执行零摄像推理时(即,在特定数据集上不进行微调)时,大型预训练的模型(例如剪辑或ALIGN)在一系列数据分布中提供一致的精度。尽管现有的微调方法显着提高了给定目标分布的准确性,但它们通常会降低分配变化的稳健性。我们通过引入一种简单有效的方法来提高鲁棒性,同时进行微调:结合零拍和微调模型(Wise-ft)的重量。与标准的微调相比,Wise-FT在分配变化下提供了巨大的准确性提高,同时保留了目标分布的高精度。在Imagenet和五个派生的分布变化上,Wise-FT在先前的工作中提高了分布转移的准确性4至6个百分点(PP),同时将Imagenet精度提高1.6pp。Wise-ft的稳健性相似(2至23 pp),明智之前与七个常用的转移学习数据集的标准微调相比,在一组进一步的分配转移的各种集合中,准确性增长率为0.8至3.3 pp。这些改进在微调或推理期间没有任何额外的计算成本。
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最大化模型准确性的常规配方是(1)具有各种超参数的多个模型,以及(2)选择在固定验证集中表现最佳的单个模型,从而丢弃其余部分。在本文中,我们在微调大型预训练的模型的背景下重新审视了该过程的第二步,其中微调模型通常位于单个低误差盆地中。我们表明,平均多种模型的权重以不同的超参数配置进行了微调通常提高准确性和鲁棒性。与传统的合奏不同,我们可能会平均许多模型,而不会产生任何其他推理或记忆成本 - 我们将结果称为“模型汤”。当微调大型预训练的模型,例如夹子,Align和VIT-G在JFT上预先训练的VIT-G时,我们的汤食谱可为ImageNet上的超参数扫描中的最佳模型提供显着改进。所得的VIT-G模型在Imagenet上达到90.94%的TOP-1准确性,实现了新的最新状态。此外,我们表明,模型汤方法扩展到多个图像分类和自然语言处理任务,改善分发性能,并改善新下游任务的零局部性。最后,我们通过分析将权重平衡和与logit浓度的性能相似与预测的损失和信心的平坦度联系起来,并经过经验验证这种关系。代码可从https://github.com/mlfoundations/model-soups获得。
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Web爬行的数据集已在最近的图像文本模型(例如剪辑(对比语言图像预训练)或火烈鸟)中启用了非凡的概括功能,但是对数据集创建过程知之甚少。在这项工作中,我们介绍了六个可公开可用数据源的测试床 - YFCC,LAION,概念标题,机智,redcaps,shutterstock-,以调查预训练分布如何在剪辑中诱导稳健性。我们发现,预训练数据的性能在分布变化之间有很大的变化,没有单个数据源主导。此外,我们系统地研究了这些数据源之间的相互作用,发现组合多个来源并不一定会产生更好的模型,而是稀释了最佳个体数据源的鲁棒性。我们将经验发现与简单环境中的理论见解相辅相成,其中结合训练数据还会导致稳健性稀释。此外,我们的理论模型为LAION数据集中最近采用的基于夹的数据过滤技术的成功提供了候选解释。总体而言,我们的结果表明,仅仅从Web中收集大量数据并不是建立预训练数据集以进行鲁棒性概括的最有效方法,因此需要进一步研究数据集设计。
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Changing how pre-trained models behave -- e.g., improving their performance on a downstream task or mitigating biases learned during pre-training -- is a common practice when developing machine learning systems. In this work, we propose a new paradigm for steering the behavior of neural networks, centered around \textit{task vectors}. A task vector specifies a direction in the weight space of a pre-trained model, such that movement in that direction improves performance on the task. We build task vectors by subtracting the weights of a pre-trained model from the weights of the same model after fine-tuning on a task. We show that these task vectors can be modified and combined together through arithmetic operations such as negation and addition, and the behavior of the resulting model is steered accordingly. Negating a task vector decreases performance on the target task, with little change in model behavior on control tasks. Moreover, adding task vectors together can improve performance on multiple tasks at once. Finally, when tasks are linked by an analogy relationship of the form ``A is to B as C is to D", combining task vectors from three of the tasks can improve performance on the fourth, even when no data from the fourth task is used for training. Overall, our experiments with several models, modalities and tasks show that task arithmetic is a simple, efficient and effective way of editing models.
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Contrastive Language-Image Pre-trained (CLIP) models have zero-shot ability of classifying an image belonging to "[CLASS]" by using similarity between the image and the prompt sentence "a [CONTEXT] of [CLASS]". Based on exhaustive text cues in "[CONTEXT]", CLIP model is aware of different contexts, e.g. background, style, viewpoint, and exhibits unprecedented robustness against a wide range of distribution shifts. However, recent works find further fine-tuning of CLIP models improves accuracy but sacrifices the robustness on downstream tasks. We conduct an empirical investigation to show fine-tuning will corrupt the context-aware ability of pre-trained CLIP features. To solve this problem, we propose Context-Aware Robust Fine-tuning (CAR-FT). CAR-FT regularizes the model during fine-tuning to capture the context information. Specifically, we use zero-shot prompt weights to get the context distribution contained in the image. By minimizing the Kullback-Leibler Divergence (KLD) between context distributions induced by original/fine-tuned CLIP models, CAR-FT makes the context-aware ability of CLIP inherited into downstream tasks, and achieves both higher In-Distribution (ID) and Out-Of-Distribution (OOD) accuracy. The experimental results show CAR-FT achieves superior robustness on five OOD test datasets of ImageNet, and meanwhile brings accuracy gains on nine downstream tasks. Additionally, CAR-FT surpasses previous Domain Generalization (DG) methods and gets 78.5% averaged accuracy on DomainBed benchmark, building the new state-of-the-art.
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Scaling up neural networks has led to remarkable performance across a wide range of tasks. Moreover, performance often follows reliable scaling laws as a function of training set size, model size, and compute, which offers valuable guidance as large-scale experiments are becoming increasingly expensive. However, previous work on scaling laws has primarily used private data \& models or focused on uni-modal language or vision learning. To address these limitations, we investigate scaling laws for contrastive language-image pre-training (CLIP) with the public LAION dataset and the open-source OpenCLIP repository. Our large-scale experiments involve models trained on up to two billion image-text pairs and identify power law scaling for multiple downstream tasks including zero-shot classification, retrieval, linear probing, and end-to-end fine-tuning. We find that the training distribution plays a key role in scaling laws as the OpenAI and OpenCLIP models exhibit different scaling behavior despite identical model architectures and similar training recipes. We open-source our evaluation workflow and all models, including the largest public CLIP models, to ensure reproducibility and make scaling laws research more accessible. Source code and instructions to reproduce this study will be available at https://github.com/LAION-AI/scaling-laws-openclip
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State-of-the-art computer vision systems are trained to predict a fixed set of predetermined object categories. This restricted form of supervision limits their generality and usability since additional labeled data is needed to specify any other visual concept. Learning directly from raw text about images is a promising alternative which leverages a much broader source of supervision. We demonstrate that the simple pre-training task of predicting which caption goes with which image is an efficient and scalable way to learn SOTA image representations from scratch on a dataset of 400 million (image, text) pairs collected from the internet. After pre-training, natural language is used to reference learned visual concepts (or describe new ones) enabling zero-shot transfer of the model to downstream tasks. We study the performance of this approach by benchmarking on over 30 different existing computer vision datasets, spanning tasks such as OCR, action recognition in videos, geo-localization, and many types of fine-grained object classification. The model transfers non-trivially to most tasks and is often competitive with a fully supervised baseline without the need for any dataset specific training. For instance, we match the accuracy of the original ResNet-50 on ImageNet zero-shot without needing to use any of the 1.28 million training examples it was trained on. We release our code and pre-trained model weights at https://github.com/OpenAI/CLIP.
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Finetuning image-text models such as CLIP achieves state-of-the-art accuracies on a variety of benchmarks. However, recent works like WiseFT (Wortsman et al., 2021) and LP-FT (Kumar et al., 2022) have shown that even subtle differences in the finetuning process can lead to surprisingly large differences in the final performance, both for in-distribution (ID) and out-of-distribution (OOD) data. In this work, we show that a natural and simple approach of mimicking contrastive pretraining consistently outperforms alternative finetuning approaches. Specifically, we cast downstream class labels as text prompts and continue optimizing the contrastive loss between image embeddings and class-descriptive prompt embeddings (contrastive finetuning). Our method consistently outperforms baselines across 7 distribution shifts, 6 transfer learning, and 3 few-shot learning benchmarks. On WILDS-iWILDCam, our proposed approach FLYP outperforms the top of the leaderboard by $2.3\%$ ID and $2.7\%$ OOD, giving the highest reported accuracy. Averaged across 7 OOD datasets (2 WILDS and 5 ImageNet associated shifts), FLYP gives gains of $4.2\%$ OOD over standard finetuning and outperforms the current state of the art (LP-FT) by more than $1\%$ both ID and OOD. Similarly, on 3 few-shot learning benchmarks, our approach gives gains up to $4.6\%$ over standard finetuning and $4.4\%$ over the state of the art. In total, these benchmarks establish contrastive finetuning as a simple, intuitive, and state-of-the-art approach for supervised finetuning of image-text models like CLIP. Code is available at https://github.com/locuslab/FLYP.
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We study how robust current ImageNet models are to distribution shifts arising from natural variations in datasets. Most research on robustness focuses on synthetic image perturbations (noise, simulated weather artifacts, adversarial examples, etc.), which leaves open how robustness on synthetic distribution shift relates to distribution shift arising in real data. Informed by an evaluation of 204 ImageNet models in 213 different test conditions, we find that there is often little to no transfer of robustness from current synthetic to natural distribution shift. Moreover, most current techniques provide no robustness to the natural distribution shifts in our testbed. The main exception is training on larger and more diverse datasets, which in multiple cases increases robustness, but is still far from closing the performance gaps. Our results indicate that distribution shifts arising in real data are currently an open research problem. We provide our testbed and data as a resource for future work at https://modestyachts.github.io/imagenet-testbed/.
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虽然大型审计的基础模型(FMS)对数据集级别的分布变化显示出显着的零击分类鲁棒性,但它们对亚群或组移动的稳健性相对却相对不受欢迎。我们研究了这个问题,并发现诸如剪辑之类的FMS可能对各种群体转移可能不健壮。在9个稳健性基准中,其嵌入式分类零射击分类导致平均和最差组精度之间的差距高达80.7个百分点(PP)。不幸的是,现有的改善鲁棒性的方法需要重新培训,这在大型基础模型上可能非常昂贵。我们还发现,改善模型推理的有效方法(例如,通过适配器,具有FM嵌入式作为输入的轻量级网络)不会持续改进,有时与零击相比会伤害组鲁棒性(例如,将精度差距提高到50.1 pp on 50.1 pp on On on 50.1 pp on Celeba)。因此,我们制定了一种适配器培训策略,以有效有效地改善FM组的鲁棒性。我们激励的观察是,尽管同一阶级中的群体中较差的鲁棒性在基础模型“嵌入空间”中分开,但标准适配器训练可能不会使这些要点更加紧密。因此,我们提出了对比度的适应,该适应器会通过对比度学习进行训练适配器,以使样品嵌入在同一类中的地面真相类嵌入和其他样品嵌入。在整个9个基准测试中,我们的方法始终提高组鲁棒性,使最差的组精度提高了8.5至56.0 pp。我们的方法也是有效的,这样做的方法也没有任何FM芬太尼,只有一组固定的冷冻FM嵌入。在水鸟和Celeba等基准上,这导致最差的组精度可与最先进的方法相媲美,而最先进的方法可以重新训练整个模型,而仅训练$ \ leq $ 1%的模型参数。
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本文提出了一种对比调整,这是一种简单的方法,采用对比训练来对准图像和文本模型,同时仍然利用他们的预训练。在我们的实证研究中,我们发现,锁定的预训练图像模型与解锁文本模型最佳。我们调用这种对比调整“锁定图像文本调整”(LIT TOONING)的实例,该实例仅教导文本模型,从预先训练的图像模型中读出了良好的表示新任务。亮度调谐模型将零拍摄传输到新视觉任务的能力提高,例如图像分类或检索。建议的亮度调整是广泛适用的;它可以使用三种不同的图像文本数据集可靠地使用多种预训练方法(监督和无监督)和多种架构(Reset,Vision变换器和MLP-MILLER)。利用基于变压器的预训练VIT-G / 14型号,LIT调谐模型在想象网测试集中实现了84.5%的零射频传输精度,并且在充满挑战的分发ObjectNet测试集中实现了81.1%。
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以前的工作提出了许多新的损失函数和常规程序,可提高图像分类任务的测试准确性。但是,目前尚不清楚这些损失函数是否了解下游任务的更好表示。本文研究了培训目标的选择如何影响卷积神经网络隐藏表示的可转移性,训练在想象中。我们展示了许多目标在Vanilla Softmax交叉熵上导致想象的精度有统计学意义的改进,但由此产生的固定特征提取器转移到下游任务基本较差,并且当网络完全微调时,损失的选择几乎没有效果新任务。使用居中内核对齐来测量网络隐藏表示之间的相似性,我们发现损失函数之间的差异仅在网络的最后几层中都很明显。我们深入了解倒数第二层的陈述,发现不同的目标和近奇计的组合导致大幅不同的类别分离。具有较高类别分离的表示可以在原始任务上获得更高的准确性,但它们的功能对于下游任务不太有用。我们的结果表明,用于原始任务的学习不变功能与传输任务相关的功能之间存在权衡。
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Vision language (VL) models like CLIP are robust to natural distribution shifts, in part because CLIP learns on unstructured data using a technique called caption supervision; the model inteprets image-linked texts as ground-truth labels. In a carefully controlled comparison study, we show that caption-supervised CNNs trained on a standard cross-entropy loss (with image labels assigned by scanning captions for class names) can exhibit greater distributional robustness than VL models trained on the same data. To facilitate future experiments with high-accuracy caption-supervised models, we introduce CaptionNet (https://github.com/penfever/CaptionNet/), which includes a class-balanced, fully supervised dataset with over 50,000 new human-labeled ImageNet-compliant samples which includes web-scraped captions. In a series of experiments on CaptionNet, we show how the choice of loss function, data filtration and supervision strategy enable robust computer vision. We also provide the codebase necessary to reproduce our experiments at VL Hub (https://github.com/penfever/vlhub/).
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最近的工作表明,自我监督的预训练导致对挑战性视觉识别任务的监督学习改进。剪辑是一种令人兴奋的学习语言监督的新方法,展示了各种基准的有希望的表现。在这项工作中,我们探索自我监督的学习是否可以帮助使用语言监督来进行视觉表现学习。我们介绍了一个用于组合自我监督学习和剪辑预训练的多任务学习框架。在使用视觉变形金刚进行预培训之后,我们在三个不同的设置下彻底评估了代表性质量,并将性能与自我监督学习进行了比较:零拍摄传输,线性分类和端到端的FineTuning。在ImageNet和电池的额外数据集中,我们发现SLIP通过大幅度提高了精度。我们将通过关于不同模型大小,培训计划和预训练预训练数据集的实验进行验证。我们的研究结果表明,滑块享有世界上最好的:性能比自我监督更好(+ 8.1%的线性精度)和语言监督(+ 5.2%的零射精精度)。
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差异隐私(DP)提供了正式的隐私保证,以防止对手可以访问机器学习模型,从而从提取有关单个培训点的信息。最受欢迎的DP训练方法是差异私有随机梯度下降(DP-SGD),它通过在训练过程中注入噪声来实现这种保护。然而,以前的工作发现,DP-SGD通常会导致标准图像分类基准的性能显着降解。此外,一些作者假设DP-SGD在大型模型上固有地表现不佳,因为保留隐私所需的噪声规范与模型维度成正比。相反,我们证明了过度参数化模型上的DP-SGD可以比以前想象的要好得多。将仔细的超参数调整与简单技术结合起来,以确保信号传播并提高收敛速率,我们获得了新的SOTA,而没有额外数据的CIFAR-10,在81.4%的81.4%下(8,10^{ - 5}) - 使用40 -layer wide-Resnet,比以前的SOTA提高了71.7%。当对预训练的NFNET-F3进行微调时,我们在ImageNet(0.5,8*10^{ - 7})下达到了83.8%的TOP-1精度。此外,我们还在(8,8 \ cdot 10^{ - 7})下达到了86.7%的TOP-1精度,DP仅比当前的非私人SOTA仅4.3%。我们认为,我们的结果是缩小私人图像分类和非私有图像分类之间准确性差距的重要一步。
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Transfer learning is a cornerstone of computer vision, yet little work has been done to evaluate the relationship between architecture and transfer. An implicit hypothesis in modern computer vision research is that models that perform better on ImageNet necessarily perform better on other vision tasks. However, this hypothesis has never been systematically tested. Here, we compare the performance of 16 classification networks on 12 image classification datasets. We find that, when networks are used as fixed feature extractors or fine-tuned, there is a strong correlation between ImageNet accuracy and transfer accuracy (r = 0.99 and 0.96, respectively). In the former setting, we find that this relationship is very sensitive to the way in which networks are trained on ImageNet; many common forms of regularization slightly improve ImageNet accuracy but yield penultimate layer features that are much worse for transfer learning. Additionally, we find that, on two small fine-grained image classification datasets, pretraining on ImageNet provides minimal benefits, indicating the learned features from Ima-geNet do not transfer well to fine-grained tasks. Together, our results show that ImageNet architectures generalize well across datasets, but ImageNet features are less general than previously suggested.
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野外的深度学习(DL)的成功采用需要模型:(1)紧凑,(2)准确,(3)强大的分布换档。不幸的是,同时满足这些要求的努力主要是不成功的。这提出了一个重要问题:无法创建紧凑,准确,强大的深神经网络(卡)基础?为了回答这个问题,我们对流行的模型压缩技术进行了大规模分析,该技术揭示了几种有趣模式。值得注意的是,与传统的修剪方法相比(例如,微调和逐渐修剪),我们发现“彩票式风格”方法令人惊讶地用于生产卡,包括二进制牌。具体而言,我们能够创建极其紧凑的卡,与其较大的对应物相比,具有类似的测试精度和匹配(或更好)的稳健性 - 仅通过修剪和(可选)量化。利用卡的紧凑性,我们开发了一种简单的域 - 自适应测试时间合并方法(卡片 - 甲板),它使用门控模块根据与测试样本的光谱相似性动态地选择相应的卡片。该拟议的方法建立了一个“赢得胜利”的卡片,即在CiFar-10-C精度(即96.8%标准和92.75%的鲁棒)和CiFar-100- C精度(80.6%标准和71.3%的稳健性),内存使用率比非压缩基线(Https://github.com/robustbench/robustbench提供的预制卡和卡片 - 甲板)。最后,我们为我们的理论支持提供了理论支持经验研究结果。
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