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Image restoration tasks demand a complex balance between spatial details and high-level contextualized information while recovering images. In this paper, we propose a novel synergistic design that can optimally balance these competing goals. Our main proposal is a multi-stage architecture, that progressively learns restoration functions for the degraded inputs, thereby breaking down the overall recovery process into more manageable steps. Specifically, our model first learns the contextualized features using encoder-decoder architectures and later combines them with a high-resolution branch that retains local information. At each stage, we introduce a novel per-pixel adaptive design that leverages in-situ supervised attention to reweight the local features. A key ingredient in such a multi-stage architecture is the information exchange between different stages. To this end, we propose a twofaceted approach where the information is not only exchanged sequentially from early to late stages, but lateral connections between feature processing blocks also exist to avoid any loss of information. The resulting tightly interlinked multi-stage architecture, named as MPRNet, delivers strong performance gains on ten datasets across a range of tasks including image deraining, deblurring, and denoising. The source code and pre-trained models are available at https://github.com/swz30/MPRNet.
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最近的变形金刚和多层Perceptron(MLP)模型的进展为计算机视觉任务提供了新的网络架构设计。虽然这些模型在许多愿景任务中被证明是有效的,但在图像识别之类的愿景中,仍然存在挑战,使他们适应低级视觉。支持高分辨率图像和本地注意力的局限性的不灵活性可能是使用变压器和MLP在图像恢复中的主要瓶颈。在这项工作中,我们介绍了一个多轴MLP基于MARIC的架构,称为Maxim,可用作用于图像处理任务的高效和灵活的通用视觉骨干。 Maxim使用UNET形的分层结构,并支持由空间门控MLP启用的远程交互。具体而言,Maxim包含两个基于MLP的构建块:多轴门控MLP,允许局部和全球视觉线索的高效和可扩展的空间混合,以及交叉栅栏,替代跨关注的替代方案 - 细分互补。这两个模块都仅基于MLP,而且还受益于全局和“全卷积”,两个属性对于图像处理是可取的。我们广泛的实验结果表明,所提出的Maxim模型在一系列图像处理任务中实现了十多个基准的最先进的性能,包括去噪,失败,派热,脱落和增强,同时需要更少或相当的数量参数和拖鞋而不是竞争模型。
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卷积神经网络(CNN)和变压器在多媒体应用中取得了巨大成功。但是,几乎没有努力有效,有效地协调这两个架构以满足图像的范围。本文旨在统一这两种架构,以利用其学习优点来降低图像。特别是,CNN的局部连通性和翻译等效性以及变压器中自我注意力(SA)的全球聚合能力被完全利用用于特定的局部环境和全球结构表示。基于雨水分布揭示降解位置和程度的观察,我们在帮助背景恢复之前引入退化,并因此呈现关联细化方案。提出了一种新型的多输入注意模块(MAM),以将降雨的去除和背景恢复关联。此外,我们为模型配备了有效的深度可分离卷积,以学习特定的特征表示并权衡计算复杂性。广泛的实验表明,我们提出的方法(称为ELF)的表现平均比最先进的方法(MPRNET)优于0.25 dB,但仅占其计算成本和参数的11.7 \%和42.1 \%。源代码可从https://github.com/kuijiang94/magic-elf获得。
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沿着整个空间尺寸聚集的全局空间统计数据广泛用于顶级性能图像恢复器。例如,在挤压和激发(SE)中采用的实例归一化(IN)中采用的实例归一化(IN)的平均值,方差,其被应用于MPRNet。本文首先显示在训练/测试阶段的基于补丁/全部图像的特征上聚合的统计分别可以分发非常不同,并导致图像恢复器中的性能下降。它已被以前的作品被广泛忽视。要解决此问题,我们提出了一种简单的方法,测试时将局部统计转换器(TLSC)替换为仅在测试时间中从全局到本地的统计聚合操作区域。如果没有再培训或芬降,我们的方法显着提高了图像恢复器的性能。特别是,通过将TLSC扩展到最先进的模型,MPRNET升压在GoPro数据集上的PSNR中的0.65 dB,实现了33.31dB,超过了先前的最佳结果0.6 dB。此外,我们只需将TLSC应用于高级视觉任务,即语义细分,并实现竞争结果。进行了广泛的数量和质量实验,以证明TLSC解决了边际成本的问题,同时显着获得。该代码可在https://github.com/megvii-research/tlsc中获得。
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As the quality of optical sensors improves, there is a need for processing large-scale images. In particular, the ability of devices to capture ultra-high definition (UHD) images and video places new demands on the image processing pipeline. In this paper, we consider the task of low-light image enhancement (LLIE) and introduce a large-scale database consisting of images at 4K and 8K resolution. We conduct systematic benchmarking studies and provide a comparison of current LLIE algorithms. As a second contribution, we introduce LLFormer, a transformer-based low-light enhancement method. The core components of LLFormer are the axis-based multi-head self-attention and cross-layer attention fusion block, which significantly reduces the linear complexity. Extensive experiments on the new dataset and existing public datasets show that LLFormer outperforms state-of-the-art methods. We also show that employing existing LLIE methods trained on our benchmark as a pre-processing step significantly improves the performance of downstream tasks, e.g., face detection in low-light conditions. The source code and pre-trained models are available at https://github.com/TaoWangzj/LLFormer.
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现实世界图像Denoising是一个实用的图像恢复问题,旨在从野外嘈杂的输入中获取干净的图像。最近,Vision Transformer(VIT)表现出强大的捕获远程依赖性的能力,许多研究人员试图将VIT应用于图像DeNosing任务。但是,现实世界的图像是一个孤立的框架,它使VIT构建了内部贴片的远程依赖性,该依赖性将图像分为贴片并混乱噪声模式和梯度连续性。在本文中,我们建议通过使用连续的小波滑动转换器来解决此问题,该小波滑动转换器在现实世界中构建频率对应关系,称为dnswin。具体而言,我们首先使用CNN编码器从嘈杂的输入图像中提取底部功能。 DNSWIN的关键是将高频和低频信息与功能和构建频率依赖性分开。为此,我们提出了小波滑动窗口变压器,该变压器利用离散的小波变换,自我注意力和逆离散小波变换来提取深度特征。最后,我们使用CNN解码器将深度特征重建为DeNo的图像。对现实世界的基准测试的定量和定性评估都表明,拟议的DNSWIN对最新方法的表现良好。
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否决单图是一项普遍但又具有挑战性的任务。复杂的降雪降解和各种降解量表需要强大的代表能力。为了使否定的网络看到各种降雪并建模本地细节和全球信息的上下文相互作用,我们提出了一种称为Snowformer的功能强大的建筑。首先,它在编码器中执行比例感知功能聚合,以捕获各种降解的丰富积雪信息。其次,为了解决大规模降级,它使用了解码器中的新颖上下文交互变压器块,该互动器块在全球上下文交互中从前范围内的局部细节和全局信息进行了上下文交互。并引入本地上下文互动可改善场景细节的恢复。第三,我们设计了一个异质的特征投影头,该功能投影头逐渐融合了编码器和解码器的特征,并将精制功能投影到干净的图像中。广泛的实验表明,所提出的雪诺形雪孔比其他SOTA方法取得了重大改进。与SOTA单图像HDCW-NET相比,它在CSD测试集上将PSNR度量提高了9.2dB。此外,与一般图像恢复体系结构NAFNET相比,PSNR的增加5.13db,这验证了我们的雪诺形雪地降雪任务的强大表示能力。该代码在\ url {https://github.com/ephemeral182/snowformer}中发布。
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Image super-resolution (SR) serves as a fundamental tool for the processing and transmission of multimedia data. Recently, Transformer-based models have achieved competitive performances in image SR. They divide images into fixed-size patches and apply self-attention on these patches to model long-range dependencies among pixels. However, this architecture design is originated for high-level vision tasks, which lacks design guideline from SR knowledge. In this paper, we aim to design a new attention block whose insights are from the interpretation of Local Attribution Map (LAM) for SR networks. Specifically, LAM presents a hierarchical importance map where the most important pixels are located in a fine area of a patch and some less important pixels are spread in a coarse area of the whole image. To access pixels in the coarse area, instead of using a very large patch size, we propose a lightweight Global Pixel Access (GPA) module that applies cross-attention with the most similar patch in an image. In the fine area, we use an Intra-Patch Self-Attention (IPSA) module to model long-range pixel dependencies in a local patch, and then a $3\times3$ convolution is applied to process the finest details. In addition, a Cascaded Patch Division (CPD) strategy is proposed to enhance perceptual quality of recovered images. Extensive experiments suggest that our method outperforms state-of-the-art lightweight SR methods by a large margin. Code is available at https://github.com/passerer/HPINet.
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Image restoration is a long-standing low-level vision problem that aims to restore high-quality images from lowquality images (e.g., downscaled, noisy and compressed images). While state-of-the-art image restoration methods are based on convolutional neural networks, few attempts have been made with Transformers which show impressive performance on high-level vision tasks. In this paper, we propose a strong baseline model SwinIR for image restoration based on the Swin Transformer. SwinIR consists of three parts: shallow feature extraction, deep feature extraction and high-quality image reconstruction. In particular, the deep feature extraction module is composed of several residual Swin Transformer blocks (RSTB), each of which has several Swin Transformer layers together with a residual connection. We conduct experiments on three representative tasks: image super-resolution (including classical, lightweight and real-world image super-resolution), image denoising (including grayscale and color image denoising) and JPEG compression artifact reduction. Experimental results demonstrate that SwinIR outperforms state-of-the-art methods on different tasks by up to 0.14∼0.45dB, while the total number of parameters can be reduced by up to 67%.
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在恶劣天气下降雪场景的图像恢复是一项艰巨的任务。雪图像具有复杂的降解,并在干净的图像上混乱,改变了干净的图像的分布。以前基于CNN的方法由于缺乏特定的全球建模能力,因此在恢复雪场景中完全恢复了雪场的挑战。在本文中,我们将视觉变压器应用于从单个图像中去除积雪的任务。具体而言,我们建议沿通道拆分的并行网络体系结构分别执行本地功能改进和全局信息建模。我们利用频道洗牌操作来结合其各自的优势以增强网络性能。其次,我们提出了MSP模块,该模块利用多规模的AVGPOOL来汇总不同大小的信息,并同时对多头自我注意力进行多尺度投影自我注意,以提高模型在不同规模下降下的表示能力。最后,我们设计了一个轻巧,简单的本地捕获模块,可以完善模型的本地捕获能力。在实验部分,我们进行了广泛的实验以证明我们方法的优越性。我们比较了三个雪场数据集上的先前清除方法。实验结果表明,我们的方法超过了更少的参数和计算的最新方法。在CSD测试数据集上,我们实现了1.99dB和SSIM 0.03的实质增长。在SRR和SNOW100K数据集上,与Transweather方法相比,我们还增加了2.47dB和1.62dB,在SSIM中提高了0.03。在视觉比较部分中,我们的MSP形式比现有方法获得了更好的视觉效果,证明了我们方法的可用性。
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Recently, Transformer-based image restoration networks have achieved promising improvements over convolutional neural networks due to parameter-independent global interactions. To lower computational cost, existing works generally limit self-attention computation within non-overlapping windows. However, each group of tokens are always from a dense area of the image. This is considered as a dense attention strategy since the interactions of tokens are restrained in dense regions. Obviously, this strategy could result in restricted receptive fields. To address this issue, we propose Attention Retractable Transformer (ART) for image restoration, which presents both dense and sparse attention modules in the network. The sparse attention module allows tokens from sparse areas to interact and thus provides a wider receptive field. Furthermore, the alternating application of dense and sparse attention modules greatly enhances representation ability of Transformer while providing retractable attention on the input image.We conduct extensive experiments on image super-resolution, denoising, and JPEG compression artifact reduction tasks. Experimental results validate that our proposed ART outperforms state-of-the-art methods on various benchmark datasets both quantitatively and visually. We also provide code and models at the website https://github.com/gladzhang/ART.
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压缩在通过限制系统(例如流媒体服务,虚拟现实或视频游戏)等系统的有效传输和存储图像和视频中起着重要作用。但是,不可避免地会导致伪影和原始信息的丢失,这可能会严重降低视觉质量。由于这些原因,压缩图像的质量增强已成为流行的研究主题。尽管大多数最先进的图像恢复方法基于卷积神经网络,但基于Swinir等其他基于变压器的方法在这些任务上表现出令人印象深刻的性能。在本文中,我们探索了新型的Swin Transformer V2,以改善图像超分辨率的Swinir,尤其是压缩输入方案。使用这种方法,我们可以解决训练变压器视觉模型中的主要问题,例如训练不稳定性,预训练和微调之间的分辨率差距以及数据饥饿。我们对三个代表性任务进行实验:JPEG压缩伪像去除,图像超分辨率(经典和轻巧)以及压缩的图像超分辨率。实验结果表明,我们的方法SWIN2SR可以改善SWINIR的训练收敛性和性能,并且是“ AIM 2022挑战压缩图像和视频的超分辨率”的前5个解决方案。
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Astounding results from Transformer models on natural language tasks have intrigued the vision community to study their application to computer vision problems. Among their salient benefits, Transformers enable modeling long dependencies between input sequence elements and support parallel processing of sequence as compared to recurrent networks e.g., Long short-term memory (LSTM). Different from convolutional networks, Transformers require minimal inductive biases for their design and are naturally suited as set-functions. Furthermore, the straightforward design of Transformers allows processing multiple modalities (e.g., images, videos, text and speech) using similar processing blocks and demonstrates excellent scalability to very large capacity networks and huge datasets. These strengths have led to exciting progress on a number of vision tasks using Transformer networks. This survey aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Transformer models in the computer vision discipline. We start with an introduction to fundamental concepts behind the success of Transformers i.e., self-attention, large-scale pre-training, and bidirectional feature encoding. We then cover extensive applications of transformers in vision including popular recognition tasks (e.g., image classification, object detection, action recognition, and segmentation), generative modeling, multi-modal tasks (e.g., visual-question answering, visual reasoning, and visual grounding), video processing (e.g., activity recognition, video forecasting), low-level vision (e.g., image super-resolution, image enhancement, and colorization) and 3D analysis (e.g., point cloud classification and segmentation). We compare the respective advantages and limitations of popular techniques both in terms of architectural design and their experimental value. Finally, we provide an analysis on open research directions and possible future works. We hope this effort will ignite further interest in the community to solve current challenges towards the application of transformer models in computer vision.
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