本文提出了一个理论和计算框架,用于基于非欧几里得收缩理论对隐式神经网络的训练和鲁棒性验证。基本思想是将神经网络的鲁棒性分析作为可及性问题,使用(i)$ \ ell _ {\ infty} $ - norm inort input-utput-optup-utput lipschitz常数和(ii)网络的紧密包含函数到过度陈列在其可达集合中。首先,对于给定的隐式神经网络,我们使用$ \ ell _ {\ infty} $ - 矩阵测量方法来为其适应性良好的条件提出足够的条件,设计一种迭代算法来计算其固定点,并为其$ \提供上限ell_ \ infty $ -Norm输入输出Lipschitz常数。其次,我们介绍了一个相关的嵌入式网络,并表明嵌入式网络可用于提供原始网络的可触及式集合的$ \ ell_ \ infty $ -Norm Box过度交配。此外,我们使用嵌入式网络来设计一种迭代算法,用于计算原始系统紧密包含函数的上限。第三,我们使用Lipschitz常数的上限和紧密包含函数的上限来设计两种算法,以训练和稳健性验证隐式神经网络。最后,我们应用算法在MNIST数据集上训练隐式神经网络,并将模型的鲁棒性与通过文献中现有方法训练的模型进行比较。
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隐式神经网络是一般的学习模型,可以用隐式代数方程替换传统的馈电模型中的层。与传统学习模型相比,隐式网络提供竞争性能和降低的内存消耗。然而,它们可以对输入对抗性扰动保持脆弱。本文提出了隐式神经网络的稳健性验证的理论和计算框架;我们的框架混合在一起混合单调系统理论和收缩理论。首先,给定隐式神经网络,我们介绍了一个相关的嵌入式网络,并显示,给定$ \ ell_ infty $ -norm框限制对输入,嵌入式网络提供$ \ ell_ \ idty $ -norm box超值给定网络的输出。其次,使用$ \ ell _ {\ infty} $ - 矩阵措施,我们为原始和嵌入式系统的良好提出了足够的条件,并设计了一种迭代算法来计算$ \ e _ {\ infty} $ - norm box鲁棒性利润率和可达性和分类问题。第三,独立价值,我们提出了一种新颖的相对分类器变量,导致认证问题的经过认证的对抗性鲁棒性更严格的界限。最后,我们对在Mnist DataSet上培训的非欧几里德单调运营商网络(Nemon)上进行数值模拟。在这些模拟中,我们比较了我们的混合单调对收缩方法的准确性和运行时间与文献中的现有鲁棒性验证方法,以估算认证的对抗性鲁棒性。
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经认证的稳健性是安全关键应用中的深度神经网络的理想性质,流行的训练算法可以通过计算其Lipschitz常数的全球界限来认证神经网络的鲁棒性。然而,这种界限往往松动:它倾向于过度规范神经网络并降低其自然精度。绑定的Lipschitz绑定可以在自然和认证的准确性之间提供更好的权衡,但通常很难根据网络的非凸起计算。在这项工作中,我们通过考虑激活函数(例如Relu)和权重矩阵之间的相互作用,提出了一种有效和培训的\ emph {本地} Lipschitz上限。具体地,当计算权重矩阵的诱发标准时,我们消除了相应的行和列,其中保证激活函数在每个给定数据点的邻域中是常数,它提供比全局Lipschitz常数的可怕更严格的绑定神经网络。我们的方法可用作插入式模块,以拧紧在许多可认证的训练算法中绑定的Lipschitz。此外,我们建议夹住激活功能(例如,Relu和Maxmin),具有可读的上限阈值和稀疏性损失,以帮助网络实现甚至更严格的本地嘴唇尖端。在实验上,我们表明我们的方法始终如一地优于Mnist,CiFar-10和Tinyimagenet数据集的清洁和认证准确性,具有各种网络架构的清洁和认证的准确性。
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While neural networks have achieved high accuracy on standard image classification benchmarks, their accuracy drops to nearly zero in the presence of small adversarial perturbations to test inputs. Defenses based on regularization and adversarial training have been proposed, but often followed by new, stronger attacks that defeat these defenses. Can we somehow end this arms race? In this work, we study this problem for neural networks with one hidden layer. We first propose a method based on a semidefinite relaxation that outputs a certificate that for a given network and test input, no attack can force the error to exceed a certain value. Second, as this certificate is differentiable, we jointly optimize it with the network parameters, providing an adaptive regularizer that encourages robustness against all attacks. On MNIST, our approach produces a network and a certificate that no attack that perturbs each pixel by at most = 0.1 can cause more than 35% test error.
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To rigorously certify the robustness of neural networks to adversarial perturbations, most state-of-the-art techniques rely on a triangle-shaped linear programming (LP) relaxation of the ReLU activation. While the LP relaxation is exact for a single neuron, recent results suggest that it faces an inherent "convex relaxation barrier" as additional activations are added, and as the attack budget is increased. In this paper, we propose a nonconvex relaxation for the ReLU relaxation, based on a low-rank restriction of a semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxation. We show that the nonconvex relaxation has a similar complexity to the LP relaxation, but enjoys improved tightness that is comparable to the much more expensive SDP relaxation. Despite nonconvexity, we prove that the verification problem satisfies constraint qualification, and therefore a Riemannian staircase approach is guaranteed to compute a near-globally optimal solution in polynomial time. Our experiments provide evidence that our nonconvex relaxation almost completely overcome the "convex relaxation barrier" faced by the LP relaxation.
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深度神经网络的鲁棒性对于现代AI支持系统至关重要,应正式验证。在广泛的应用中采用了类似乙状结肠的神经网络。由于它们的非线性,通常会过度评估乙状结肠样激活功能,以进行有效的验证,这不可避免地引入了不精确度。已大量的努力致力于找到所谓的更紧密的近似值,以获得更精确的验证结果。但是,现有的紧密定义是启发式的,缺乏理论基础。我们对现有神经元的紧密表征进行了彻底的经验分析,并揭示它们仅在特定的神经网络上是优越的。然后,我们将网络紧密度的概念介绍为统一的紧密度定义,并表明计算网络紧密度是一个复杂的非convex优化问题。我们通过两个有效的,最紧密的近似值从不同的角度绕过复杂性。结果表明,我们在艺术状态下的方法实现了有希望的表现:(i)达到高达251.28%的改善,以提高认证的较低鲁棒性界限; (ii)在卷积网络上表现出更为精确的验证结果。
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许多最先进的对抗性培训方法利用对抗性损失的上限来提供安全保障。然而,这些方法需要在每个训练步骤中计算,该步骤不能包含在梯度中的梯度以进行反向化。我们基于封闭形式的对抗性损失的封闭溶液引入了一种新的更具内容性的对抗性培训,可以有效地培养了背部衰退。通过稳健优化的最先进的工具促进了这一界限。我们使用我们的方法推出了两种新方法。第一种方法(近似稳健的上限或arub)使用网络的第一阶近似以及来自线性鲁棒优化的基本工具,以获得可以容易地实现的对抗丢失的近似偏置。第二种方法(鲁棒上限或摩擦)计算对抗性损失的精确上限。在各种表格和视觉数据集中,我们展示了我们更加原则的方法的有效性 - 摩擦比最先进的方法更强大,而是较大的扰动的最新方法,而谷会匹配的性能 - 小扰动的艺术方法。此外,摩擦和灌注速度比标准对抗性培训快(以牺牲内存增加)。重现结果的所有代码都可以在https://github.com/kimvc7/trobustness找到。
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We propose a method to learn deep ReLU-based classifiers that are provably robust against normbounded adversarial perturbations on the training data. For previously unseen examples, the approach is guaranteed to detect all adversarial examples, though it may flag some non-adversarial examples as well. The basic idea is to consider a convex outer approximation of the set of activations reachable through a norm-bounded perturbation, and we develop a robust optimization procedure that minimizes the worst case loss over this outer region (via a linear program). Crucially, we show that the dual problem to this linear program can be represented itself as a deep network similar to the backpropagation network, leading to very efficient optimization approaches that produce guaranteed bounds on the robust loss. The end result is that by executing a few more forward and backward passes through a slightly modified version of the original network (though possibly with much larger batch sizes), we can learn a classifier that is provably robust to any norm-bounded adversarial attack. We illustrate the approach on a number of tasks to train classifiers with robust adversarial guarantees (e.g. for MNIST, we produce a convolutional classifier that provably has less than 5.8% test error for any adversarial attack with bounded ∞ norm less than = 0.1), and code for all experiments is available at http://github.com/ locuslab/convex_adversarial.
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最近,张等人。(2021)基于$ \ ell_ \ infty $ -distance函数开发出一种新的神经网络架构,自然拥有经过认证的$ \ ell_ \ infty $坚固的稳健性。尽管具有出色的理论特性,但到目前为止的模型只能实现与传统网络的可比性。在本文中,我们通过仔细分析培训流程,大大提高了$ \ ell_ \ infty $ -distance网的认证稳健性。特别是,我们展示了$ \ ell_p $ -rexation,这是克服模型的非平滑度的关键方法,导致早期训练阶段的意外的大型嘴唇浓度。这使得优化不足以使用铰链损耗并产生次优溶液。鉴于这些调查结果,我们提出了一种简单的方法来解决上述问题,设计一种新的客观函数,这些功能将缩放的跨熵损失结合在剪切铰链损失。实验表明,使用拟议的培训策略,$ \ ell_ \ infty $-distance网的认证准确性可以从Cifar-10($ \ epsilon = 8/255 $)的33.30%到40.06%的显着提高到40.06%,同时显着优于表现优势该地区的其他方法。我们的结果清楚地展示了$ \ ell_ \ infty $-distance净的有效性和潜力,以获得认证的稳健性。代码在https://github.com/zbh2047/l_inf-dist-net-v2上获得。
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最近的作品试图通过对比原始扰动大的域进行攻击,并在目标中增加各种正则化项,从而提高受对抗训练的网络的验证性。但是,这些算法表现不佳或需要复杂且昂贵的舞台训练程序,从而阻碍了其实际适用性。我们提出了IBP-R,这是一种新颖的经过验证的培训算法,既简单又有效。 IBP-R通过基于廉价的间隔结合传播对扩大域的对抗域进行对抗性攻击来诱导网络可验证性,从而最大程度地减少了非凸vex验证问题与其近似值之间的差距。通过利用最近的分支机构和结合的框架,我们表明IBP-R获得了最先进的核能 - 智能权准折衷,而在CIFAR-10上进行了小型扰动,而培训的速度明显快于相关的先前工作。此外,我们提出了一种新颖的分支策略,该策略依赖于基于$ \ beta $ crown的简单启发式,可降低最先进的分支分支算法的成本,同时产生可比质量的分裂。
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Verifying the robustness property of a general Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) network is an NPcomplete problem. Although finding the exact minimum adversarial distortion is hard, giving a certified lower bound of the minimum distortion is possible. Current available methods of computing such a bound are either time-consuming or deliver low quality bounds that are too loose to be useful. In this paper, we exploit the special structure of ReLU networks and provide two computationally efficient algorithms (Fast-Lin,Fast-Lip) that are able to certify non-trivial lower bounds of minimum adversarial distortions. Experiments show that (1) our methods deliver bounds close to (the gap is 2-3X) exact minimum distortions found by Reluplex in small networks while our algorithms are more than 10,000 times faster; (2) our methods deliver similar quality of bounds (the gap is within 35% and usually around 10%; sometimes our bounds are even better) for larger networks compared to the methods based on solving linear programming problems but our algorithms are 33-14,000 times faster; (3) our method is capable of solving large MNIST and CIFAR networks up to 7 layers with more than 10,000 neurons within tens of seconds on a single CPU core. In addition, we show that there is no polynomial time algorithm that can approximately find the minimum 1 adversarial distortion of a ReLU network with a 0.99 ln n approximation ratio unless NP=P, where n is the number of neurons in the network.
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Despite their impressive performance on diverse tasks, neural networks fail catastrophically in the presence of adversarial inputs-imperceptibly but adversarially perturbed versions of natural inputs. We have witnessed an arms race between defenders who attempt to train robust networks and attackers who try to construct adversarial examples. One promise of ending the arms race is developing certified defenses, ones which are provably robust against all attackers in some family. These certified defenses are based on convex relaxations which construct an upper bound on the worst case loss over all attackers in the family. Previous relaxations are loose on networks that are not trained against the respective relaxation. In this paper, we propose a new semidefinite relaxation for certifying robustness that applies to arbitrary ReLU networks. We show that our proposed relaxation is tighter than previous relaxations and produces meaningful robustness guarantees on three different foreign networks whose training objectives are agnostic to our proposed relaxation.32nd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2018),
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最近的原型分类器(NPC)分配给每个输入点,相对于选择的距离度量,最近原型的标签。 NPC的直接优势是这些决策是可以解释的。先前的工作可以在$ \ ell_p $ -threat模型中使用相同的npcs时$ \ ell_p $ -threat模型中的最小对抗扰动提供下限。在本文中,我们在使用$ \ ell_p $ distances和$ \ ell_q $ -threat模型的认证模型时提供了有关复杂性的完整讨论,用于$ p,q \ in \ in \ {1,2,\ infty \} $。特别是,我们为使用$ \ ell_2 $ distance \ emph {eckect}计算提供了可扩展的算法计算,并在其他情况下使用$ \ ell_2 $ distance并改善了下限。使用有效的改进界限,我们将训练我们可证明的对抗性NPC(PNPC),用于MNIST,其具有比神经网络更好的$ \ ell_2 $ - 抛光保证。此外,我们符合我们的知识,第一个认证结果W.R.T.对于LPIP的感知度量标准,它被认为是图像分类的更现实的威胁模型,而不是$ \ ell_p $ -balls。我们的PNPC在CIFAR10上具有比在(Laidlaw等,2021)中报道的经验鲁棒精度更高的鲁棒精度。该代码在我们的存储库中可用。
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Deep Markov Models(DMM)是Markov模型的可扩展和表达概括的生成模型,用于表示,学习和推理问题。但是,这些模型的基本随机稳定性保证尚未得到彻底调查。在本文中,我们提供了在动态系统的背景下定义的DMM随机稳定性的充分条件,并提出了一种基于深神经网络建模的概率地图收缩的稳定性分析方法。我们在具有高斯分布的DMMS的稳定性和整体动态行为的稳定性和整体动态行为之间建立了与高斯分布的稳定性和总体动态行为之间的连接。基于该理论,我们提出了一些具有保证稳定性的受约束DMM的实用方法。我们通过使用所提出的稳定性约束,通过直观的数值实验凭证证实我们的理论结果。
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