它是科学技术的基础,能够预测化学反应及其性质。为实现此类技能,重要的是要培养良好的化学反应表示,或者可以自动从数据中学习此类表示的良好深度学习架构。目前没有普遍和广泛采用的方法,可强健地代表化学反应。大多数现有方法患有一个或多个缺点,例如:(1)缺乏普遍性; (2)缺乏稳健性; (3)缺乏可解释性;或(4)需要过度手动预处理。在这里,我们利用基于图的分子结构表示,以开发和测试一个超图注意神经网络方法,以一次解决反应表示和性能 - 预测问题,减轻了上述缺点。我们使用三个独立数据集化学反应评估三个实验中的这种超照片表示。在所有实验中,基于超图的方法与其他表示和它们相应的化学反应模型相匹配或优于相应的模型,同时产生可解释的多级表示。
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Graph classification is an important area in both modern research and industry. Multiple applications, especially in chemistry and novel drug discovery, encourage rapid development of machine learning models in this area. To keep up with the pace of new research, proper experimental design, fair evaluation, and independent benchmarks are essential. Design of strong baselines is an indispensable element of such works. In this thesis, we explore multiple approaches to graph classification. We focus on Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), which emerged as a de facto standard deep learning technique for graph representation learning. Classical approaches, such as graph descriptors and molecular fingerprints, are also addressed. We design fair evaluation experimental protocol and choose proper datasets collection. This allows us to perform numerous experiments and rigorously analyze modern approaches. We arrive to many conclusions, which shed new light on performance and quality of novel algorithms. We investigate application of Jumping Knowledge GNN architecture to graph classification, which proves to be an efficient tool for improving base graph neural network architectures. Multiple improvements to baseline models are also proposed and experimentally verified, which constitutes an important contribution to the field of fair model comparison.
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逆合合成是一种将分子转化为潜在反应物的过程,因此鉴定了合成途径。我们提出了一个新颖的生成框架,称为$ \ mathsf {g^2retro} $,用于一步回曲预测。 $ \ mathsf {g^2retro} $模仿合成反应的反向逻辑,也就是说,首先预测反应中心以将靶分子转换为名为合成的片段,然后将合成剂转化为反应剂,然后按照先前的基于半电压的方法转换为反应剂。在预测反应中心时,$ \ mathsf {g^2retro} $定义了一组全面的反应中心类型,并通过考虑多个反应中心候选者来实现预测反应的多样性。在完成合成子时,$ \ mathsf {g^2retro} $部署了一系列子结构附件,以将合成物转换为反应物,该反应物利用了要完成的合成结构的最新结构的整体视图,以及所有所涉及的合成物和所有合成的结构产品结构。在这里,我们证明$ \ mathsf {g^2retro} $能够更好地对基准数据集中最可能的反应物进行优先级,而不是最先进的方法,并且发现了不包括在该方法中基准数据集。
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We discover a robust self-supervised strategy tailored towards molecular representations for generative masked language models through a series of tailored, in-depth ablations. Using this pre-training strategy, we train BARTSmiles, a BART-like model with an order of magnitude more compute than previous self-supervised molecular representations. In-depth evaluations show that BARTSmiles consistently outperforms other self-supervised representations across classification, regression, and generation tasks setting a new state-of-the-art on 11 tasks. We then quantitatively show that when applied to the molecular domain, the BART objective learns representations that implicitly encode our downstream tasks of interest. For example, by selecting seven neurons from a frozen BARTSmiles, we can obtain a model having performance within two percentage points of the full fine-tuned model on task Clintox. Lastly, we show that standard attribution interpretability methods, when applied to BARTSmiles, highlight certain substructures that chemists use to explain specific properties of molecules. The code and the pretrained model are publicly available.
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Models that accurately predict properties based on chemical structure are valuable tools in drug discovery. However, for many properties, public and private training sets are typically small, and it is difficult for the models to generalize well outside of the training data. Recently, large language models have addressed this problem by using self-supervised pretraining on large unlabeled datasets, followed by fine-tuning on smaller, labeled datasets. In this paper, we report MolE, a molecular foundation model that adapts the DeBERTa architecture to be used on molecular graphs together with a two-step pretraining strategy. The first step of pretraining is a self-supervised approach focused on learning chemical structures, and the second step is a massive multi-task approach to learn biological information. We show that fine-tuning pretrained MolE achieves state-of-the-art results on 9 of the 22 ADMET tasks included in the Therapeutic Data Commons.
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Ionic Liquids (ILs) provide a promising solution for CO$_2$ capture and storage to mitigate global warming. However, identifying and designing the high-capacity IL from the giant chemical space requires expensive, and exhaustive simulations and experiments. Machine learning (ML) can accelerate the process of searching for desirable ionic molecules through accurate and efficient property predictions in a data-driven manner. But existing descriptors and ML models for the ionic molecule suffer from the inefficient adaptation of molecular graph structure. Besides, few works have investigated the explainability of ML models to help understand the learned features that can guide the design of efficient ionic molecules. In this work, we develop both fingerprint-based ML models and Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to predict the CO$_2$ absorption in ILs. Fingerprint works on graph structure at the feature extraction stage, while GNNs directly handle molecule structure in both the feature extraction and model prediction stage. We show that our method outperforms previous ML models by reaching a high accuracy (MAE of 0.0137, $R^2$ of 0.9884). Furthermore, we take the advantage of GNNs feature representation and develop a substructure-based explanation method that provides insight into how each chemical fragments within IL molecules contribute to the CO$_2$ absorption prediction of ML models. We also show that our explanation result agrees with some ground truth from the theoretical reaction mechanism of CO$_2$ absorption in ILs, which can advise on the design of novel and efficient functional ILs in the future.
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We seek to automate the design of molecules based on specific chemical properties. In computational terms, this task involves continuous embedding and generation of molecular graphs. Our primary contribution is the direct realization of molecular graphs, a task previously approached by generating linear SMILES strings instead of graphs. Our junction tree variational autoencoder generates molecular graphs in two phases, by first generating a tree-structured scaffold over chemical substructures, and then combining them into a molecule with a graph message passing network. This approach allows us to incrementally expand molecules while maintaining chemical validity at every step. We evaluate our model on multiple tasks ranging from molecular generation to optimization. Across these tasks, our model outperforms previous state-of-the-art baselines by a significant margin.
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生物医学网络是与疾病网络的蛋白质相互作用的普遍描述符,从蛋白质相互作用,一直到医疗保健系统和科学知识。随着代表学习提供强大的预测和洞察的显着成功,我们目睹了表现形式学习技术的快速扩展,进入了这些网络的建模,分析和学习。在这篇综述中,我们提出了一个观察到生物学和医学中的网络长期原则 - 而在机器学习研究中经常出口 - 可以为代表学习提供概念基础,解释其当前的成功和限制,并告知未来进步。我们综合了一系列算法方法,即在其核心利用图形拓扑到将网络嵌入到紧凑的向量空间中,并捕获表示陈述学习证明有用的方式的广度。深远的影响包括鉴定复杂性状的变异性,单细胞的异心行为及其对健康的影响,协助患者的诊断和治疗以及制定安全有效的药物。
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分子表示学习有助于多个下游任务,例如分子性质预测和药物设计。为了适当地代表分子,图形对比学习是一个有前途的范式,因为它利用自我监督信号并没有人类注释要求。但是,先前的作品未能将基本域名知识纳入图表语义,因此忽略了具有共同属性的原子之间的相关性,但不通过键连接连接。为了解决这些问题,我们构建化学元素知识图(KG),总结元素之间的微观关联,并提出了一种用于分子代表学习的新颖知识增强的对比学习(KCL)框架。 KCL框架由三个模块组成。第一个模块,知识引导的图形增强,基于化学元素kg增强原始分子图。第二模块,知识意识的图形表示,利用用于原始分子图的公共曲线图编码器和通过神经网络(KMPNN)的知识感知消息来提取分子表示来编码增强分子图中的复杂信息。最终模块是一种对比目标,在那里我们在分子图的这两个视图之间最大化协议。广泛的实验表明,KCL获得了八个分子数据集上的最先进基线的优异性能。可视化实验适当地解释了在增强分子图中从原子和属性中了解的KCL。我们的代码和数据可用于补充材料。
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Molecular "fingerprints" encoding structural information are the workhorse of cheminformatics and machine learning in drug discovery applications. However, fingerprint representations necessarily emphasize particular aspects of the molecular structure while ignoring others, rather than allowing the model to make datadriven decisions. We describe molecular graph convolutions, a machine learning architecture for learning from undirected graphs, specifically small molecules. Graph convolutions use a simple encoding of the molecular graph-atoms, bonds, distances, etc.-which allows the model to take greater advantage of information in the graph structure. Although graph convolutions do not outperform all fingerprint-based methods, they (along with other graph-based methods) represent a new paradigm in ligand-based virtual screening with exciting opportunities for future improvement.
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