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亲属性验证是在两个人之间确定父子,兄弟姐妹或祖父母的关系,在社交媒体应用,法医调查,发现失踪的儿童和团聚家庭中都很重要。我们通过参加2021年在野外挑战中识别2021家庭来展示高质量的亲属验证,该家庭提供了该领域中最大的公共数据集。我们的方法是竞争中的前三名获奖条目之一。我们的专家和基础模型,Openai Codex撰写的模拟模型,培训了文本和代码。我们使用Codex来生成模型变体,并且还展示其能够生成特定关系的亲属验证任务的整个运行程序。
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AI的最新进展,尤其是深度学习,导致创建新的现实合成媒体(视频,图像和音频)以及对现有媒体的操纵的创建显着增加,这导致了新术语的创建。 'deepfake'。基于英语和中文中的研究文献和资源,本文对Deepfake进行了全面的概述,涵盖了这一新兴概念的多个重要方面,包括1)不同的定义,2)常用的性能指标和标准以及3)与DeepFake相关的数据集,挑战,比赛和基准。此外,该论文还报告了2020年和2021年发表的12条与DeepFake相关的调查论文的元评估,不仅关注上述方面,而且集中在对关键挑战和建议的分析上。我们认为,就涵盖的各个方面而言,本文是对深层的最全面评论,也是第一个涵盖英语和中国文学和资源的文章。
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In this paper, we investigate the problem of predictive confidence in face and kinship verification. Most existing face and kinship verification methods focus on accuracy performance while ignoring confidence estimation for their prediction results. However, confidence estimation is essential for modeling reliability in such high-risk tasks. To address this issue, we first introduce a novel yet simple confidence measure for face and kinship verification, which allows the verification models to transform the similarity score into a confidence score for a given face pair. We further propose a confidence-calibrated approach called angular scaling calibration (ASC). ASC is easy to implement and can be directly applied to existing face and kinship verification models without model modifications, yielding accuracy-preserving and confidence-calibrated probabilistic verification models. To the best of our knowledge, our approach is the first general confidence-calibrated solution to face and kinship verification in a modern context. We conduct extensive experiments on four widely used face and kinship verification datasets, and the results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
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面部变形攻击检测具有挑战性,并为面部验证系统带来了具体和严重的威胁。此类攻击的可靠检测机制已通过强大的跨数据库协议和未知的变形工具进行了测试,这仍然是一项研究挑战。本文提出了一个框架,遵循了几次射击学习方法,该方法使用三胞胎 - 硬性损坏共享基于暹罗网络的图像信息,以应对变形攻击检测并增强聚类分类过程。该网络比较了真正的或潜在的变形图像与变形和真正的面部图像的三胞胎。我们的结果表明,这个新的网络将数据点群集成,并将它们分配给类,以便在跨数据库方案中获得较低的相等错误率,仅共享来自未知数据库的小图像编号。几乎没有学习的学习有助于增强学习过程。使用FRGCV2训练并使用FERET和AMSL开放式数据库测试的跨数据库的实验结果将BPCer10使用RESNET50和5.50%的MobileNETV2从43%降低到4.91%。
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随着面部生物识别技术的广泛采用,在自动面部识别(FR)应用中区分相同的双胞胎和非双胞胎外观相似的问题变得越来越重要。由于同卵双胞胎和外观相似的面部相似性很高,因此这些面对对面部识别工具表示最困难的病例。这项工作介绍了迄今为止汇编的最大的双胞胎数据集之一,以应对两个挑战:1)确定相同双胞胎和2)的面部相似性的基线度量和2)应用此相似性措施来确定多ppelgangers的影响或外观 - Alikes,关于大面部数据集的FR性能。面部相似性度量是通过深度卷积神经网络确定的。该网络经过量身定制的验证任务进行培训,旨在鼓励网络在嵌入空间中将高度相似的面对对组合在一起,并达到0.9799的测试AUC。所提出的网络为任何两个给定的面提供了定量相似性评分,并已应用于大规模面部数据集以识别相似的面对对。还执行了一个附加分析,该分析还将面部识别工具返回的比较分数以及提议网络返回的相似性分数。
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The emergence of COVID-19 has had a global and profound impact, not only on society as a whole, but also on the lives of individuals. Various prevention measures were introduced around the world to limit the transmission of the disease, including face masks, mandates for social distancing and regular disinfection in public spaces, and the use of screening applications. These developments also triggered the need for novel and improved computer vision techniques capable of (i) providing support to the prevention measures through an automated analysis of visual data, on the one hand, and (ii) facilitating normal operation of existing vision-based services, such as biometric authentication schemes, on the other. Especially important here, are computer vision techniques that focus on the analysis of people and faces in visual data and have been affected the most by the partial occlusions introduced by the mandates for facial masks. Such computer vision based human analysis techniques include face and face-mask detection approaches, face recognition techniques, crowd counting solutions, age and expression estimation procedures, models for detecting face-hand interactions and many others, and have seen considerable attention over recent years. The goal of this survey is to provide an introduction to the problems induced by COVID-19 into such research and to present a comprehensive review of the work done in the computer vision based human analysis field. Particular attention is paid to the impact of facial masks on the performance of various methods and recent solutions to mitigate this problem. Additionally, a detailed review of existing datasets useful for the development and evaluation of methods for COVID-19 related applications is also provided. Finally, to help advance the field further, a discussion on the main open challenges and future research direction is given.
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Developing and least developed countries face the dire challenge of ensuring that each child in their country receives required doses of vaccination, adequate nutrition and proper medication. International agencies such as UNICEF, WHO and WFP, among other organizations, strive to find innovative solutions to determine which child has received the benefits and which have not. Biometric recognition systems have been sought out to help solve this problem. To that end, this report establishes a baseline accuracy of a commercial contactless palmprint recognition system that may be deployed for recognizing children in the age group of one to five years old. On a database of contactless palmprint images of one thousand unique palms from 500 children, we establish SOTA authentication accuracy of 90.85% @ FAR of 0.01%, rank-1 identification accuracy of 99.0% (closed set), and FPIR=0.01 @ FNIR=0.3 for open-set identification using PalmMobile SDK from Armatura.
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Context-aware decision support in the operating room can foster surgical safety and efficiency by leveraging real-time feedback from surgical workflow analysis. Most existing works recognize surgical activities at a coarse-grained level, such as phases, steps or events, leaving out fine-grained interaction details about the surgical activity; yet those are needed for more helpful AI assistance in the operating room. Recognizing surgical actions as triplets of <instrument, verb, target> combination delivers comprehensive details about the activities taking place in surgical videos. This paper presents CholecTriplet2021: an endoscopic vision challenge organized at MICCAI 2021 for the recognition of surgical action triplets in laparoscopic videos. The challenge granted private access to the large-scale CholecT50 dataset, which is annotated with action triplet information. In this paper, we present the challenge setup and assessment of the state-of-the-art deep learning methods proposed by the participants during the challenge. A total of 4 baseline methods from the challenge organizers and 19 new deep learning algorithms by competing teams are presented to recognize surgical action triplets directly from surgical videos, achieving mean average precision (mAP) ranging from 4.2% to 38.1%. This study also analyzes the significance of the results obtained by the presented approaches, performs a thorough methodological comparison between them, in-depth result analysis, and proposes a novel ensemble method for enhanced recognition. Our analysis shows that surgical workflow analysis is not yet solved, and also highlights interesting directions for future research on fine-grained surgical activity recognition which is of utmost importance for the development of AI in surgery.
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2019年冠状病毒疾病(Covid-19)继续自爆发以来对世界产生巨大挑战。为了对抗这种疾病,开发了一系列人工智能(AI)技术,并应用于现实世界的情景,如安全监测,疾病诊断,感染风险评估,Covid-19 CT扫描的病变细分等。 Coronavirus流行病迫使人们佩戴面膜来抵消病毒的传播,这也带来了监控戴着面具的大群人群的困难。在本文中,我们主要关注蒙面面部检测和相关数据集的AI技术。从蒙面面部检测数据集的描述开始,我们调查了最近的进步。详细描述并详细讨论了十三可用数据集。然后,该方法大致分为两类:传统方法和基于神经网络的方法。常规方法通常通过用手工制作的特征升高算法来训练,该算法占少比例。基于神经网络的方法根据处理阶段的数量进一步归类为三个部分。详细描述了代表性算法,与一些简要描述的一些典型技术耦合。最后,我们总结了最近的基准测试结果,讨论了关于数据集和方法的局限性,并扩大了未来的研究方向。据我们所知,这是关于蒙面面部检测方法和数据集的第一次调查。希望我们的调查可以提供一些帮助对抗流行病的帮助。
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Recent years witnessed the breakthrough of face recognition with deep convolutional neural networks. Dozens of papers in the field of FR are published every year. Some of them were applied in the industrial community and played an important role in human life such as device unlock, mobile payment, and so on. This paper provides an introduction to face recognition, including its history, pipeline, algorithms based on conventional manually designed features or deep learning, mainstream training, evaluation datasets, and related applications. We have analyzed and compared state-of-the-art works as many as possible, and also carefully designed a set of experiments to find the effect of backbone size and data distribution. This survey is a material of the tutorial named The Practical Face Recognition Technology in the Industrial World in the FG2023.
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The International Workshop on Reading Music Systems (WoRMS) is a workshop that tries to connect researchers who develop systems for reading music, such as in the field of Optical Music Recognition, with other researchers and practitioners that could benefit from such systems, like librarians or musicologists. The relevant topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to: Music reading systems; Optical music recognition; Datasets and performance evaluation; Image processing on music scores; Writer identification; Authoring, editing, storing and presentation systems for music scores; Multi-modal systems; Novel input-methods for music to produce written music; Web-based Music Information Retrieval services; Applications and projects; Use-cases related to written music. These are the proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Reading Music Systems, held in Alicante on the 23rd of July 2021.
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Recent face recognition experiments on a major benchmark (LFW [14]) show stunning performance-a number of algorithms achieve near to perfect score, surpassing human recognition rates. In this paper, we advocate evaluations at the million scale (LFW includes only 13K photos of 5K people). To this end, we have assembled the MegaFace dataset and created the first MegaFace challenge. Our dataset includes One Million photos that capture more than 690K different individuals. The challenge evaluates performance of algorithms with increasing numbers of "distractors" (going from 10 to 1M) in the gallery set. We present both identification and verification performance, evaluate performance with respect to pose and a persons age, and compare as a function of training data size (#photos and #people). We report results of state of the art and baseline algorithms. The MegaFace dataset, baseline code, and evaluation scripts, are all publicly released for further experimentations 1 .
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Most face databases have been created under controlled conditions to facilitate the study of specific parameters on the face recognition problem. These parameters include such variables as position, pose, lighting, background, camera quality, and gender. While there are many applications for face recognition technology in which one can control the parameters of image acquisition, there are also many applications in which the practitioner has little or no control over such parameters. This database, Labeled Faces in the Wild, is provided as an aid in studying the latter, unconstrained, recognition problem. The database contains labeled face photographs spanning the range of conditions typically encountered in everyday life. The database exhibits "natural" variability in factors such as pose, lighting, race, accessories, occlusions, and background. In addition to describing the details of the database, we provide specific experimental paradigms for which the database is suitable. This is done in an effort to make research performed with the database as consistent and comparable as possible. We provide baseline results, including results of a state of the art face recognition system combined with a face alignment system. To facilitate experimentation on the database, we provide several parallel databases, including an aligned version.
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The ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge is a benchmark in object category classification and detection on hundreds of object categories and millions of images. The challenge has been run annually from 2010 to present, attracting participation from more than fifty institutions. This paper describes the creation of this benchmark dataset and the advances in object recognition that have been possible as a result. We discuss the chal-
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