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With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) in medical image processing, deep learning in color fundus photography (CFP) analysis is also evolving. Although there are some open-source, labeled datasets of CFPs in the ophthalmology community, large-scale datasets for screening only have labels of disease categories, and datasets with annotations of fundus structures are usually small in size. In addition, labeling standards are not uniform across datasets, and there is no clear information on the acquisition device. Here we release a multi-annotation, multi-quality, and multi-device color fundus image dataset for glaucoma analysis on an original challenge -- Retinal Fundus Glaucoma Challenge 2nd Edition (REFUGE2). The REFUGE2 dataset contains 2000 color fundus images with annotations of glaucoma classification, optic disc/cup segmentation, as well as fovea localization. Meanwhile, the REFUGE2 challenge sets three sub-tasks of automatic glaucoma diagnosis and fundus structure analysis and provides an online evaluation framework. Based on the characteristics of multi-device and multi-quality data, some methods with strong generalizations are provided in the challenge to make the predictions more robust. This shows that REFUGE2 brings attention to the characteristics of real-world multi-domain data, bridging the gap between scientific research and clinical application.
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自动检测视网膜结构,例如视网膜血管(RV),凹起的血管区(FAZ)和视网膜血管连接(RVJ),对于了解眼睛的疾病和临床决策非常重要。在本文中,我们提出了一种新型的基于投票的自适应特征融合多任务网络(VAFF-NET),用于在光学相干性层析成像(OCTA)中对RV,FAZ和RVJ进行联合分割,检测和分类。提出了一个特定于任务的投票门模块,以适应并融合两个级别的特定任务的不同功能:来自单个编码器的不同空间位置的特征,以及来自多个编码器的功能。特别是,由于八八座图像中微脉管系统的复杂性使视网膜血管连接连接到分叉/跨越具有挑战性的任务的同时定位和分类,因此我们通过结合热图回归和网格分类来专门设计任务头。我们利用来自各种视网膜层的三个不同的\ textit {en face}血管造影,而不是遵循仅使用单个\ textit {en face}的现有方法。为了促进进一步的研究,已经发布了这些数据集的部分数据集,并已发布了公共访问:https://github.com/imed-lab/vaff-net。
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Color fundus photography and Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) are the two most cost-effective tools for glaucoma screening. Both two modalities of images have prominent biomarkers to indicate glaucoma suspected. Clinically, it is often recommended to take both of the screenings for a more accurate and reliable diagnosis. However, although numerous algorithms are proposed based on fundus images or OCT volumes in computer-aided diagnosis, there are still few methods leveraging both of the modalities for the glaucoma assessment. Inspired by the success of Retinal Fundus Glaucoma Challenge (REFUGE) we held previously, we set up the Glaucoma grAding from Multi-Modality imAges (GAMMA) Challenge to encourage the development of fundus \& OCT-based glaucoma grading. The primary task of the challenge is to grade glaucoma from both the 2D fundus images and 3D OCT scanning volumes. As part of GAMMA, we have publicly released a glaucoma annotated dataset with both 2D fundus color photography and 3D OCT volumes, which is the first multi-modality dataset for glaucoma grading. In addition, an evaluation framework is also established to evaluate the performance of the submitted methods. During the challenge, 1272 results were submitted, and finally, top-10 teams were selected to the final stage. We analysis their results and summarize their methods in the paper. Since all these teams submitted their source code in the challenge, a detailed ablation study is also conducted to verify the effectiveness of the particular modules proposed. We find many of the proposed techniques are practical for the clinical diagnosis of glaucoma. As the first in-depth study of fundus \& OCT multi-modality glaucoma grading, we believe the GAMMA Challenge will be an essential starting point for future research.
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膝关节X射线上的膝盖骨关节炎(KOA)的评估是使用总膝关节置换术的中心标准。但是,该评估遭受了不精确的标准,并且读取器间的可变性非常高。对KOA严重性的算法,自动评估可以通过提高其使用的适当性来改善膝盖替代程序的总体结果。我们提出了一种基于深度学习的新型五步算法,以自动从X光片后验(PA)视图对KOA进行评级:(1)图像预处理(2)使用Yolo V3-tiny模型,图像在图像中定位膝关节, (3)使用基于卷积神经网络的分类器对骨关节炎的严重程度进行初步评估,(4)关节分割和关节空间狭窄(JSN)的计算(JSN)和(5),JSN和最初的结合评估确定最终的凯尔格伦法律(KL)得分。此外,通过显示用于进行评估的分割面具,我们的算法与典型的“黑匣子”深度学习分类器相比表现出更高的透明度。我们使用我们机构的两个公共数据集和一个数据集进行了全面的评估,并表明我们的算法达到了最先进的性能。此外,我们还从机构中的多个放射科医生那里收集了评分,并表明我们的算法在放射科医生级别进行。该软件已在https://github.com/maciejmazurowowski/osteoarthitis-classification上公开提供。
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具有高分辨率的视网膜光学相干断层扫描术(八八)对于视网膜脉管系统的定量和分析很重要。然而,八颗图像的分辨率与相同采样频率的视野成反比,这不利于临床医生分析较大的血管区域。在本文中,我们提出了一个新型的基于稀疏的域适应超分辨率网络(SASR),以重建现实的6x6 mm2/低分辨率/低分辨率(LR)八八粒图像,以重建高分辨率(HR)表示。更具体地说,我们首先对3x3 mm2/高分辨率(HR)图像进行简单降解,以获得合成的LR图像。然后,采用一种有效的注册方法在6x6 mm2图像中以其相应的3x3 mm2图像区域注册合成LR,以获得裁切的逼真的LR图像。然后,我们提出了一个多级超分辨率模型,用于对合成数据进行全面监督的重建,从而通过生成的对流策略指导现实的LR图像重建现实的LR图像,该策略允许合成和现实的LR图像可以在特征中统一。领域。最后,新型的稀疏边缘感知损失旨在动态优化容器边缘结构。在两个八八集中进行的广泛实验表明,我们的方法的性能优于最先进的超分辨率重建方法。此外,我们还研究了重建结果对视网膜结构分割的性能,这进一步验证了我们方法的有效性。
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Breast cancer is one of the common cancers that endanger the health of women globally. Accurate target lesion segmentation is essential for early clinical intervention and postoperative follow-up. Recently, many convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been proposed to segment breast tumors from ultrasound images. However, the complex ultrasound pattern and the variable tumor shape and size bring challenges to the accurate segmentation of the breast lesion. Motivated by the selective kernel convolution, we introduce an enhanced selective kernel convolution for breast tumor segmentation, which integrates multiple feature map region representations and adaptively recalibrates the weights of these feature map regions from the channel and spatial dimensions. This region recalibration strategy enables the network to focus more on high-contributing region features and mitigate the perturbation of less useful regions. Finally, the enhanced selective kernel convolution is integrated into U-net with deep supervision constraints to adaptively capture the robust representation of breast tumors. Extensive experiments with twelve state-of-the-art deep learning segmentation methods on three public breast ultrasound datasets demonstrate that our method has a more competitive segmentation performance in breast ultrasound images.
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我们提出了一种名为ACLNET的新型深度学习模型,用于从地面图像中分割云。ACLNET同时使用深神经网络和机器学习(ML)算法来提取互补功能。具体而言,它使用有效网络-B0作为骨干,“``trous tos blacial pyramid boming''(ASPP)在多个接受场上学习,并从图像中提取细节细节。ACLNET还使用K-均值聚类来更精确地提取云边界。ACLNET对白天和夜间图像都有效。它提供的错误率较低,较高的召回率和更高的F1得分比Art最先进的云分割模型。ACLNET的源代码可在此处获得:https://github.com/ckmvigil/aclnet。
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The lack of efficient segmentation methods and fully-labeled datasets limits the comprehensive assessment of optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) microstructures like retinal vessel network (RVN) and foveal avascular zone (FAZ), which are of great value in ophthalmic and systematic diseases evaluation. Here, we introduce an innovative OCTA microstructure segmentation network (OMSN) by combining an encoder-decoder-based architecture with multi-scale skip connections and the split-attention-based residual network ResNeSt, paying specific attention to OCTA microstructural features while facilitating better model convergence and feature representations. The proposed OMSN achieves excellent single/multi-task performances for RVN or/and FAZ segmentation. Especially, the evaluation metrics on multi-task models outperform single-task models on the same dataset. On this basis, a fully annotated retinal OCTA segmentation (FAROS) dataset is constructed semi-automatically, filling the vacancy of a pixel-level fully-labeled OCTA dataset. OMSN multi-task segmentation model retrained with FAROS further certifies its outstanding accuracy for simultaneous RVN and FAZ segmentation.
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Myocardial pathology segmentation (MyoPS) can be a prerequisite for the accurate diagnosis and treatment planning of myocardial infarction. However, achieving this segmentation is challenging, mainly due to the inadequate and indistinct information from an image. In this work, we develop an end-to-end deep neural network, referred to as MyoPS-Net, to flexibly combine five-sequence cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) images for MyoPS. To extract precise and adequate information, we design an effective yet flexible architecture to extract and fuse cross-modal features. This architecture can tackle different numbers of CMR images and complex combinations of modalities, with output branches targeting specific pathologies. To impose anatomical knowledge on the segmentation results, we first propose a module to regularize myocardium consistency and localize the pathologies, and then introduce an inclusiveness loss to utilize relations between myocardial scars and edema. We evaluated the proposed MyoPS-Net on two datasets, i.e., a private one consisting of 50 paired multi-sequence CMR images and a public one from MICCAI2020 MyoPS Challenge. Experimental results showed that MyoPS-Net could achieve state-of-the-art performance in various scenarios. Note that in practical clinics, the subjects may not have full sequences, such as missing LGE CMR or mapping CMR scans. We therefore conducted extensive experiments to investigate the performance of the proposed method in dealing with such complex combinations of different CMR sequences. Results proved the superiority and generalizability of MyoPS-Net, and more importantly, indicated a practical clinical application.
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从医用试剂染色图像中分割牙齿斑块为诊断和确定随访治疗计划提供了宝贵的信息。但是,准确的牙菌斑分割是一项具有挑战性的任务,需要识别牙齿和牙齿斑块受到语义腔区域的影响(即,在牙齿和牙齿斑块之间的边界区域中存在困惑的边界)以及实例形状的复杂变化,这些变化均未完全解决。现有方法。因此,我们提出了一个语义分解网络(SDNET),该网络介绍了两个单任务分支,以分别解决牙齿和牙齿斑块的分割,并设计了其他约束,以学习每个分支的特定类别特征,从而促进语义分解并改善该类别的特征牙齿分割的性能。具体而言,SDNET以分裂方式学习了两个单独的分割分支和牙齿的牙齿,以解除它们之间的纠缠关系。指定类别的每个分支都倾向于产生准确的分割。为了帮助这两个分支更好地关注特定类别的特征,进一步提出了两个约束模块:1)通过最大化不同类别表示之间的距离来学习判别特征表示,以了解判别特征表示形式,以减少减少负面影响关于特征提取的语义腔区域; 2)结构约束模块(SCM)通过监督边界感知的几何约束提供完整的结构信息,以提供各种形状的牙菌斑。此外,我们构建了一个大规模的开源染色牙菌斑分割数据集(SDPSEG),该数据集为牙齿和牙齿提供高质量的注释。 SDPSEG数据集的实验结果显示SDNET达到了最新的性能。
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X-ray imaging technology has been used for decades in clinical tasks to reveal the internal condition of different organs, and in recent years, it has become more common in other areas such as industry, security, and geography. The recent development of computer vision and machine learning techniques has also made it easier to automatically process X-ray images and several machine learning-based object (anomaly) detection, classification, and segmentation methods have been recently employed in X-ray image analysis. Due to the high potential of deep learning in related image processing applications, it has been used in most of the studies. This survey reviews the recent research on using computer vision and machine learning for X-ray analysis in industrial production and security applications and covers the applications, techniques, evaluation metrics, datasets, and performance comparison of those techniques on publicly available datasets. We also highlight some drawbacks in the published research and give recommendations for future research in computer vision-based X-ray analysis.
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