Semi-supervised learning methods can train high-accuracy machine learning models with a fraction of the labeled training samples required for traditional supervised learning. Such methods do not typically involve close review of the unlabeled training samples, making them tempting targets for data poisoning attacks. In this paper we investigate the vulnerabilities of semi-supervised learning methods to backdoor data poisoning attacks on the unlabeled samples. We show that simple poisoning attacks that influence the distribution of the poisoned samples' predicted labels are highly effective - achieving an average attack success rate as high as 96.9%. We introduce a generalized attack framework targeting semi-supervised learning methods to better understand and exploit their limitations and to motivate future defense strategies.
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With the success of deep learning algorithms in various domains, studying adversarial attacks to secure deep models in real world applications has become an important research topic. Backdoor attacks are a form of adversarial attacks on deep networks where the attacker provides poisoned data to the victim to train the model with, and then activates the attack by showing a specific small trigger pattern at the test time. Most state-of-the-art backdoor attacks either provide mislabeled poisoning data that is possible to identify by visual inspection, reveal the trigger in the poisoned data, or use noise to hide the trigger. We propose a novel form of backdoor attack where poisoned data look natural with correct labels and also more importantly, the attacker hides the trigger in the poisoned data and keeps the trigger secret until the test time.We perform an extensive study on various image classification settings and show that our attack can fool the model by pasting the trigger at random locations on unseen images although the model performs well on clean data. We also show that our proposed attack cannot be easily defended using a state-of-the-art defense algorithm for backdoor attacks.
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后门攻击已成为深度神经网络(DNN)的主要安全威胁。虽然现有的防御方法在检测或擦除后以后展示了有希望的结果,但仍然尚不清楚是否可以设计强大的培训方法,以防止后门触发器首先注入训练的模型。在本文中,我们介绍了\ emph {反后门学习}的概念,旨在培训\ emph {Clean}模型给出了后门中毒数据。我们将整体学习过程框架作为学习\ emph {clean}和\ emph {backdoor}部分的双重任务。从这种观点来看,我们确定了两个后门攻击的固有特征,因为他们的弱点2)后门任务与特定类(后门目标类)相关联。根据这两个弱点,我们提出了一般学习计划,反后门学习(ABL),在培训期间自动防止后门攻击。 ABL引入了标准培训的两级\ EMPH {梯度上升}机制,帮助分离早期训练阶段的后台示例,2)在后续训练阶段中断后门示例和目标类之间的相关性。通过对多个基准数据集的广泛实验,针对10个最先进的攻击,我们经验证明,后卫中毒数据上的ABL培训模型实现了与纯净清洁数据训练的相同性能。代码可用于\ url {https:/}。
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Open software supply chain attacks, once successful, can exact heavy costs in mission-critical applications. As open-source ecosystems for deep learning flourish and become increasingly universal, they present attackers previously unexplored avenues to code-inject malicious backdoors in deep neural network models. This paper proposes Flareon, a small, stealthy, seemingly harmless code modification that specifically targets the data augmentation pipeline with motion-based triggers. Flareon neither alters ground-truth labels, nor modifies the training loss objective, nor does it assume prior knowledge of the victim model architecture, training data, and training hyperparameters. Yet, it has a surprisingly large ramification on training -- models trained under Flareon learn powerful target-conditional (or "any2any") backdoors. The resulting models can exhibit high attack success rates for any target choices and better clean accuracies than backdoor attacks that not only seize greater control, but also assume more restrictive attack capabilities. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of Flareon against recent defenses. Flareon is fully open-source and available online to the deep learning community:
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后门攻击误导机器学习模型以在测试时间呈现特定触发时输出攻击者指定的类。这些攻击需要毒害训练数据来损害学习算法,例如,通过将包含触发器的中毒样本注入训练集中,以及所需的类标签。尽管对后门攻击和防御的研究数量越来越多,但影响后门攻击成功的潜在因素以及它们对学习算法的影响尚未得到很好的理解。在这项工作中,我们的目标是通过揭幕揭示触发样本周围的更光滑的决策功能来阐明这一问题 - 这是我们称之为\ Textit {后门平滑}的现象。为了量化后门平滑,我们定义了一种评估与输入样本周围分类器的预测相关的不确定性的度量。我们的实验表明,当触发器添加到输入样本时,平滑度会增加,并且这种现象更加明显,以获得更成功的攻击。我们还提供了初步证据,后者触发器不是唯一的平滑诱导模式,而是可以通过我们的方法来检测其他人工图案,铺平了解当前防御和设计新颖的局限性。
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We introduce camouflaged data poisoning attacks, a new attack vector that arises in the context of machine unlearning and other settings when model retraining may be induced. An adversary first adds a few carefully crafted points to the training dataset such that the impact on the model's predictions is minimal. The adversary subsequently triggers a request to remove a subset of the introduced points at which point the attack is unleashed and the model's predictions are negatively affected. In particular, we consider clean-label targeted attacks (in which the goal is to cause the model to misclassify a specific test point) on datasets including CIFAR-10, Imagenette, and Imagewoof. This attack is realized by constructing camouflage datapoints that mask the effect of a poisoned dataset.
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大规模的未标记数据刺激了学习丰富的视觉表示的自我监督学习方法的最新进展。从图像中学习表示表示形式的最先进的自我监督方法(例如Moco,Byol,MSF)使用诱导性偏差,即图像的随机增强(例如随机农作物)应产生相似的嵌入。我们表明,这种方法容易受到后门攻击的影响 - 攻击者通过将触发器(攻击者选择的图像补丁)添加到图像中来毒害未标记数据的一小部分。模型性能在干净的测试图像上很好,但是攻击者可以通过在测试时间显示触发器来操纵模型的决策。在有监督的学习中对后门攻击进行了广泛的研究,据我们所知,我们是第一个研究他们进行自学学习的人。在自学学习中,后门攻击更为实用,因为使用大型未标记的数据使数据检查以消除毒药过敏。我们表明,在我们的目标攻击中,攻击者可以在测试时使用触发器为目标类别产生许多误报。我们还提出了一种基于知识蒸馏的防御方法,以成功中和攻击。我们的代码可在此处提供:。
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A recent trojan attack on deep neural network (DNN) models is one insidious variant of data poisoning attacks. Trojan attacks exploit an effective backdoor created in a DNN model by leveraging the difficulty in interpretability of the learned model to misclassify any inputs signed with the attacker's chosen trojan trigger. Since the trojan trigger is a secret guarded and exploited by the attacker, detecting such trojan inputs is a challenge, especially at run-time when models are in active operation. This work builds STRong Intentional Perturbation (STRIP) based run-time trojan attack detection system and focuses on vision system. We intentionally perturb the incoming input, for instance by superimposing various image patterns, and observe the randomness of predicted classes for perturbed inputs from a given deployed model-malicious or benign. A low entropy in predicted classes violates the input-dependence property of a benign model and implies the presence of a malicious input-a characteristic of a trojaned input. The high efficacy of our method is validated through case studies on three popular and contrasting datasets: MNIST, CIFAR10 and GTSRB. We achieve an overall false acceptance rate (FAR) of less than 1%, given a preset false rejection rate (FRR) of 1%, for different types of triggers. Using CIFAR10 and GTSRB, we have empirically achieved result of 0% for both FRR and FAR. We have also evaluated STRIP robustness against a number of trojan attack variants and adaptive attacks.
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Backdoor attacks have emerged as one of the major security threats to deep learning models as they can easily control the model's test-time predictions by pre-injecting a backdoor trigger into the model at training time. While backdoor attacks have been extensively studied on images, few works have investigated the threat of backdoor attacks on time series data. To fill this gap, in this paper we present a novel generative approach for time series backdoor attacks against deep learning based time series classifiers. Backdoor attacks have two main goals: high stealthiness and high attack success rate. We find that, compared to images, it can be more challenging to achieve the two goals on time series. This is because time series have fewer input dimensions and lower degrees of freedom, making it hard to achieve a high attack success rate without compromising stealthiness. Our generative approach addresses this challenge by generating trigger patterns that are as realistic as real-time series patterns while achieving a high attack success rate without causing a significant drop in clean accuracy. We also show that our proposed attack is resistant to potential backdoor defenses. Furthermore, we propose a novel universal generator that can poison any type of time series with a single generator that allows universal attacks without the need to fine-tune the generative model for new time series datasets.
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Data poisoning is an attack on machine learning models wherein the attacker adds examples to the training set to manipulate the behavior of the model at test time. This paper explores poisoning attacks on neural nets. The proposed attacks use "clean-labels"; they don't require the attacker to have any control over the labeling of training data. They are also targeted; they control the behavior of the classifier on a specific test instance without degrading overall classifier performance. For example, an attacker could add a seemingly innocuous image (that is properly labeled) to a training set for a face recognition engine, and control the identity of a chosen person at test time. Because the attacker does not need to control the labeling function, poisons could be entered into the training set simply by leaving them on the web and waiting for them to be scraped by a data collection bot. We present an optimization-based method for crafting poisons, and show that just one single poison image can control classifier behavior when transfer learning is used. For full end-to-end training, we present a "watermarking" strategy that makes poisoning reliable using multiple (≈ 50) poisoned training instances. We demonstrate our method by generating poisoned frog images from the CIFAR dataset and using them to manipulate image classifiers.
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Vertical federated learning (VFL) is an emerging paradigm that enables collaborators to build machine learning models together in a distributed fashion. In general, these parties have a group of users in common but own different features. Existing VFL frameworks use cryptographic techniques to provide data privacy and security guarantees, leading to a line of works studying computing efficiency and fast implementation. However, the security of VFL's model remains underexplored.
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