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虽然在文献中广泛研究了完整的本地化方法,但它们的数据关联和数据表示子过程通常会被忽视。但是,两者都是最终姿势估计的关键部分。在这项工作中,我们介绍了DA-LMR(Delta-AngeS Lane标记表示),在本地化方法的上下文中具有强大的数据表示。我们提出了一种在每个点中的曲线改变的车道标记的表示,并且在附加维度中包括该信息,从而提供了更详细的数据的几何结构描述。我们还提出了DC-SAC(距离兼容的样本共识),数据关联方法。这是一个启发式版Ransac,通过距离兼容性限制大大减少了假设空间。我们将呈现的方法与一些最先进的数据表示和数据关联方法进行比较,以不同的嘈杂场景。 DA-LMR和DC-SAC在比较方面产生最有前途的组合,精度达到98.1%,并且对于标准偏差0.5米的嘈杂数据召回99.7%。
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This paper presents an accurate, highly efficient, and learning-free method for large-scale odometry estimation using spinning radar, empirically found to generalize well across very diverse environments -- outdoors, from urban to woodland, and indoors in warehouses and mines - without changing parameters. Our method integrates motion compensation within a sweep with one-to-many scan registration that minimizes distances between nearby oriented surface points and mitigates outliers with a robust loss function. Extending our previous approach CFEAR, we present an in-depth investigation on a wider range of data sets, quantifying the importance of filtering, resolution, registration cost and loss functions, keyframe history, and motion compensation. We present a new solving strategy and configuration that overcomes previous issues with sparsity and bias, and improves our state-of-the-art by 38%, thus, surprisingly, outperforming radar SLAM and approaching lidar SLAM. The most accurate configuration achieves 1.09% error at 5Hz on the Oxford benchmark, and the fastest achieves 1.79% error at 160Hz.
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本文提出了一个新颖的框架,用于在参考图中对车辆的实时定位和自负跟踪。核心想法是映射车辆观察到的语义对象,并将其注册到参考图中的相应对象。尽管最近的几项作品利用语义信息进行了跨视图本地化,但这项工作的主要贡献是一种视图不变的公式,该方法使该方法直接适用于可检测到对象的任何观点配置。另一个独特的特征是,由于适用于极端异常相群方案的数据关联方案,环境/对象变化的鲁棒性(例如,关联离群值90%)。为了展示我们的框架,我们考虑了仅使用汽车作为对象将地面车辆定位在参考对象图中的示例。虽然仅使用立体声摄像头用于接地车辆,但我们考虑使用立体声摄像机和激光扫描从地面观点构建了先验地图,并在不同日期捕获的地理参与的空中图像以证明框架对不同方式,观点和观点和观点和观点,观点和观点的稳健性,环境变化。对Kitti数据集的评估表明,在3.7 km的轨迹上,本地化发生在36秒内,其次是在激光雷达参考图中的平均位置误差为8.5 m,在空中对象图中的平均位置误差为8.5 m,其中77%对象是离群值,在71秒内实现定位,平均位置误差为7.9 m。
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激光射道是激光雷达同时定位和映射(SLAM)的重要部分之一。但是,现有的LiDAR探光法倾向于将新的扫描与以前的固定置扫描相匹配,并逐渐累积错误。此外,作为一种有效的关节优化机制,由于大规模全球地标的密集计算,捆绑捆绑调整(BA)不能直接引入实时探光仪。因此,这封信设计了一种新策略,称为LINDAR SLAM中的捆绑调节探针仪(LMBAO)的具有里程碑意义的地图,以解决这些问题。首先,通过主动地标维护策略进一步开发了基于BA的进程法,以进行更准确的本地注册并避免累积错误。具体来说,本文将整个稳定地标在地图上保存,而不仅仅是在滑动窗口中的特征点,并根据其主动等级删除地标。接下来,减小滑动窗口长度,并执行边缘化以保留窗口外的扫描,但对应于地图上的活动地标,从而大大简化了计算并改善了实时属性。此外,在三个具有挑战性的数据集上进行的实验表明,我们的算法在户外驾驶中实现了实时性能,并且超过了最先进的激光雷达大满贯算法,包括乐高乐园和VLOM。
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GNSS and LiDAR odometry are complementary as they provide absolute and relative positioning, respectively. Their integration in a loosely-coupled manner is straightforward but is challenged in urban canyons due to the GNSS signal reflections. Recent proposed 3D LiDAR-aided (3DLA) GNSS methods employ the point cloud map to identify the non-line-of-sight (NLOS) reception of GNSS signals. This facilitates the GNSS receiver to obtain improved urban positioning but not achieve a sub-meter level. GNSS real-time kinematics (RTK) uses carrier phase measurements to obtain decimeter-level positioning. In urban areas, the GNSS RTK is not only challenged by multipath and NLOS-affected measurement but also suffers from signal blockage by the building. The latter will impose a challenge in solving the ambiguity within the carrier phase measurements. In the other words, the model observability of the ambiguity resolution (AR) is greatly decreased. This paper proposes to generate virtual satellite (VS) measurements using the selected LiDAR landmarks from the accumulated 3D point cloud maps (PCM). These LiDAR-PCM-made VS measurements are tightly-coupled with GNSS pseudorange and carrier phase measurements. Thus, the VS measurements can provide complementary constraints, meaning providing low-elevation-angle measurements in the across-street directions. The implementation is done using factor graph optimization to solve an accurate float solution of the ambiguity before it is fed into LAMBDA. The effectiveness of the proposed method has been validated by the evaluation conducted on our recently open-sourced challenging dataset, UrbanNav. The result shows the fix rate of the proposed 3DLA GNSS RTK is about 30% while the conventional GNSS-RTK only achieves about 14%. In addition, the proposed method achieves sub-meter positioning accuracy in most of the data collected in challenging urban areas.
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The field of autonomous mobile robots has undergone dramatic advancements over the past decades. Despite achieving important milestones, several challenges are yet to be addressed. Aggregating the achievements of the robotic community as survey papers is vital to keep the track of current state-of-the-art and the challenges that must be tackled in the future. This paper tries to provide a comprehensive review of autonomous mobile robots covering topics such as sensor types, mobile robot platforms, simulation tools, path planning and following, sensor fusion methods, obstacle avoidance, and SLAM. The urge to present a survey paper is twofold. First, autonomous navigation field evolves fast so writing survey papers regularly is crucial to keep the research community well-aware of the current status of this field. Second, deep learning methods have revolutionized many fields including autonomous navigation. Therefore, it is necessary to give an appropriate treatment of the role of deep learning in autonomous navigation as well which is covered in this paper. Future works and research gaps will also be discussed.
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在本文中,我们考虑了视觉同时定位和映射(SLAM)的实际应用中的问题。随着技术在广泛范围中的普及和应用,SLAM系统的可实用性已成为一个在准确性和鲁棒性之后,例如,如何保持系统的稳定性并实现低文本和低文本和中的准确姿势估计动态环境以及如何在真实场景中改善系统的普遍性和实时性能。动态对象在高度动态的环境中的影响。我们还提出了一种新型的全局灰色相似性(GGS)算法,以实现合理的钥匙扣选择和有效的环闭合检测(LCD)。受益于GGS,PLD-SLAM可以在大多数真实场景中实现实时准确的姿势估计,而无需预先训练和加载巨大的功能词典模型。为了验证拟议系统的性能,我们将其与公共数据集Kitti,Euroc MAV和我们提供的室内立体声数据集的现有最新方法(SOTA)方法进行了比较。实验表明,实验表明PLD-SLAM在大多数情况下确保稳定性和准确性,具有更好的实时性能。此外,通过分析GGS的实验结果,我们可以发现它在关键帧选择和LCD中具有出色的性能。
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本文通过讨论参加了为期三年的SubT竞赛的六支球队的不同大满贯策略和成果,报道了地下大满贯的现状。特别是,本文有四个主要目标。首先,我们审查团队采用的算法,架构和系统;特别重点是以激光雷达以激光雷达为中心的SLAM解决方案(几乎所有竞争中所有团队的首选方法),异质的多机器人操作(包括空中机器人和地面机器人)和现实世界的地下操作(从存在需要处理严格的计算约束的晦涩之处)。我们不会回避讨论不同SubT SLAM系统背后的肮脏细节,这些系统通常会从技术论文中省略。其次,我们通过强调当前的SLAM系统的可能性以及我们认为与一些良好的系统工程有关的范围来讨论该领域的成熟度。第三,我们概述了我们认为是基本的开放问题,这些问题可能需要进一步的研究才能突破。最后,我们提供了在SubT挑战和相关工作期间生产的开源SLAM实现和数据集的列表,并构成了研究人员和从业人员的有用资源。
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在未知和大规模的地下环境中,与一组异质的移动机器人团队进行搜救,需要高精度的本地化和映射。在复杂和感知衰落的地下环境中,这一至关重要的需求面临许多挑战,因为在船上感知系统需要在非警官条件下运作(由于黑暗和灰尘,坚固而泥泞的地形以及自我的存在以及自我的存在,都需要运作。 - 类似和模棱两可的场景)。在灾难响应方案和缺乏有关环境的先前信息的情况下,机器人必须依靠嘈杂的传感器数据并执行同时定位和映射(SLAM)来构建环境的3D地图,并定位自己和潜在的幸存者。为此,本文报告了Team Costar在DARPA Subterranean Challenge的背景下开发的多机器人大满贯系统。我们通过合并一个可适应不同的探针源和激光镜配置的单机器人前端界面来扩展以前的工作,即LAMP,这是一种可伸缩的多机前端,以支持大型大型和内部旋转循环闭合检测检测规模环境和多机器人团队,以及基于渐变的非凸度的稳健后端,配备了异常弹性姿势图优化。我们提供了有关多机器人前端和后端的详细消融研究,并评估美国跨矿山,发电厂和洞穴收集的挑战现实世界中的整体系统性能。我们还发布了我们的多机器人后端数据集(以及相应的地面真相),可以作为大规模地下大满贯的具有挑战性的基准。
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Accurate and consistent vehicle localization in urban areas is challenging due to the large-scale and complicated environments. In this paper, we propose onlineFGO, a novel time-centric graph-optimization-based localization method that fuses multiple sensor measurements with the continuous-time trajectory representation for vehicle localization tasks. We generalize the graph construction independent of any spatial sensor measurements by creating the states deterministically on time. As the trajectory representation in continuous-time enables querying states at arbitrary times, incoming sensor measurements can be factorized on the graph without requiring state alignment. We integrate different GNSS observations: pseudorange, deltarange, and time-differenced carrier phase (TDCP) to ensure global reference and fuse the relative motion from a LiDAR-odometry to improve the localization consistency while GNSS observations are not available. Experiments on general performance, effects of different factors, and hyper-parameter settings are conducted in a real-world measurement campaign in Aachen city that contains different urban scenarios. Our results show an average 2D error of 0.99m and consistent state estimation in urban scenarios.
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传统的LIDAR射测(LO)系统主要利用从经过的环境获得的几何信息来注册激光扫描并估算Lidar Ego-Motion,而在动态或非结构化环境中可能不可靠。本文提出了Inten-loam,一种低饮用和健壮的激光镜和映射方法,该方法完全利用激光扫描的隐式信息(即几何,强度和时间特征)。扫描点被投影到圆柱形图像上,这些图像有助于促进各种特征的有效和适应性提取,即地面,梁,立面和反射器。我们提出了一种新型基于强度的点登记算法,并将其纳入LIDAR的探光仪,从而使LO系统能够使用几何和强度特征点共同估计LIDAR EGO-MOTION。为了消除动态对象的干扰,我们提出了一种基于时间的动态对象删除方法,以在MAP更新之前过滤它们。此外,使用与时间相关的体素网格滤波器组织并缩减了本地地图,以维持当前扫描和静态局部图之间的相似性。在模拟和实际数据集上进行了广泛的实验。结果表明,所提出的方法在正常驾驶方案中实现了类似或更高的精度W.R.T,在非结构化环境中,最先进的方法优于基于几何的LO。
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Conventional sensor-based localization relies on high-precision maps, which are generally built using specialized mapping techniques involving high labor and computational costs. In the architectural, engineering and construction industry, Building Information Models (BIM) are available and can provide informative descriptions of environments. This paper explores an effective way to localize a mobile 3D LiDAR sensor on BIM-generated maps considering both geometric and semantic properties. First, original BIM elements are converted to semantically augmented point cloud maps using categories and locations. After that, a coarse-to-fine semantic localization is performed to align laser points to the map based on iterative closest point registration. The experimental results show that the semantic localization can track the pose successfully with only one LiDAR sensor, thus demonstrating the feasibility of the proposed mapping-free localization framework. The results also show that using semantic information can help reduce localization errors on BIM-generated maps.
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Ego-pose estimation and dynamic object tracking are two critical problems for autonomous driving systems. The solutions to these problems are generally based on their respective assumptions, \ie{the static world assumption for simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) and the accurate ego-pose assumption for object tracking}. However, these assumptions are challenging to hold in dynamic road scenarios, where SLAM and object tracking become closely correlated. Therefore, we propose DL-SLOT, a dynamic LiDAR SLAM and object tracking method, to simultaneously address these two coupled problems. This method integrates the state estimations of both the autonomous vehicle and the stationary and dynamic objects in the environment into a unified optimization framework. First, we used object detection to identify all points belonging to potentially dynamic objects. Subsequently, a LiDAR odometry was conducted using the filtered point cloud. Simultaneously, we proposed a sliding window-based object association method that accurately associates objects according to the historical trajectories of tracked objects. The ego-states and those of the stationary and dynamic objects are integrated into the sliding window-based collaborative graph optimization. The stationary objects are subsequently restored from the potentially dynamic object set. Finally, a global pose-graph is implemented to eliminate the accumulated error. Experiments on KITTI datasets demonstrate that our method achieves better accuracy than SLAM and object tracking baseline methods. This confirms that solving SLAM and object tracking simultaneously is mutually advantageous, dramatically improving the robustness and accuracy of SLAM and object tracking in dynamic road scenarios.
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这项工作描述了使用配备有单个向上的鱼眼相机和背光的移动校准机器人,该机器人的自动注册(约40个)固定网络(约40个)的固定,天花板安装的环境相机(约800平方米)的自动注册(约800平方米) Aruco标记以容易检测。 Fisheye摄像头用于进行视觉进程(VO),Aruco标记有助于在环境摄像机中轻松检测校准机器人。此外,鱼眼摄像机还能够检测到环境相机。这个双向双向检测限制了环境摄像机的姿势以解决优化问题。这种方法可用于自动注册用于监视,自动停车或机器人应用的大型多摄像机系统。这种基于VO的多机登记方法是使用现实世界实验进行了广泛验证的,并且还与使用LIDAR的类似方法进行了比较,该方法使用LIDAR(一种昂贵,更重,更重,饥饿的传感器)。
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