建自适应神经网络以识别各种空间尺度对象是一个具有挑战性的问题。为了解决这个问题,我们首先引入一个新的注意力维度,即除了现有的注意力维度(例如渠道,空间和分支)之外,并提出了一个新颖的选择性深度注意网络,以对称地处理各种视觉中的多尺度对象任务。具体而言,在给定神经网络的每个阶段内的块,即重新连接,输出层次功能映射共享相同的分辨率但具有不同的接收场大小。基于此结构属性,我们设计了一个舞台建筑模块,即SDA,其中包括树干分支和类似SE的注意力分支。躯干分支的块输出融合在一起,以通过注意力分支指导其深度注意力分配。根据提出的注意机制,我们可以动态选择不同的深度特征,这有助于自适应调整可变大小输入对象的接收场大小。这样,跨块信息相互作用会导致沿深度方向的远距离依赖关系。与其他多尺度方法相比,我们的SDA方法结合了从以前的块到舞台输出的多个接受场,从而提供了更广泛,更丰富的有效接收场。此外,我们的方法可以用作其他多尺度网络以及注意力网络的可插入模块,并创造为SDA- $ x $ net。它们的组合进一步扩展了有效的接受场的范围,可以实现可解释的神经网络。我们的源代码可在\ url {}中获得。
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Deploying convolutional neural networks (CNNs) on embedded devices is difficult due to the limited memory and computation resources. The redundancy in feature maps is an important characteristic of those successful CNNs, but has rarely been investigated in neural architecture design. This paper proposes a novel Ghost module to generate more feature maps from cheap operations. Based on a set of intrinsic feature maps, we apply a series of linear transformations with cheap cost to generate many ghost feature maps that could fully reveal information underlying intrinsic features. The proposed Ghost module can be taken as a plug-and-play component to upgrade existing convolutional neural networks. Ghost bottlenecks are designed to stack Ghost modules, and then the lightweight Ghost-Net can be easily established. Experiments conducted on benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed Ghost module is an impressive alternative of convolution layers in baseline models, and our GhostNet can achieve higher recognition performance (e.g. 75.7% top-1 accuracy) than MobileNetV3 with similar computational cost on the ImageNet ILSVRC-2012 classification dataset. Code is available at https: //
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视觉地点识别(VPR)是一个具有挑战性的任务,具有巨大的计算成本与高识别性能之间的不平衡。由于轻质卷积神经网络(CNNS)和局部聚合描述符(VLAD)层向量的火车能力的实用特征提取能力,我们提出了一种由前部组成的轻量级弱监管的端到端神经网络-anded的感知模型称为ghostcnn和学习的VLAD层作为后端。 Ghostcnn基于幽灵模块,这些模块是基于重量的CNN架构。它们可以使用线性操作而不是传统的卷积过程生成冗余特征映射,从而在计算资源和识别准确性之间进行良好的权衡。为了进一步增强我们提出的轻量级模型,我们将扩张的卷曲添加到Ghost模块中,以获取包含更多空间语义信息的功能,提高准确性。最后,在常用的公共基准和我们的私人数据集上进行的丰富实验验证了所提出的神经网络,分别将VGG16-NetVlad的拖鞋和参数减少了99.04%和80.16%。此外,两种模型都达到了类似的准确性。
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大多数现有的基于深度学习的方法用于血管分割的方法忽略了视网膜血管的两个重要方面,一个是船只的定向信息,另一个是整个基底区域的上下文信息。在本文中,我们提出了一个强大的方向和上下文纠缠的网络(称为OCE-NET),该网络具有提取血管的复杂方向和上下文信息的能力。为了实现复杂的方向,提出了动态复杂方向意识卷积(DCOA Conv),以提取具有多种取向的复杂血管,以改善血管连续性。为了同时捕获全球上下文信息并强调重要的本地信息,开发了一个全球和局部融合模块(GLFM),以同时对船舶的长距离依赖性进行建模,并将足够的关注放在局部薄船上。提出了一种新颖的方向和上下文纠缠的非本地(OCE-NL)模块,以将方向和上下文信息纠缠在一起。此外,提出了不平衡的注意模块(UARM)来处理背景,厚和薄容器的不平衡像素数量。在几个常用的数据集(驱动器,凝视和ChasceB1)和一些更具挑战性的数据集(AV Wide,UOA-DR,RFMID和UK BioBANK)上进行了广泛的实验。消融研究表明,所提出的方法在保持薄血管的连续性方面取得了有希望的性能,比较实验表明,我们的OCE-NET可以在视网膜血管分割上实现最新性能。
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Semantic segmentation of UAV aerial remote sensing images provides a more efficient and convenient surveying and mapping method for traditional surveying and mapping. In order to make the model lightweight and improve a certain accuracy, this research developed a new lightweight and efficient network for the extraction of ground features from UAV aerial remote sensing images, called LDMCNet. Meanwhile, this research develops a powerful lightweight backbone network for the proposed semantic segmentation model. It is called LDCNet, and it is hoped that it can become the backbone network of a new generation of lightweight semantic segmentation algorithms. The proposed model uses dual multi-scale context modules, namely the Atrous Space Pyramid Pooling module (ASPP) and the Object Context Representation module (OCR). In addition, this research constructs a private dataset for semantic segmentation of aerial remote sensing images from drones. This data set contains 2431 training sets, 945 validation sets, and 475 test sets. The proposed model performs well on this dataset, with only 1.4M parameters and 5.48G floating-point operations (FLOPs), achieving an average intersection-over-union ratio (mIoU) of 71.12%. 7.88% higher than the baseline model. In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed model, training on the public datasets "LoveDA" and "CITY-OSM" also achieved excellent results, achieving mIoU of 65.27% and 74.39%, respectively.
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最近的非本地自我关注方法已经证明是有效地捕获用于语义细分的远程依赖性。这些方法通常形成RC * C的相似性图(通过压缩空间尺寸)或rhW * HW(通过压缩通道)来描述沿通道或空间尺寸的特征关系,其中C是通道,H和W的数量输入特征映射的空间尺寸。然而,这种做法倾向于沿着其他尺寸的浓缩特征依赖性,因此引起注意丢失,这可能导致小型/薄类别或大物体内部不一致的分割结果。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种重新的方法,即完全注意网络(FLANET),以编码单个相似性图中的空间和频道注意,同时保持高计算效率。具体地,对于每个频道图,我们的枫套可以通过新颖的完全注意模块收获来自所有其他信道地图的特征响应和相关的空间位置。我们的新方法在三个具有挑战性的语义细分数据集中实现了最先进的性能,即在城市景观测试集,ADE20K验证集和Pascal VOC测试集中的83.6%,46.99%和88.5% 。
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人行道表面数据的获取和评估在路面条件评估中起着至关重要的作用。在本文中,提出了一个称为RHA-NET的自动路面裂纹分割的有效端到端网络,以提高路面裂纹分割精度。 RHA-NET是通过将残留块(重阻)和混合注意块集成到编码器架构结构中来构建的。这些重组用于提高RHA-NET提取高级抽象特征的能力。混合注意块旨在融合低级功能和高级功能,以帮助模型专注于正确的频道和裂纹区域,从而提高RHA-NET的功能表现能力。构建并用于训练和评估所提出的模型的图像数据集,其中包含由自设计的移动机器人收集的789个路面裂纹图像。与其他最先进的网络相比,所提出的模型在全面的消融研究中验证了添加残留块和混合注意机制的功能。此外,通过引入深度可分离卷积生成的模型的轻加权版本可以更好地实现性能和更快的处理速度,而U-NET参数数量的1/30。开发的系统可以在嵌入式设备Jetson TX2(25 fps)上实时划分路面裂纹。实时实验拍摄的视频将在上发布。
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Convolutional neural networks are built upon the convolution operation, which extracts informative features by fusing spatial and channel-wise information together within local receptive fields. In order to boost the representational power of a network, several recent approaches have shown the benefit of enhancing spatial encoding. In this work, we focus on the channel relationship and propose a novel architectural unit, which we term the "Squeezeand-Excitation" (SE) block, that adaptively recalibrates channel-wise feature responses by explicitly modelling interdependencies between channels. We demonstrate that by stacking these blocks together, we can construct SENet architectures that generalise extremely well across challenging datasets. Crucially, we find that SE blocks produce significant performance improvements for existing state-ofthe-art deep architectures at minimal additional computational cost. SENets formed the foundation of our ILSVRC 2017 classification submission which won first place and significantly reduced the top-5 error to 2.251%, achieving a ∼25% relative improvement over the winning entry of 2016.
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标准卷积神经网络(CNN)设计很少专注于明确捕获各种功能以增强网络性能的重要性。相反,大多数现有方法遵循增加或调整网络深度和宽度的间接方法,这在许多情况下显着提高了计算成本。受生物视觉系统的启发,我们提出了一种多样化和自适应的卷积网络(DA $ ^ {2} $ - net),它使任何前锋CNN能够明确地捕获不同的功能,并自适应地选择并强调最具信息性的功能有效地提高网络的性能。 DA $ ^ {2} $ - NET会引入可忽略不计的计算开销,它旨在与任何CNN架构轻松集成。我们广泛地评估了基准数据集的DA $ ^ {2} $ - 网上,包括CNN架构的CNN100,SVHN和Imagenet,包括CNN100。实验结果显示DA $ ^ {2} $ - NET提供了具有非常最小的计算开销的显着性能改进。
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已经研究了各种关注机制,以提高各种计算机视觉任务的性能。然而,先前的方法忽略了保留关于通道和空间方面的信息的重要性,以增强交叉尺寸相互作用。因此,我们提出了一种全球关注机制,通过减少信息减少和放大全球互动表示来提高深度神经网络的性能。我们将3D排列引入了多层 - Perceptron,用于伴随着卷积的空间注意子模块的频道注意。对CiFar-100和ImageNet-1K上的图像分类任务的提出机制的评估表明,我们的方法稳定地优于Reset和轻量级Mobilenet的几个最近的关注机制。
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哥内克人Sentinel Imagery的纯粹卷的可用性为使用深度学习的大尺度创造了新的土地利用陆地覆盖(Lulc)映射的机会。虽然在这种大型数据集上培训是一个非琐碎的任务。在这项工作中,我们试验Lulc Image分类和基准不同最先进模型的Bigearthnet数据集,包括卷积神经网络,多层感知,视觉变压器,高效导通和宽残余网络(WRN)架构。我们的目标是利用分类准确性,培训时间和推理率。我们提出了一种基于用于网络深度,宽度和输入数据分辨率的WRNS复合缩放的高效导通的框架,以有效地训练和测试不同的模型设置。我们设计一种新颖的缩放WRN架构,增强了有效的通道注意力机制。我们提出的轻量级模型具有较小的培训参数,实现所有19个LULC类的平均F分类准确度达到4.5%,并且验证了我们使用的resnet50最先进的模型速度快两倍作为基线。我们提供超过50种培训的型号,以及我们在多个GPU节点上分布式培训的代码。
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Dunhuang murals are a collection of Chinese style and national style, forming a self-contained Chinese-style Buddhist art. It has very high historical and cultural value and research significance. Among them, the lines of Dunhuang murals are highly general and expressive. It reflects the character's distinctive character and complex inner emotions. Therefore, the outline drawing of murals is of great significance to the research of Dunhuang Culture. The contour generation of Dunhuang murals belongs to image edge detection, which is an important branch of computer vision, aims to extract salient contour information in images. Although convolution-based deep learning networks have achieved good results in image edge extraction by exploring the contextual and semantic features of images. However, with the enlargement of the receptive field, some local detail information is lost. This makes it impossible for them to generate reasonable outline drawings of murals. In this paper, we propose a novel edge detector based on self-attention combined with convolution to generate line drawings of Dunhuang murals. Compared with existing edge detection methods, firstly, a new residual self-attention and convolution mixed module (Ramix) is proposed to fuse local and global features in feature maps. Secondly, a novel densely connected backbone extraction network is designed to efficiently propagate rich edge feature information from shallow layers into deep layers. Compared with existing methods, it is shown on different public datasets that our method is able to generate sharper and richer edge maps. In addition, testing on the Dunhuang mural dataset shows that our method can achieve very competitive performance.
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有效的早期检测马铃薯晚枯萎病(PLB)是马铃薯栽培的必要方面。然而,由于缺乏在冠层水平上缺乏视觉线索,在具有传统成像方法的领域的早期阶段来检测晚期枯萎是一项挑战。高光谱成像可以,捕获来自宽范围波长的光谱信号也在视觉波长之外。在这种情况下,通过将2D卷积神经网络(2D-CNN)和3D-CNN与深度合作的网络(PLB-2D-3D-A)组合来提出高光谱图像的深度学习分类架构。首先,2D-CNN和3D-CNN用于提取丰富的光谱空间特征,然后使用注意力块和SE-RESET用于强调特征图中的突出特征,并提高模型的泛化能力。数据集采用15,360张图像(64x64x204)构建,从在实验领域捕获的240个原始图像裁剪,具有超过20种马铃薯基因型。 2000年图像的测试数据集中的精度在全带中达到0.739,特定带中的0.790(492nm,519nm,560nm,592nm,717nm和765nm)。本研究表明,具有深入学习和近端高光谱成像的早期检测PLB的令人鼓舞的结果。
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