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The costs and impacts of government corruption range from impairing a country's economic growth to affecting its citizens' well-being and safety. Public contracting between government dependencies and private sector instances, referred to as public procurement, is a fertile land of opportunity for corrupt practices, generating substantial monetary losses worldwide. Thus, identifying and deterring corrupt activities between the government and the private sector is paramount. However, due to several factors, corruption in public procurement is challenging to identify and track, leading to corrupt practices going unnoticed. This paper proposes a machine learning model based on an ensemble of random forest classifiers, which we call hyper-forest, to identify and predict corrupt contracts in M\'exico's public procurement data. This method's results correctly detect most of the corrupt and non-corrupt contracts evaluated in the dataset. Furthermore, we found that the most critical predictors considered in the model are those related to the relationship between buyers and suppliers rather than those related to features of individual contracts. Also, the method proposed here is general enough to be trained with data from other countries. Overall, our work presents a tool that can help in the decision-making process to identify, predict and analyze corruption in public procurement contracts.
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The cyber-physical convergence is opening up new business opportunities for industrial operators. The need for deep integration of the cyber and the physical worlds establishes a rich business agenda towards consolidating new system and network engineering approaches. This revolution would not be possible without the rich and heterogeneous sources of data, as well as the ability of their intelligent exploitation, mainly due to the fact that data will serve as a fundamental resource to promote Industry 4.0. One of the most fruitful research and practice areas emerging from this data-rich, cyber-physical, smart factory environment is the data-driven process monitoring field, which applies machine learning methodologies to enable predictive maintenance applications. In this paper, we examine popular time series forecasting techniques as well as supervised machine learning algorithms in the applied context of Industry 4.0, by transforming and preprocessing the historical industrial dataset of a packing machine's operational state recordings (real data coming from the production line of a manufacturing plant from the food and beverage domain). In our methodology, we use only a single signal concerning the machine's operational status to make our predictions, without considering other operational variables or fault and warning signals, hence its characterization as ``agnostic''. In this respect, the results demonstrate that the adopted methods achieve a quite promising performance on three targeted use cases.
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Network intrusion detection systems (NIDSs) play an important role in computer network security. There are several detection mechanisms where anomaly-based automated detection outperforms others significantly. Amid the sophistication and growing number of attacks, dealing with large amounts of data is a recognized issue in the development of anomaly-based NIDS. However, do current models meet the needs of today's networks in terms of required accuracy and dependability? In this research, we propose a new hybrid model that combines machine learning and deep learning to increase detection rates while securing dependability. Our proposed method ensures efficient pre-processing by combining SMOTE for data balancing and XGBoost for feature selection. We compared our developed method to various machine learning and deep learning algorithms to find a more efficient algorithm to implement in the pipeline. Furthermore, we chose the most effective model for network intrusion based on a set of benchmarked performance analysis criteria. Our method produces excellent results when tested on two datasets, KDDCUP'99 and CIC-MalMem-2022, with an accuracy of 99.99% and 100% for KDDCUP'99 and CIC-MalMem-2022, respectively, and no overfitting or Type-1 and Type-2 issues.
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关键基础设施(CI)的安全和安全问题正在增长,因为攻击者越来越多地采用无人机作为敏感领空中的攻击矢量,例如机场,军事基地,城市中心和拥挤的地方。由于违法行为和限制空域的入侵,无人机的迅速扩散,用于商品,运输娱乐活动和其他商业应用程序引起了CI操作员的严重关注。在这种情况下,需要一个具有成本效益的框架来检测,分类和确定无人机的存在。在本文中,我们证明了CI操作员可以使用名为Uranus的廉价基于RF的检测框架来检测,分类和识别及时有效的无人机区域的无人机区域。我们的实验表明,通过使用随机森林分类器,我们在一个或多个特定的无人机的分类中达到了93.4%的分类精度。跟踪性能的平均值= 0.3650,MSE = 0.9254和R2 = 0.7502,其准确度达到了精度。我们的框架已被发布为开源,以使社区能够验证我们的发现,并将天王星作为现成的基础进行进一步分析。
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Reliable and robust user identification and authentication are important and often necessary requirements for many digital services. It becomes paramount in social virtual reality (VR) to ensure trust, specifically in digital encounters with lifelike realistic-looking avatars as faithful replications of real persons. Recent research has shown that the movements of users in extended reality (XR) systems carry user-specific information and can thus be used to verify their identities. This article compares three different potential encodings of the motion data from head and hands (scene-relative, body-relative, and body-relative velocities), and the performances of five different machine learning architectures (random forest, multi-layer perceptron, fully recurrent neural network, long-short term memory, gated recurrent unit). We use the publicly available dataset "Talking with Hands" and publish all code to allow reproducibility and to provide baselines for future work. After hyperparameter optimization, the combination of a long-short term memory architecture and body-relative data outperformed competing combinations: the model correctly identifies any of the 34 subjects with an accuracy of 100% within 150 seconds. Altogether, our approach provides an effective foundation for behaviometric-based identification and authentication to guide researchers and practitioners. Data and code are published under https://go.uniwue.de/58w1r.
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Building an accurate model of travel behaviour based on individuals' characteristics and built environment attributes is of importance for policy-making and transportation planning. Recent experiments with big data and Machine Learning (ML) algorithms toward a better travel behaviour analysis have mainly overlooked socially disadvantaged groups. Accordingly, in this study, we explore the travel behaviour responses of low-income individuals to transit investments in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, Canada, using statistical and ML models. We first investigate how the model choice affects the prediction of transit use by the low-income group. This step includes comparing the predictive performance of traditional and ML algorithms and then evaluating a transit investment policy by contrasting the predicted activities and the spatial distribution of transit trips generated by vulnerable households after improving accessibility. We also empirically investigate the proposed transit investment by each algorithm and compare it with the city of Brampton's future transportation plan. While, unsurprisingly, the ML algorithms outperform classical models, there are still doubts about using them due to interpretability concerns. Hence, we adopt recent local and global model-agnostic interpretation tools to interpret how the model arrives at its predictions. Our findings reveal the great potential of ML algorithms for enhanced travel behaviour predictions for low-income strata without considerably sacrificing interpretability.
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机器学习(ML)应用程序的数据量不断增长。不仅是观察的数量,特别是测量变量的数量(特征)增加了持续的数字化。选择最适合预测建模的功能是ML在商业和研究中取得成功的重要杠杆。特征选择方法(FSM)独立于某种ML算法 - 所谓的过滤方法 - 已毫无意义地建议,但研究人员和定量建模的指导很少,以选择典型ML问题的适当方法。本次审查在特征选择基准上综合了大量文献,并评估了58种方法在广泛使用的R环境中的性能。对于具体的指导,我们考虑了四种典型的数据集方案,这些情况挑战ML模型(嘈杂,冗余,不平衡数据和具有比观察特征更多的案例)。绘制早期基准的经验,该基准测试较少的FSMS,我们根据四个标准进行比较方法的性能(预测性能,所选的相关功能数,功能集和运行时的稳定性)。我们发现依赖于随机森林方法的方法,双输入对称相关滤波器(浪费)和联合杂质滤波器(Jim)是给定的数据集方案的良好性候选方法。
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机器学习(ML)生命周期涉及一系列迭代步骤,从有效的收集和准备数据,包括复杂的特征工程流程,对结果的演示和改进,各种步骤中的各种算法选择。特征工程尤其可以对ML非常有益,导致许多改进,例如提高预测结果,降低计算时间,减少过度噪音,并提高培训期间所采取的决策背后的透明度。尽管如此,虽然存在多个视觉分析工具来监控和控制ML生命周期的不同阶段(特别是与数据和算法相关的阶段),但功能工程支持仍然不足。在本文中,我们提出了FightEnvi,一种专门设计用于协助特征工程过程的视觉分析系统。我们建议的系统可帮助用户选择最重要的功能,将原始功能转换为强大的替代方案,并进行不同的特征生成组合。此外,数据空间切片允许用户探索本地和全局尺度上的功能的影响。 Feationenvi利用多种自动特征选择技术;此外,它目视指导用户有统计证据的关于每个特征的影响(或功能的子集)。最终结果是通过多种验证度量评估的重新设计的重新设计特征。用两种用例和案例研究证明了FeatureenVI的有用性和适用性。我们还向评估我们系统的有效性以及评估我们系统的有效性的观众报告反馈。
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Dataset scaling, also known as normalization, is an essential preprocessing step in a machine learning pipeline. It is aimed at adjusting attributes scales in a way that they all vary within the same range. This transformation is known to improve the performance of classification models, but there are several scaling techniques to choose from, and this choice is not generally done carefully. In this paper, we execute a broad experiment comparing the impact of 5 scaling techniques on the performances of 20 classification algorithms among monolithic and ensemble models, applying them to 82 publicly available datasets with varying imbalance ratios. Results show that the choice of scaling technique matters for classification performance, and the performance difference between the best and the worst scaling technique is relevant and statistically significant in most cases. They also indicate that choosing an inadequate technique can be more detrimental to classification performance than not scaling the data at all. We also show how the performance variation of an ensemble model, considering different scaling techniques, tends to be dictated by that of its base model. Finally, we discuss the relationship between a model's sensitivity to the choice of scaling technique and its performance and provide insights into its applicability on different model deployment scenarios. Full results and source code for the experiments in this paper are available in a GitHub repository.\footnote{https://github.com/amorimlb/scaling\_matters}
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分类链是一种用于在多标签分类中建模标签依赖性的有效技术。但是,该方法需要标签的固定静态顺序。虽然理论上,任何顺序都足够了,实际上,该订单对最终预测的质量具有大量影响。动态分类链表示每个实例对分类的想法,可以动态选择预测标签的顺序。这种方法的天真实现的复杂性是禁止的,因为它需要训练一系列分类器,以满足标签的每种可能置换。为了有效地解决这个问题,我们提出了一种基于随机决策树的新方法,该方法可以动态地选择每个预测的标签排序。我们凭经验展示了下一个标签的动态选择,通过在否则不变的随机决策树模型下使用静态排序。 %和实验环境。此外,我们还展示了基于极端梯度提升树的替代方法,其允许更具目标的动态分级链训练。我们的结果表明,该变体优于随机决策树和其他基于树的多标签分类方法。更重要的是,动态选择策略允许大大加速培训和预测。
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