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Although cameras are ubiquitous, robotic platforms typically rely on active sensors like LiDAR for direct 3D perception. In this work, we propose a novel self-supervised monocular depth estimation method combining geometry with a new deep network, PackNet, learned only from unlabeled monocular videos. Our architecture leverages novel symmetrical packing and unpacking blocks to jointly learn to compress and decompress detail-preserving representations using 3D convolutions. Although self-supervised, our method outperforms other self, semi, and fully supervised methods on the KITTI benchmark. The 3D inductive bias in PackNet enables it to scale with input resolution and number of parameters without overfitting, generalizing better on out-of-domain data such as the NuScenes dataset. Furthermore, it does not require large-scale supervised pretraining on ImageNet and can run in real-time. Finally, we release DDAD (Dense Depth for Automated Driving), a new urban driving dataset with more challenging and accurate depth evaluation, thanks to longer-range and denser ground-truth depth generated from high-density LiDARs mounted on a fleet of self-driving cars operating world-wide. †
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Per-pixel ground-truth depth data is challenging to acquire at scale. To overcome this limitation, self-supervised learning has emerged as a promising alternative for training models to perform monocular depth estimation. In this paper, we propose a set of improvements, which together result in both quantitatively and qualitatively improved depth maps compared to competing self-supervised methods.Research on self-supervised monocular training usually explores increasingly complex architectures, loss functions, and image formation models, all of which have recently helped to close the gap with fully-supervised methods. We show that a surprisingly simple model, and associated design choices, lead to superior predictions. In particular, we propose (i) a minimum reprojection loss, designed to robustly handle occlusions, (ii) a full-resolution multi-scale sampling method that reduces visual artifacts, and (iii) an auto-masking loss to ignore training pixels that violate camera motion assumptions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of each component in isolation, and show high quality, state-of-the-art results on the KITTI benchmark.
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在接受高质量的地面真相(如LiDAR数据)培训时,监督的学习深度估计方法可以实现良好的性能。但是,LIDAR只能生成稀疏的3D地图,从而导致信息丢失。每个像素获得高质量的地面深度数据很难获取。为了克服这一限制,我们提出了一种新颖的方法,将有前途的平面和视差几何管道与深度信息与U-NET监督学习网络相结合的结构信息结合在一起,与现有的基于流行的学习方法相比,这会导致定量和定性的改进。特别是,该模型在两个大规模且具有挑战性的数据集上进行了评估:Kitti Vision Benchmark和CityScapes数据集,并在相对错误方面取得了最佳性能。与纯深度监督模型相比,我们的模型在薄物体和边缘的深度预测上具有令人印象深刻的性能,并且与结构预测基线相比,我们的模型的性能更加强大。
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估计物体的距离是自动驾驶的一项安全至关重要的任务。专注于短距离对象,现有方法和数据集忽略了同样重要的远程对象。在本文中,我们引入了一项具有挑战性且探索不足的任务,我们将其称为长距离距离估计,以及两个数据集,以验证为此任务开发的新方法。然后,我们提出了第一个框架,即通过使用场景中已知距离的引用来准确估算远程对象的距离。从人类感知中汲取灵感,R4D通过将目标对象连接到所有引用来构建图形。图中的边缘编码一对目标和参考对象之间的相对距离信息。然后使用注意模块权衡参考对象的重要性,并将它们组合到一个目标对象距离预测中。与现有基准相比,这两个数据集的实验通过显示出显着改善,证明了R4D的有效性和鲁棒性。我们正在寻求制作提出的数据集,Waymo OpenDataSet-远程标签,可在Waymo.com/open/download上公开可用。
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门控相机作为扫描LIDAR传感器的替代方案,具有高分辨率的3D深度,在雾,雪和雨中稳健。不是通过光子飞行时间顺序地扫描场景并直接记录深度,如在脉冲激光雷达传感器中,所设定的成像器编码在百万像素分辨率的少量门控切片中的相对强度的深度。尽管现有方法表明,可以从这些测量中解码高分辨率深度,但这些方法需要同步和校准的LIDAR来监督门控深度解码器 - 禁止在地理位置上快速采用,在大型未配对数据集上培训,以及探索替代应用程序外面的汽车用例。在这项工作中,我们填补了这个差距并提出了一种完全自我监督的深度估计方法,它使用门控强度配置文件和时间一致性作为训练信号。所提出的模型从门控视频序列培训结束到结束,不需要LIDAR或RGB数据,并学会估计绝对深度值。我们将门控切片作为输入和解散估计场景,深度和环境光,然后用于学习通过循环损耗来重建输入切片。我们依赖于给定帧和相邻门控切片之间的时间一致性,以在具有阴影和反射的区域中估计深度。我们通过实验验证,所提出的方法优于基于单眼RGB和立体图像的现有监督和自我监督的深度估计方法,以及基于门控图像的监督方法。
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我们介绍了MGNET,这是一个多任务框架,用于单眼几何场景。我们将单眼几何场景的理解定义为两个已知任务的组合:全景分割和自我监管的单眼深度估计。全景分段不仅在语义上,而且在实例的基础上捕获完整场景。自我监督的单眼深度估计使用摄像机测量模型得出的几何约束,以便从单眼视频序列中测量深度。据我们所知,我们是第一个在一个模型中提出这两个任务的组合的人。我们的模型专注于低潜伏期,以实时在单个消费级GPU上实时提供快速推断。在部署过程中,我们的模型将产生密集的3D点云,其中具有来自单个高分辨率摄像头图像的实例意识到语义标签。我们对两个流行的自动驾驶基准(即CityScapes and Kitti)评估了模型,并在其他能够实时的方法中表现出竞争性能。源代码可从https://github.com/markusschoen/mgnet获得。
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Determining accurate bird's eye view (BEV) positions of objects and tracks in a scene is vital for various perception tasks including object interactions mapping, scenario extraction etc., however, the level of supervision required to accomplish that is extremely challenging to procure. We propose a light-weight, weakly supervised method to estimate 3D position of objects by jointly learning to regress the 2D object detections and scene's depth prediction in a single feed-forward pass of a network. Our proposed method extends a center-point based single-shot object detector \cite{zhou2019objects}, and introduces a novel object representation where each object is modeled as a BEV point spatio-temporally, without the need of any 3D or BEV annotations for training and LiDAR data at query time. The approach leverages readily available 2D object supervision along with LiDAR point clouds (used only during training) to jointly train a single network, that learns to predict 2D object detection alongside the whole scene's depth, to spatio-temporally model object tracks as points in BEV. The proposed method is computationally over $\sim$10x efficient compared to recent SOTA approaches [1, 38] while achieving comparable accuracies on KITTI tracking benchmark.
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Robust detection and tracking of objects is crucial for the deployment of autonomous vehicle technology. Image based benchmark datasets have driven development in computer vision tasks such as object detection, tracking and segmentation of agents in the environment. Most autonomous vehicles, however, carry a combination of cameras and range sensors such as lidar and radar. As machine learning based methods for detection and tracking become more prevalent, there is a need to train and evaluate such methods on datasets containing range sensor data along with images. In this work we present nuTonomy scenes (nuScenes), the first dataset to carry the full autonomous vehicle sensor suite: 6 cameras, 5 radars and 1 lidar, all with full 360 degree field of view. nuScenes comprises 1000 scenes, each 20s long and fully annotated with 3D bounding boxes for 23 classes and 8 attributes. It has 7x as many annotations and 100x as many images as the pioneering KITTI dataset. We define novel 3D detection and tracking metrics. We also provide careful dataset analysis as well as baselines for lidar and image based detection and tracking. Data, development kit and more information are available online 1 .
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Self-supervised monocular depth estimation has shown impressive results in static scenes. It relies on the multi-view consistency assumption for training networks, however, that is violated in dynamic object regions and occlusions. Consequently, existing methods show poor accuracy in dynamic scenes, and the estimated depth map is blurred at object boundaries because they are usually occluded in other training views. In this paper, we propose SC-DepthV3 for addressing the challenges. Specifically, we introduce an external pretrained monocular depth estimation model for generating single-image depth prior, namely pseudo-depth, based on which we propose novel losses to boost self-supervised training. As a result, our model can predict sharp and accurate depth maps, even when training from monocular videos of highly-dynamic scenes. We demonstrate the significantly superior performance of our method over previous methods on six challenging datasets, and we provide detailed ablation studies for the proposed terms. Source code and data will be released at https://github.com/JiawangBian/sc_depth_pl
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Monocular depth estimation has been actively studied in fields such as robot vision, autonomous driving, and 3D scene understanding. Given a sequence of color images, unsupervised learning methods based on the framework of Structure-From-Motion (SfM) simultaneously predict depth and camera relative pose. However, dynamically moving objects in the scene violate the static world assumption, resulting in inaccurate depths of dynamic objects. In this work, we propose a new method to address such dynamic object movements through monocular 3D object detection. Specifically, we first detect 3D objects in the images and build the per-pixel correspondence of the dynamic pixels with the detected object pose while leaving the static pixels corresponding to the rigid background to be modeled with camera motion. In this way, the depth of every pixel can be learned via a meaningful geometry model. Besides, objects are detected as cuboids with absolute scale, which is used to eliminate the scale ambiguity problem inherent in monocular vision. Experiments on the KITTI depth dataset show that our method achieves State-of-The-Art performance for depth estimation. Furthermore, joint training of depth, camera motion and object pose also improves monocular 3D object detection performance. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that allows a monocular 3D object detection network to be fine-tuned in a self-supervised manner.
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尽管现有的单眼深度估计方法取得了长足的进步,但由于网络的建模能力有限和规模歧义问题,预测单个图像的准确绝对深度图仍然具有挑战性。在本文中,我们介绍了一个完全视觉上的基于注意力的深度(Vadepth)网络,在该网络中,将空间注意力和通道注意都应用于所有阶段。通过在远距离沿空间和通道维度沿空间和通道维度的特征的依赖关系连续提取,Vadepth网络可以有效地保留重要的细节并抑制干扰特征,以更好地感知场景结构,以获得更准确的深度估计。此外,我们利用几何先验来形成规模约束,以进行比例感知模型培训。具体而言,我们使用摄像机和由地面点拟合的平面之间的距离构建了一种新颖的规模感知损失,该平面与图像底部中间的矩形区域的像素相对应。 Kitti数据集的实验结果表明,该体系结构达到了最新性能,我们的方法可以直接输出绝对深度而无需后处理。此外,我们在Seasondepth数据集上的实验还证明了我们模型对多个看不见的环境的鲁棒性。
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建立新型观点综合的最近进展后,我们提出了改善单眼深度估计的应用。特别是,我们提出了一种在三个主要步骤中分开的新颖训练方法。首先,单眼深度网络的预测结果被扭转到额外的视点。其次,我们应用一个额外的图像综合网络,其纠正并提高了翘曲的RGB图像的质量。通过最小化像素-WISE RGB重建误差,该网络的输出需要尽可能类似地查看地面真实性视图。第三,我们将相同的单眼深度估计重新应用于合成的第二视图点,并确保深度预测与相关的地面真理深度一致。实验结果证明,我们的方法在Kitti和Nyu-Deaft-V2数据集上实现了最先进的或可比性,具有轻量级和简单的香草U-Net架构。
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