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The current strive towards end-to-end trainable computer vision systems imposes major challenges for the task of visual tracking. In contrast to most other vision problems, tracking requires the learning of a robust target-specific appearance model online, during the inference stage. To be end-to-end trainable, the online learning of the target model thus needs to be embedded in the tracking architecture itself. Due to the imposed challenges, the popular Siamese paradigm simply predicts a target feature template, while ignoring the background appearance information during inference. Consequently, the predicted model possesses limited target-background discriminability.We develop an end-to-end tracking architecture, capable of fully exploiting both target and background appearance information for target model prediction. Our architecture is derived from a discriminative learning loss by designing a dedicated optimization process that is capable of predicting a powerful model in only a few iterations. Furthermore, our approach is able to learn key aspects of the discriminative loss itself. The proposed tracker sets a new state-of-the-art on 6 tracking benchmarks, achieving an EAO score of 0.440 on VOT2018, while running at over 40 FPS. The code and models are available at https: //github.com/visionml/pytracking.
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While recent years have witnessed astonishing improvements in visual tracking robustness, the advancements in tracking accuracy have been limited. As the focus has been directed towards the development of powerful classifiers, the problem of accurate target state estimation has been largely overlooked. In fact, most trackers resort to a simple multi-scale search in order to estimate the target bounding box. We argue that this approach is fundamentally limited since target estimation is a complex task, requiring highlevel knowledge about the object.We address this problem by proposing a novel tracking architecture, consisting of dedicated target estimation and classification components. High level knowledge is incorporated into the target estimation through extensive offline learning. Our target estimation component is trained to predict the overlap between the target object and an estimated bounding box. By carefully integrating target-specific information, our approach achieves previously unseen bounding box accuracy. We further introduce a classification component that is trained online to guarantee high discriminative power in the presence of distractors. Our final tracking framework sets a new state-of-the-art on five challenging benchmarks. On the new large-scale Track-ingNet dataset, our tracker ATOM achieves a relative gain of 15% over the previous best approach, while running at over 30 FPS. Code and models are available at https: //github.com/visionml/pytracking.
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跟踪需要为推理阶段构建目标的判别模型。实现这一目标的有效方法是在线学习,可以舒适地占据截肢培训的型号。最近的研究表明,由于其像素级别歧视,视觉跟踪从统一视觉跟踪和分割的统一中受益匪浅。但是,对这种统一模型进行在线学习产生巨大挑战。分段模型不能轻易地从视觉跟踪方案中给出的先前信息学习。在本文中,我们提出了TrackM1P:一种新的元学习方法,优化了仅从部分信息学习以解决强加的挑战。我们的模型能够广泛利用有限的事先信息,因此具有比其他在线学习方法更强大的目标 - 背景辨别性。凭经验,我们表明我们的模型在竞争模型上实现了最先进的性能和切实改善。我们的模式实现了VOT2019,VOT2018,VOT2018和VOT2016数据集的66.0%,67.1%,68.5%的平均重叠增长了6.4%,7.3%,高于我们基线的6.4%。代码将公开可用。
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基于模板的鉴别性跟踪器是目前主导的跟踪范例由于其稳健性,但不限于边界框跟踪和有限的转换模型,这降低了它们的本地化准确性。我们提出了一个判别的单次分割跟踪器 - D3S2,其缩小了视觉对象跟踪和视频对象分段之间的差距。单次网络应用两个具有互补的几何属性的目标模型,一个不变的变换,包括非刚性变形,另一个假设刚性对象同时实现强大的在线目标分段。通过解耦对象和特征比例估计,进一步提高了整体跟踪可靠性。没有每数据集FineTuning,并且仅用于分段作为主要输出,D3S2胜过最近的短期跟踪基准Vot2020上的所有已发布的跟踪器,并非常接近GOT-10K上的最先进的跟踪器, TrackingNet,OTB100和Lasot。 D3S2优于视频对象分段基准上的前导分割跟踪器SIAMMASK,并与顶部视频对象分段算法进行操作。
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Continual Learning (CL) is a field dedicated to devise algorithms able to achieve lifelong learning. Overcoming the knowledge disruption of previously acquired concepts, a drawback affecting deep learning models and that goes by the name of catastrophic forgetting, is a hard challenge. Currently, deep learning methods can attain impressive results when the data modeled does not undergo a considerable distributional shift in subsequent learning sessions, but whenever we expose such systems to this incremental setting, performance drop very quickly. Overcoming this limitation is fundamental as it would allow us to build truly intelligent systems showing stability and plasticity. Secondly, it would allow us to overcome the onerous limitation of retraining these architectures from scratch with the new updated data. In this thesis, we tackle the problem from multiple directions. In a first study, we show that in rehearsal-based techniques (systems that use memory buffer), the quantity of data stored in the rehearsal buffer is a more important factor over the quality of the data. Secondly, we propose one of the early works of incremental learning on ViTs architectures, comparing functional, weight and attention regularization approaches and propose effective novel a novel asymmetric loss. At the end we conclude with a study on pretraining and how it affects the performance in Continual Learning, raising some questions about the effective progression of the field. We then conclude with some future directions and closing remarks.
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Siamese network based trackers formulate tracking as convolutional feature cross-correlation between a target template and a search region. However, Siamese trackers still have an accuracy gap compared with state-of-theart algorithms and they cannot take advantage of features from deep networks, such as ResNet-50 or deeper. In this work we prove the core reason comes from the lack of strict translation invariance. By comprehensive theoretical analysis and experimental validations, we break this restriction through a simple yet effective spatial aware sampling strategy and successfully train a ResNet-driven Siamese tracker with significant performance gain. Moreover, we propose a new model architecture to perform layer-wise and depthwise aggregations, which not only further improves the accuracy but also reduces the model size. We conduct extensive ablation studies to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed tracker, which obtains currently the best results on five large tracking benchmarks, including OTB2015, VOT2018, UAV123, LaSOT, and TrackingNet. Our model will be released to facilitate further researches.
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In recent years, Discriminative Correlation Filter (DCF) based methods have significantly advanced the state-of-theart in tracking. However, in the pursuit of ever increasing tracking performance, their characteristic speed and realtime capability have gradually faded. Further, the increasingly complex models, with massive number of trainable parameters, have introduced the risk of severe over-fitting. In this work, we tackle the key causes behind the problems of computational complexity and over-fitting, with the aim of simultaneously improving both speed and performance.We revisit the core DCF formulation and introduce: (i) a factorized convolution operator, which drastically reduces the number of parameters in the model; (ii) a compact generative model of the training sample distribution, that significantly reduces memory and time complexity, while providing better diversity of samples; (iii) a conservative model update strategy with improved robustness and reduced complexity. We perform comprehensive experiments on four benchmarks: VOT2016, UAV123, OTB-2015, and Temple-Color. When using expensive deep features, our tracker provides a 20-fold speedup and achieves a 13.0% relative gain in Expected Average Overlap compared to the top ranked method [12] in the VOT2016 challenge. Moreover, our fast variant, using hand-crafted features, operates at 60 Hz on a single CPU, while obtaining 65.0% AUC on OTB-2015.
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Artificial neural networks thrive in solving the classification problem for a particular rigid task, acquiring knowledge through generalized learning behaviour from a distinct training phase. The resulting network resembles a static entity of knowledge, with endeavours to extend this knowledge without targeting the original task resulting in a catastrophic forgetting. Continual learning shifts this paradigm towards networks that can continually accumulate knowledge over different tasks without the need to retrain from scratch. We focus on task incremental classification, where tasks arrive sequentially and are delineated by clear boundaries. Our main contributions concern (1) a taxonomy and extensive overview of the state-of-the-art; (2) a novel framework to continually determine the stability-plasticity trade-off of the continual learner; (3) a comprehensive experimental comparison of 11 state-of-the-art continual learning methods and 4 baselines. We empirically scrutinize method strengths and weaknesses on three benchmarks, considering Tiny Imagenet and large-scale unbalanced iNaturalist and a sequence of recognition datasets. We study the influence of model capacity, weight decay and dropout regularization, and the order in which the tasks are presented, and qualitatively compare methods in terms of required memory, computation time and storage.
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Visual object tracking has been a fundamental topic in recent years and many deep learning based trackers have achieved state-of-the-art performance on multiple benchmarks. However, most of these trackers can hardly get top performance with real-time speed. In this paper, we propose the Siamese region proposal network (Siamese-RPN) which is end-to-end trained off-line with large-scale image pairs. Specifically, it consists of Siamese subnetwork for feature extraction and region proposal subnetwork including the classification branch and regression branch. In the inference phase, the proposed framework is formulated as a local one-shot detection task. We can pre-compute the template branch of the Siamese subnetwork and formulate the correlation layers as trivial convolution layers to perform online tracking. Benefit from the proposal refinement, traditional multi-scale test and online fine-tuning can be discarded. The Siamese-RPN runs at 160 FPS while achieving leading performance in VOT2015, VOT2016 and VOT2017 real-time challenges.
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无人驾驶飞机(UAV)跟踪对于诸如交货和农业等广泛应用具有重要意义。该领域的先前基准分析主要集中在小规模的跟踪问题上,同时忽略了数据模式的类型,目标类别和方案的多样性以及所涉及的评估协议的数量,从而极大地隐藏了深度无人机跟踪的巨大功能。在这项工作中,我们提出了迄今为止最大的公共无人机跟踪基准Webuav-3M,以促进深度无人机跟踪器的开发和评估。 Webuav-3M在4,500个视频中包含超过330万帧,并提供223个高度多样化的目标类别。每个视频都通过有效且可扩展的半自动目标注释(SATA)管道密集注释。重要的是,要利用语言和音频的互补优势,我们通过提供自然语言规格和音频描述来丰富Webuav-3M。我们认为,这种增加将大大促进未来的研究,以探索语言功能和音频提示,用于多模式无人机跟踪。此外,构建了scenario约束(UTUSC)评估协议和七个具有挑战性的场景子测验集,以使社区能够开发,适应和评估各种类型的高级跟踪器。我们提供了43个代表性跟踪器的广泛评估和详细分析,并设想了深度无人机跟踪及其他领域的未来研究方向。数据集,工具包和基线结果可在\ url {https://github.com/983632847/webuav-3m}中获得。
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尽管机器学习在视觉对象跟踪的任务上进行了广泛采用,但最近基于学习的方法在很大程度上忽略了一个事实,即视觉跟踪是其本质上的序列级任务。他们在很大程度上依赖框架级训练,这不可避免地会导致数据分布和任务目标的培训和测试之间的不一致。这项工作介绍了基于强化学习的视觉跟踪序列训练策略,并讨论了数据采样,学习目标和数据增强的序列级设计如何提高跟踪算法的准确性和稳健性。我们对包括LASOT,TrackingNet和GoT-10K在内的标准基准测试的实验表明,四个代表性跟踪模型,SiamRPN ++,Siamattn,Transt和TRDIMP,通过在不修改建筑架构的情况下将提出的方法纳入训练中,从而不断改进。
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