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Most previous unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) methods for question answering(QA) require access to source domain data while fine-tuning the model for the target domain. Source domain data may, however, contain sensitive information and may be restricted. In this study, we investigate a more challenging setting, source-free UDA, in which we have only the pretrained source model and target domain data, without access to source domain data. We propose a novel self-training approach to QA models that integrates a unique mask module for domain adaptation. The mask is auto-adjusted to extract key domain knowledge while trained on the source domain. To maintain previously learned domain knowledge, certain mask weights are frozen during adaptation, while other weights are adjusted to mitigate domain shifts with pseudo-labeled samples generated in the target domain. %As part of the self-training process, we generate pseudo-labeled samples in the target domain based on models trained in the source domain. Our empirical results on four benchmark datasets suggest that our approach significantly enhances the performance of pretrained QA models on the target domain, and even outperforms models that have access to the source data during adaptation.
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基于强大的预训练语言模型(PLM)的密集检索方法(DR)方法取得了重大进步,并已成为现代开放域问答系统的关键组成部分。但是,他们需要大量的手动注释才能进行竞争性,这是不可行的。为了解决这个问题,越来越多的研究作品最近着重于在低资源场景下改善DR绩效。这些作品在培训所需的资源和采用各种技术的资源方面有所不同。了解这种差异对于在特定的低资源场景下选择正确的技术至关重要。为了促进这种理解,我们提供了针对低资源DR的主流技术的彻底结构化概述。根据他们所需的资源,我们将技术分为三个主要类别:(1)仅需要文档; (2)需要文件和问题; (3)需要文档和提问对。对于每种技术,我们都会介绍其一般形式算法,突出显示开放的问题和利弊。概述了有希望的方向以供将来的研究。
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预审前的语言模型通过提供高质量的上下文化单词嵌入来显着改善了下游语言理解任务(包括提取性问题)的性能。但是,培训问答模型仍然需要大量特定域的注释数据。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个合作的自我训练框架RGX,用于自动生成更非平凡的问题 - 解答对以提高模型性能。 RGX建立在带有答案实体识别器,问题生成器和答案提取器的交互式学习环境的蒙版答案提取任务上。给定带有蒙版实体的段落,生成器会在实体周围生成一个问题,并培训了提取器,以提取蒙面实体,并使用生成的问题和原始文本。该框架允许对任何文本语料库的问题产生和回答模型进行培训,而无需注释。实验结果表明,RGX优于最先进的语言模型(SOTA)的语言模型,并在标准提问基准的基准上采用转移学习方法,并在给定的模型大小和传输学习设置下产生新的SOTA性能。
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生物医学机器阅读理解(生物医学MRC)旨在理解复杂的生物医学叙事,并协助医疗保健专业人员从中检索信息。现代神经网络的MRC系统的高性能取决于高质量的大规模,人为宣传的培训数据集。在生物医学领域中,创建此类数据集的一个至关重要的挑战是域知识的要求,引起了标记数据的稀缺性以及从标记的通用(源)域转移学习到生物医学(目标)域的需求。然而,由于主题方差,通用和生物医学领域之间的边际分布存在差异。因此,从在通用域上训练的模型到生物医学领域的模型直接转移学会的表示可能会损害模型的性能。我们为生物医学机器阅读理解任务(BioAdapt-MRC)提供了基于对抗性学习的域适应框架,这是一种基于神经网络的方法,可解决一般和生物医学域数据之间边际分布中的差异。 Bioadapt-MRC松弛了生成伪标签的需求,以训练表现出色的生物医学MRC模型。我们通过将生物ADAPT-MRC与三种广泛使用的基准生物医学MRC数据集进行比较,从而广泛评估了生物ADAPT-MRC的性能-Bioasq-7B,BioASQ-8B和BioASQ-9B。我们的结果表明,如果不使用来自生物医学领域的任何合成或人类通知的数据,Bioadapt-MRC可以在这些数据集中实现最先进的性能。可用性:bioadapt-MRC可作为开放源项目免费获得,\ url {https://github.com/mmahbub/bioadapt-mrc}。
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Natural Language Generation (NLG) has improved exponentially in recent years thanks to the development of sequence-to-sequence deep learning technologies such as Transformer-based language models. This advancement has led to more fluent and coherent NLG, leading to improved development in downstream tasks such as abstractive summarization, dialogue generation and data-to-text generation. However, it is also apparent that deep learning based generation is prone to hallucinate unintended text, which degrades the system performance and fails to meet user expectations in many real-world scenarios. To address this issue, many studies have been presented in measuring and mitigating hallucinated texts, but these have never been reviewed in a comprehensive manner before. In this survey, we thus provide a broad overview of the research progress and challenges in the hallucination problem in NLG. The survey is organized into two parts: (1) a general overview of metrics, mitigation methods, and future directions; and (2) an overview of task-specific research progress on hallucinations in the following downstream tasks, namely abstractive summarization, dialogue generation, generative question answering, data-to-text generation, machine translation, and visual-language generation. This survey serves to facilitate collaborative efforts among researchers in tackling the challenge of hallucinated texts in NLG.
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Neural approaches have become very popular in the domain of Question Answering, however they require a large amount of annotated data. Furthermore, they often yield very good performance but only in the domain they were trained on. In this work we propose a novel approach that combines data augmentation via question-answer generation with Active Learning to improve performance in low resource settings, where the target domains are diverse in terms of difficulty and similarity to the source domain. We also investigate Active Learning for question answering in different stages, overall reducing the annotation effort of humans. For this purpose, we consider target domains in realistic settings, with an extremely low amount of annotated samples but with many unlabeled documents, which we assume can be obtained with little effort. Additionally, we assume sufficient amount of labeled data from the source domain is available. We perform extensive experiments to find the best setup for incorporating domain experts. Our findings show that our novel approach, where humans are incorporated as early as possible in the process, boosts performance in the low-resource, domain-specific setting, allowing for low-labeling-effort question answering systems in new, specialized domains. They further demonstrate how human annotation affects the performance of QA depending on the stage it is performed.
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近年来,大型语言模型(LLMS)在自然语言产生中表现出了令人印象深刻的实力。提高发电多样性的一种常见做法是从模型中采样多个输出。但是,缺乏一种简单且可靠的方式来从这些随机样品中选择最佳输出。作为一个案例研究,在问题产生的背景下,我们提出了两种基于迅速的方法,以从一组LLM生成的候选人中选择高质量问题。我们的方法在1)限制下起作用,一个黑框(不可修改)问题生成模型和2)缺乏访问人类宣传的参考文献 - 这两者都是现实世界中LLMS的现实局限性。通过自动和人类评估,我们从经验上证明,我们的方法可以有效地选择比贪婪的生成更高质量的问题。
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In many real-world scenarios, the absence of external knowledge source like Wikipedia restricts question answering systems to rely on latent internal knowledge in limited dialogue data. In addition, humans often seek answers by asking several questions for more comprehensive information. As the dialog becomes more extensive, machines are challenged to refer to previous conversation rounds to answer questions. In this work, we propose to leverage latent knowledge in existing conversation logs via a neural Retrieval-Reading system, enhanced with a TFIDF-based text summarizer refining lengthy conversational history to alleviate the long context issue. Our experiments show that our Retrieval-Reading system can exploit retrieved background knowledge to generate significantly better answers. The results also indicate that our context summarizer significantly helps both the retriever and the reader by introducing more concise and less noisy contextual information.
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问题答案(QA)是自然语言处理中最具挑战性的最具挑战性的问题之一(NLP)。问答(QA)系统试图为给定问题产生答案。这些答案可以从非结构化或结构化文本生成。因此,QA被认为是可以用于评估文本了解系统的重要研究区域。大量的QA研究致力于英语语言,调查最先进的技术和实现最先进的结果。然而,由于阿拉伯QA中的研究努力和缺乏大型基准数据集,在阿拉伯语问答进展中的研究努力得到了很大速度的速度。最近许多预先接受的语言模型在许多阿拉伯语NLP问题中提供了高性能。在这项工作中,我们使用四个阅读理解数据集来评估阿拉伯QA的最先进的接种变压器模型,它是阿拉伯语 - 队,ArcD,AQAD和TYDIQA-GoldP数据集。我们微调并比较了Arabertv2基础模型,ArabertV0.2大型型号和ARAElectra模型的性能。在最后,我们提供了一个分析,了解和解释某些型号获得的低绩效结果。
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Aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) aims at extracting opinionated aspect terms in review texts and determining their sentiment polarities, which is widely studied in both academia and industry. As a fine-grained classification task, the annotation cost is extremely high. Domain adaptation is a popular solution to alleviate the data deficiency issue in new domains by transferring common knowledge across domains. Most cross-domain ABSA studies are based on structure correspondence learning (SCL), and use pivot features to construct auxiliary tasks for narrowing down the gap between domains. However, their pivot-based auxiliary tasks can only transfer knowledge of aspect terms but not sentiment, limiting the performance of existing models. In this work, we propose a novel Syntax-guided Domain Adaptation Model, named SDAM, for more effective cross-domain ABSA. SDAM exploits syntactic structure similarities for building pseudo training instances, during which aspect terms of target domain are explicitly related to sentiment polarities. Besides, we propose a syntax-based BERT mask language model for further capturing domain-invariant features. Finally, to alleviate the sentiment inconsistency issue in multi-gram aspect terms, we introduce a span-based joint aspect term and sentiment analysis module into the cross-domain End2End ABSA. Experiments on five benchmark datasets show that our model consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines with respect to Micro-F1 metric for the cross-domain End2End ABSA task.
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Question Answering (QA) is a growing area of research, often used to facilitate the extraction of information from within documents. State-of-the-art QA models are usually pre-trained on domain-general corpora like Wikipedia and thus tend to struggle on out-of-domain documents without fine-tuning. We demonstrate that synthetic domain-specific datasets can be generated easily using domain-general models, while still providing significant improvements to QA performance. We present two new tools for this task: A flexible pipeline for validating the synthetic QA data and training downstream models on it, and an online interface to facilitate human annotation of this generated data. Using this interface, crowdworkers labelled 1117 synthetic QA pairs, which we then used to fine-tune downstream models and improve domain-specific QA performance by 8.75 F1.
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